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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 52

by John Hamer

  On the 11th April 1970, the next instalment of the saga, Apollo 13, takes to the air. Unlike the first two missions however, the spacecraft fails to reach the Moon due to the unfortunate explosion of an oxygen tank as in the Fritz Lang film previously referred-to. The crew of Apollo 13 is by this time now in extreme danger of dying a horrific, lonely death in the vast emptiness of space. What better attention-grabber could there have been? Indeed, when three Vietnam veterans held concurrent press conferences in New York, San Francisco and Rome on the 14th April, attempting to draw the world’s attention to the ongoing US government-condoned slaughter of the innocents in Vietnam and Cambodia, barely anyone notices. How could anyone be concerned about the fate of Vietnamese civilians, when their heroes are clearly in deep trouble? Fortunately it all ended in triumph yet again as the heroes defied all the odds, patched-up the crippled ship and returned home in a veritable blaze of glory. John Wayne, eat your heart out.

  January 1971 saw the trial of Lt. William Calley, charged that he personally ordered and partook in the mass-murder of the inhabitants of the village of My Lai. But on the 31st of the month, Apollo 14 is launched before making, once again a flawless lunar landing. On the 9th February, the team returns, just a few weeks before Calley is finally convicted of murder. By the way, he served a ridiculously and inappropriately short sentence under ‘house arrest’ and none of his superiors were ever held accountable.

  Then later in 1971, the New York Times began publication of the infamous Pentagon Papers, revealing American policy in Vietnam to be a complex tissue of lies. Further publication was vetoed by the US Justice Department but nevertheless resumed again in July. This was quickly followed, by the launch of Apollo 15 on the 26th of July. Five days later, yet another perfect-in-every-small-detail lunar landing clearly demonstrates American technological superiority over the rest of the world but the moon-landings were now becoming a little passé for the American people, so a new element was introduced and from then on, the astronauts were able to ride on the lunar surface in their moon rovers. The lunar modules were exactly the same dimensions as they had been all along, but apparently now they had enough space to transport unfeasibly bulky extra equipment to the Moon, with apparent ease.

  The triumphant astronauts returned to Earth in early August and the rest of the year passed-by uneventfully. But then on the 30th March 1972, North Vietnamese troops mounted a massive offensive into Quang Tri Province, revealing as lies the statements by the mainstream media that after eight years of bloody conflict, horiffic brutality and massacre, victory was there for the taking. Nixon responded to this attack with deep penetration, carpet-bombing of North Vietnam and Cambodia and also with the illegal mining of North Vietnam's seaports. And NASA also responded by launching Apollo 16 on the 16th April and on the 27th April, the crew of Apollo 16 once again returned home to yet another hero's welcome.

  Towards the end of 1972, a ceasefire and end to the hostilities in SE Asia looked fairly likely. In October, Kissinger and David Bruce, a member of the infamous Mellon family (of the 13 bloodlines) were secretly negotiating peace terms with the leader of North Vietnam, Le Duc Tho. In December however, the negotiations stalled, but not before Apollo 17 is launched on the 7th December. Whilst the latest group of super-heroes were far away in space however, the negotiations ceased abruptly without the courtesy of an explanation and Nixon through his controller, Kissinger unleashed one last ruthless carpet-bombing campaign against North Vietnam and Cambodia, costing countless thousands more innocent civilian lives.

  Five weeks later in January 1973, upon the resumption of the negotiations, a peace agreement was finally announced and within a few days a ceasefire came into effect, thereby officially ending US military involvement in South-East Asia although of course the CIA remained to control and direct the remnants of the conflict, by proxy. All US troops returned home and the Apollo programme, despite three additional missions (Apollo 18, 19 and 20) having been planned and despite the additional funding that would have been available with the war drawing to a close, ends abruptly forever with barely a whimper. All a coincidence? Again, I will leave that to the discretion of the reader.

