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Unexpected Reunion

Page 18

by Carolyn Greene

  Had he come here to ball up that letter? To put the final finish to his relationships with both God and her?

  At the top of the page was Psalm 20:1.

  Gray blinked a couple of times as if to clear his vision, then read the verse aloud. “‘May the Lord answer you when you are in distress. May the name of the God of Jacob protect you.’” Without looking at her, he cleared his throat. “Every time I saw that verse, it smacked me in the face. But for some reason, whenever I tried to throw this letter away, I couldn’t do it.”

  The God of Jacob. Of Jakey. No wonder he had taken it so personally when his friend had died. That verse must have seemed as though it was mocking him.

  “When Jakey and I were under fire, he called out to God to protect us,” he said, reminding her of the painful events of that day. “To protect him, just like the verse promised.”

  She touched his arm. “You don’t have to go through this again. I understand.”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “You don’t. Here’s the part I didn’t tell you.”

  She sat back on her heels and waited until he was ready to tell her the rest.

  “Jakey prayed for protection, and at that exact moment he was hit by shrapnel. I was so busy trying to get us out of there, I hadn’t even started to pray. Yet I was the one who was spared.” He blew out a breath. “Explain that.”

  It was understandable that such a disaster had caused him to question God’s presence. Her heart ached for him, and she wished there was something she could say to make sense of what was an incomprehensible tragedy. No wonder he had decided he couldn’t count on God during the bad times and refused to give Him credit for the good. No wonder he attributed God’s blessings to coincidence.

  “There’s no way I can explain what happened in Afghanistan. Only God knows those answers,” she said. “But you have to admit that more than coincidence must have been at work to reunite Sobo with her long-lost sister. A sister she didn’t even remember until today.”

  Gray nodded. “Yeah, that’s pretty freaky.” He smoothed out the letter and let his gaze roam over the verses. “After what happened today, it looks like maybe God was with us after all. Today and back then.”

  The impact of his words hit her like a velvet-covered brick. She almost dared not hope that his frozen heart had started to melt.

  He spoke again, and this time his voice was stronger. Clearer. “A stray dog joined us when I was struggling to get Jakey back to camp. He showed up from out of though he was sent to protect us. More than once that mutt let us know when enemy soldiers were nearby.” Gray turned toward her, and his gaze bored deeply into her eyes. “Here’s the weird thing. I named that dog Radar. Was that a coincidence?”

  There was no sarcasm to his question. Only a sincere earnestness as he sorted through the evidence of God’s presence that had been there all along...evidence that he’d been unable to see at the time.

  “You know what I think,” she said.

  He sat silent for a moment, apparently taking it all in as he stared at the letter. “There were other verses. Promises of hiding places and songs of deliverance. At the time it seemed like those promises hadn’t been kept, but now I wonder.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “The shelter we needed always showed up at just the right time. And then there was the time I lost my way back to the unit.” He shook his head as if barely able to comprehend how he hadn’t seen this before. “Just when I thought I’d never find my way back, songs from a wedding in a nearby village helped me regain my direction.”

  Coincidence, indeed. Ruthie leaned closer to him, feeling the warmth of his arm against her shoulder, and her gaze fell on another verse: “I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me.”

  “You hadn’t acknowledged God,” she said. “But He gave you the strength to carry through anyway.” She laid her hand on his. “God’s hand had been on you the entire time.”

  He turned his hand upward and captured her fingers with his. “I just wish Jakey hadn’t died.”

  She squeezed back. “Me, too.”

  Perhaps they would never understand why the faithful man had had to die so young. For now, it would have to be enough to trust that Jakey was safe in God’s heavenly embrace.

  Gray rose to his feet and held out a hand to help her up. “My sweet, loyal Ruthie.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and held her as if he might never let go. “God was there for me when I needed Him, and you were like a steadfast pillar. But I turned away from both of you.”

  She smiled up at him. “That’s in the past.”

  “I’ll never turn from God again,” he promised, “no more than I will ever turn away from you.”

  He dropped his hands down her arms and once again captured her hands in his.

  “I love you, Ruthie. Will you take a chance on me? Will you marry me?”

  She had always known God had chosen this man for her. And now, at long last, he’d proved it. “I’ve always been yours, Gray. You’re the only man I’ve ever loved.” Her spirit soared with so much happiness she could barely hold it all in. Her left hand clamped together in a prayer of thanksgiving. “Of course I’ll marry you!”

  Gray moved in to kiss her, then abruptly stopped. He lifted her left hand, his fingers shaping themselves around hers.

  Thinking he found it silly, she started to shake her fingers loose, but he stopped her.

  “I kind of like it,” he said with a grin. “It emu-ses me. In fact—” he folded his own hand to match hers “—I might even start doing it myself. And there’s no time like the present.”

  With that, he touched his fingertips to hers and made a smooching noise.

  She laughed with delight, her voice seeming to echo in the empty sanctuary. Perhaps the echo was actually God, joining in their laughter.

