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After the Dreams (Caroline's Company)

Page 10

by Wetherby, Caroline Jane

  ‘We’ll go slowly Poppy, because Cassandra hasn’t got a riding hat, and we don’t want her lovely floppy sunhat blowing off in the breeze.’

  Caroline helped Cassie up onto the bench seat of the curricle.

  ‘One moment.’ Caroline checked the harness, and pulled a couple of buckles a little tighter. She tweaked the tail, and pulled the bottom strap tighter as well. Then she climbed back into the seat beside Cassie, took the reins in one hand and picked up what looked like a very fierce whip in the other.

  ‘Walk on.’ She gave the pony a light flick on her bottom, and leaning into the load Poppy the Pony set off.


  Jo, Janet and John were gathered in the stable yard, sat around a table which was set out for a late breakfast. Sadie was with them, dressed in leather boots, skin tight jodhpurs, and a tight sleeveless top which showed off her figure very well.

  The sound of the pony’s hooves changed as the curricle came off the gravelled road, under the arch and into the cobbled yard. As with the previous night, the picture, had there been anyone to record it, would have been magnificent. The polished spokes of the large-wheeled curricle, the decorated and shining pony, the pretty young girl in her summer frock and hat, and the elegant woman in her close fitting boots and clothing which only emphasised her shape, so obviously in command as she reined the pony to a halt.

  Caroline set the brake on the vehicle, and climbed down herself. Sadie came across and helped Cassie down.

  ‘Good morning to you.’ Sadie whispered in her ear.

  ‘Did Sylvie let you get any sleep?’ Cassie managed to avoid blushing as Sadie started to unharness Poppy from the curricle, stroking her gently while she did so.

  The table was set out under a striped awning, and laden with a coffee urn, various juices, breakfast pastries and fruit.

  ‘Good morning everybody,’ said Caroline. ‘We’re lucky with the weather at least.’

  ‘But surely you don’t need luck Caroline,’ said Janet. ‘Surely you command everything round here, including the weather!’

  ‘Janet!’ her husband said.

  ‘It’s true we can manage many things round here Janet, except yourself obviously, however we’re still working on the weather. But we are lucky, because this morning wouldn’t be anywhere near as much fun if it rained!’

  ‘You’re looking very pretty this morning Cassandra,’ Janet ignored Caroline. ‘I like your hat, I should have brought mine. The sun in this yard is fierce.’

  ‘Why don’t you go and fetch yours,’ said John. ‘I’ll tell you if you miss anything.’

  ‘Don’t worry.’ said Caroline. ‘I would quite like some breakfast before we start, and I’m sure Cassie would as well.’

  Cassie, who was feeling quite hungry, could only nod in agreement.

  Janet stuck her tongue out at her husband, and retreated across the cobles back towards the house.

  ‘And how are you this morning?’ Jo asked Cassie. ‘Can I get you anything – juice – coffee?’

  ‘Oh thank you – juice and coffee please.’

  ‘I hope you aren’t too shocked by all this rampant display?’

  ‘We haven’t really got to the rampant bit yet,’ interrupted Caroline. ‘Sadie, have you had anything to eat yet, and has Sylvie?’

  ‘Yes and yes thank you Caroline; but more coffee would be nice.’

  ‘Come and have some then. Put Poppy back in the loose box for now.’

  Sadie led the pony away to the shady side of the yard, opened a half stable door, and led her inside. Sadie came back out, closed the door and came over to the table. Jo poured her some coffee.

  ‘You must be tired,’ she said to Sadie.

  ‘A little’ Sadie replied, but I’m sure I’ll wake up when the excitement starts.’

  ‘And how are you Cassie?’ Jo repeated her earlier question.

  ‘Fine thank you Doctor...’

  ’Do call me Jo.’

  ‘Jo. I am fine. But could I ask you some questions later?’

  ‘Of course. I..we.. that is Caroline and I, that is all of us, don’t want you to worry about anything. When the excitements over we’ll have a quiet chat.’

  At that moment some small excitement was provided by Janet. Tripping back over the cobbles she literally tripped and would have fallen if she had not been caught by Sylvie who had just emerged from the stables. Cassie and John, who were nearest, jumped up to help, because Janet although only a little taller than Sylvie was much more robust.

