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The Longest Day

Page 23

by Erin Hunter

  Anarteq began the white bears’ ceremony. “Sun, we welcome you on this, the Longest Day. Hear my words. Your reign is ending. From now on, the dark will return at the end of each day, bringing with it snow and ice, and striking stillness into the melted ice.”

  Kunik went on. “White bears will be able to return to their feeding grounds once more. Bear spirits, bring back the dark, so that you may shine again in your tiny fragments of ice.” He nodded to Kallik.

  Raising her eyes to the darkening sky, she sought out the first glimmering star. “Drive the sun lower in the sky, so that we can honor you from our ancient home on the ice.” She looked at Yakone. Our home on the ice. Was he thinking of Star Island, too, their home for the rest of their moons together?

  Dustu nodded to Lusa. “I think you should lead our ceremony.” His gaze flicked around the others. “Without Lusa, many would have not survived the accident with the firebeast. She and her white and brown friends saved us from the fire. The power to heal, the power to trust, the power to make friends—all these are mightier than the greatest strength.”

  Surprise flickered in Lusa’s eyes. She stared around, until Miki nosed her forward.

  Lusa climbed onto the rock beside Dustu and looked across the lake. “Thank you, spirits of the trees, for the long days of sun that have brought us berries and leaves and warmed the earth so that grubs could grow.” She kept her gaze on the water, avoiding the charred stumps encircling the lake.

  Suddenly a fresh breeze whisked in from the lake, sweeping away the stench of the burnt forest, bringing instead the scent of distant pines.

  Dustu lifted his muzzle, the wind rippling through his fur. “The spirits have heard us and replied.”

  Lusa peered at the old black bear. “Does that mean they are safe in new homes?”

  “I think it does.”

  The black bears chuffed happily to one another.

  “I wonder where Hashi is?” Ossi’s voice rose above the others.

  Sheena stared hopefully into the distance. “He’s found a new place with Hala, where they can watch over the lake forever.”

  Anarteq stepped to the water’s edge and faced the bears. “At the last Longest Day, we were all hungry, all fighting to survive. We survived the last suncircle, and now the fire. And we will keep on surviving, because we have no other choice. But perhaps survival is not enough on its own. Perhaps we should remember the power of friendship. We cannot live our lives separate from all the other living things—either prey or bears.” Anarteq dipped his head. “Go in peace, friends.”

  Kallik watched the bears shift, drifting apart like clouds blown by the wind.

  Lusa jumped down onto the pebbles. “I’ll be back in a moment!” she promised Kallik.

  Only Toklo and Aiyanna remained beside her.

  “I guess we’re all going home now,” Toklo grunted.

  Kallik jerked her gaze toward him. This couldn’t be the end. Not now! She wasn’t ready. Anger flared beneath her pelt. “How can you sound so calm about it?”

  Toklo met her gaze, and she saw grief in his eyes, so sharp that she felt guilty at her outburst. He would feel their parting as sharply as she did.

  “Toklo!” Akocha bounded toward the rock. “I want to come home with you!”

  Aiyanna blinked at the cub. “What about your poor mother? What will she do without you?”

  Akocha looked at her gravely. “She makes too many rules. I can never remember them all, and I’m always breaking them.”

  Toklo nuzzled the young bear’s ear. “You need to listen to her rules and learn as much as you can. She’s teaching you how to grow up into a strong, brave bear.”

  “Like you?”

  “Just like Toklo,” Aiyanna agreed.

  “Akocha!” Tayanita was calling from farther up the shore, where the brown bears were gathering, ready to leave.

  Akocha jumped down. “See you next suncircle!” he called over his shoulder. Aiyanna followed him, shooing him toward Tayanita.

  Yakone joined them on the rock. He nodded toward Lusa, who was standing beside Miki. Kallik could hear their soft growls.

  “You’re really coming home with me?” Miki asked.

  “Of course!” Lusa gazed at him happily. Then her gaze darkened as Ossi approached.

  Miki turned to greet him, but Ossi spoke first. “You’re a lucky bear, Miki.”

  Miki dipped his head. “I know.”

  “Good luck to you both.” He turned toward Chula, Rudi, Sheena, and Tibik, who were waiting for him at the edge of the blackened forest. “See you next time,” he called over his shoulder.

