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A Magical Shift: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 1)

Page 11

by Vella Day

  Figuring they could return to her house for more clothes whenever she needed, Izzy packed for only a couple of days.

  “What about all your crystals and stuff?” Rye called from the living room.

  How thoughtful that he asked. “They stay, since Mom’s been using this house for her special clients,” she called back—meaning those like the McKinnons and the Murdochs. She might treat some others here, but she’d never asked.

  Izzy packed a few outfits and toiletries then returned to the living room.

  “That’s all you need?” he asked.

  She laughed. “I only took two suitcases with me when I moved to Europe.”

  He smiled then lifted the case from her fingers. The action didn’t imply he believed she wasn’t incapable of carrying it, but more of a gentleman thing. Because she didn’t want to be without her own transportation, she followed him back to his house in her car. Fortunately, there were no stranded vehicles on the side of the road to waylay them.

  When he took her suitcase into a bedroom that looked unused, disappointment swamped her. He must want to convince her that he’d asked her there merely to protect her. Izzy guessed she would just have to change his mind.

  The space was rather Spartan with a blue, ribbed bedspread, a nightstand with a lamp, and an old three-drawer dresser. No artwork hung on the wall, but a small, cluttered desk abutted one wall.

  “Is this your office?”

  “Yes, but don’t worry. I won’t disturb you.”

  That hadn’t been her concern. She would be inconveniencing him. “Feel free to come in whenever you need.” Even if I’m in bed.

  He set down her case and walked her back to the living room. “Wine?” he asked.

  If it would get him to loosen up, she’d have some. “Absolutely.”

  Izzy plopped down on the leather sofa and sank back against the cushions. Not knowing the exact time this spell had been cast, she couldn’t know for sure when it would release. Just in case the effect wore off slowly, she held out her hand to create a swirl of wind around her body. Damn. She wasn’t even able to make her blouse flutter.

  “Any luck?” Rye asked, walking out of the kitchen.

  He must have seen her hover her hand over her stomach. “No. I’ll have to be patient.”

  He placed the two glasses on the coffee table in front of the sofa then sat next to her. “We’ll get this guy, I promise.”

  “You’d think he’d figure out rather quickly that there are a lot of shifters in this town looking for him.”

  Rye picked up his glass, propped his feet up on the table and leaned close. “Not to scare you, but we’ve never learned much about the Changelings—who they are, how many there are, or even how they’re organized. Your stalker could have his own team of Changelings watching out for him.”

  “Can’t you sense who they are?”

  “Not really. A regular werewolf gives off the same signature as a Changeling, but often my creep meter goes haywire if I get close to one. It doesn’t help that not all regular shifters live in this compound.”

  Izzy sipped the delicious chilled wine, enjoying the musky scent and savoring the fruity tang as it slid down her throat, helping to take the edge off her nerves.

  “How did my stalker know who to go to for help?”

  Rye raised one shoulder. “There are several less than savory places in town where one might extract such information. If the Scotsman had money, he could learn a lot.”

  “You should pool your resources and hire a shifter from another town to infiltrate that group.”

  Rye laughed then tipped back his drink. “I love it. I’ll be sure to suggest that sting operation to Kalan.”

  She didn’t believe him, but that was okay. Right now, she just needed one Changeling to be found and taken down.

  “Do they have any leads on the fire at Donaldson’s warehouse?” she asked.

  His chin tucked under and then he set his glass on the table. “How did you hear about that?”

  “Not only is Teagan friends with Becky Donaldson, but it was on the news. Teagan said her dad had insurance on the building, but that it was still a financial hit to the family when the building was destroyed. Apparently, he was planning on fixing it up and selling it.”

  “That’s a shame, but I’m not the arson investigator. I’m sure they’ll find the person responsible.” He didn’t sound convinced.

  “What if it was one of these Changelings?”

  “Shouldn’t make a difference. They’re not invincible. They have jobs in town just like everyone else. It’s only a matter of time before whoever is guilty is caught.”