  In addition to restoring national pride and providing a huge diversion from the savage colonial war being waged in South-East Asia, the Apollo programme undoubtedly served another useful function; covert funding of that war effort. Probably needless to point-out, fake Moon landings are by several magnitudes less expensive than actual Moon landings and the vast sums of money allocated to NASA during the Vietnam war-years to accomplish the actual landings was no doubt siphoned-off to covertly fund the war in the Far East, unnaturally prolonging the war as was the aim all along.

  As a small postscript to this section it is also worth mentioning the three Apollo astronauts who died for the cause. Virgil ‘Gus’ Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chafee were burned alive during a test procedure in the command module of the Apollo 1 rocket. I believe it to be highly significant that all three were regarded by the NASA hierarchy as ‘troublemakers’ and there is considerable speculation that they did not agree to ‘go along’ with the Moon landings myths. On one occasion, shortly before the tragic fire that claimed their lives, Grissom hung a lemon on a wire coat hanger on the Apollo 1 rocket (picture below) during a publicity photo-shoot and in addition made an unauthorised statement to the press in early January 1967 to the effect that he believed that the ‘Moon landings’ were at least ‘a decade away’, for which he was severely reprimanded. That was probably his death sentence signed and sealed right there and then. Indeed less than a month later all three ‘rebels’ were dead. Shortly before his untimely death Gus Grissom had also said to his wife… ‘If there is ever a serious accident in the space programme, it's likely to be me.’ How prophetic. Ed White’s wife also died within two years of her husband, allegedly by suicide and Scott Grissom, Gus’s son, a commercial airline pilot, adamantly maintains to this day that his father and the two others were murdered by NASA.

  Grissom’s lemon

  Of the original astronauts recruited from the US Air Force at the beginning of the space programme, an inordinate number lost their lives in strange, never-to-be-explained circumstances and by such methods as car-crashes, air-crashes and ‘suicides’ among others. In addition to which a gentleman by the name of Thomas Baron who was a safety inspector for NASA and who delivered highly critical testimony and a 1,500 page report to Congress on the catastrophic safety failures of Apollo, only to then be killed along with his daughter less than a week later in an extremely suspicious car ‘accident’. All the copies of his report were seemingly ‘lost’ at the same time too and the one he delivered to Congress was quietly buried with him. If not literally, then certainly metaphorically speaking.

  The following are facts surrounding the Apollo missions courtesy of

  “Neil Armstrong is now reportedly suffering with mental illness as a direct result of him putting his name forward as the foundation stone for the biggest lie in history. OR it could be that he has become paranoid by the overwhelming number of web sites, exposing him as a liar.

  Rumour has it that Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad was going public about the fake Moon landings on the 30th anniversary back in July 1999. He was killed in a motorcycle accident one week before the 30th anniversary.

  It takes the space shuttle 66 hours to reach the International Space Station which is a mere 185 miles above Earth. NASA claim Apollo 13 was 55 hours into its duration from lift off when it encountered a problem at a distance of 200,000 miles from Earth.

  President Lyndon Johnson made certain Apollo files classified, with a declassification date of 2026. This is so that those involved in the Apollo scam would be long dead and gone, and no one alive to blame.

  In the early 60s NASA officials, realising that a manned Moon landing was totally impossible before 1970, met in secret behind closed doors. It was at that meeting they agreed upon a decision to fake Apollo 11, in the hope they wou
ld get to the Moon later on and then shroud the earlier faked pictures with genuine Moon pictures. The reality is they never succeeded with any mission.

  Arthur C. Clarke referred to Apollo 11 as a ‘Hole in History’. Historian A.J.P. Taylor referred to it as ‘The biggest non-event of his lifetime’.

  NASA had not perfected the lunar landing craft in time for Apollo 11. In 2011 they are still trying to get a rocket to land and take off again, 40 years after Apollo was supposed to have done just that.