  Kallik noticed that the Star Island bears were gathering at the water’s edge. Kissimi was wading in the shallows, slapping his paws down as he tried to catch the tiny fish that flitted there.

  “I think they’re waiting for us,” Kallik whispered to Yakone.

  Lusa scrambled onto the rock, and the four bears stood in silence for a moment, muzzles close.

  “Time to leave,” Lusa whispered.

  Toklo’s eyes clouded. “We’ve seen more than any bears will ever see.”

  “We swam with orca,” Kallik murmured, the memory so fresh in her mind it seemed like only yesterday.

  “We learned to ride the currents in the Big River.” Lusa’s eyes shone.

  “You saved my life.” Yakone stared fondly at Lusa before lifting his gaze to the others. “You all did.”

  “We saved each other more times than I can count,” Toklo growled.

  A lump swelled in Kallik’s throat. “And now it’s over.”

  “Not over,” Lusa corrected her. She glanced at Miki, waiting on the shore. “We all have new beginnings.”

  Every day is a new beginning, a voice breathed with the wind. Kallik blinked. Had the others heard it, too? Toklo lifted his head sharply. Lusa’s fur tingled along her spine. As Kallik looked at Yakone, she glimpsed a shape moving among them. Hardly more than a shadow, it wreathed around them. A familiar scent touched her nose. Ujurak.

  Wordlessly, the bears made space for him.

  He shimmered, barely visible between them. “I’m very proud of you all.” His voice stirred Kallik’s ear fur like a warm breeze. “I’ll be watching over you forever.”

  Kallik strained to see him better, longing for the rippling haze to become real. But a wind whipped in from the lake, and like smoke, he disappeared.

  Kallik caught Toklo’s eye. Sadness shone in his dark gaze.

  “Toklo!” Aiyanna called to him softly across the shore. “We should go.”

  Toklo nodded to her, then turned to Lusa. “Thank you, Lusa, for never losing hope. And Yakone.” His gaze settled on the white male. “Without your strength I’m not sure we would have survived.” Finally he met Kallik’s gaze.

  Her breath caught in her throat.

  “Kallik.” Toklo’s voice was husky with emotion. “You have taught me the importance of trust.” He glanced at Aiyanna. “You all have given me so much. Now I know how to be happy.”

  As he turned away, Kallik’s heart swelled.

  “Good-bye.” Lusa reached up. Her fruity breath bathed Kallik’s muzzle as they touched noses. “I’ll miss you.” She turned to Yakone. “You too.” Nuzzling him quickly, her eyes glistening with sadness, Lusa bounded from the rock and joined Miki on the shore.

  Kallik gazed at Yakone. Sorrow choked her.

  “It’s time to go,” Yakone murmured. “Star Island is waiting for us.”

  She followed him along the shore, to where Taqqiq and Shila were waiting to say good-bye, pausing to blink away grief. One more parting to go, and then they would begin the long journey home.



  Lusa’s paws ached. The hot sun scorched her back. “We must be near now.” Weary to the bone, she looked at Miki.

  He was a little way ahead, following the winding deer track up the wooded slope. “I’m sure this is the last hill,” he puffed.

is!” a male cub barked from the top. “I can see it!”

  “I saw it first!” his sister huffed.

  “You did not!”

  “Now, now.” Miki caught up to the cubs and walked between them.

  We’re here at last! Lusa’s tiredness melted away and excitement fizzed beneath her pelt. As she reached the top, the view rolled out before her. The lake stretched, sparkling and blue, between pine-wooded hills toward the distant horizon. It was just as she remembered.

  “It’s so big!” The male cub stared, wide-eyed.

  Lusa nuzzled her son’s ear affectionately. “There, Yogi. I told you it was as big as an ocean.”

  His sister hopped from paw to paw. “Can we swim in it?”

  Miki glanced at Lusa, checking. “Can they?”

  “If they’re not too tired from the journey,” Lusa answered.

  “I’m not too tired!” Yogi raced down the hill toward the shore.

  “Neither am I!” yelped his sister, hurtling behind him.

  “Watch out, Ashia!” Miki bounded after them as their daughter nearly crashed through a thornbush, swerving just in time.

