Wire (Pierce Securities Book 2)
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Copyright 2015 by Anne Conley
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead are purely coincidental and not intended by the author.
Cover model: Devon Ryan
Cover photography: Carlos Salazar and Tresal Photography
Cover designer: Love, Lust, and Lipstick Stains Cover Art
Editor: Redhead Book Services
Formatter: E-Book Builders
Chapter One Six months ago
Chapter Two Present day
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
About Anne
Contact Anne
Anne's Bookshelf
For the Reader
Pierce Securities:
Stories of Serendipity:
Neighborly Complications
Chef’s Delight
Dream On
Hot Mess
Falling for Him
Gambling on Love
My Mistake
Saving Charlie
Four Winds:
Falling for Heaven
Falling for Grace
Falling for Hope
Falling for Faith
Falling for Cyn (Coming Summer 2015)
Stand Alones:
Best Laid Plans of Boys and Men
The Fixer Upper
It takes a village, y’all. It’s taken me years to develop the team that I work with, and without crucial elements of my team, I wouldn’t be as good an author. Period. Tiffany, Deena, Suzanne, Kelly, Kellie, Jami, Andrew, Trenda, Jacinda, Jess, Deven, Jackie, all of my street team members, and my family…Each and every one of you have been invaluable in this process. I love you all. Devon, in particular, the cover model, has had a lot to do with this story coming to fruition. I swear I had the story written down before I met him, but he is Evan.
This book is dedicated to my Badass Book Bitches. You all do so much to motivate me every single day. You really have no idea.
Six months ago
Paige was exhausted after three intense days of ultimatums, but she’d gotten what she wanted, and the need to celebrate was strong. Stepping into the crowded bar down the street from her hotel, she was overwhelmed by the crush of bodies as her eyes swept the interior. She wasn’t terribly overdressed—most people in here had probably come straight from work—but her champagne-colored business suit stood out purely from the designer on the label. She’d worn it today on purpose; her need to close the deal had been overwhelming.
Now she just needed to unwind and dump some adrenaline.
When her eyes swept across the attractive man at the bar, they’d initially kept moving, until her brain registered those deep, dark eyes, the curly mop of dark hair, and the toned bicep muscles straining against his black t-shirt. She should have recognized him immediately.
Evan Rocco.
As her gaze snapped back to him, their eyes collided across the bar. He smiled at her, and she returned it, not believing this was happening to her. Something to mark off her bucket list.
Fucking Evan Rocco had been a dream of hers since, well, forever.
The closer she got, Paige could see the interest in his eyes. She knew she still looked good, even after the day she’d had. Knowing her efforts were appreciated added a sultry swing to her hips, almost sub-consciously.
As she got closer, he stood, offering her his seat. Sliding onto the stool, she felt his intake of air as he leaned forward and smelled her. It should have been creepy, but knowing it was Evan Rocco sent a shudder straight up her spine, goose bumps popping out across her skin.
“What can I buy you?” His voice in her ear was low, sexy, and something she’d imagined for years.
She waved vaguely, trying to stay nonchalant. “A beer. Any beer will do.” She didn’t want him to know how big of a coup it would be to bag him. She didn’t sleep around, typically, but exceptions could be made for Evan Rocco, the man whose theories were the driving force behind her business—her entire life.
Evan motioned to the bartender, who brought her a craft microbrew. She drank gratefully, partially an effort to hide her own nerves, but partially because she’d been dreaming of a celebratory beer for hours. As she enjoyed her beer, Evan leaned back, watching her, her skin prickling with awareness.
“Thanks,” she turned to him, giving him her full attention. He deserved it. His long, lean fingers rested above his lips, pursed in thought as he perused her.
“Needed that?” His tone was hopeful, trying to get her to open up. She didn’t need to open up, though, not for what she had in mind. The huskiness of his voice tugged at her gut, and she would admit Evan was a swizzle stick, stirring her desire.
She nodded and held out her hand, “Sandra.” It was her mother’s name, just popped into her brain and out of her mouth without thought. She only knew if she gave Evan her real name, he would have the means to find her later, and she couldn’t have that. Paige needed this to be an anonymous encounter, no time for emotional entanglements. And Lord knew, if anything happened with Evan Rocco, she’d get emotional about it.
Sure, she’d dreamed of Evan Rocco for years. And sure, having a relationship with the man would be something truly amazing. But she’d followed him for years and knew he didn’t do those. And she didn’t have the time to nurse a broken heart right now, anyway, with the merger and all. But one night with Evan Rocco would do her confidence good. She had to focus on her company and smoothing the changes. She wasn’t even going to try to have more than one night with Evan. Nope, one night would do just fine. That’s all she expected. Could count on. Wouldn’t be disappointed with.