  “All this talk about the stalker and his kind is making me depressed.”

  Rye lifted the glass from her fingers and set it down on the table next to his. “Oh, yeah? What would make you happy?”

  Good. Her pity ploy had worked. With the way his eyes had lightened and his stubble had darkened, he wanted the same thing she did. “This.”

  In one quick move, Izzy straddled his lap. His eyes gleamed as his eyeteeth elongated. His inability to hide his interest was such a turn on. She wanted to block out all the bad crap that had occurred since that last fateful day in Scotland. The only good thing to come out of it was finding Ryerson McKinnon. He wasn’t even her kind, yet they were definitely kindred souls. She could feel it. The tiny blue sparks randomly jumping off her skin proved it, though with the level of her excitement, she should be glowing blue. Damn, binding spell. When it did return, she hoped she didn’t freak him out when she shimmered blue during wild, passionate sex—sex she planned to have very soon.

  Planting her palms on the sides of his face, she leaned forward and kissed him hard. As if he’d sent out an electric pulse of his own, a current passed through her and ignited her from head to toe. Needing to taste more of him, she invited him inside. He slid his hands up her back and she threaded her fingers through his thick dark hair. The word more echoed in her head. Tongues tangling and breaths mingling, she reached down to unbutton her jeans with her right hand. Rye must have noticed, for he slid an arm under her butt and stood up with the two of them sealed together. He closed his eyes then opened them part way.

  “I need more room,” he said, breaking the kiss. “Stop me now, or hang on for one hell of a ride.”

  “Just so you know, if you stop this time, when I have my powers back, I’ll be coming after you for payback.”

  He laughed as he carried her toward the bedroom. “There won’t be any stopping this time, witchy woman. You’re all mine.”

  Thrills shimmied across her skin as Rye nudged open the door to his room with his toe. The bed wasn’t made and some of his clothes were tossed carelessly on a chair, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was Rye, and she’d take him anyway she could have him.

  He placed her on the bed, slipped off her sandals then stepped back. “Forgive me if I stop and start. I want you so much that my wolf will try to get out, and I can’t let that happen.”

  While she’d never been in a position to have a lover shift on her—because she’d never made love to a Were before—she could see the hazards of that happening. “I understand.”

  He kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his jeans.

  Izzy sat up on the bed and nodded. “May I?”

  Rye lowered his hand then rubbed his crotch as if he was willing it to deflate. “You’re asking for trouble.”

  “I’ll be careful.” This time she hoped there’d be no unexpected visitors to interrupt them. “Move a little closer.”

  Enjoying Rye’s dick while not tipping him over the climactic edge would be difficult, but she was determined to try. Remembering he was commando, she carefully lowered his jeans to his thighs, marveling at his size.

  “Don’t stare too long. I can only take so much before I weaken and possess you.” Rye ground out each word as if he was using all of his restraint not to ravish her right away.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m wondering if y
ou’ll fit. I’ve never been with someone as large as you.”

  “I’ll be gentle and go slow—or at least I’ll try.”

  Izzy had stalled long enough. The second she drew his cock toward her, he hissed, acting as if he was on the brink after one touch. Believing she had seconds rather than minutes, she drew him deep into her mouth and sucked hard.

  “Izzy, geez, your mouth is like velvet and your tongue is causing electric sparks to ignite my dick.”

  While his comment was totally over-the-top, Rye sounded sincere, and she saw no reason to break the seal just to answer him.

  With her free hand, she grabbed his nice hard ass and drew him closer. In response, he clutched a hunk of her hair and tugged. His woodsy scent and powerful muscles began to soothe her from the inside out. She flicked her tongue up and down his shaft while pumping and twisting her fist.

  All of a sudden, he pulled out of her grasp. “Enough. If I don’t take you right now, I’ll lose it.”

  She loved how everything was exaggerated when it came to how much he wanted her. Just as she was about to ask what she could do to help, Rye stepped out of his jeans and practically tore his shirt off. With his gaze focused solely on her, he crossed his arms. “Take off your top.”

