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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 84

by John Hamer

  Around Christmas 2011, I corresponded with and spoke to someone who claimed to be the father of JK Rowling’s child, born in 1995. I believed him to be telling the truth because of the detailed story he related to me. He said that in the early 1990s, he, Jessica Mitford and her husband Bob Treuhaft (who was apparently JK Rowling's ‘handler’) in a long-delayed train journey 'brainstormed' the entire Harry Potter story whilst JKR took copious notes. This story was then written by someone whom he referred to as a 'pen and ink stand', a term used to describe someone who is hired to write a story that is not their own idea, with the decision subsequently being made to use JKR as the 'front' for it in-line with the Tavistock plan for the aggressive promotion of anything that undermines family values (ie. her single-mother status).

  He also said that it was based loosely on the CS Lewis 'Narnia' stories but qualified that further by saying that he had no idea at the time that all the references to paedophilia, witchcraft, Satanism etc. were going to be incorporated and nor that he would subsequently be subjected to multiple attempts on his life orchestrated by orders from Prince Phillip himself and who he believed was meant to be represented in the stories by Lord Voldemort.

  He also told me that the scar on Harry Potter's head is a representation of the symbol of the British Union of Fascists. Jessica Mitford's sister was married to Oswald Mosley who fronted the BUF during WWII and he also told me that Jessica Mitford told him bluntly that his grandparents were Unity Valkyrie Mitford, her sister and a certain Adolf Jacobus Hitler!

  Following on from these discussions I undertook some research of my own on the Mitford / Treuhaft connection and found that Bob Treuhaft’s business partner in his legal firm for almost 20 years was someone who went by the name of ‘Dobby’ Walker. This was just her nickname but even so her Wikipedia obituary refers to her as ‘Dobby Walker’ and not ‘Doris Walker’, her real name. For those of you unaware, ‘Dobby’ was an elf-like character in the HP stories who was employed as a ‘manservant’. Maybe this is how Treuhaft and Mitford regarded Walker? In delving even further into Walker’s background it appears that she was an active member of the Communist party in the 1940s and 1950s as were Mitford and Treuhaft. As related in a previous section, despite what the Elite what like us all to believe, there is virtually no difference between Communism and Fascism, in practice. They are ‘sold’ to the masses as being at the opposite ends of the political spectrum to one another but perhaps a more accurate depiction of the linear political spectrum would be to think of it as a complete circle with Fascism at 1 minute before twelve o’clock and Communism at one minute past. For the record, Dobby Walker died in 2009.

  Also, interestingly enough, an intern by the name of Hillary Rodham began work for the law firm of Treuhaft and Walker in the early 1970s, now better known of course as the lovely Hillary Clinton herself. Just a coincidence? Maybe, who knows?

  Whatever the truth really is, and it may never be known for sure, there is far more to all this than meets the eye, as always and the rabbit-hole goes very deep indeed.

  Crop Circles

  Please do not be taken-in by many false mainstream media reports that abounded in the 1990s in a vain attempt to shift the blame for every single crop circle event on two semi-drunken Englishmen going by the names of Doug and Dave. As with all other disinformation this was meant to confuse and distract us from the real truth.

  And what is the real truth, you may well ask? To be frank, no-one knows for sure, but I can assure you that it is 100% certain that those two inebriated Englishmen, although they may have had the odd expedition in a few crop fields with a wooden board and two pieces of string, most certainly are NOT responsible for 99%+ of the mysterious phenomenon we will discuss here.

  For example, could Doug and Dave after a drunken night at the pub, have been responsible for this…

  Or this…?

  What about this one…?

  I think you understand my point here. Whatever the source of crop circles, and I do admit that they could well be an Elite-inspired, governmental hoax of some kind, one thing is for certain and that is that the sophistication of many of them, definitely do not steer us in the direction of amateur pranksters when searching for a solution to the mystery.

  So what are the possibilities? There have been as many theories abounding as those covering the possibly-related UFO phenomenon. Are they for example, a communication from extra-terrestrials as evidence of other dimensions or a catalyst to advancing our way of thinking?

  Governments have discussed them and then sought to confuse and mis-inform the populace through their control and manipulation of the popular media. The military have endangered life and safety in order to investigate and monitor crop formations, yet they deny involvement and Hollywood, that great propaganda machine itself, has sought to manipulate the truth and credibility of scientific evidence and facts, yet film-goers become ever more intrigued.

  Hoaxers have sought to deceive, confuse and muddy research waters, in the same way that computer virus writers seek attention and attempt to contaminate data but the truth still remains that some crop circles are hoaxes and some are not. It is obviously undeniable that crop circles exist. Their beautiful and often very complex patterns have been photographed, filmed and witnessed by countless numbers of people but the big question is, who or what put them there and why?

