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Cold Blooded Assassin Book 8: Rule of Nightmare (Nick McCarty Assassin)

Page 12

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Absolutely. Get dressed and pack a bag. Will you have any trouble getting coverage at the hospital for a couple of days?”

  “Not at all. I was given a week’s vacation yesterday because I have had no time off at all in the past years. I will miss working at the hospital, but this City of Hope opportunity will free me from my father and Islam. If I may ask, how did you build such a city?”

  “By force mostly,” Gus answered. “If not for finding a leader determined to save his people, we would have failed. Khan Eshieh leads the city now. He will welcome you with open arms. Before we left the city, we deported all the malcontents who refused to embrace life without Sharia Law to their place of origin.”

  “My father will hunt me down if you let him live.”

  “I believe we can get you to the City of Hope without his knowing,” Johnny replied. “We trained the security force there. I doubt he could get to you in the city, but you are right in believing he can reach you when attending events in other nations.”

  Jared finished dressing and packing. “I will think it over while we await your friend’s safe return. My father knows of the Unholy Trio. He has also seen the videos.”

  “Good,” Nick replied. “We’ll make sure we wear our costumes for him while presenting our case. By the way, this is our newest recruit, Jian Chen. We let him have the name Dark Dragon. Payaso is Gus Nason. El Kabong is Johnny Groves, formerly Ebi Zarin. I’m Nick McCarty. Jian and Johnny both renounced Islam.”

  Jared shook hands with each of them. “I am very happy to be meeting you without the intestinal cleaning.”

  Johnny put an arm around his shoulders. “You will enjoy life without Islam and Sharia. Did you see my video with Crusader Crue?”

  “Yes, and also the Cleaner. I have heard the name Ebi Zarin spoken by my father. He believes you are dead.”

  “I get that a lot. Cleaner is my wife Cala. We call her Reaper now. Crusader Crue is in our vehicle and listening to us on our network. Does your father have anyone visiting you occasionally?”

  “Not since I completed my internship. He awaits my residency finish. I have hidden the fact the hospital allowed me to complete my residency with extra shifts. I know he planned to take me soon.”

  “We will work it all out with you,” Jian promised.

  “You were of the Chinese Hui people… correct?”

  “Yes. I have a new life now as you will soon.”

  “How did you become part of the Unholy Trio?”

  “Muerto, the white-eye, shot me.”


  * * *

  After settling Jared in at Pain Central, we agreed to meet again in the morning at 8 am to contact Amir Mohammed Kostler. I arrived early, as did Nick and his crew. I think everyone was anxious to see this negotiation through to the end. Quays Tannous had the night watch. Jared awoke early and Quays fixed him breakfast already. Jafar made certain no one could trace our phone call to Amir. Lynn directed Nick and his cartoons into position for a video scene with Jared restrained on a chair, sullenly enduring his capture.

  “You’re on, Muerto.”

  “As you can see, Amir Mohammed Kostler, no one is beyond the reach of El Muerto and his Unholy Trio. I decided because your son is a doctor, I would not cut a piece off his body to send to you. You are holding a friend of John Harding. You will set him free, see that he is out of the country with all of his belongings, and on his way to San Francisco. If he arrives within the next twenty-four hours, I will keep your son whole. If Eugene Cummings does not reach San Francisco within that time period, I will begin cutting pieces of your son off for your viewing pleasure. Here is a number for you to call after you see this video.”

  Nick held a placard up to the camera with a special number conjured by Jafar to be untraceable. He then uploaded the video to a Dropbox link and sent the link to Amir’s email from a Saudi Arabia server Jafar hacked into. Amir called within half an hour.

  “John Harding here.”

  “If you hurt my son, I will-”

  “Shut your pie-hole! I contracted the Unholy Trio to take your son. If you want him in one piece, you better damn well get Eugene on a plane to us with all his belongings. Anything missing on him, or damaged, and you get your son in the same way. Your son told El Muerto you have seen the Unholy Trio videos. You must know then what will happen if you do not comply.”

  “How will the exchange be made?”

