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After the Dreams (Caroline's Company)

Page 14

by Wetherby, Caroline Jane

  Everyone was now concentrating on this next critical play. Caroline, John, and Jo were leaning on the balustrade, Cassie and Janet stood on the far side of the lawn, close to the clipped yew hedge. Sylvie again whispered to her partner, as Sadie picked up her ball ready to position it against the blue for the shot.

  None of them noticed Poppy and Philip quietly join the other spectators on the terrace.

  Sadie placed the ball, lined up even more carefully than before, pushed her hair out of her eyes, then stood back and shook her head. Sylvie came to her side, tied up Sadie’s hair for her in a loose pony-tail, and checked the alignment of the two balls, yellow and blue.

  ‘Ooh, have we come at a critical moment.’ Poppy sounded quite loud in the late afternoon air.

  ‘Shh my love,’ Philip quietened her. ‘I think we need to let them concentrate.’

  ‘But who’s winning?’ Poppy asked again. Philip made sure that she couldn’t disturb anybody any more by putting his mouth to hers in a prolonged and very tender kiss.

  Sadie lined up her mallet again, checked the angle of her swing, struck the yellow ball and sent the blue quite fast towards the stake.

  Cassie and Janet clung to each other in the tension of the moment. The ball moved smoothly over the superbly maintained grass. There were no rough patches or weeds allowed on Caroline’s croquet lawn. The lovely summer afternoon seemed suddenly heavy, and thunderous, even the rooks in the trees by the lake were quiet.

  The blue ball ran on, moving slower and slower.

  It stopped two inches short of the stake.

  There were cries from everybody as the tension relaxed. Janet had clasped Cassie’s neck, and was kissing her with complete abandon.

  On the terrace, Caroline kissed John. ‘Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander!’ she said, before she exchanged kisses with Jo as well.

  ‘Hello you two,’ she held out her hands to Poppy and Philip. ’Are you rested enough?’

  ‘Well, we’re still a bit tired,’ replied Philip. ‘It took a long time to get Poppy clean in the shower.’

  ‘But you enjoyed it my love, didn’t you,’ Poppy murmured in his ear, which she started nibbling with her teeth.

  On the lawn, Cassie had moved over to examine the next shot. She had to be careful not to hit the stake by accident, and she did not have a clear path to Janet’s black ball.

  Sylvie and Sadie had retreated to the steps at the far end of the lawn where they stood with their arms round each other, leaving the play to the dark haired women. The conversation on the terrace hushed again as Cassie lined up carefully, and knocked her ball into a perfect hit on the red, Sylvie’s, ball.

  ‘What’s she doing,’ hissed Poppy. ‘Hasn’t she hit the wrong one?’

  ‘That depends’ replied Jo ‘on what she can do with the roquet.’

  Dark clouds were building over hills beyond the lake.

  Cassie was again lining up very carefully. Janet stood to one side, open mouthed in admiration.

  After the sharp crack of Cassie’s stab shot, Sylvie’s ball moved away to the far corner of the lawn, leaving Cassie able, with her follow through, to neatly croquet the black ball.

  Janet held her hands to her face as Cassie placed her ball at the correct angle against the black ball, then with a sharp tap sent the black into the stake. A sudden bolt of lightning did not distract her and she followed through to hit the stake with her own ball just as the thunder rolled, and a dense wall of rain moved up from the lake.


  Everyone moved rapidly into the house. By the time the laughing Sylvie and Sadie reached the terrace they were soaked. Their short flimsy dresses clung to their bodies. Neither of them were wearing much underwear.

  ‘That makes them look worse than naked!’ exclaimed Poppy.

  ‘And I don’t think they’ll mind one bit,’ replied her husband, as Cassie and Janet who hadn’t been that wet from the rain got a lot wetter in the embraces of the two soaking blondes.

  ‘You two are like muddy dogs,’ said Caroline ‘do mind the carpet!’

  ‘But they played so well,’ exclaimed Sylvie. ‘I think she’s almost as good as you Caroline!’

