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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 94

by John Hamer

  And in early 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that vaccine producers ie. Big Pharma can no longer be held to account for any damage to anyone’s health, whether proven or not to be caused by their hideous, deadly cocktails.

  “The Supreme Court showed the world today that there is nothing supreme or noble about it and that it is as corrupt and cruel as most other governmental institutions. In a 6-3 vote, the high court ruled for Wyeth, saying they could not be sued for vaccine damages. Wyeth is now owned by Pfizer Inc. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal law shields vaccine makers from product-liability lawsuits in state courts seeking damages for a child's injuries or death from a vaccine's side effects. The trial case was a lawsuit by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures as an infant after her third dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine in 1992. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday the 22nd of February 2011 sustaining the federal law that shielded vaccine manufacturers from desperate parents who seek damages for serious health problems suffered by their children. Today's children are hit with more shots in a day than most of us were hit with in our entire childhood. No doubt certain pharmaceutical madmen fantasize having a permanent tubular hook-up with every child receiving constant (24/7) chemical injection and the Supreme Court would obviously go along with that. Pharmaceutical terrorism and medical madness is alive and well in this world of ours and is part of the backbone of our modern civilization and the legal system has totally bought into it even though they understand nothing about medicine and the consequence of supporting the madness of pharmaceutical companies.” Mark A Sircus, director of the International Medical Veritas Association, 22nd February 2011

  Natural health solutions have been proven time and time again over the years to be far more beneficial to the human body. Why is it then that many governments in conjunction with health authorities are trying their best to make vaccinations mandatory?

  The answer is simply that they wish to maximise their profits from us and keep us in a permanent state of unhealthy limbo, which quite frankly, dis-empowers us both physically and mentally. If we can understand that governments and the profit-driven, unethical, genocidal, Elite-owned and run corporations that control them and pull their strings are only interested in two things, then the picture becomes much clearer. The only two things in which the entire corporatocracy are interested are 1) absolute maximisation of profits to the detriment of ALL else and 2) the complete and absolute control of the great majority of mankind by whatever means necessary. Nothing, but nothing else matters at all. Not you, your health or wellbeing, your education, your career, your life, your future, your family, friends or children, absolutely nothing, nil, zero, zilch, nada, zip, nought, nothing at all.

  Once you comprehend that one simple fact, everything else falls into place. It is a little similar to completing the outside, straight edges of a jigsaw puzzle in that one then has a ‘framework’ to operate within and reference points from which one can proceed to gain an even greater understanding of how the world really works by slowly and methodically inserting all the pieces into their correct places.

  Bird flu and swine flu ‘pandemics’

  Bird flu and swine flu are beyond doubt the latest bio-weapons to be used against the human race. In their desperate quest for population reduction, the Elite-run World Health (Homicide?) Organisation (WHO) has deliberately engineered the latest pandemic scares of bird flu and swine flu.

  "The bird and mammalian species took hold on the earth approximately 65 million years ago, ie. the same time as the dinosaurs went extinct. So did the flu and other viruses of all the surviving species. Since then, all those viruses have been mating and mutating among themselves without the sky caving in due to any infection. Therefore, any talk of a bird or swine flu pandemic with the probability to kill millions of people is either a purposeful or hallucinogenic nonsense to make profit on the backs of the innocent following." Shiv Chopra, microbiologist, vaccine expert

  The swine flu virus was created in a laboratory to generate mass-panic with the specific intention of forcing everyone to be vaccinated. This 'natural' swine flu virus apparently contains genes from humans, birds and pigs from several continents. Ask yourself if true, how can this be? It is impossible. Therefore, if the medical mafia concoct and release a virus and then implement a clearly long-planned mass-vaccination programme, there can be only one sensible conclusion; swine flu is not the biggest danger, it is the vaccine.

  The scale and speed of the planned vaccination programme is insane given that the overwhelming majority of those who have contracted the virus have had very mild symptoms. Dr Peter Holden of the Elite-controlled British Medical Association said that although swine flu was not causing serious illness they were eager to start a mass vaccination campaign, beginning with 'priority groups'. Pardon me? This is not about public health concerns and never was intended to be.

  Those actually administering the vaccinations have no idea what is in them or their potential effects. They are just thinking what they are told to think and doing and saying what they are told to do and say. Only those at the core of the conspiracy, and those who bother to research it or read books like this one, know what the real game is.

  The WHO absolutely refused to release the minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group attended by senior executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi that recommended compulsory vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 ‘swine flu’ virus in autumn 2009.