  “Your son told Muerto you have two bodyguards you trust, named Mahad and Parsa. Send them with Eugene. We will bring your son to the airport and pass him to you in the baggage claim area. Your bodyguards can call you when they have Jared with them safely.”

  “Very well. I will call you with the flight number of the New York to San Francisco flight they get on.”

  “Good. Do not screw this up, Amir.” I hung up on him. “We have him. He’ll phone me with the flight number for the jet from New York to San Francisco. He agreed to send the bodyguards Jared knows. What’s that all about, Muerto?”

  “I made a deal with Jared. I plan on keeping my end of it. US Marshals Dark Dragon, El Kabong, Payaso, and El Muerto are heading to New York. I booked a flight for us that leaves in an hour and a half. We’re going to be there waiting to arrest the two bodyguards on kidnapping charges. US Marshals have jurisdiction everywhere. My friends Tim and Grace faxed me the arrest warrants before I left the house. We’ll make sure Eugene gets on his flight home.”

  “Thank you, Muerto,” Jared said.

  “Why not wait until they get to San Francisco?”

  “I have connections in New York, John,” Nick answered. “US Marshals on official business can travel armed without question. I called my contact in New York. He’ll have a van waiting for us at JFK Airport when our flight lands. We’ll be there to take them the moment they get off the plane. I know a spot an hour from JFK where I can question these two before I deposit them as I promised Jared. They raped and cut his sister apart by order of Amir in front of him. They are Amir’s most trusted bodyguards. I will find out all about Amir, his hopes and dreams, and his most likely places to hang out. Then, Mahad and Parsa disappear.”

  I smiled. “Admit it. You’re bringing the costumes with you.”

  Silence. After a humorous moment of smiles and chuckles amongst the Monsters, Johnny spoke. “My latest YouTube channel video was passed by a giraffe eating a leaf.”

  We enjoyed Johnny’s reasoning for recording a horrendous video of men getting an intestinal cleaning by the cartoons with a typical monstrous response of amusement. Jared’s features indicated although he had watched the Unholy Trio in action, he didn’t know about the dark humor involved.

  “I am very glad I am on your side,” Jared stated.

  Lynn, who sat next to him, patted his hand. “So are we, kid.”

  * * *

  All four US Marshals wore either a dark gray or black suit. They awaited the plane’s disembarking with professional patience next to three airport security guards accompanying them. Nick saw Eugene Cummings exit as the last of the passengers entered the airport terminal. His two companions, Mahad Antar and Parsa Kalb, walked behind him with bored expressions. Nick allowed them to get beyond the outer ring of greeters. Eugene recognized him from Las Vegas. Nick motioned him over. Jian took Eugene’s arm with a big smile.

  “Welcome back, Eugene. Please come with me for a moment.”

  The two companions were surrounded immediately and hand cuffed by Johnny and Gus.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Parsa blurted out a stunned bit of outrage in broken English while being restrained.

  “Parsa Kalb and Mahad Antar,” Nick said, while showing his US Marshal’s identification. “We are US Marshals Nason, Groves, and McCarty. You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Eugen Cummings. Please do not make a scene or you will be dealt with accordingly.”

  Nick then repeated it in Arabic, before turning to the security personnel. “Thank you for your assistance, officers. My men will
take it from here.”

  After the security personnel left, Jian returned with a stunned Eugene. “He says he is fine.”

  “My flight doesn’t leave for an hour,” Eugene added. “Jian tells me John engineered my freedom. Man, I don’t think I could fight him after this. I thought I’d be in that dungeon they threw me in forever. I know there was to be an exchange. I heard these two talking with their boss. I don’t know Arabic, but I think they had something bad planned in San Francisco. I was going to deck them both the moment we got clear of the other passengers and make a break for it.”

  “That would have been a good idea,” Nick told him, while handing him an iPhone. “We will find out everything they know while you fly home to your family. Call your family. John tells me they’re worried sick about you.”

  “We will tell you nothing, kafir!”

  Johnny smiled. “Yes. We have heard that song before. Come along with us. We will transport you to your destination, where you can request your embassy’s help or lawyers or whatever you want.”

  “We will be free in hours!”