  ‘That,’ said Caroline, taking Cassie’s hands in her own, ’we will have to see. But you did play beautifully Cassie.’

  ‘So did Janet,’ replied Cassie, blushing slightly.

  ‘So she did,’ exclaimed John, with his arms round his wife, ‘but it was you that made it possible, wasn’t it Janet?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ Janet basked in the attentions of her husband after her flaunting behaviour on the lawn. ‘It was all Cassie’s playing really. I just had to do what I was told.’

  She batted her eyelashes at Cassie.

  ‘Don’t you think there should be a prize for the winners?’ suggested Jo.

  ‘Yes there certainly should,’ replied Caroline. ‘What should it be Cassie?’

  ‘Well,’ said Cassie, blushing more but emboldened by her victory on the lawn, ‘I have this idea.’ She whispered briefly in Caroline’s ear.

  Both of them looked at the wet blondes, and giggled together.

  ‘That might be enormous fun, and very good for you Cassandra!’

  ‘But not yet,’ replied the girl. ‘I want to be... be properly ready first.’

  ‘That would not be a problem at all. We’ll just keep everyone else, and especially those two, in suspense for a while. Their fate will hang over them like the sword of Damocles!’

  ‘What’s this idea Cassie, and how does it involve us?’ demanded Sadie.

  ‘That,’ said Caroline, ‘is something you will find out... eventually! But for now we need to get dry- again, and then please can you two see to some supper. It’s your mother and father’s night off Sadie.’

  ‘Oh yes of course,’ replied Sadie. ’Mum said she would leave something ready.’

  ‘I’ll help,’ said Cassie.

  ‘No you leave it to them.’ replied Caroline. ‘Sylvie tried to set you up to lose that croquet game, and kept trying to distract you, so she deserves to take some immediate penalties! But I do like your idea Cassandra.’

  ‘What idea?’ protested Sylvie.

  ‘Come on, we’re not going to find out now,’ replied the other wet blonde girl. ’Let’s go and get on.’

  Sylvie looked reproachfully at Cassie, then turned to leave with her erstwhile fellow player. As they left through the double doors into the hallway, they both wiggled their nearly naked wet bottoms in unison.

  Everybody else laughed at the little display of pretended pique.

  ‘You’re wet as well,’ Caroline said to Cassie. ‘Do you want to change?’

  ‘Oh – perhaps I’d better.’

  ‘Do you mind if I come with you?’

  ‘No - of course not. Not at all.’

  Caroline and Cassandra walked through the double doors into the cool stone-flagged hallway.

  ‘I need to change as well, but I wanted to have a word with you, to make sure you’re alright.’

  ‘Oh yes, thank you,’ replied Cassie as they went up the wide staircase. Was it only yesterday evening that she had promenaded down here for the first time in her evening dress?

  ‘I’ve really enjoyed the last two days. Well, I’m enjoying all the time here ... with you and the others, but this party has been exciting and ... informative. I’m seeing the different ways people behave.’

  ‘Did you have a good talk with Sadie?’

  ‘Yes, and I was a bit shocked by some of her story. Well, shocked, but to tell you the truth a bit excited as well. I think I’ve had a very sheltered life... until....’

  ‘Yes, but you coped very well with your last few months in London. You may not think so now, but you were very brave.’

  ‘Well, there wasn’t much else I could do.’

  ‘But you looked after everybody you could. Sadie’s story is different; she had more choice about what she did and what happened to her.’ />
  ‘She started on... on this female road very early.’

  ‘She did, but she obviously wanted to, and most of the time she has enjoyed it I think.’

  ‘But what Jenny did to her was really horrible.’

  They had reached the landing outside Cassie’s room.

  ‘Do you mind if I come in with you?’

  ‘Of course not.’

  They entered the room, which still looked a bit dishevelled after the previous night. The clothes Cassie’s had worn were thrown around the floor.

  ‘I’m sorry it’s a bit of a mess.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I doubt if Sylvie gave you much time to tidy up.’

  Cassie blushed. ‘I’m sorry if...’

