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When a Savage Falls for a Good Girl: A Crazy Hood Love

Page 6

by Tina J

  I parked in the driveway of my mother’s house and she came running out to ask me to move my car. When she asked me to move for the U-Haul my sister was on her way with, I took my keys out and placed them in my pocket. Those bitches can walk up the sidewalk with her shit. How much did she really have anyway? My mom had nice furniture due to the renovation and beds in the extra bedrooms. I could see anger on my mother’s face and went past her in the house.

  “TiTi Zahra.” Axel ran straight to me. He wanted me to pick him up but I explained having a baby in my belly makes it hard. He waited for me to sit and hopped on my lap with his iPad.

  “I miss you. Can we go to the mall and get the new Minecraft game?”

  “Why didn’t your mom get it?’ I heard my mom suck her teeth.

  “She says, it costs too much money. I can get it for Christmas. Do I have to wait?’ I smiled and told him we could go later. He stayed on my lap until his mother and my sister walked in.

  “MOVE THAT PIECE OF SHIT!” Kalila barked and I smiled. I knew she was mad because the 2018 Infiniti car I got is far from a piece of shit.

  When Kruz took the truck away, I purchased a new car. I had an old Toyota Camry but I couldn’t drive in that. Shit, he upgraded me a lot and I’ll be damned if people assume I have nothing because we on a break.

  “Not a chance. This baby has me tired and I need a nap.” I rubbed my stomach and Rhythm shook her head.

  “No wonder Kruz left you. Petty and childish ain’t the word.”

  “Fuck you.” Rhythm stepped out with Axel. She hated for anyone to curse around him and we tried not to but it happens sometimes.

  “Nah, but I think Kruz would love fucking my best friend. You do know he finds her quite attractive.”

  “He’s gonna use and abuse her like the rest of the bitches.”

  “Hmph. I don’t think so.”

  “And why is that?” She smirked.

  “Because he’s already found out where she worked and asked her out. Most niggas tryna fuck, ain’t tryna date.” Her words stung because she was right. If Kruz was only fucking, he wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble of finding a bitch.

  “How are you ok with her fucking my ex. You’re my sister and…”

  “Stop right there.” She put her hand up.

  “You hate Rhythm due to your own insecurities, so don’t you dare sit there and make it seem like she’s stepping on your toes. And for your information she told Kruz she wasn’t tryna deal with him because of you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “She may not have been your friend but she did tell him it’s not ok to pursue her when he was with you.”

  “As least she has some respect.”

  “You just don’t get it.”

  “Get what?” I was looking down on my phone waiting for Kruz to text me back. I sent a message before leaving his mothers about the doctor appointment and he has yet to respond.

  “Rhythm may be telling him that, but he still asked her out. She isn’t your friend so even if she does take him up on the offer, she’s not wrong in no way. But you.” She stepped closer to me.

  “You hate that woman for no reason. A woman who fought battles with me for you.” I didn’t say anything because there were a few times bitches tried to step to me when I was with Kruz and they’d go find them and beat their ass. I never told him but I’m sure he knew.

  “A woman who has decided to uproot her and my nephew to move in and help your mother out with the mortgage because your dirty ass refuses.”

  “She should’ve never upgraded. I told mommy to sell this piece of shit a long time ago.”

  “A piece of shit you can’t stay out of. But don’t worry, I’m getting a better job and making sure she doesn’t ask you for a dime. Selfish ass bitch.” She stormed out and I noticed my mother standing there wiping her tears.

  “Ma, I told you before not to…”

  “Just go Zahra.”

  “For what? I didn’t do anything.”

  “You said enough and right now I don’t want to look at you.”

  “FINE!” I snatched my things up and walked out the door with an attitude.

  “Move this shit.” I barked at the truck blocking me in.

  “Nah. You can wait.” Her and Rhythm started taking more totes out and placed them on the sidewalk.

  “Axel wants me to get him a game.” His head popped up. I am going to get it, just not today. Rhythm sucked her teeth and walked around the truck. She knew like I did, if you mentioned doing anything for Axel you had to do it. She hated to disappoint him.

  “Fuck y’all.” I shouted out the window and sped off. I don’t need them or my mother.


  “You’re five months now. Do you want to know what you’re having?” Kruz had his head in the phone grinning. I couldn’t help but wonder who he was texting.


  “What B…” He caught himself and looked at the doctor.

  “Ummm, I can tell you what you’re having.” She was nervous as hell.

  “A’ight.” He put the phone up and stood next to the machine.

  “Looks like you’ll need to purchase everything pink.” I smiled while he had a frown on his face.

  “You’re not happy?” The doctor questioned.

  “Hell no.”

  “Is it because you wanted a boy?” The doctor tried talking to him nicely but he was an ass.

  “Nah because if this is my baby, I damn sure don’t want a daughter. What if she grows up and be a ho like her mother?”

  “Oh my.” The doctor looked like she was about to pass out.

  “Yea, this ho cheated on me. I don’t even know if this is my kid.” The fact he said it with no care in the world let me know how hurt is really is.

  “Yo! Can we do the test where you can find out early if it’s yours or not.”