  And then Gray really kissed her.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from HANNAH’S COURTSHIP by Emma Miller.

  Dear Reader

  One of my favorite memories of my grandmother is of her lining up all the grandchildren, telling each of us how smart, sweet and beautiful or handsome we were and sealing the declaration with a heartfelt hug and kiss. At one memorable family gathering, my twelve-year-old cousin had brought along a scruffy-looking friend who unexpectedly found himself in the receiving line with us. When Nanny got to the visitor, she didn’t even pause at his dirty, ragamuffin appearance. Instead, she remarked on his lovely blue eyes, told him how precious he was, then hugged and kissed him just as she had the rest. The boy beamed under her doting attention, and that moment forever sealed in my heart the true meaning of family.

  As one of six children in a yours-mine-and-ours union, I learned that families are more about love than they are about blood. More about commitment than bonds from birth. And in church I learned that, as children of God, we are all part of His holy family.

  Later, drawn to the theme of family, especially of families by choice, I found myself fashioning Ruthie’s “honorary grandparents” after my own big-hearted grandmother.

  As for the hero? What red-blooded woman wouldn’t want a caring, protective man like Gray to settle down with and start a family? A man devoted to those he loves. A family man.

  From me and my family to you and yours...

  Love and grace,

  Questions for Discussion

  As a teen, Ruthie’s mother died, leaving her without family and with nowhere to go. Fortunately, she was taken in by a couple from church. Could you see yourself doing the same for a member of your community? What are the potential drawbacks? What unexpected blessings might you and they receive?

  Gray’s faith was shaken as the result of a traumatic experience in his life. Do you believe that when someone loses his faith, he also loses his salvati
on? What verse(s) in the Bible back up your belief?

  If one partner’s faith is weaker than the other’s, does that mean they’re “unequally yoked”? Why or why not?

  If you knew of a Christian who had turned away from God, how would you handle the matter with them? Would you try to find ways to convince them of God’s unshakeable love, or would you give that person distance to figure it out on his own?

  Some people look at certain life events as random coincidences, and others see them as evidence of God working in their lives. How do you feel about that? What does the Bible say about it? What “coincidence” in your life do you believe was evidence of God in action?

  Ruthie has an unusual way of praying. Where and how do you do most of your praying?

  Ruthie’s “honorary grandmother” was named Naoko. How is their relationship similar to, or different from, that of Ruth and Naomi in the Bible?

  Sobo’s doll was very important to her. How do you think she would have felt if it hadn’t been found? Which of your possessions do you have the most sentimental attachment to, and why?

  Like Gray, Mr. Denton was deeply affected by what he experienced during his military deployment. Do you think Ruthie should have done more (or less) to help him? Why or why not?

  Ruthie and her roommates teamed up to form the group of stores called Abundance. In what ways have you teamed up with others to achieve something that was stronger than the sum of its parts?

  A lot of water had passed under the bridge since Gray and Ruthie’s breakup. Do you think broken couples can overcome their difficulties and eventually create an even stronger relationship than before? Why or why not?

  We hope you enjoyed this Harlequin Love Inspired story.

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  Chapter One


  Kent County, Delaware

  Heart thumping, Hannah Yoder awoke with a start in her bed, barely catching her Bible before it tumbled off her lap to the floor. Still foggy with sleep, she placed the Good Book safely on the nightstand beside her bed and retrieved the reading glasses that must have fallen when she dozed off. What time was it? Glancing at the clock on the mantel over the fireplace, she saw that it was eleven-thirty.

  I’m getting old and foolish, she thought, falling asleep with the propane lamp on. She never did that. A mother with a houseful of children had to be vigilant against accidental fires...especially when they lived in a two-hundred-year-old house.

  And then she remembered that five of her girls were grown and married and the sixth was promised to the community’s new preacher. Where has the time gone? Only yesterday, I was a young woman with a husband and seven beautiful children, and today, I’m widowed and nearly fifty. In another month, there would be only her youngest daughter, Susanna, and her foster son, Irwin, left to share the big farmhouse.

  Nearly midnight and she had to be up by five-thirty...She’d never been one to have trouble sleeping, but maybe the stress of preparing for Rebecca’s wedding was affecting her more than she realized. She reached up to turn off the lamp, but then a nagging uneasiness tugged at her and drew her from the bed. The floorboards were cold and she slid her bare feet into a pair of her late husband Jonas’s old fleece-lined slippers and reached for her flannel robe.

  Something didn’t feel right. What had awakened her? Had she had a bad dream? One of her windows was open a crack, letting in a cool, damp breeze, but that wasn’t what had raised goose bumps on her arms. No, something was amiss.

  She went to the window and stared out into the night. All was quiet in the farmyard. Common sense struggled with maternal instinct. Neither of the dogs had raised the alarm. True, their old sheepdog was somewhat hard of hearing, but Irwin’s terrier could hear a mouse squeak in the next county. There was certainly no intruder. What troubled her?