  Film footage taken inside the capsule of ALL Apollo missions, shows a light blue haze and curvature of Earth through capsule window, when they were supposedly half way to the Moon, and in the blackness of space. This proves that capsule was only in Earth orbit.

  Moon pictures on NASA’s web sites are fake, with backdrop scenes pasted. The pictures reveal a black line pencilled in where background meets daylight sky, which was blacked out completely.

  The LM used on latter missions, was the same specification as the first mission, ie, no modifications. It would have therefore been impossible to carry the rover vehicle to the Moon in the same confined LM, even if it collapsed into a more compact form.

  The lunar rover had inflatable tyres which would have exploded if pre-inflated, and there was no air on the Moon to inflate them. Pro-Apollo ‘nutters’ claim the rover had solid wire mesh tires. Yes, the rover in the museum had these fitted in the mid-70s when they realised pneumatic tyres could not have functioned on the Moon. NASA has had 40 years in which to clear up the plainly obvious mistakes within the Apollo programme. Each time someone brings up a query, NASA corrects it and says nothing, ie, they cannot say why the anomaly was there in the first place. Early close-up pictures of the rover on the Internet have CHANGED since the blunder was exposed on this web-site.

  It would have been impossible to have a water-cooled space-suit on the Moon, when outside temperature was already at boiling point of water as there would be nowhere for the heat to dissipate.

  The LM was suspended from a huge traverse crane based at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia and was gently lowered at the same time it traversed over a mock Moon surface created beneath it. Check picture on REALITY site, and Channel 4 video ‘As it Happened’.

  Trainee astronauts were also suspended from this huge traverse crane in a horizontal position to simulate reduced gravity. Check picture on REALITY site with the NASA web site picture of Harrison Schmitt tripping up. The unusual high backward leg swing is identical in both pictures.

  Film footage allegedly taken by Apollo 8 as it supposedly circled the Moon, is the SAME film used for the Apollo 11 mission, except that film is reversed and run backwards. Look for the ‘tadpole like’ mountain range. What NASA did was to film the mock lunar surface at LRC, traveling in one direction, then reverse camera and film surface travelling in opposite direction.

  Film footage showing Apollo missions allegedly circling the Moon, was taken by a rail mounted camera which slowly moved toward a rotating plaster of Paris model of the Moon.

  James Lovell was reading from a pre-written script in the simulator when he did the voice over for the above film and referred to the Moon as being ‘essentially grey, no colour, looks like plaster of paris’. The recording was made long before the mission. Listen carefully on headphones, as he tries hard to suppress himself from laughing. Why otherwise would someone on such an important mission find it so comical? The answer is because it was indeed plaster of Paris he was referring to, hence the smirk on the face of Michael Collins after the remark.

  The majority of NASA’s fake Moon landing pictures were taken/composed in the mid-90s AND NOT in the late 60s as many are led to believe. This was because suspicion was aroused at the time regarding the limited number of photos available. NASA had to do something rapidly because of the onset of the Internet.

  Earth is 235,000 miles from the Moon, yet reflected sunlight from its surface is strong enough to illuminate the darkness on planet Earth. Anyone hovering above the surface of the Moon would be blinded by the high intensity light reflected back.

  In the mid-60s, Alan Sheppard was removed from ALL space missions due to vertigo and Meniere’s disease. No one in such a poor state of health would be assigned to such a dangerous and complex mission. He was not even on the Apollo 14 mission, which in itself was only in Earth orbit.

  The monitored radio/data signals were either transmitted from Earth and reflected back by bouncing signals off the Moon, or were transmitted via a leased channel. If a valuable source of monitoring equipment was left on Moon, then it would be used today, and not shut down in the 70s.

  In a TV interview with journalist Sheena McDonald back in 1994, the NASA Administrator, Dan Golden, openly admitted that mankind cannot venture beyond Earth orbit until they can overcome the dangers of cosmic radiation. He managed to say this without any mention of the Apollo missions 25 years previously, which supposedly went 240,000 miles outside Earth orbit.