“Evan.” His large hand enveloped her more slender one, his grip firm and warm. Imagining those fingers resting above his lips just minutes ago sent a little tingle to her core. “What brings you here?”
She almost didn’t hear him, so intent on his hands and the fact they’d been on his lips, then his hands and lips on her body, his hands, his lips…
Gathering her thoughts, she sighed an exhausted exhale. “Work. You?”
He offered her a slow smile, and it only served to accentuate his chiseled features. But when the smile reached his eyes, her heart stopped for a second before slamming back into her chest in an erratic pattern. “I’m a regular, so to speak.” He leaned on the bar, so close to her she could smell his cologne—something woody and totally sexy. “So, you’re not from around here?”
She couldn’t stop the grin, shaking her head, “Not yet. What do you do?”
sp; He vaguely replied, “Computer Analyst.” Shifting his posture so he was leaning closer, he asked, “You’re moving to Austin?”
His vagueness with his answer showed her he was hiding something, but that was okay. Considering his past, she could hardly blame him. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t hiding her own identity as well. Deciding to change the subject to keep his focus off her, she asked him a question instead. Most men loved to talk about themselves.
“Do you like your job?” Some foreign part of Paige stepped forward and led the conversation. She wasn’t normally like this. She should be star struck, but being here on the adrenaline rush of her successful business coup gave her a confidence she didn’t usually feel. She felt flirty, fun, ready for anything. Ready for Rocco.
He smiled around his drink, “Love it. I’m constantly getting to try out new toys. It’s great.”
Halfway through her second beer, Evan was still nursing his first one. She relaxed into her role as temptress tonight, not having any illusions about Evan’s role in it. He’d admitted he was a regular, and she didn’t doubt he could take home a different woman every night. Probably did. Tonight, she would be the one he went home with, and then tomorrow she’d leave. She closed her eyes, anticipating the moment their lips would touch, a moment she’d imagined countless times before. When she opened them, he was staring at her, fascinated.
“You have beautiful eyes, Sandra.”
She quirked a smile at him. “Does that line often work for you?”
Leaning closer to her and flashing his trademarked sexy smile, he spoke in a teasing growl, “I don’t use it unless it’s the truth.”
She leaned back, tipping her beer to her mouth. “I miss this.”
Eyebrows raised, he looked like she’d thrown him for a loop. Paige was enjoying keeping him on his toes. “Miss what?”
Shrugging, she answered, “Being wooed in person. I’m cooped up in my office most of the time, so I only really ever meet new people online. The online dating culture is so different, I don’t feel like I ever get to know a guy before I hook up with him. It’s all LOLs and winky faces. It gets old, fast.”
“I know what you mean,” he said without much conviction. She guessed he was just being agreeable, probably to get into her pants, and she had to admit that thought gave her a thrill. With his looks, picking up women couldn’t be difficult for him.
She took a deep breath, riding on the high of her day, and said, “It’s pretty crowded in here. You want to go to my hotel? It’s just up the street.”
“Sure.” There was no mistaking the anticipation in his eyes as it spread to an eager smile. She smiled back as Evan tossed some bills on the bar and ushered her out with his hand on her spine.
At her hotel, Paige led Evan into the elevator, his hand burning the skin on her lower back. She turned to face the doors and stared at him through the mirrored walls. His gaze was every bit as hungry as hers. When she licked her bottom lip—sucking it between her teeth—the classic move did exactly what she wanted it to. Evan took a step forward, hooking his arm around her waist, and pulled her against his hard chest.
Lowering his mouth to her ear, he whispered, “Why am I here?” His hot breath against her skin turned her insides into a quivering mass of need.
A need that made her voice unrecognizable. “I want you. Isn’t it obvious?” Her attempt at flippancy was lost in the breathy tone and the ragged gasps accompanying it when he sank his teeth into her earlobe with a low growl.
Paige’s knees went weak, and she melted into him as he lowered his mouth to her neck and hauled her closer to his body, pressing an undeniable erection into the curve of her ass, illustrating his own need for her.
“Good,” he rasped out between wet kisses. When the elevator opened, she led him to the door of her room and swiped her key card.
Inside her room, the night turned feral as Paige lost all semblance of self-control. Yanking at clothes, biting exposed flesh, hoarse whispers in the night, all of it served to sever the ties to Paige’s sanity. As his body was exposed to her, she tried to savor, to relish, to worship, but it became clear to her she just needed a good fucking, and Evan seemed happy to oblige.
Pinned to the bed by his strong hands, Paige was wild with desire, and Evan pounded into her with an animalistic abandon, her flesh yielding to him. She made noises she’d never heard come from her mouth before, she made him make noises she never thought were possible. He said things to her she’d never imagined would come from his mouth. Granted, she’d fantasized, but the reality was so much more. His words ripped at her insides and laid her bare. He suckled her breasts, he spread her wide, he watched their coupling with a fascination which almost embarrassed her. But when he brought her to climax after climax, she was beyond caring.