  ‘Ooh sorry Sylvie dear. I shouldn’t have tried to wear heels on these cobbles. I couldn’t find any wedges to match yours Cassie.’

  Cassie (and everyone else) noted that Janet had changed into a sundress quite like the one Cassie was wearing, and also wore a hat similar to that worn by the younger woman.

  ‘Sorry Cassie, I hope it doesn’t seem too ridiculous, but you look so nice it seems fun to be your sister.’

  ‘Rather a big sister,’ observed Caroline. ’Anyway, most sisters I know usually want to look as different from their siblings as possible.’

  ‘Not everybody though. Do you mind Cassie?’

  ‘No. I don’t mind,’ said Cassie, (although she was actually a little embarrassed).

  ‘Don’t let her worry you,’ whispered Caroline to Cassie. ‘I think our dear Janet is working out some issues of her own. We’ll probably find out what they are eventually!’

  ‘You’d better watch those heels on these cobbles,’ John told his wife.

  ‘And if I don’t you’d better hold me up, hadn’t you husband of mine.’ Janet responded.

  Caroline was conferring with Sylvie and Sadie.

  ‘Are they both ready to start?’

  Both girls nodded their assent.

  ‘Will you lead out Poppy first please.’

  ‘Well, this will be interesting,’ said Jo to Cassie. ‘And it will also be interesting to see what the other spectators make of it,’ she continued more quietly. ‘More coffee?’

  She poured two cups.


  ‘Well I don’t usually,’ replied Cassie.

  ‘Go on, you’ll put the fat into the right places now!’ Jo whispered, ‘and you can have another of those pain-aux-chocolat as well, which is more than I should do. I will though.’ Jo passed a plate to Cassie, and took one herself. ‘Anyway, if we go swimming later it won’t matter.’

  ‘I’m not quite sure about swimming,’ replied Cassie.


  ‘It’s just... just that I’m not the right shape for a swimming costume.’

  ‘I understand; but actually you don’t need to worry. We’ll talk more soon.’ She patted the girl’s hand.

  Just then Sylvie and Sadie led Poppy out of her loose box and her hooves clattering on the cobbles, walked her over towards the breakfast party.

  Cassie noted that although she still wore her polished leather corset, she had no blinkers, and the strap through her crotch had been taken off. She wore instead the tail she had worn the previous night, with the insert into her vagina.

  ‘Ooh’ said Janet, holding tightly to John’s arm. ’She looks ever so... so...’

  ‘Sexy?’ said John

  ‘Yes, but more than just sexy, as though...ooh that’s...’

  Poppy interrupted her by batting both her eyes, with her long sweeping eyelashes.

  ‘She is much more than just sexy,’ said Jo as Sylvie led Poppy towards her.

  ‘She is a lovely sensual animal. Aren’t you Poppy dear?’

  Jo stroked her bottom and thighs, as Cassie had seen Caroline do earlier.

  ‘And she likes being stroked and petted, doesn’t she!’

  Jo invited Cassie to pet the pony as well.

  Cassie did so, and was rewarded by Poppy pressing her breasts into her, and receiving a soft nuzzle on her cheek. The long eyelashes sweeping her face were very sensuous.

  ‘May I stroke her?’ Janet asked Caroline.

>   ‘Of course. She would love you to,’ was the reply.

  Rather tentatively Janet reached out to pat the pony’s haunches, and then suddenly she was embracing the animal, one hand caressing the bottom, and the other cupping and then stroking first one breast and then the other. The pony responded by pushing out her bottom and her breasts, revelling in the contact.

  ‘Janet!’ her husband sounded surprised.

  ‘Oh.’ Janet backed away from the pony. ‘But she is so sexy, and she does love it so – you can see she does.’

  ‘Of course she does.’ Caroline took the reins from Sylvie. ’In this condition, she is totally taken over by the idea of being an erotic animal, and she just loves contact and stimulation.’

  Caroline kissed the pony lightly on her cheek, and the pony responded by nuzzling Caroline’s neck, and rubbing her body against Caroline’s shoulder.