  Let us briefly examine the prosaic and the more esoteric explanations. Leonie Starr is a founding member of the Centre for Crop Circle Studies in the UK and she explained that crop circles are formed when vegetation is flattened in a particular pattern. She even concedes that by the late 1990s the majority of crop circles, as much as 80%, were possibly deceptively created by teams of people, but that does not necessarily mean that many of the rest were not created in some other way.

  Starr further commented… “There is a huge body of people who actually reckon that a lot of them were done by UFOs and part of me likes to think that may be the case, but not all of them.”

  If it is possible to gain access to the crop circles soon enough after they have been discovered, it is apparently easy to tell whether they have been created by people, according to Starr. One clue to this is to determine whether or not the plants have been bent or broken in the flattening process. If they are bent, we have to look at something other than people stamping them down, she said. There are changes in the molecular structure of the crop itself and that happens within the circle and some of these crop circles, where the stalks were bent but not broken, demonstrated very interesting changes that had happened to the crops themselves.

  Leonie Starr's own belief is that the patterns are a manifestation of collective human thought and however crazy you may believe this hypothesis to be, there is no denying that it is certainly one possibility, given what we know about the very strange nature of reality.

  The genuine crop circles range in diameter from as small as 3 metres (10 feet) to over 100 metres (315 feet), usually appear overnight and no tracks leading up to them are found, suggesting some external force from above is responsible. Visually, the stems are partially flattened, and entangled or intertwined and the plants themselves are all bent and face the same direction, clockwise or anti-clockwise. The crops are never damaged, broken, or show signs of unduly forced bending and the plants continue to grow normally throughout the rest of their growing cycle. UFO sightings, moving orange lights and/or strange ‘whooshing’ or warbling sounds have often been observed to precede the formation of circles.

  For the UFO enthusiasts, the circles are signatures left behind by visiting spaceships, for Gaia mystics and so-called ‘tree-huggers’, they are the manifestations of deep waves of natural energy, whilst for psychics, they are the conscious results of remote-viewing experiments. As far as armchair physicists are concerned, they are the tracks of ionised plasma whirlwinds, but perhaps needless to say, as yet no conclusive evidence has been found for any of these theories.

  One of the earliest reports was in Lyon,
France in 815AD and a late 16th century woodcut depicts the devil mowing a field into circular patterns. They began to appear in significant numbers in the fields of southern England in the mid-1970s and early circles were quite simple, appearing overnight, in fields of wheat, oilseed rape, oats and barley but as the crop circle phenomenon gained momentum, formations have also been reported in Australia, South Africa, China,

  Russia, and many other countries, frequently in close proximity to ancient sacred sites. For the thousands reported every year, the vast majority go completely undetected. However, by far the majority of the complex formations occur in the United Kingdom and these are more likely to be detected because of the country’s relatively smaller land mass and compact geography compared to the wide open, extensive prairies of North America, for example.

  During the last 25 years, the formations have evolved from simple, relatively small circles to huge designs with multiple circles, elaborate pictograms and shapes that invoke complex non-linear mathematical principles. Since the early 1990s however, the phenomenon has enjoyed world attention as the formations evolved into enormous, increasingly mathematically complex and perfectly executed shapes appearing in fields, often near the ancient sites of Wiltshire in southern England. The largest to date, a perfectly formed spiral formation 244 metres in diameter, composed of 409 circles covering almost the entire field, appeared overnight on a rainy night at Milk Hill in Wiltshire in August 2001.

  The movie ‘Signs’, starring Mel Gibson, whilst universally scorned by serious crop circle researchers, nevertheless renewed interest in crop circles after years of the phenomenon being dismissed in the media as a sophisticated hoax, following the announcement of Doug Bower and Dave Chorley who ‘confessed’ in 1991 that they had been creating crop circles in English fields since the 1970s after reading about the Tully, Australia Saucer Nest of 1966. The real truth of Doug and Dave’s involvement is that they were both unable, when challenged, to create a credible crop circle in daytime and also to remember the exact locations of their alleged exploits.

  Each year more than 100 formations appear in the fields of southern England. About 10,000 crop circles have been documented worldwide since records were first kept in the 1970s and England tops the list with around 1,800, followed by the US with 230, Canada with 135, Germany with 105, Australia with 70, the Netherlands with 62, Hungary with 23 and Japan with 19, most of which appeared in rice paddy-fields. Several other countries on every continent have also reported small numbers of simple formations but the county of Wiltshire in England is the acknowledged epicentre of the phenomenon and is widely known as being home to some of the most sacred Neolithic sites in Europe, many having been built as far back as 4,600 years ago, including Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury Hill and burial grounds such as West Kennet Long Barrow.

  Is the crop-circle phenomenon related in some way to these ancient human artefacts? We may never know for sure but one thing is for certain and that is that although many crop circles are easily proven as hoaxes, there are huge numbers of completely unknown origin. Many of these may well be sophisticated governmental or other hoaxes designed to deflect us from the truth, but certainly, for now anyway, there is one thing for sure and that is that the speculation and intrigue will not be going away anytime very soon.