  In an email a WHO spokesperson claimed there were no minutes of the meeting that took place on 7th July 2009 in which guidelines on the need for worldwide vaccinations that the WHO adopted were formulated and in which Baxter and other Big Pharma executives participated. Under International Health Regulations, WHO guidelines have a binding character on all of the WHO’s 194 signatory countries in the event of a pandemic emergency of the kind that was anticipated in autumn 2009, when the second, more lethal wave of the H1N1 virus which was bio-engineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus, was released.

  The WHO actually has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a vaccine at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel. Yes you did read that correctly, ‘at gunpoint’!

  There is verifiable, clear and unambiguous documentary proof that the WHO supplied the live bird flu virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which was used by Baxter to manufacture 72 kilos of vaccine material in February 2009. Baxter subsequently sent this material out to 16 labs in four countries under a false label designating the contaminated product as vaccine material, so very nearly triggering a global pandemic.

  Because Baxter must adhere to strict bio-safety regulations when handling a dangerous virus such as the bird flu virus, the production and distribution of so much pandemic material cannot have been an accident but must have been done by Baxter with criminal intent.

  Last year at least 81 people were killed by Baxter International's contaminated blood-thinning product, heparin, which was made in China from, among other things, pig intestines. The contaminated heparin also seriously injured hundreds of people and it was revealed that the factory of Baxter's Chinese supplier had never been inspected by either American or Chinese public 'protection' agencies.

  More than 50 dialysis patients died in 2001 because of faults with Baxter International equipment and in 2009 Baxter Healthcare Corporation, a subsidiary of Baxter International, reached an out-of-court settlement of two million dollars with the State of Kentucky. Baxter had been caught inflating the cost of intravenous drugs sold to Kentucky Medicaid by as much as 1,300%.

  It is increasingly clear that the WHO and Baxter are just two branches of a much bigger criminal organisation that is moving forward in a synchronised and coordinated way to fulfil the Elite agenda of global population reduction in the coming months and years while putting in place a global government of which the WHO will be an arm.

  The WHO, which is a UN agency, appears to
play a key role in coordinating the activities of labs, vaccine companies and governments to achieve the goal of population reduction and political and economic take-over of North America and Europe.

  Firstly, the WHO gives funds, support and cover to labs such as the CDC to bio-prospect for pathogens, bioengineer them to make them more deadly and also patent them.

  Secondly, the WHO gives those same deadly bioengineered pathogens to companies such as Baxter in Austria, so that Baxter could use those viruses to deliberately and systematically contaminate vaccine material. If the contamination of the 72 kilos had not been detected in time by a lab technician in the Czech Republic, millions of people would have caught the ‘bird flu’ from the injections.

  Thirdly, in the event of a pandemic, the WHO orders a compulsory vaccine for all 194 countries, following ‘recommendations’ by an advisory vaccine group on which executives of Baxter also sit. And fourthly, the WHO awards Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi and other companies lucrative contracts to supply those vaccines.

  Furthermore, the WHO acquires new global authority on an unseen scale in the event of a pandemic. Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and the EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.

  If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of the WHO, it will be a criminal offence to refuse the vaccine and police will be allowed to use deadly force against these ‘criminal’ suspects. Through their control of these special pandemic crisis committees with the power to enact legislation to be set up most countries, the WHO, UN and EU become the de facto government of a large part of the world – a scenario which has been planned for decades as part of the march towards One World Government, the so-called ‘New World Order’.

  Mass murder and death will also bring economic collapse and disruption, starvation and wars and these events in themselves will lead to a further population reduction.

  In summary, the WHO helps create, distribute and then release the deadly pandemic virus and this pandemic virus allows the WHO to assume control of governments in North America and Europe and also order forced vaccination on populations by the very same companies that have distributed and released the deadly viruses in the first place and all under the pretext of protecting populations from a pandemic that they have created in the first place.

  The corporate mainstream media owned by the same Elite group which funds the WHO is systematically concealing from the general public the nature of the real danger of these H1N1 vaccinations by withholding from them key information concerning the interrelated activities of this group of organisations for their mutual profit. As a result, most people still believe that the H1N1 virus is a natural swine flu when even the WHO has officially dropped the term “swine” in tacit acknowledgement of its artificial origins.

  Most people still believe that the vaccine companies can provide a cure when the vaccine companies are preparing a lethal series of shots containing live attenuated virus, toxic metals and other poisons. The two-dose H1N1 shots are designed to disable the immune system and then load that system with a live virus in a process that mirrors the one described in two of the WHO’s 1972 memoranda where the technical means for turning vaccines into killers is outlined.

  The Strecker Memorandum also reveals that the WHO has been actively searching for ways to weaken the immune system. How much more evidence does one need than this to prove the ‘conspiracy case’ against these people? The best protection against the H1N1 virus that has now been released and that will inevitably become more lethal as it mutates is colloidal silver and also vitamins to strengthen the immune system, face masks and other such measures.

