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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 88

by John Hamer

  Hypnosis and drugs were the primary tools of this search for the ultimate truth-serum and also regarded as an extremely desirable goal was the capability to create an agent who would never reveal his mission even under extreme torture, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. Sophisticated ‘designer’ drugs were also developed and tested, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybin whilst partial lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a fully-compliant, ‘non-tamperable’, secure field agent. Electro-convulsive shock treatment, combined with LSD, semi-permanent sedation and constantly replaying the subject’s own voice through headphones were also experimental techniques in this field.

  One of the most notable cases of mind control at this time involved a famous model of the late 1940s and 50s named Candy Jones. In the book, ‘The Control of Candy Jones’ the author reviewed hours of tapes made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed a systematic programme to create and manipulate alternate personalities (known as ‘alters’) as the basis of programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried by the alter. In this state, the information carried could be extracted via either a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue.

  Research continued into early 1970s by the CIA's own admission and John Marks, author of the best study of CIA mind control experiments, makes the subtle differentiation that the CIA congressional witnesses might truthfully say that all research done by the TSS Directorate had ended, since the programmes were moved into other areas once operational techniques had been developed. Many of the names mentioned in reference to mind-control research occur in the references to supposed dead-end research in extra-sensory perception (ESP).

  As the years and decades wore on, these techniques began to be used more and more for clandestine civilian purposes as opposed to the initial, almost exclusively military use.

  In the 1980s and early 1990s more than 30 scientists working on top secret British projects, mostly computer technicians, died in very strange and unexplained circumstances. Several defence contractor companies such as Marconi, Plessey and British Aerospace, among others were involved in what can only be described as a bizarre series of events.

  In 1986, Vimal Dajibhai, who was working for Marconi Underwater Systems, drove from London to Bristol, a city with which he had no connection and threw himself off the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge located there. A few months previously, Arshad Sharif, a computer programmer with Marconi Defence Systems, also drove from London to Bristol and hanged himself. Why Bristol of all places? Bristol is a former Knights Templar port and before that a Phoenician port. Its name has evolved from Barati, the Phoenician goddess. It just so happens that an elite unit of British intelligence called the Committee of 26 is based there and they use the runway of the British Aerospace complex to clandestinely fly British and foreign agents in and out of the country. In that period of the 1980s there was a multiplicity of strange deaths of people at the cutting edge of development in the defence industries.

  What possesses a man to get into his car, drive more than two hours to the Clifton Suspension Bridge and jump off?

  A CIA scientist once told a researcher he was put through forms of mind control to prevent him from recalling his knowledge once a project was completed. By way of another example; David Sands was a highly skilled scientist working on a very sensitive area of defence, but at 37 he was talking about leaving the industry and changing his lifestyle. (Moral of the story: never tell anyone what you propose to do, just do it). He was happily married with two small children, a son aged six and a three year old daughter. Sands and his wife had just returned from an enjoyable holiday in Venice when he died in mysterious circumstances, although they are not so mysterious once mind-control is understood to be the cause. He worked for Easams who were fulfilling contracts for the Ministry of Defence and it appears that whilst Sands and his wife were in Venice, the company was visited by members of the elite British police unit, the Special Branch.

  Then, on Saturday 28th March 1987, David Sands told his wife he was going out to refuel the car, but he didn’t return for six hours. No one, least of all himself had any idea where he was. His wife Anna called the police and Constable John Hiscock was at the house when Sands returned at 10.20pm. When questioned about his whereabouts he said he had been ‘driving and thinking’. His wife said it was out of character for him to be away for so long and she did not think he realised how long he had been out. He seemed confused, but happy, she said. Two days later, on Monday, 30th March, he climbed into his excellently maintained Austin Maestro car and began his regular journey from his home in Itchen Abbas, near Winchester, Hampshire to Easams at Camberley in Surrey. His wife said there was nothing unusual about his demeanour or behaviour and driving conditions were good but about 30 minutes into his journey when he was driving along the A33 at Popham, near Basingstoke, he suddenly did a U-turn across the dual carriageway and headed at high speed in the opposite direction to his destination. Turning onto a slip road at about 80 miles an hour, Sands then drove his car straight into a disused café building, killing himself in an explosion of flame. There were no skid marks and he had not even tried to brake.

