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A Magical Shift: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 1)

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by Vella Day

After planting a kiss on the pup’s head, she looked up at Rye. “I’m ready. What are you waiting for?”

  “Funny girl.” Still holding the puppy against his chest, he rolled his eyes, and then slid into the front seat of her car.

  She inhaled deeply and wrinkled her nose as she fired up the engine. “Phew, you two stink.”

  “You would too, if you ran into a burning building.”

  She took off but not before looking over at the dog. “Was he burned?”

  “I can’t tell, but he didn’t cry out when I checked him over.”

  “I called ahead and asked Dr. Dana to meet me at the clinic since we’d just closed.”

  “Smart.” Once his sister and her new patient arrived at the clinic, he said he’d walk the two blocks back to the fire station to pick up his vehicle. He then handed her the puppy. “Thanks for coming out so fast.”


  As soon as they were safely inside, he headed toward the station feeling a bit funny traipsing down the streets in his fireman’s gear, especially on a warm summer night.

  At home, Rye pushed open the front door and found his future Beta and second-in-command, Kalan, stretched out on the chaise lounge with a beer in his hand. The T-shirt Rye had worn yesterday was still on the chair next to Kalan, along with today’s newspaper, but at least the coffee table was devoid of garbage like the pizza box from last night’s dinner. “Not that I mind, but what are you doing here?”

  “I needed a little energy release and wanted to see if you were up for a run.”

  “I’d like one, but I need to shower first.”

  Kalan waved his beer. “Do it later. By the time I finish throwing you in the dirt, you’ll just have to get clean again.”

  Rye gave him the finger. “Don’t you wish, but then you’ll have to smell me.”

  “I’ll suffer.”

  “Let me grab something to drink. My throat’s dry.” Rye walked past the four-seater dining room table into the open-concept kitchen and pulled out two beers since he noticed Kalan’s was almost empty. He returned and handed Kalan his. “Here.”

  “Thanks. I heard about Donaldson’s warehouse. Do you think it was arson?”

  “Given the origin and speed with which the fire burned, it was definitely driven by an accelerant.”

  “Could the Changelings have masterminded it? It is a red moon tonight.”

  “Always a possibility. If they are responsible, they are probably just blowing off steam. Which reminds me, the fire truck I was on, drove by the break-in at the hardware store, and I saw the damage.”

  He nodded. “I worked that scene right after I checked out the graffiti sprayed on the back of the church.”

  “Sounds like kids might have been responsible for that.”

  Kalan polished off his first beer then opened the second. “That’s what we thought, especially when we found the tipped over garbage cans behind the grocery store, but the break-in at the hardware store seemed a bit over the top for teens. Add in the fire, and I’m thinking those bastard Changelings are fucking with the town again.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if they transformed themselves to look like local teenage boys then passed by a few security cameras just to throw us off.” Rye slipped out of his hot uniform shirt, tossed it on the kitchen island, and then dragged his tired ass over to the sofa and sat across from his friend. “Why act up now when they’ve been rather calm for the last few cycles?” Rye asked.

  “I wish I knew, but it’s not like I can ask them or secure any kind of search warrant without probable cause. Nor can I go to the Sheriff and say there are some crazy ass werewolves causing trouble.”

  Rye chuckled. “That would cause a stir.” The townsfolk of Silver Lake had no idea what kind of creatures lived in the hills north of town. Rye leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “I’ve been thinking about the fire and why they might have targeted Donaldson’s place.”

  Kalan’s eyes widened. “Why is that?”

  “Not that this is based on any fact, but the only reason would be to keep all of us so busy, we wouldn’t catch them doing something else really bad.”

  “Such as?”

  “The power hungry monsters might be looking for a way to steal more onyx. If they have us running around, putting out literal and figurative fires, they could search in peace.” No one knew for sure why the Changelings needed the sardonyx so much, but it was suspected that it protected them from harm.

  “It’s as good a theory as any. What do you propose we do about it?”

  Rye jumped up and paced. “Fuck if I know.”