  Lusa paused at the top as her family disappeared among the trees. She gazed at the hills where the fire had ravaged the forest. They were green once more. Joy lifted her heart. She’d been sure that they would still be black and charred, just as they had been two—no, three—suncircles ago. Had it really been that long?

  She searched the shoreline, her heart quickening as she saw brown bears moving over the pebbles, as small as rabbits from this distance. Farther along, white bears flopped on their rocky beach like patches of melting snow. Warmth flooded her heart. She knew how hard the white bears took the burn-sky sun, and yet they still trekked here every suncircle to honor their spirits.

  Her paws pricked. Are they here? Plunging down the lush slope, she followed Miki, Yogi, and Ashia into the woods. She could hear them barking excitedly and followed their trail.

  “Did you see the islands in the lake?” Yogi puffed.

  “I’m going to swim to one and sleep on it all night,” Ashia announced.

  “No, you’re not!” Miki told her. “That lake is deep. You’re going to stay in the shallows with me.”

  “But Lusa said that her friends swam to the islands,” Ashia objected.

  “Her friends are brown bears and white bears. They’re used to swimming far.”

  As Lusa caught up to Miki, he flashed her an affectionate look. “I haven’t seen them this excited since Yogi found his first bees’ nest.”

  Lusa nudged her head against his shoulder. “I’m pretty excited, too.”

  “Miki! Is that you?” As they reached the black bears’ territory, a gruff voice called through the trees. Ossi ambled out, his snout wet with berry juice.

  “Ossi!” Miki hurried to greet him, butting him with his head. “How are you?”

  “Fine.” Ossi glanced over his shoulder. A female bear pushed through the ferns. “This is Yakni.” Yakni dipped her head. “These are old friends,” Ossi told her.

  Lusa stepped toward Ossi and touched her muzzle to his. “It’s great to see you again! Is Chula here?”

  Yakni nodded toward the ferns. “She’s picking berries back there.”

  “How’s her injured paw?” Lusa asked.

  “Injured paw?” Yakni looked puzzled. “She doesn’t have an injured paw.”

  Lusa felt a surge of delight. “It must have healed.”

  “Thanks to you, Lusa,” Ossi told her warmly.

  Yakni’s eyes lit up. “You’re Lusa!” She leaned forward and brushed her nose along Lusa’s cheek. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  As she spoke, Rudi padded stiffly up the slope toward them. “There are two young cubs down there, picking a bilberry patch clean,” he grunted. “Anyone would think they hadn’t eaten in a moon.”

  “That’ll be Yogi and Ashia. They love bilberries.” Miki hurried downslope. “They’re going to make themselves sick. They had a whole grub nest for breakfast.”

  Rudi met Lusa’s gaze. “Lusa! Are they your cubs?”

  “Yes,” she told him proudly.

  “They’re very handsome,” Rudi chuffed.

  “Thanks.” Lusa felt the tug of the shore. “I’ll catch up with you later.” She followed Miki down the slope.

  Rudi called after her. “Issa’s here! And Tibik!”

  “Great!” Lusa bounded past a bramble.

  Miki was shooing Yogi and Ashia away from the bilberry patch. He glanced at Lusa as she hurried past. “We’ll catch up!” He knew where she was going.

  She burst from the trees and ran along the shore, slowing as she saw the brown bears ahead. She recognized Hattack rolling in the shallows. And there was Shesh, standing on the wide, flat rock where they’d honored the spirits after the fire.

  She hurried past them, surprised to see them watching her warily. Had they forgotten Anarteq’s words? We should remember the power of friendship. We cannot live our lives separate from all the other living things—either prey or bears.

  A large female glared at her as Lusa nosed her way between two more groups. Suddenly, she felt nervous. Perhaps she shouldn’t have come here alone. Slowing, she looked around, meeting only puzzled and hostile stares. Then she saw Toklo.

  He was padding from the trees. His pelt was sleek and dark. Was he broader across the shoulders? His gaze still carried a trace of darkness, as though he was concentrating hard.

  “Toklo?” Lusa called.

  He jerked his muzzle around, his eyes puzzled.

  “Toklo! It’s me!”

  Toklo bounded over to her, scattering stones under his feet. “Lusa! You came!”

  She yelped in surprise as he tumbled her over, pummeling her with his great soft paws like they were cubs. Snorting with laughter, Lusa rolled over and stood up. She shook out her pelt, aware that the other brown bears were staring at them.