  Gus patted Eugene’s shoulder. “I’m more pessimistic than my companions. I was afraid we wouldn’t get you back in one piece. Go get a beer and call your family. We’ll make sure you’ll be fine in San Francisco. Do you have money?”

  “They stole everything in currency I had.”

  “Here.” Nick gave him a thousand dollars. “Like Gus said, call your family while you sip a beer before your flight. We know you’ve went through hell. It’s over now.”

  “Thank you.” Eugene turned to his two captors with grim countenance. “You two are very lucky these men were here to arrest you both. I would have fucked you both up right here in the terminal.”

  “We will see you again soon, kafir,” Parsa promised with a grin. “You Americans are all talk. Mahad and I will come collect you some time when you least expect it.”

  Nick nudged Eugene away. “No… you won’t. Go on, Eugene. We’ll take good care of your buddies.”

  Eugene smiled for the first time. He knew what Nick was from Las Vegas and his talks with Alexi Fiialkov. “I know you will. It is the only reason I do not rip this prick’s head off right now in the middle of everything. See you guys soon.”

  Eugene walked away with a wave. Nick took Parsa’s arm while Gus guided Mahad. “Come along quietly. You will be taken somewhere all of your complaints and requests will be heard.”

  “That is true, kafir,” Parsa replied confidently. “Amir will hear of this outrage. For your sake, I pray his son is safe.”

  “He is indeed safe. Let us simply walk in quiet silence now,” Nick advised in Arabic. “Being around you gives me very bad thoughts.”

  “It is good you think such thoughts, little man. Perhaps one day I will return the favor you have cursed us with today.”

  “I think not,” Nick replied.

  Chapter Six

  Beyond Cleaning

  “There’s the turnoff, Gus. Follow it around to the left. It turns into a dirt road. An abandoned shack of a barn lies dead ahead. No one comes here… not even road crews.”

  “When did you happen along this path before, Muerto?” Gus turned off the lights and engine.

  “Because I’ve had business in New York City, I needed to find places here in Pennsylvania where I could transport my business and still make it back to JFK for a flight, or keep going across country. This I-476 route has a few nice spots.”

  Muffled cries from the two gagged men in the cargo area of the van made it plain they did not like the area at all. When they began rocking up and down, Jian popped them in the head with his nightstick stun-gun.

  “Our guests are unhappy.” Jian waved his nightstick threateningly. The men stopped moving around.

  “I’ll go in the barn first. I know my way around in there. Once you see the lantern come on, bring the guys in.”

  Nick got out of the van with equipment bag in hand. He allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkness before picking his way carefully into the abandoned barn. With the military grade tactical LED lanterns in the corner of the barn set where he wanted them, Nick positioned his tripod and camera for the video. Gus, Johnny, and Jian entered, marching their reluctant prisoners inside. Nick retrieved two wooden backed chairs from the rear of the barn, placing them ten feet apart. They duct taped the prisoners securely in the chairs.

  “I see you installed some furniture,” Gus noted. “How do you want to proceed?”

  “Let’s get our costumes on. We’ll introduce Dark Dragon before I make a couple of cuts and do the initial cleaning. The camera can keep rolling until the question and answer session begins. I won’t stretch this out. We have a flight to catch back home.”

  With costumes on, Nick cut both men, exposing a small amount of intestine. Johnny sprayed on the Clorox. Nick let Jian speak then while the men screamed behind their gags. Jian introduced himself as Dark Dragon before announcing the crimes of the two men. Nick paused the video with his remote. After the neutralizing solution was applied, Gus removed the gags. Mahad and Parsa sobbed out entreaties for mercy. They no longer held any hope of living.

  Nick spoke in Arabic to make certain there were no misunderstandings. “Now that we all know you two will not be going to Disneyland, I will ask you some questions. If I like the answers, you may proceed to hell without any further pain. If I do not like your answers, I will again introduce you to hell on earth. We are recording this question and answer session. You first, Mahad. I want you to list all the places Amir Mohammed Kostler visits or stays, including mistresses or wives. Secondly, I want to know if anyone higher than Kostler ordered this kidnapping of Eugene Cummings.”