  Kalan set his beer down then pulled his dirty blond hair back into a ponytail. “Perhaps a run will clear our heads. Unless you’d rather shower and head into town. We could find us some pretty little ladies and wear off our excess energy that way. You up for it? It might improve that sour mood of yours.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not moody. Irritated and a bit on edge, perhaps. As for going out, I don’t have any excess energy. Hell, with all this shit that’s been happening, I need to focus on taking care of our clan and not let some woman disrupt my brain.”

  Kalan laughed. “You better hope you don’t meet someone claiming to be your mate.”

  “That would suck now, wouldn’t it?” He didn’t need any more talk of women. “Let’s go for a run.” Or rather a playful jaunt, as bears weren’t built for speed. His wolf could run circles around Kalan.

  Once they disrobed, they headed outside. The McKinnon compound consisted of six homes scattered across twenty acres with plenty of room around Silver Lake for additional buildings should the need arise. Kalan’s family had an equal spread next to theirs. Since only shifters lived in this walled off region, they were free to run and roam without human notice.

  Rye shifted into his wolf form first, and then Kalan became his bear. Good thing they were friends because Kalan could seriously harm him if he wished. It wouldn’t take more than a few well-placed swipes to put Rye out of commission for a day or two. The same age, the two had chased, battled, and played together since their youth, helping Kalan learn his limits.

  Despite having worked close to a thirty-six hour shift, Rye charged first, jumping on Kalan’s back. The hulk swung around and knocked him off. Just to be a pain in the ass, Rye took off running toward his brother’s house in an attempt to tire out Kalan.

  “No fair. I’m too beat to chase you,” he telepathed.

  Rye was beat too. “You said you wanted to go for a run. You change your mind?”


  It was only after their parents announced their retirement as Alpha and Beta that he and Kalan had been able to communicate telepathically, and the novelty had yet to wear off.

  Rye loped back to his friend, and then went on the offensive, once more managing to get in a few good gouges before retreating. As they became more energized by having fun, their growls and snarls rang through the forest.

  “Hey, you two,” Chelsea shouted.

  Rye stopped. Man, he hadn’t even sensed his sister was near. He was losing it. Chelsea was carrying the puppy who appeared quite content. “I stopped by to tell you that Badger is going to be okay, thanks to you big brother.”

  Badger was a cute name, but in his shifted form, he couldn’t tell her that. Times like this, the restriction of whom he could communicate with was frustrating and inconvenient. If he shifted back into his human form, however, he’d be naked. Usually that wasn’t a big deal, but this was his sister, so he remained in his animal form. Kalan had enough sense to do the same.

  “I don’t want to interrupt your playtime, boys; I’m just delivering the good news.” She held up a palm and continued, “No need to shift on my account.”

  Kalan roared.

  “Because I don’t need to see anyone’s private parts, that’s why, especially my brother’s.” She acted as if she understood what Kalan’s roar meant. With a grin, she waved goodbye. “Later.”

  She sp
un around and rushed back the way she came. This time, Rye howled at her hasty retreat. As soon as she was out of sight, they shifted and headed inside to dress. As much as Rye enjoyed the quick tussle, his neck was stiff from Kalan flipping him over. He rubbed the sore area near his shoulder, hitting a sensitive spot.

  “You should get a massage and have your aura cleansed at the Crystal Winds Spa,” Kalan said.

  “Great idea. While I’m there, I’ll make sure to get a mani-pedi too.” He glared at his friend. “Hell no, I’m not going to a spa. That’s for women.”

  “Not true. Both our dads claim Kathryn Berta has the hands of a goddess. One hour under her talented fingers, along with some crystals and aroma therapy, and you’ll be good as new.” Kalan tapped his chest. “I’ve been, and afterward, I felt like a new man. In fact, after the day I’ve had, I might make an appointment for myself.”

  “You’ve never said anything before.”

  “Because I knew you’d ridicule me.”