  However, none of the governments in North America or Europe have stocked up on colloidal silver or announced sensible health measures to contain the coming lethal wave. Instead, there are growing signs, that they will use the panic to terrify people into taking the toxic vaccines which are sure to cause injury or damage due to the presence of heavy metals alone. This mass-vaccination will moreover, allow ever more lethal strains to emerge and also provide a cover for a release of further strains of bird flu virus or other pathogens.

  An investigation into this international corporate crime syndicate needs to be conducted in every country because it has its tentacles in every country. There are also reports that Barack Obama has direct financial links with Baxter that need to be investigated by law enforcement. In addition, there is evidence the Austrian Health Minister and other officials have been assisting Baxter in the covering of its tracks.

  Also, there is clear evidence that elements of the Austrian media were involved in actively spreading lies and misinformation to lull people into a false sense of security concerning Baxter’s manufacture and distribution of pandemic material in Austria in February 2009.

  My advice would be not to hold our collective breath, whilst we are waiting for the appropriate authorities to take some much-needed action.

  HIV / Aids

  Thirty years ago, at the beginning of the 1980s, a small group of homosexual men in San Francisco began dying of a strange, never-seen-before disease.

  However, it turns out that there was nothing too mysterious about these deaths, either then or now. The combination of three cultural revolutions, drug, sexual and gay, took a heavy toll on these, its most ardent practitioners. They took part in excessive, anonymous, soulless sex on an industrial scale, copiously administered antibiotics, thinking that this would keep them healthy (useless against viruses but deadly effective against gut-friendly bacteria which are vital to correct immune system function) and imbibed recreational drugs with no consideration of long term effects. This excessive drug use combined with repeated bouts of STDs and parasites and foreign antigens from thousands of other men residing in their bloodstreams took a deadly toll on their bodies. Their immune systems were literally destroyed.

  When Ronald Reagan took Presidential office in 1981, he had a mandate to downsize government and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was an obvious target. The ‘war on Cancer’ declared by Nixon in 1971, had little to show for all the money spent. The CDC had been acutely embarrassed in 1976 when it attempted to make believe that five soldiers with a mild dose of flu were a potential national ‘swine flu’ epidemic. A subplot of this charade was their attempt to seize on the completely coincidental outbreak of pneumonia among some visitors to an American Legion convention in Philadelphia. The CDC used this as an excuse to rush out a vaccine that killed dozens of people, which is dozens more than did the flu itself. So-called ‘Legionnaire's Disease’ as it transpired, turned out to be caused by a known microorganism commonly found in building air conditioners and had absolutely zero to do with swine flu. Thousands of people get infected with it every year, by the way.

  So it was very fortunate for them that in 1981, as potential budget cuts were mooted and imminent that the CDC received a report about five young homosexuals dying of immune deficiency disorders. If a ‘new’ deadly disease could be discovered and promulgated, it could give the CDC a whole new lease of life and raison d’être. The more dangerous and terrifying the better and ideally something a little more deadly than the flu this time would fit the bill nicely.

  ‘Gay Related Immune Deficiency’ (GRID), as an initial name for the new disease, was soon discarded. Besides being too ‘politically incorrect’, it did not sound too threatening to the general (straight) population. So it was eventually replaced with ‘Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome’ (AIDS). The French scientist Luc Montagnier later ‘discovered’ the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and failed American cancer researcher Robert Gallo co-discovered it (if you can call finding it a year later co-discovering. Gallo was later investigated for misconduct, but cleared).

  So now today, we have AIDS as the disease and HIV the ‘undisputable’ cause of it. A press conference by the CDC subsequently launched the idea to the general public, the CDC was saved and a new multi-billion dollar profit-centre for the medical cartel was created.

  In the years since the CDC announcement, every scientist or doctor who has tried to question the official story, rather than being applauded for practicing good investigative and stringent science, has instead been attacked and dismissed. That same old MO again – never fails! But now with 30 years of history it is becoming more and more obvious that certain facts do not stand up to scrutiny with the official story.

  Filmmaker Brent Leung has recently made a stunning documentary revealing the full story behind the Aids / HIV scam, ‘The House of Numbers’. This film is absolutely savaged by the controlled mainstream media film critics (why would it not be?) with one review in particular, likening Leung to someone who would question gravity. In my view and for what it is worth, had the media been complimentary and demanding answers from the medical establishment, then I for one, would have seriously questioned whether or not the film was anti-AIDS or subtle dis-information. If there is one thing that one can virtually guarantee, that is that when the mainstream sharks attack (or indeed defend) anything, there must be an ulterior motive for it and you can usually bet your mortgage that the exact opposite of their argument will prove to be truth, upon further research.


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