  ‘Let’s get her ready for her big event,’ Caroline said, and Sadie and Sylvie led the pony to an arrangement of rails in the middle of the yard. The animal was obviously excited, her high stepping hooves, and her tossing plumes and tail all displayed the tension and expectation in her.

  She was led round between two parallel rails, so that she faced the spectators, and leather straps were fastened to her corset from each rail, so that she was fixed in position. Then, with much petting and caressing, her arms were removed from the leather glove which had held them behind her back, and her hands were brought forwards along the rails on each side. Leather cuffs fastened them in position so that she was pulled forwards, bent over, with her bottom, still with its flowing tail in place, pushed upwards.

  Sadie and Sylvie, having given her a last caress, had left her secured in position, and gone into the stable block on the other side of the yard.

  ‘Would you like to pet her now?’ Caroline asked Janet.

  Janet shook her head in reply.

  Caroline went over towards the restrained pony, whispered in her ear, and stroked her bottom and her shoulders.

  A feeling of tension built in the waiting spectators.

  As the stable clock struck the three quarter hour, Sadie and Sylvie re-emerged from the stable, this time leading another magnificent human animal. Pip had been rubbed down and oiled all over. He was still naked, except for his hooves and his enormous painted phallus. His arms were still held in a leather glove behind his back, and a leather harness across his chest led down to a wide belt. Attached to each side of the belt were straps, currently looped up as he was led by the reins attached to his bit. Like the mare, this stallion wore a dancing plume on his head, only his was longer, and flowed down his back.

  He was led past the spectators, and several times round the tethered mare. Sylvie reached between his legs and made some adjustment to the harness. The painted phallus came off, and the very erect penis stood free. To Jo and Cassie and Janet, it looked only slightly smaller than the painted phallus had.

  Erect and potent, the stallion was lead past the spectators again, and twice more around the mare. During the last circling, Sadie reached between the mares legs and removed her plug-in tail.

  Caroline stood at the mares head, stroking her head, shoulders, and breasts, while Sadie and Sylvie brought the stallion into position behind her. Both animals were quivering with excitement. The mare was waving her bottom with as much movement as her constraints allowed her.

  The stallion’s waist straps were fastened to the mare’s corset.

  Sylvie positioned the shiny penis so that its bulbous head entered the mare’s vulva, and as the stallion thrust himself forwards and into the mare, both girls pulled the waist straps tight.

  As the stallion pushed himself more and more into the mare, the stable clock struck twelve.

  Cassie could see that the straps which held the animals together were slightly elastic, so that the stallion could thrust himself forwards, then withdraw a little, then thrust in again as the mare wriggled and pushed her penetrated vulva in against him.

  The noonday sun flooded the centre of the stable yard with light and warmth, and made the animal’s painted and oiled coats and their polished leather harnesses gleam and glisten.

  The spectators were entranced by the absolute sexuality of the two creatures. Jo and Caroline stood close side by side, Jo clutching Caroline’s arm. Janet clung to John. Sylvie and Sadie, one each side of Cassie, hugged her close, while all the time their eyes were fixed on the two interlinked and shiny coated animals shaking and thrusting into each other.

  Eventually, the mare’s progressively louder whimpering reached a climax, and she made what would have been a cry of joy and triumph, except that it was rather hampered by her bit. The stallion stood erect and breathless for what seemed like an eternity, and finally when the spectators could bear it no more, he took a great shuddering breath, and collapsed bending forwards over his mare’s bottom.

  Both animals were panting loudly, and they were dripping with saliva past their bits.

  At last relieved from their spellbound tension, the spectators felt they could move again. Someone, afterwards no-one could remember who, (but Cassie thought that it was probably Janet) started to clap their hands. Everybody joined in, but it was only a brief applause. Carried away by the moment, each of them needed to keep their hands and bodies in contact with another body, and their lips and mouths sought each others. Cassie could remember being kissed by Caroline and Jo and Janet and Sylvie, and thought she could remember seeing Janet entwined with Sadie and then Caroline, and Sylvie climbing all over John, and then joining Sadie with Caroline.

  The stable clock struck the half hour.

  ‘And what did our young Cassandra think of that?’ Jo whispered in Cassie’s ear, her arms round the girl’s waist.

  ‘It was...’ Jo kissed her gently.