  Hannah had always considered herself a calm, rational woman. One couldn’t remain sane raising a houseful of children and be prone to nervous fancies. She looked back at her bed, wanting nothing more than to crawl back under the covers and get a good night’s sleep. But she knew that she wouldn’t get a wink until she’d reassured herself that all was well.

  Taking a flashlight from the nightstand, she switched it on. Nothing. Not even a faint glow. The batteries were dead. Again. Hannah sighed, guessing that Susanna had been playing with it.

  The propane lamp was attached to the wall, so she took an old-fashioned kerosene lantern from the top of a dresser, lit it and, holding it high, padded into the hall. Quietly, feeling silly, she opened first one door and then the next. There was nothing out of place in the spare bedroom across from hers. No one in the downstairs bathroom. Green eyes peered back at Hannah from the settee in the parlor, and her heart skipped a beat.


  “Oscar.” She let out the breath she’d been unconsciously holding. “Sorry.” The glowing green orbs blinked and the tomcat flattened his single remaining ear against his gray head and flicked his long tail back and forth, obviously annoyed at being disturbed when he was on duty.

  The landing at the bottom of the main staircase was still, every item in place, the wood gleaming and free of dust. And no wonder, Susanna, the same careless daughter who’d used up the flashlight batteries, had spent all afternoon waxing the floor and furniture, polishing the oak balusters and steps, and sweeping away cobwebs.

  A smile curved Hannah’s lips. Dear, precious Susanna, born with Down syndrome. Twenty-one and forever a child. Whatever Susanna did, she threw her whole heart and soul into it. That daughter, at least, would remain home with her. In spite of the challenges of mothering a special child, Hannah had always thought of Susanna as God’s gift, much more of a blessing than a worry.

  The kitchen, warm and cozy from the fire in the woodstove, was as tidy as Hannah had left it when she’d gone up to bed at nine. Irwin’s shoes stood on the steps that led to the back stairway. Hannah opened the door to the staircase and smiled again. From the second floor came the loud, regular buzz of Irwin’s snoring. Hannah held the lantern up higher and called softly. “Jeremiah!”

  She heard the patter of small feet, and the face of a scruffy terrier appeared at the top of the stairs. “It’s all right, Jeremiah,” she said, closing the door. If Jeremiah was on guard, no one had come unbidden into the house. She checked the back door, found it locked and retraced her steps to the front room. She’d found nothing to cause her concern, but she still wasn’t satisfied.

  I’m being ridiculous. “I should just go back to bed,” she said, her voice louder than she intended. But she wouldn’t be able to sleep until she’d fully investigated the house. She started up to the second floor where Rebecca and Susanna slept. Susanna’s room first. Empty, as expected. Susanna had wanted her own bedroom because, in her own words, she was a woman grown. But, usually, she grew lonely at night and crawled into her sister’s bed.

  The bathroom door stood open, the interior dark. The unused bedrooms presented a wall of closed doors, all latched from the hall side. No problem there. There was only Rebecca’s chamber left, where Hannah expected to find both of her girls fast asleep. It was a shame, really, to disturb them by opening the door and shining lamplight into their eyes. She did it anyway.

  “Mam?” Rebecca stirred and raised a hand to shield her eyes. “What time is it? Did I oversleep?”

  Hannah stepped into the room. Rebecca was alone in the four
-poster bed. No Susanna. “Where’s your sister?” she asked, trying to keep the alarm out of her voice. “Where’s Susanna?”

  “In her bed, I suppose.” Rebecca rubbed her eyes with the backs of her hands. “She never came in. I thought—”

  “Are you sure?” Hannah raised the lamp to see into the far corners of the room. “She’s not in her room.”

  “Downstairs, maybe? Sometimes she gets hungry and—”

  “Not in the bathroom. Not in the kitchen.” Hannah suppressed a shiver. “She’s not anywhere in the house.”

  Rebecca scrambled out of bed and found her robe. “I don’t think she’d go outside. She’s afraid of the dark. She’s got to be here. Remember the time we thought she was lost and we found her asleep in the pantry?”

  Hannah grimaced. “She was eight years old, and she was only missing for a little while. I went to bed at nine. I don’t know how long she’s—”

  “We’ll find her.” Rebecca pulled on a pair of black wool stockings and took her sneakers out of a chifforobe. “You check the house again. I’ll look in the yard and barns.” She turned on a high-powered flashlight. Hannah was glad to know that Rebecca’s still had batteries.

  Another search of the house, including the rooms over the kitchen, where Irwin slept, proved futile. Anxiously, Hannah stepped out onto the back porch. Rebecca, identified by the bobbing flashlight beam, was just coming out of the barn. “Is she there?” Hannah called.

  “Ne.” Not Rebecca’s normal tone. Her voice was flat.

  Hannah’s fear flared. Rebecca might not have found Susanna, but she’d discovered something she didn’t like. “What is it?” Hannah demanded, coming down the steps to the back walk. She hurried to the gate, gripping the gatepost to keep her balance. “What’s out there?”

  “It’s what’s not there, Mam. The pony’s gone. And Dat’s courting buggy.”


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