  ‘Why should you be sorry? I’m glad Sylvie looked after you properly. I don’t get to see Jo that often, and she needs looking after as well. She has her own problems.’

  ‘You always think about taking care of other people.’

  ‘I try, but I do have my own compensations as well you know, and I love being surrounded by beautiful people. Like you Cassandra!’

  Cassie blushed again.

  ‘Shall I dry your hair for you?’

  ‘I can just use the...’

  ‘Let me towel it for you, and then I can comb it out.’

  Cassie fetched one of the large fluffy towels from the bathroom, and sat down on the stool in front of the dressing table. Caroline wrapped her hair in the towel and vigorously massaged her head.

  ‘Now I’ll brush it out for you. Your hair isn’t that long. It’ll take Sadie much longer to dry hers. She’ll probably wait till after supper.

  Cassie felt very warm and comfortable, and quietly enjoyed the attention from the older woman, and the sensation of having her hair brushed. But then she remembered that, of all the things she had learnt and heard that day, the one that troubled her most was Sadie’s betrayal by Jenny.

  ‘What is it Cassie?’ Caroline saw (or felt) her concern.

  ‘Sadie thought that Jenny really cared for her, and they looked after each other. Perhaps.. perhaps a bit like this. And Jenny just threw everything away, as though nothing had mattered at all.’

  Caroline stopped brushing, sat down beside the girl, and hugged her.

  ‘In this house we look after people. We like to have fun and enjoy ourselves, but we don’t deliberately hurt people, and we try to stop them from hurting themselves. Yes, I have my own agenda and plans, and even some plans for you – if you like them. But we would never just abandon people. You can walk away if you like, but we will still try to help you.’

  ‘I don’t want to walk away,’ said Cassie quickly, ‘not now. You are taking care of me, and I really appreciate it, and everything is... so much fun!’

  ‘Good girl’ Caroline kissed her lightly on her lips. ‘Now what are you going to wear this evening. We’re going to be fairly relaxed.’

  ‘There’s this long grey dress, which I quite like.’

  ‘Go on then – show me.’

  Cassie went to the lengthy built in wardrobe, and fetched some of the results of her shopping trips. (The wardrobe had plenty of space for more shopping.) It was a simple dress in a shimmering grey with two broad shoulder straps, designed to cling to the waist with an ankle length skirt. In case it should be seen as too plain, it had a slit up the left thigh.

  ‘That looks very nice. Go on- put it on.’

  Cassie put the grey dress on the bed, but struggled to undo the back of her sundress.

  ‘Here, let me help.’ Caroline unfastened the hook and eye on the back of the sundress, and gently lowered it to the floor, leaving Cassie in her cream coloured panties and bra that she had put on after swimming. Cassie was again slightly embarrassed about Caroline seeing her in this state.

  ‘You shouldn’t be embarrassed Cassie dear, not in this house.’

  Caroline patted her bottom and again kissed her lightly on the lips.

  She held up the grey dress so that Cassie could pull it over her head. The younger girl settled the dress in place, and instinctively twirled so she could see herself in the mirrors that covered much of the wall space.

  ‘You do have a natural sense of style you know. What shoes have you got?’

  Cassie fetched a pair of soft grey leather mules, with a three inch heel. When she had put them on, she twirled again, and the slit skirt showed her smooth and shapely leg.

  ‘Very good. Do you have any jewellery to go with it?’

  ‘I wanted something silvery, but I didn’t see anything I liked.’

  ‘Not only a girl with style and taste, but the sense not to buy something she doesn’t like. Very sensible. And makeup? Sorry, I’m not putting you though a test, I’m quite fascinated by how good you are getting at this.’

  ‘Well, as you know, I did have a little bit of practice, not as much as Sadie, but a little bit. And I loved reading magazines.’

  ‘And now you’re showing what you have learnt – excellent.’

  Cassie sat down at the dressing table, and rubbed a little moisturiser into her face, bringing out the glow of her young skin. She lined her eyes with dark grey, and used a very little light grey eyeshadow, shading it with silver at the outer edges.