  “Take no notice of them!” Toklo grunted as he got up. “They have no idea how good it is to see you.” He walked along the shore to where Aiyanna was playing tag with a cub.

  “Toklo!” Lusa gasped. “Is she yours?”

  Toklo nodded. “She’s called Oka.” He blocked Oka’s path as she hurtled toward him and, scooping her up into a hug, nuzzled her lovingly.

  Lusa recognized Aiyanna’s face in the she-cub’s, as well as Toklo’s solemn gaze. “I’m an old friend of your father,” she explained as Toklo let the cub slither to the ground.

  “You’re Lusa,” Oka murmured shyly.

  “We told her all about you,” Toklo told her. “And Kallik and Yakone.”

  Lusa swung her head toward the white bears’ shore. “Are they here?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Toklo admitted. “We’ve only just arrived.”

  Aiyanna came to greet her, rubbing her muzzle against Lusa’s cheek. “Where’s Miki?”

  Lusa glanced back. Miki was herding Yogi and Ashia through the shallows, carefully skirting the crowd of brown bears. “He’s coming,” she told Aiyanna. “That’s Yogi and Ashia with them. They’re our cubs.”

  “How lovely!” Aiyanna trotted to meet them, Oka at her heels.

  Lusa glanced at Toklo. “Should we go find Kallik and Yakone?”

  “Of course!” Toklo bounded past her, racing for the white bears’ shore.

  Pebbles clattered as she pelted after him, overtaking him as they reached the rocky stretch of beach.

  A white female glared at them as they approached. “What are you doing here?” she growled.

  Lusa pulled up. Had the white bears forgotten Anarteq’s words, too?

  “Nukka!” a familiar voice called from behind. “Don’t you recognize them? It’s Lusa and Toklo!” Shila moved toward them. She called over her shoulder. “Yakone! Kallik! They’re here!”

  Lusa stared at the crowd of white bears, her heart leaping as Yakone pushed between them. Kallik followed with two white cubs at her flank.

  “You have cub
s, too!” Lusa gasped. She bounded over and pressed herself against the huge white she-bear, letting the fishy smell of her old friend wash over her. Beside them, Toklo greeted Yakone by butting his head against the white bear’s shoulder.

  Lusa felt a wet muzzle in her ear. One of the cubs was sniffing her. She pulled away, twitching with amusement.

  “That’s Chulyin,” Kallik told her. She nosed the other cub forward. “And this is his brother, Suka.”

  Chulyin didn’t look at Lusa. His gaze was on Yogi, Ashia, and Oka. “What are they doing on our shore?”

  “Yogi and Ashia are my cubs,” Lusa explained.

  “Oka’s my daughter,” Toklo added.

  Chulyin’s eyes widened. “Can we play with them?” He didn’t wait for a reply but rushed toward them, calling to his brother, “Come on, Suka! We can teach them our new game.”

  Kallik watched them go. “They are so full of energy.”

  Lusa chuffed happily. “So are Yogi and Ashia.”

  Kallik blinked at her. “What lovely names.” She turned to Toklo. “And you’ve named your daughter after your mother!”

  Lusa gazed at Toklo, Kallik, and Yakone. “We’re all here,” she breathed.

  “We hoped you’d come this year,” Toklo told her. “We were starting to worry about you.”

  “It’s been hard to leave my new home.” Lusa’s thoughts flashed to her first seasons in the forest with Miki. She was so happy. And now she was with her old friends again. Memories flooded her like sunshine: finding Taqqiq; losing Ujurak and then Chenoa; meeting Yakone; rescuing the trapped black bear spirits from the logjam in the river; riding on the back of a firesnake.

  “How is Star Island?” she asked Kallik.

  “It’s great. The hunting has been good these past seasons. It feels wonderful to have nothing but ice beneath my paws.” She gazed fondly at Yakone. “I can’t imagine living anywhere else.”

  Lusa turned to Toklo. “And the forest?”

  Toklo grunted. “Not bad. I chased Chogan off again, just as I’d promised, and we made his territory ours.” For a moment satisfaction sharpened his gaze, but then it drifted to Aiyanna and Oka and softened. “Now I have the home I’ve always wanted.”


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