  ‘It was... more than amazing... it was...’

  Jo kissed her again.


  ‘It was ... like Poppy and Pip have become something...’


  ‘Not something different, but just more what they are...’

  Jo interrupted her, her hands moving round the younger woman.

  ‘Perhaps they were able to express something of what they really are or want to be,’ Jo murmured in her ear.

  ‘And do you like what they really are?’

  ‘Oh yes. They’re magnificent.’

  ‘And what do you want to be?’

  ‘Not... not quite...not quite a pony perhaps, but I do want to be a really sexual woman.’

  Jo kissed her more elaborately this time.

  ‘Of course you do, and I think you will be. And you will really enjoy it, and the rest of us will really enjoy you enjoying it.’

  ‘But what...’

  ‘Don’t worry. You have plenty of time. You can develop and grow and explore what you want to be in your own time. We will all help and support you.’

  Jo held both of Cassie’s hands and gave her another quick kiss. Caroline came towards them, Sylvie and Sadie clinging to her arms, rubbing themselves against the taller woman like kittens with a mother cat.

  ‘How are you Cassie? I hope we haven’t shocked you too much.’

  ‘No... it was ...stunning,’ Cassie replied.

  ‘I think she enjoyed it,’ said Jo.

  ‘Good’ replied Caroline. ‘It was rather spectacular wasn’t it!’

  She unwound Sylvie and Sadie from her arms, and gave them both another kiss.

  ‘Now we’d better help our two stars get unfastened before they collapse completely.’

  Cassie started forward.

  ‘Don’t worry. We three can do it, and it’ll be a bit messy, you don’t want to spoil your nice dress. We’ll see you at the lake for lunch.’

  Caroline put her arms round Jo, and they exchanged another of their complicated kisses, then Caroline with Sylvie and Sadie went towards the exhausted and still restrained animals.

  ‘Well done Poppy, well done Pip.’ Cassie heard Caroline s
ay, as the three women started to undo the various straps. ’Let’s get you out of the sun and into some shade.’

  ‘We should do the same,’ Jo said to Cassie, ‘and I need to get my swimming things if we are going to have a swim before lunch.’ They set off across the cobles towards the back entrance of the house.

  ’Are you going to swim?’

  ‘I’m not actually very confident in the water,’ said Cassie, who had hated the big swimming pools in London.

  ‘There’s a nice shallow area near the landing stage, quite free of weed, and it will be lovely and warm in the sun by now; and think of the nice swimming costumes you will be able to wear!’

  ‘But that’s the problem. I’m not really the right shape and...’

  ‘Look, you are quite slim and elegant, many women would be envious of that, and all the practice you have put into moving properly has really paid off. You can hide what you need to, after all you did last night didn’t you?’

  ‘Well yes, but that wasn’t in the water...’

  ‘The special breast forms will hold in the water, and the adhesive has been specially developed to stimulate you and help you grow.’

  ‘Yes, Sylvie told me.’

  ‘So all we need to do is to find you a nice costume that covers up what needs to be covered and you’ll be fine. Would you like a one-piece, or a bikini?’

  ‘Wouldn’t my... my bottom...look too small?’

  Jo laughed, and kissed her cheek.

  ‘Well you obviously have a little way to go if you ask that question! But your bottom is fine. I don’t suggest that you wear something quite as brief as Sylvie likes to wear, and as Caroline likes Sylvie to wear, but I’m sure we can find you something in all the clothes racks in this house!’

  ‘I can swim a bit, but not really very well.’

  ‘Then you can practice in shallow water. It’s much nicer than a swimming pool. Just don’t be startled by the fish!’

  ‘Fish!’ exclaimed Cassie.

  Jo laughed again.

  ‘Well it is a natural lake, well not entirely natural because it was created in the nineteenth century landscaping, but it’s been there long enough to have a resident population.’

  ‘Big fish?’

  Cassie still looked worried.

  ‘Well, there are pike in there, but you would be a bit big for them! And splashing normally keeps them and the bigger carp away, so you’ll all have to cope with are minnows and the odd perch. Come on. Let’s get you kitted out, or rather perhaps ‘kitted off’ and then we can walk down, or would you prefer to have a lift?’


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