  Agenda 21

  Let me now introduce you to the United Nations’ ‘Agenda 21’, the ‘Blueprint to Advance Sustainable Development’. How forward-thinking and environmentally responsible, you may think. Who could possibly be against advancing ‘sustainable development’ and who does not care deeply about mother Earth, Gaia if you will? Let’s save the planet and all that.

  Unfortunately there is rather a large catch, several actually and one of them is our old friend population reduction, rearing its head again, preferably by 90-95% of the current total.

  This Elite plan dressed up as the strategy that will save the world, has been around, for those who do not walk around with their eyes wide shut, since 1992. However in the last 4 to 5 years the agenda and timescales have been really cranked-up and we are now starting to see some of these deadly plans beginning to be put into place. Those indispensable allies of the New World Order are taking shape around us as I write. Mass-distractions, the dumbing down of future generations and the poisoning of the planet and its indigenous animal and plant life are all gathering pace. And this is despite the lip service being paid to allegedly saving the planet through such initiatives such as Agenda 21 which purports to save the planet, whilst actually covertly bringing about destruction of human society as we know it.

  The Georgia Guidestones as we have discussed in a previous section, are in effect the ‘ten commandments’ of the Elite. Whilst creating an impression of being green, eco-friendly and superficially people-friendly, their overt message hides a covert agenda that is far from benevolent, advocating huge population culls and the mass-relocation to what in effect would be akin to reservations, of the remaining few ‘slaves-to-be’. Indeed, Agenda 21 is dressed-up in such cosy euphemisms that few people seem even remotely concerned about its far-reaching, draconian proposals. Agenda 21 actually promulgates the total, centralised, global control over human life absolutely in line with the New World Order agenda. It advocates, no rights of property ownership, indeed no rights at all, for anyone other than of course, the ruling Elite and the methodology by which the planet will be ‘sanitised’ of its surplus 95% of the population is not made explicit, only that it must happen.

  However, there are enough ongoing policies of the Elite currently that demonstrate that indeed a pretty good start has already been made on this particular task. I refer here to such delights as the pharmaceutical and medical industries, vaccinations and genetically modified foods and their ilk, a comprehensive list of which, I have compiled below:

  Vaccination programmes

  Bogus healthcare programmes

  Failing healthcare systems


  Contrived epidemics

  Swine Flu

  Bird Flu



  Legionnaire’s disease (flu)

  Sperm count reductions through…


  Poisons in plastic packaging

  Chemicals in food

  Food additives



  Soya Bean Extract

  Refined Sugar


  Food restrictive practices

  Codex Alimentarius

  Food Safety Bill S510

  Contrived food shortages

  Fluoride in water (tap and bottled) and many other drinks


  Ecological weapons (eg. HAARP) causing man-made…




  Volcanic activity




  Crop failures

  Nuclear power


  Microwave radiation

  Electromagnetic radiation (wireless networks)

  Wars - Illegal and contrived

  Western-backed political coups

  Mass species die-offs / extinctions

  Pollution of eco-systems

  Pollution of oceans and waterways

  Mass deforestation

  Economic sanctions

  It is a fact that there are tens of millions of plastic coffins stacked-up in huge storage facilities in Georgia, USA and this fact has led to much speculation as to their actual purpose. Could they be there just waiting for the ‘great cull of humanity’ to commence or is there a more benign reason? Personally I cannot imagine an innocent reason for the considerable expense to which whoever stockpiled these coffins must have gone and believe that they must be the precursor to some kind of entirely expected, cataclysmic event.

  It would also appear to be the case that these coffins are air-tight and are capacious enough to com
fortably ‘lay to rest’ an entire family of four people. It has also been reported that no-one in the US government is prepared to comment on this phenomenon, leaving the obvious conclusion to be that they must have something to hide.

  Some researchers and commentators believe that this is all simply preparation for the Elite to launch their oft-vaunted disease epidemic, which we have all been conditioned to expect over the years with the various bird and swine flu epidemics, perhaps being used as ‘dry runs’ and to establish public reaction and also to prepare the ground for forcible mass-vaccination programmes.

  Apparently the US Government has also just completed the building of several hundred concentration camps, under the auspices of FEMA (see relevant section), which are, at the moment, standing empty yet fully equipped. These camps are not dissimilar to the Nazi concentration camps in Germany and Eastern Europe during WWII, with barbed wire fences and railway tracks leading to their gates and each are designed to house thousands of families in what are in effect highly-secured units and now it appears that the government is ready to push forward with the bidding for contracts for these camps. Services up for bid include catering, temporary fencing and barricades, laundry and medical services, power generation, refuse collection and other services required for temporary ‘emergency environment’ camps located in five regions of the United States. (See document reproduced below).


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