  Caroline, even though she had expected the girl in front of her to develop well, was fascinated by the confidence and competence Cassie displayed.

  The girl carried on to line her lips with a dark pink and used a lighter shell pink gloss to fill in the colour. She brushed her eyelashes with dark grey mascara, and sat looking down while it dried.

  ‘What a lovely look,’ said Caroline. ‘Do a twirl for me again.’

  Cassie obliged, smiling slightly at her own reflection. She looked fresh and young but with more than a hint of mystery.

  ‘Very, very, very good Cassandra. I’ve got a necklace which would go beautifully with that; would you like to try it?’

  ‘Well, if you think it would work.’

  ‘Come and see.’

  Caroline led the way across the landing to her own large south facing bedroom. Cassie hadn’t been in here before, and was a bit diffident.

  She saw that the large bed was placed to face the picture windows, which looked out over the terrace and ornamental garden (and the smooth green croquet lawn) towards the lake and the hills beyond. The deep blue velvet curtains were (as were the curtains in Cassie’s room) looped back. The deep crimson covered duvet was smoothed over the bed and the deep blue pillows. Someone, Cassie saw, had taken the time to make the bed and tidy the room this morning. Projecting from the wall over the bed head were two long arms which carried furled curtains, but as Cassie could see carried loops for other... attachments?

  At the foot of the bed there was a glimpse of gold coloured chain.

  ‘Try this.’ Caroline had brought a silver necklace from her dressing table, and fastened it round Cassie’s neck. ‘There, see!’

  She took the girls hand and led her to the other side of the room which, also as in Cassie’s room was well supplied with floor to ceiling mirrors.

  The necklace was made up a series of overlapping leaves, making a flat bow shape which complimented the top of the grey dress perfectly. Cassie thought it was beautiful, and said so.

  ‘Then it’s appropriate for a very beautiful young lady.’ Caroline stood beside her, with an arm round her waist, looking in the mirror.

  ‘What about ear rings? There are some clip-on silver hoops here.’

  ‘I do love ear rings, but...’

  ‘I know, clip-ons are tricky. Let me help.’

  Caroline pulled back the clips on the pair of inch diameter hoops, and fastened them to each of Cassie’s ears in turn.

  Cassie turned her head to and fro. The glint of silver in her dark brushed hair emphasised her look of mystery.

  ‘Can you help me now?’ Caroline asked, kicking off her shoes. ’Just undo me here.’

  Cassie unzipped the back of Caroline’s afternoon dress, and let it fall to the floor.r />
  ‘And my bra as well – do you mind?’

  Cassie blushed again, but unhooked the peach coloured bra. Caroline took the straps in both hands, and eased her breasts out of the underwired cups.

  ‘Thank you Cassandra. You’re not too embarrassed are you?’ Caroline put a hand on Cassie’s cheek. ‘After all we have seen each other naked before!’

  ‘Yes... but now I’m more envious of...’

  ‘Aah, Jo said you were worried about your own breasts.’

  Caroline kept her right hand on Cassie’s cheek, and with her left drew the younger girl’s right hand onto her own full left breast.

  ‘I know everyone’s telling you not to worry, but really don’t worry. Jo thinks you will develop very nicely.’

  She pulled the girl towards her, and kissed her on the forehead, then took her left hand and drew it to her own right breast.

  ‘And I’m really looking forward to you... developing!’

  Caroline leant forward and touched Cassie’s lips with her tongue.

  The girl started slightly, but opened her mouth slightly. Caroline’s tongue slipped in, and their lips touched gently.

  Cassie could feel Caroline’s nipples harden beneath her hands.

  Caroline felt Cassie’s developing confidence, and was very glad about the impromptu but fortuitous game of croquet. She broke away from the kiss, but held on to the girl’s hands a few moments longer.

  ‘You dealt very well with those two on the croquet lawn, and I love your idea for your prize and their punishment, but don’t let them bully you, or make you do anything you don’t want or aren’t ready for.’

  Cassie nodded. She was still a little in shock at Sadie’s account of her experiences, and was both fascinated and slightly repelled. She wondered what she would like and not like.


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