  Neil Armstrong has NO mementos or photographs whatsoever from his alleged Moon mission; however he has plenty from his test pilot days. There are no photographs of Armstrong supposedly on the Moon, because Armstrong, knowing the saga was fake, refused NASA permission.

  In 1969 computer chips had not been invented. The maximum computer memory was 256kb and this was housed in a large air conditioned building. In 2008 a top of the range computer requires at least 64Mb of memory to run a simulated Moon landing, and that does not include the memory required to take off again once landed. The computer on board Apollo 11 had 32kb of memory.

  When Apollo astronauts were not in space, they were manning mission control communication for other Apollo missions, this was to limit the number of persons ‘in the know’. There were in fact two communication links to every Apollo mission. First was launch control who dealt with communication at lift off and re-entry, however once in Earth orbit communication was handed over to the limited few astronauts manning mission control. Check it yourself on film coverage released at the time. Collins, Duke, Aldrin, Lovell, Shepherd, Schmitt, Cernan etc, are all there on various missions. Lovell himself admitted that there were two communication links to the astronauts.

  It would have been impossible for the astronauts to get from the Lunar Module to the conical space capsule, as this section was occupied by the 3 large re-entry parachutes, which ejected from the conical end.

  In 2011 NASA still does not have the technology to land a man on the Moon and return them safely. It may be possible in the future, but such a feat is still many, many years away.

  Buzz Aldrin believes he has suffered brain damage as a result of his trip to the Moon. He knows very well that he never went anywhere near the Moon and so could not have suffered brain damage in the way he alleges. Aldrin was the only Apollo astronaut who went public and talked about the Moon landings during the 70s and 80s. The guilt, remorse, and stumbling over awkward questions put to him by the media, have put an intolerable strain on him. His psychological damage is the result of keeping it bottled up for 40 years, instead of getting it off his mind. In Aldrin’s book ‘Return to Earth’, he makes a remark that all 6 of them have been made to look fools. Make of this what you will.”

  Finally, of course the above list of facts does not come anywhere close to providing a fully comprehensive list or breakdown of the anomalies surrounding NASA’s claims of Moon missions. To do justice to the full list would be worthy in itself of a book of this size, alone. All I can do is provide a brief overview of some of the less well-known aspects and encourage the reader to undertake his/her own further research on the topic.

  Stanley Kubrick - 2001, A Space Oddity

  I am grateful for all the following information, to Jay Weidner, who amongst his many other talents is a highly skilled photographer.

  It has now been 42 years (at the time of writing this) since the first Apollo moon landing. For as many years, there has also been a controversy between those who accept the landings as genuine and those who believe
that they were faked. Could what we saw on TV of the alleged missions and landings possibly have been faked by none other than the late, great filmmaker Stanley Kubrick?

  In early 1964, Stanley Kubrick had just finished his black satire Dr. Strangelove starring Peter Sellers and was looking to produce a science fiction film as his next big project. Whilst directing Dr. Strangelove, Kubrick had asked the US Air Force for permission to film one of their B52 bombers for the movie, but the Pentagon demurred. The movie, Dr. Strangelove, was about a flight squadron that had been ordered to fly to Russia and drop nuclear bombs on that country and the Pentagon read Kubrick's script and rejected his request to actually film the inside and outside, of a B52. The reason for this rejection was that Kubrick's film was clearly a satire on the military and US nuclear policy and the Pentagon did not wish to be held up to ridicule by Kubrick.

  Undaunted by this rejection, Kubrick used various special effects to re-create the B52 in flight. When viewing Dr. Strangelove today, these special effects look dated and old fashioned, but in 1963 they seemed very plausible. Could it be at all possible that someone in high places saw these effects and admiring his creativity, decided to hire him to direct the moon landings charade?


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