  Not that she had a problem doing it, but she was surprised he’d asked. “I thought you’d want to.”

  “The moment I touch you, I’ll need to devour you.”

  Okay, then. The shirt it was. Izzy lifted it over her head and tossed it to the end of the bed. “Bra too?”

  “Yes.” His eyes were glowing a gorgeous yellow green, and she wanted to drink in his beauty.

  Reaching behind her, she unhooked the clasp and slowly eased the straps down her shoulders, hoping he wouldn’t be put off by her small breast size. His chest rose and fell in rapid succession. Once exposed, she placed the bra next to her.

  “Let me have that,” he commanded.

  Izzy had the sense not to ask why. “Here…”

  Rye closed his eyes, brought the cup to his face, and inhaled audibly. “I can’t get enough of your scent. It’s driving me wild.”

  “Then take me.”

  Without him asking, Izzy slipped off her pants, along with her black lacy panties. When she tossed them on top of her shirt, his gaze latched onto them, acting as if he was going to take those too, but instead, he returned his focus to her face. Like an animal after its prey, he crawled onto the bed and opened her legs wide.

  “The wolf in me is growling and clawing to let him escape.”

  The moment Izzy opened her arms to welcome him, he pounced. As if his werewolf alter ego had released, he kissed her with so much passion, every cell in her body ignited.

  He broke the kiss. “I love your blue halo. It means you want me, right?”

  “You don’t need to see the blue to know that.” Not waiting for him to respond, she wrapped her arms around his back. When she dragged her fingers across his corded muscles, pure pleasure pulsed throughout her whole body.

  As his hard cock pressed heavily against her stomach, their tongues jockeyed for position. Breaking the kiss, he slid downward and captured a nipple. For a second, she wondered if she had some kind of animal in her, since something was beating really hard inside her too.

  One quick tug on her other breast, and dampness pooled between her thighs.

  Beg him for more.

  Izzy had never been this desperate. What was wrong with her? One kiss and one twist threatened to release her climax.

  “Fuck,” Rye said. “I forgot a condom.”

  “I’m on the pill. And I’m clean.” She didn’t want to wait any longer.

  “I just got tested for my annual at the station.”

  “Good. Now hurry.”

  Rye switched his attention back to her first breast while he kneaded the second one. For someone who said he was desperate, he sure was taking his time. She lifted her hips to give him the hint.

  As if he could read her mind, Rye slipped lower. One lick would go a long way to satisfying her. When he spread her folds and dipped two fingers into her wetness, she clutched the sheets for dear life.

  His expert fingers twisting around and around almost made her come, but she wanted to prove to Rye that she was strong too. When he pressed on one spot in particular, she bucked and yelled. “You better fuck me now or forever hold your piece.”

  Heat raced up her face at the unexpected command. Izzy had never been the aggressor in bed, but with Rye it felt so right. Instead of impaling her, though, he licked her repeatedly. Crazy shifter. He had more control than she did. As he continued his sensual assault, flames engulfed her and she nabbed his shoulders and dug her nails into his skin. Her inner walls cramped with need. “Damn you, Ryerson.”

  “Hold on. It’s about to get rougher, babe.” Rye must have sensed she was close to exploding because he rose to his knees and flipped her over. He lifted her butt, forcing her onto her elbows. Placing his cock at her needy entrance, he palmed her tits and pressed them together.

  Now he was just being cruel. Deciding it was time to take some control, Izzy pressed her hips back, but all that accomplished was to drive his cock in partway. Only then did she realize that he was just too damn big to fit.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Don’t do that again,” Rye growled. “I’m trying not to shift.”

  If he hadn’t taken so damned long, Izzy wouldn’t have had to resort to pressing back on him. “Okay.”

  “I have to go slow.”