They spent all night together. After the first primal fucking, Evan took his time, loving her slowly. Then they got more creative. They learned each other’s bodies, Paige realizing Evan was ticklish behind his knees. Evan learning she wasn’t ticklish at all, but was really good at the dirty talking. They took turns bringing each other untold pleasures.
Evan Rocco had always been her kryptonite, and now she understood why. Tonight had proven to her they connected on a level beyond the hero-worship she’d always had for him. She knew she’d never be the same after this night, but she had a company to lead and a life to live. And it couldn’t include Evan.
It was ridiculous to think this could be more than what it was. As her eyes lingered on him sleeping, oblivious, his magnificent body splayed on the bed, she was filled with regret. The sheet covered the curve of his tight ass, and she longed for one last touch, but knew it would only lead to more.
Paige needed to focus. Her company was in the midst of a major upheaval and needed her attention, now more than ever. Evan Rocco wasn’t in the picture. He wouldn’t want what she wanted, anyway.
With a quiet sigh of frustration at the shitty timing of things, she left.
The next morning, anticipation woke Evan, excited for more. The woman he’d met last night was amazing—Sandra. He needed more of her. Not just the sex, although that had been outstanding, but her smile, the way she laughed—she was perfect—and the thought that she was moving to Austin made him feel like a little boy at Christmas. He couldn’t wait to get to know her better. They’d had a lot of sex last night, but during recovery periods they’d talked, laughed, ordered room service, and even danced a little. For once, Evan had met someone he wanted to see a second time, and that was rare.
But first, he wanted to kiss the elegant curve of her neck and get drunk on her scent one more time.
But when he rolled over to cuddle Sandra’s warmth against him, the bed was cold and empty. She’d left.
He looked all around the room for her, feeling ridiculous. She wasn’t in the bathroom, and her closet was empty. Her suitcase was gone, as were any hanging clothes she may have had. No toiletries in the bathroom, either.
Had she not felt the connection? The undeniable attraction? Sure, they had gone into it last night with a purely physical arrangement, but he’d really thought she would want to see him again. Searching the room one last time for a note, a number, anything, he felt the sinking feeling of dismissal deep in his gut. He’d been used.
Feeling foolish, Evan dressed and walked into the lobby, grabbed a newspaper, and headed home, where he finally read the headline: PSL takes over Pat-Tek Gaming in Hostile Merger. Reclusive CEO of Pat-Tek quits in an expected show of temper. The news would have interested him any other day, but today, his thoughts were full of Sandra.
Present day
Evan felt the burn of his biceps and forearms as he pulled himself up on the chin bar, then his torso and upper thighs as he held the position and lifted his weighted legs. His body flamed as the muscles shredded; the miracles of his body would build them back bigger and stronger. The human body was the most perfect computer ever imagined, cellular structure so flawless, it healed itself as long as it was h
ealthy, which Evan’s was.
He worked out—constantly—took his vitamins, and ate right. He treated his body like a temple, pampering it when he wasn’t torturing it with the workouts. The workouts were an attempt to clear his mind, however faulty that line of reasoning was. It seemed when he was working out, his mind was free to roam, delving into thoughts he would just as soon leave alone.
Because he’d relegated that night to the depths of his memories. But his mind kept bringing it back, unbidden. He wanted to forget Sandra as easily as she had apparently forgotten him. But it was impossible. That perfect night kept coming back no matter how many times he told it to go away.
“Anybody know of any killer Halloween parties coming up? I need to see some chicks in hot little maid outfits.” Zack was doing bicep curls on the free weights, staring vaguely at the mirror.
“What exactly can you see, Zack?” Evan asked while Quinten rolled his eyes.
His voice turning somber, Zack switched hands and started curling the other. “Colors, vague shapes. Fucking depressing, man. I’m more sensitive to light now, too. Sunny days are like standing three feet in front of a spotlight, one of those big ones they use at concerts.”
“Can you see faces at all?” Evan was curious how the man in front of him, who had become a good friend in a relatively short amount of time, seemingly strong and healthy, had become so disabled. It was a reminder that life was short, and you never knew what was going to happen.
“If they’re, like, a foot in front of me, I can see them, but they’re real blurry.” Zack’s gaze dropped to his lap as he curled silently for a while.
Miriam, doing yoga in the corner, broke the silence. “Are you still seeing Krista’s friend, Jenna?”
He sighed. “Yeah, she’s cool and all. A little high-maintenance for me, but we have a good time. I’m probably going to break it off at Halloween, though. I’m leaving for camp after that.”
Evan knew ‘having a good time’ meant she was good in the sack. “Camp?”