  That was probably true, and if ever there was a time that he needed a clear head, this was it. “I’ll think about it, but if I do go, you absolutely cannot tell anyone.”

  Kalan laughed. He made the motion of zipping up his mouth and throwing away the key. “Go take your shower, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  As soon as his friend left, Rye hurried to wash off the stench and think. He loved his job and he loved his Clan, but he had a hard time prioritizing what needed to be his main focus. Should he work his way up the fireman’s ladder so to speak, or throw all of his energy into being the best possible Alpha?

  Right now, what he needed was a shower and a good night’s sleep.

  After the much-needed shower, Rye crawled into bed but found it was hard to turn off his brain, despite his exhaustion. He would doze for a while, and then wake up again thinking about the Changelings and what he and the other shifters could do to contain them.

  By the time morning arrived, he was agitated and pissed off that he’d let himself lose sleep over those mutant werewolves. Even before he had a cup of coffee, he called the Berta home, hoping Kathryn could fit him in for a relaxing aura cleansing.

  She answered after the first ring. “So nice to hear from you, Ryerson.” He asked if she was free. “For you, I’ll find the time. How about nine? We’ll have your aura cleansed and your muscles relaxed in no time. In case you don’t know, for privacy purposes, we do our cleansing for your family and the Murdochs at the house next to mine.”

  “Izzy’s place?” he asked. Her parents had given it to her when she’d graduated from college, but she hadn’t lived there in the last four years.


  “Sounds great and thank you. I’ll see you soon.”

  Once Rye disconnected, his energy actually perked up knowing he might soon be able to figure out a few things. He quickly brewed his coffee and fried three eggs and some bacon. By the time he had finished eating, he was running late and left his dishes in the sink.

  He hopped into his black Ford Escape and headed down Riverside Drive toward the Berta compound, admiring the sparkles shooting off the stream that connected Silver Lake to Wendayan Cove. He and his father had visited the Berta family last year when Kathryn’s husband, Len, had needed some help.

  A burst of energy speared him at seeing the well-kept, pretty, yellow house with white shutters. Sitting on about two acres, the wood frame home had a nice porch and a long pathway lined with flowers that led to the street. A small but well-tended garden was to the west of Izzy’s single-story home.

  Once he parked, Rye cut the engine and jumped out. Instantly, the sounds of the distant waterfall settled his nerves. As he continued up the pathway, he inhaled the sweet scent of the honeysuckle that bordered the path. Nice.

  Rye knocked, and when the door opened, his body practically exploded with unbridled lust.

  No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening. Not now.

  Chapter Two


  Rye could only stare. Izzy was more beautiful than he remembered. Her wide-set deep blue eyes shone with happiness and her full ruby lips were made for kissing.

  “Rye! How nice to see you again.” She held out her hand, not knowing that her presence was making his body go wild with need, his wolf demanding to be set free. “Come on in.”

  As soon as he shook her soft hand, his attraction magnified. With a five-year age difference, they had rarely run into each other during their school years, but even if they had, he had been nowhere near ready to be mated back then.

  Was Izzy his mate? It sure as hell felt like it, but he wasn’t happy about it or willing to admit it just yet.

  The shifter community believed Naliana paired up people, and if that were true, he needed to find some way to make the goddess pay since this meeting couldn’t have come at a worse time. As the future Alpha, if he ever did mate, it should be to another wolf.

  When she stepped closer, her alluring scent invaded his body. Rye couldn’t quite pinpoint the incredible aroma wafting off her, but it seemed to be a cross between some kind of day lily and hops. Whatever its name, her scent was addictive, provocative, and ever so captivating.

  From her outward calmness, she didn’t appear to have any idea they were destined to be together. “I hadn’t heard you’d returned home,” he said, not wanting to just stand there and stare.

  A pretty pink hue tinged her pale skin. “My studies overseas were cut short. But enough about me. Mother said you wanted your aura cleansed.” The soft, tempting way she said it sounded like water caressing a leaf after a long drought.