  It is fairly obvious to anyone who has knowledge of the way mind-controllers operate, that in the time he was missing, he had his mind programmed to act in a certain way with some kind of trigger, which could be a word by phone, a particular sign or symbol on the road, a particular sound, a light or some kind of action outside of his vehicle. Whatever was programmed into his mind would be activated via one of these methods and at that point he would have switched from his normal self to a man focused only on driving into the café building being unaware of the consequences. In effect the subconscious programming overpowers the conscious mind and the programme takes over to replace the consciousness of the victim. This is exactly how the armed and Special Forces turn humans into ‘killing machines’. And there are plenty more examples of this phenomenon…

  Roger Hill, a designer at Marconi Defense Systems, allegedly committed suicide with a shotgun in March 1985.

  Jonathan Walsh, a digital communications expert employed by GEC, Marconi's parent firm, ‘fell’ from his hotel room window in November 1985, shortly after expressing fear for his life.

  Ashad Sharif, another Marconi scientist, tied a rope around his neck and then to a tree in October 1986, sat behind the wheel of his car and stepped on the accelerator pedal – with predictable results.

  In March 1988, Trevor Knight, also employed or contracted with Marconi, died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his car.

  Peter Ferry, marketing director of GEC Marconi, was found electrocuted with electrical leads in his mouth in August 1988.

  Also in August 1988, Alistair Beckham was also found electrocuted with electric leads attached to his body and his mouth stuffed with a handkerchief. He was an engineer with the associated company Plessey Defense Systems.

  And finally, but by no means the sole remaining death in this cluster, Andrew Hall was found dead in September 1988 of carbon monoxide poisoning. Altogether it was estimated that there were more than 30 similar deaths at defence contractors between 1985 and 1990

  Learning of these incidents has stimulated eerie echoes in my own experiences. In the early 1990s, around 1991/2, I worked in the computer industry for a medium-sized software company based in the north east of England and obviously worked alongside many programmers and software technicians who were often seconded to work at the computer installations of client companies on a temporary basis. One of our clients was the defence contractor Vickers who just happened (at the time) to build nuclear submarines and was (and indeed still is) located in the English north-western seaport of Barrow-in-Furness.

  One of my colleagues spent some considerable time there working on their top-secret computer installations until one
day the news came through to the office where I was located that this person had been killed in a ‘tragic accident’. The official, police explanation was that he had been working ‘long hours’ and the previous evening he had set-out on his journey home and at some point had inexplicably, nowhere near his home, left the motorway (freeway) at an exit ramp, rounded the roundabout (traffic circle) at the top of the ramp, proceeded back down the same ramp from which he had exited and ended-up travelling south on the northbound lanes at great speed. Of course he had not gone very far when he was inevitably involved in a high-speed, head-on collision with a car travelling in the opposite direction and both drivers were apparently killed instantly.

  It was only upon relating the above, previous, similar examples to this that it stirred-up distant, dormant memories and then suddenly, realisation hit me like a brick. Of course, at the time I thought it was nothing more than a tragic accident caused by over-tiredness, as portrayed by the official version of events, but thinking about this with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, why would tiredness make anyone exit the motorway early (less than halfway home) and then in effect make a ‘U-turn’ back down the same stretch of road just negotiated? It does not really make any logical sense upon closer examination and to my mind constitutes a good example of how easy it is to make people believe anything with a few well-chosen ‘official’ words.

  In October 2011, the British illusionist, hypnotist and entertainer Derren Brown devoted a whole one hour TV programme on British mainstream television to a demonstration of how relatively simple it is to ‘programme’ someone to kill using simple hypnosis and mind control techniques. In this elaborate demonstration he selected a young man from an invited audience (who by the way had no idea why they were really there until after the event) and over the course of the next few days and weeks programmed him to ‘kill’ a British celebrity, Stephen Fry. All throughout the programming, the man was told and believed that he was simply being used as a ‘guinea pig’ to prove that it was possible to improve someone’s marksmanship with a gun by the use of hypnosis, and not to be become a ‘mind-controlled’ assassin. Sure enough, at the appropriate time and place, the man was given the subliminal signal (a woman in a polka dot dress walked by – significantly the exact same trigger used to activate Sirhan Sirhan’s assassination of RFK). He then simply took the gun from its case and coolly and clinically ‘shot’ Fry three times in the chest from a distance of about 30 feet before casually returning the gun to its case. He had never even held a gun in his hands prior to his meeting with Brown. Obviously for the purposes of the demonstration, the bullets were blanks, but the subject had no idea of this. Indeed he had no idea at all of what he had even done until he was ‘released’ from his programming by Brown and was able to watch unbelievingly, with jaw-dropped, the TV footage of the event.