  That would test her resolve. True to his word, Rye seesawed in slowly until he was fully seated. Her inner walls were stretched to the max, but his fullness turned her on like never before. As he started to ease out, she tightened her hold on him. Having him inside her was wondrous, and she wanted to keep him there a bit longer.

  He pinched her nipples and sharp pulses shot straight between her legs, forcing her to release the tension of her inner walls. If only she had her powers, she’d light a fire under him or send a blast of wind behind him. Izzy lowered her head to the bed and the angle of his cock shifted.

  “Oh, fuck it.” Rye palmed her breasts, withdrew, and then drove in hard.

  Whoa. As pleasure consumed her, stars burst on the back of her lids. He planted his chest on her back and kissed her shoulder, almost as if he needed to distract himself.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned.

  As if his inner beast truly had escaped, he pounded into her over and over again, pushing her way past her limits of control. Without warning, his sharp fangs dug into her neck, transporting her elsewhere. The lack of pain surprised her and shot her into another dimension where her climax swept her away.

  Rye released his hold on her neck, and as his hot seed filled her, he let out something that sounded close to a howl. His hands tightened around her waist, and he licked the spot he’d bitten. Izzy never wanted to move again, but Rye eventually pulled out.

  “Be right back.” He trotted out of the bedroom and returned a few seconds later with a warm wet towel and cleaned her up. “Listen. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bite you. I got too excited.”

  Izzy rolled over not sure how to respond. In truth, the bite had stimulated parts of her she hadn’t known existed. Hell, maybe it would help get her powers back sooner. “It didn’t hurt.”

  “No? I’m glad.” He crawled in next to her and held her close. “You okay with sleeping here with me?”

  She laughed. “I think it’s a little late to be asking that.”

  “Perhaps. You’re not the type to thrash about, are you?”

  Izzy tapped his nose. “I’m sure you can handle me if I do.”

  “You got that right.”


  The next day was rather surreal. First, Izzy had woken up completely disoriented, not used to having a large man in her bed—or rather being in his bed. When she’d reflected on the amazing time they’d had the night before, she smiled. To her surprise, the fact he bit h
er didn’t bother her, as it had been a result of being overly stimulated.

  Rye had nudged her awake, and then went to fix her a great breakfast. She had to admit that staying at his place had been the best choice.

  Even though Rye had to be at the station earlier than she needed to be at the spa, he insisted they drive in together. As long as she promised not to go into the back alley, he said she should be safe.

  To her surprise, when he dropped her off, her mom was already at the store. Her mother stopped arranging the candles on the storefront window, and ran her gaze over Izzy from head to her toe. “There’s something different about you this morning.”

  “You’re changing the display?”

  “I thought it needed a little sprucing up. Now don’t change the subject.”

  The truth would come out sooner or later. Sometimes it sucked having a powerful mother who was way too intuitive. “Because that man tried to take me, Rye insisted I stay at his place. He said the Changeling’s powers would be diminished if he even stepped foot inside their compound.”

  “I’ve never heard of that before.”

  “Me neither.” Hmm. Perhaps Rye had told her that so she’d agree to stay with him. Regardless, it had been for the best.

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  Izzy froze, not sure how much to tell. “Geez Mom, I’m twenty-seven years old. That’s none of your business.”

  “It most certainly is my business if he mated with you.” She stepped closer, and Izzy slapped a hand over her slightly swollen puncture wound.

  She couldn’t tell if her mother was angry, concerned, or dare she say happy. “If you must know, he bit me in a moment of passion.”

  “Then he’s mated to you.” She lowered her chin. “You do know that in order to complete the mating, your blue orb needs to encompass both of you?”

  “I know the facts of life.” Jeez—at least the part about if she ended up with another Wendayan their glows needed to combine. She didn’t know it applied to being with a Were. Now she knew.

  Her mother moved even closer. “Let me see the marking on your back.”


  She placed her hands on Izzy’s shoulders. “I can see I’ve failed you by not explaining what happens when you mate with a shifter, not that it happens often.”


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