  “I…I must have a doctor… the pain is too much!”

  “Doctor Muerto is in the house.” Gus put the gag back in place and Nick sprayed Mahad with Clorox again. He turned to Parsa. “How about you? Do you need something for the pain too?”

  Parsa recited every place he had ever visited in the company of Kostler, including a Canadian mistress living in Vancouver. “He…he may be there now. Amir knows Harding has vast resources. Mahad and I stayed in Abu Dhabi with Cummings, awaiting orders.”

  “I noticed neither of you has a cell-phone. I imagine you were ordered not to take anything electronic with you. I need to know addresses for these places.”

  “Yes… we were to take nothing. Amir told us to buy throwaway phones when we reached the USA.”

  “That makes me unhappy, Parsa. You know what happens when Dr. Muerto gets unhappy.”

  “Wait! I know the addresses by heart except for a couple!”

  “Okay… proceed,” Nick told him. Mahad died a moment later during Parsa’s recitation. Mahad’s death quieted Parsa. He stared at Mahad’s convulsing body in horror. “Don’t mind your buddy. You are doing well. Continue.”

  Johnny and Gus checked each address, mostly overseas in Saudi Arabia or the Arab Emirates. The Vancouver, Canada address interested Nick the most. A few ideas streamed through his mind as to the Vancouver mistress. When Johnny and Gus confirmed the addresses, Nick kept the interrogation going.

  “Get me the phone number for Evelyn Scott in Vancouver. Parsa is going to call there and learn whether his boss decided on visiting his mistress.”

  A few moments later, Gus handed Nick their satellite phone with ID blocking. “I programmed her number in.”

  “Thanks.” Nick gave Parsa a measured shot of pain relief, watching the tense features relax. “I want you to call the girlfriend and ask if Amir is there. Identify yourself and tell her it is urgent that you speak with him. If he is there, tell him everything went wrong when the plane landed in New York. Explain to him that you and Mahad are on the run and Eugene got on the flight for San Francisco. Advise him to stay where he is until the damage is assessed and whether Jared is released.”

  “I can do that,” Parsa agreed. Nick called, holding the phone on speaker. A woman answered. “This is Amir’s bodyguard Parsa Kalb
. I must speak with Amir, Ms. Scott. It is urgent.”

  “How… never mind… Amir? It is someone named Parsa Kalb.”

  “Why have you called me like this?” Kostler sounded more than a little enraged by the call. “What is so urgent, and how did you know to call me here?”

  “I took a chance you were with Ms. Scott. The authorities awaited us at the airport. They allowed Cummings to continue, but held Mahad and I for a long time. I called to warn you. I advise you to stay where you are for now until Mahad and I learn what has happened with Jared.”

  “I will do as you advise. Get to San Francisco any way you can and find out if Jared has been released. If the opportunity arises, kill John Harding!”

  “Yes, Amir.”

  “Excellent, Parsa. Here’s a bit more for the pain.” Nick gave Parsa a death dose. “That went well. Let’s do the video wrap, call John, and let him know about our new wrinkle with a Vancouver mistress.”

  “What about the bodies?”

  “Unfortunately, Jian, as Gus and Johnny will tell you, sometimes we need to do things old school.”

  “A burial detail? Oh great. We will look like graverobbers at the airport.”

  “Quit whining, Grasshopper. I’ll show you where we need to bury these guys. The grounds soft. Besides, what did you think I brought shovels and lye for? There’s a loam pit nearby, all soft earth, clay, sand, and lye added. I’ll lead the entire time so you won’t be afraid in the dark.”

  “I will go get the shovels and lye, white-eye. I did not know graverobbing would be one of my duties as a US Marshal.”

  “We’re not robbing graves, Charlie Chan. We’re filling them,” Nick called after him.


  “Okay then… move your butt, Jet Li!”

  Jian fired off a string of Chinese insults, which Nick answered in kind. He smiled when Jian laughed instead of answering.

  Gus grasped Nick’s arm. “What did Jian say to you?”

  “He said my mother sucks bears’ dicks in the woods.”

  “What did you say back?”


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