  This is proof conclusive in my view, of the ability of our unseen masters to use such techniques for their own nefarious purposes and goes a long way towards explaining why many assassinations are undertaken by the ‘lone-nut’ gunman. This is an extremely convenient and believable expedient by which the Elite can dispose of people who stand in the way of their agenda without garnering the suspicions of the majority of sheeple, who continue to be unknowingly duped in this way.

  Project Bluebeam

  The infamous NASA controlled ‘Project Blue Beam’ exists in order to implement the Elite’s new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. Please note that this so-called new age religion is the very foundation for the New World Order government, without which religion the proposed Elite dictatorship cannot be sustained and this is the primary reason why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well concealed until relatively recently.

  Significantly, the Canadian, Serge Monast and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of ‘heart attacks’ literally within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Monast was actually in Canada and the other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland at the time of his death. Prior to his untimely death at the age of 46, the Canadian government illegally abducted Monast's daughter, under the pretence of her being ‘in danger’ from him, in an attempt to persuade him from discontinuing his ongoing research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never seen again. As related in a previous chapter, artificially-induced heart attacks are a favourite method of silencing people who manage to get too close to the truth and probably not coincidentally, one of the alleged methods of death that can be induced by Project Blue Beam.

  Monast's contributions to humanity are immense and should never be forgotten. As is the unbelievable courage he demonstrated in making public these incredible revelations which were secretly or anonymously given to him by contrite politicians, military personnel and intelligence people who still possess a conscience and a sense of humanity.

  “Serge Monast has died of a ‘heart attack’. This man has faithfully exposed the New World Order for the last decade. His children were home-schooled, so the authorities took his eight year old daughter away, then his seven year old son was taken, as they said the parents were abusing them emotionally by stopping the children going to a State school. The father was then arrested and spent the night in jail. Next day at home, he had a ‘heart attack’. He was 46 years old. This brave man has left a wife, who now has no family. Pray that she can get her little ones back. Our source said that the Canadian investigator, Serge Monast, wrote to her in Australia not long ago, saying he had been threatened many times, and did not except to survive.” An unknown Canadian investigator into New Age globalism

  Serge Monast’s investigative work revealed that the first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the re-evaluation of all current archaeological knowledge. It reveals the initial set-up of the false paradigms, by the expedient of artificially-created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the ‘error’ of all fundamental, current mainstream religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all the nations of the world believe that their religious beliefs have been misunderstood and misrepresented for centuries. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with a myriad of ‘sci-fi’ films emanating from Hollywood, including, '2001: A Space Odyssey', ‘Independence Day’, and the ‘Star Trek’ series, all of which deal with alien entities from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The ‘coming-together’ of nations is of course a pre-cursor to one-world government. The popular film 'Jurassic Park’ subtly promotes the theory of evolution (again, see relevant section) amid claims that God's words are lies.

  What is important to understand is that the earthquakes, triggered during the first stage, will hit many different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. As a direct consequence of those earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to ‘rediscover’ those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all current and fundamental religious doctrines. This is the preparation for the plan for humanity because what the Elite wish to do is to destroy the beliefs of all Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims on the planet as well as all the less popular religious beliefs. To achieve this, they need some false 'proof' from the far past that will demonstrate to all nations that their religions have all been misinterpreted and misunderstood.

  The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project plan involves a gigantic 'space-light-show' complete with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds and laser projections of multiple holographic images simultaneously to all the different countries of the world, each receiving a different image according to the predominant regional or national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in language relevant to that particular region. Computer scientists have now perfected an advanced computer and input to it the minute physio-psychological par
ticulars based on studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. This computer was also subjected to the input of the languages of all human cultures including all known dialects. It was then programmed to electronically project holographic images and sounds of the proposed new ‘messiah’.

  This space-show’s holographic images will be used as a simulation of the fulfilment of each religion/country’s desires in order to verify the prophecies and events of their own religious beliefs and these images will be projected from satellites onto the sodium layer about 60 miles above the earth. (We occasionally see tests of this technology, but they are passed-off as UFOs and ‘flying saucer’ sightings). Then these deliberately staged events will introduce the world its new ‘messiah’, Maitreya, as a prelude to the immediate implementation of the new world religion. Enough truth will be foisted upon an unsuspecting world to hook them into the lie and even the most intelligent will be deceived.

  The Blue Beam Project will thus purport to be the universal fulfilment of the prophecies of old, as major an event as that which allegedly occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect known to man. It will effectively deal with the religious aspect of the New World Order using deception and obfuscation on a massive scale.


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