  “Yes. With the crime spree last night, I need to clear my head.” She smiled, and his damned dick turned harder than any crystal on one of the nearby shelves.

  “Follow me.”

  The cozy living room was a combination of light blues, pinks, and greens. The large white sofa with its many tasseled pillows looked very comfortable, and he wondered if Izzy had picked out the furniture before she left the country or if her mom had come in and redecorated. An oil painting of the entire Berta family hung above the brick fireplace, but it was from her earlier years.

  He wanted to ask why her mother wasn’t here to perform the cleansing, but that would have been rude. Rye’s dad had come here often to have his aura cleansed, and Rye now regretted not asking him what to expect during this cleansing process, but he’d been too damn arrogant to believe he’d ever need one.

  Rye followed Izzy into a small room off the living room where a massage table sat squarely in the middle. The lights were low, soft music was playing, and the scent of incense filled the air. The crystals—pink quartz, black onyx, jade, and a brown stone he didn’t recognize were displayed on a long, narrow table along the side wall. This, along with the lit incense, helped reduce the urge to do something about his mating call—at least for now.

  Izzy nodded to the table. “Go ahead and get undressed, and then place the sheet over yourself. I’ll wait outside while you get ready.” She then quietly slipped out of the room.

  Was she serious? He wasn’t sure he could be naked anywhere near her and not embarrass himself. He rubbed the outline of his cock that was pressing hard against his jeans. This wasn’t good. No way could he keep his erection from tenting the sheet. He’d have to roll onto his stomach and think of the Changelings, the horrid creatures they were. He’d do anything to take his mind off Izzy’s tantalizing scent.

  As he pictured the evil werewolves, his yearning decreased. He quickly undressed, and then climbed onto the table, pleased that he might survive this experience after all. Unfortunately, the moment she returned, his lust surged again. Her sweet fragrance once more invaded his body and wreaked havoc with his libido.

  Once Izzy closed the door behind her, the room seemed to shrink in size. Pure disgust at his inability to control his desires slammed into him, and Rye inhaled to push out the prurient thoughts. Men for ages had been dealing with this whole mating thing, and none of them had died—other tha
n from embarrassment—so he just needed to suck it up.

  With his face planted firmly in the donut ring, he could only see her feet, but her soft footsteps were enough to indicate her every move. Two hard objects scraped against each other, and then her delicate scent drifted toward him again.

  “Now relax,” she crooned. “I’m going to pass these crystals over you. Let yourself feel the recharging aura soak deep into you.”

  He let out a breath, relieved she wouldn’t be rubbing oil over his naked skin. If any part of her touched him, he’d be lost for sure. Damn Kalan for suggesting he come here. By the time Izzy was finished with him, he’d probably be more of an emotional mess than before he came, which defeated the original purpose of his visit.

  Stop being a baby and let her do her thing.

  Trying to take his own advice, he closed his eyes and attempted to push out his frustrations and angry thoughts. It was ridiculous that a woman he hadn’t seen in years could affect him so much. He was built of stronger stuff. Rye would overcome!

  For the next half hour, Izzy switched crystals, dragging them up and down his body while chanting words he didn’t understand. Eventually, her soothing tone achieved the goal. His mind cleared somewhat, and his muscles finally relaxed.

  She tapped his butt. “We’re done. I’m going to step out now, but I want you to rest here for a few minutes. When you’re ready, get dressed and come join me.”

  Not waiting for him to answer, she stepped out of the room. Rye was pleased she had acted totally professional but, dare he say, indifferent to him? Perhaps he’d made a mistake in thinking they were to become mates.

  Embarrassed at not having asked enough questions about different species mating, he lifted the sheet and sat up. His intense sexual attraction was probably due to the fact he’d been under so much stress lately and hadn’t bothered to find release with another woman in quite a while. This yearning and need must have been a result of his upcoming responsibilities within the Clan.

  Confident he’d figured out the source of his recent discomfort, he slid off the table and tugged on his clothes, feeling stronger than ever. This aura cleansing sure had done the trick.


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