  “You mean the amniocenteses?”

  “Is that the one where you take blood or something and do a DNA test?”


  “Yea. I need that done ASAP. I don’t care about the cost.”

  “We can but mommy has to agree to it. Also, there are complications and…”

  “Fuck all that. I don’t care if she dies. I need to know if this is my kid before I buy a damn thing. Set it up Zahra.”

  “Kruz, you heard her say.-”

  “And you heard what the fuck I said. Do it so I can tell any future women in my life about how petty and childish I know you’re going to be if it is mine. Therefore; they’ll have a choice to stick around.” His demeanor was cold and hateful. At least he knew what would happen in the future.

  “Let me give you two a minute.” The doctor stood.

  “We don’t need one. Set it up.” She looked at me and I nodded my head yes. She left the room and five minutes later returned with a time for tomorrow. I didn’t know it could be done that fast but then again, he’s paying cash so I’m sure she had no problem putting a rush on it.

  “Have your ass at the hospital early.”

  “Kruz, wait!” I followed him out the doctor’s office.

  “Tha fuck you want?” He hit the alarm on his truck.

  “Can we be cordial? I mean you’re treating me like shit all the time.” He gave me a crazy look.

  “I messed up Kruz, but I’m still gonna have your child.”

  “Maybe.” I grabbed his arm.

  “I may have made a mistake but I used condoms.”

  “Condoms? Bitch, you said y’all fucked once. A mistake is one time.” I didn’t say anything.

  “We don’t need to dwell on the past.” He sucked his teeth.

  “Kruz, there’s no doubt in my mind that this child is yours.”

  “Why now Zahra?” He leaned against the truck and I bit down on my lip. His man wasn’t hard, yet; I could see him lying on his leg through the jeans, that’s how well-endowed he is.

  “Why now what?”

  “You’ve been on the pill for years. I a
sked you for a kid last year and you claimed to wanna wait until you finished nursing school. Here we are a year later, you cheated and all of a sudden pregnant.”

  “When you asked me, I stopped taking them right away. It takes a while to get pregnant after being on the pill for years. I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you. I found out the morning I came to see you. I wanted you to make love to me and I planned on telling you in the middle of it.” He didn’t say a word.

  “I can’t apologize enough for making a mistake Kruz. If I could take it back, I would and I shouldn’t have agreed for other women to please you orally. I messed up bad and you have no idea how bad I regret it.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He hopped in his truck and pulled off. His tone wasn’t mean and I think he may give me another chance.

  I walked to my car and picked up my phone that kept going off in my purse. The caller wasn’t who I wanted it to be but I had to answer because he’s a pain in the ass now. After Kruz left me, I stopped seeing him. This man doesn’t seem to get the picture though.


  “Is that my kid?”

  “Who told you I was pregnant and why would you assume it’s your child?” I turned out the parking lot.

  “You post on social media, remember? And we’ve had accidents.”

  “What?” I was confused and nervous at the same time. I watched him put condoms on each time. Was he taking them off? Then again, Kruz found one inside me so maybe more broke off in me than I realized.

  “You weren’t even gonna tell me, were you?”

  “You were a mistake and…” He laughed in the phone.

  “A mistake doesn’t happen for a year. Now we got a situation because of the games you played.”

  “We don’t have shit.” I tried to sound tough.

  “Stay in denial all you want. When the baby is born, I want a test.” He disconnected the call. I pulled over and cried my eyes out. What if this is his child?


  “Ok ladies, let’s start from the top again.” The dance instructor told us.

  Kalila and I were taking twerk and pole dancing classes. Over the past few days, she started putting out tons of applications for a computer engineer but no one called back. Eventually, she started working more hours with me at the motel just to make more money.

  We both made minimum wage, which is only $8.25 an hour. It wasn’t enough to renovate the upstairs so we’re taking these classes to strip a few nights a week. I know some may ask if she gave her mom all that money, why isn’t it enough?

  Evidently, her grandparents had taken a double mortgage out and the money she had been paying on, was for that. The equity and loans her mom took out to upgrade is what the 70 k paid for. Kalila said fuck it, they may as well finish the house and we put our names on a loan for 150k. The two of us purchased new cars and the rest went to the same people who did the downstairs.

  The renovation upstairs started and all of us were staying in the living room and basement until its done. I didn’t wanna keep uprooting my son but at least, we’re altogether and getting things done. Axel could care less as long as he had the iPad. Zahra did get him the game he asked for to play on his PlayStation and that too kept him busy.

  “There you go Rhythm. That’s the way you do it ladies.” I did an entire set to Dance for you by Beyoncé and he was the prop. I stood up and smirked at the hard on he had. It’s no secret he had a crush on me. He was handsome and the way he could move his body had me fantasizing of how he’d do me.

  “Your turn bitch.”

  “Well shit. I don’t want you to get mad if I turn your man on.” I flipped her the finger and all of us watched Kalila do her thing. I must say we were the shit.

  “Ladies tomorrow night there will be a birthday party at this club in New York. The top ballers and even some celebrities will be there from what I hear. Who’s down to use this as their first experience?” We looked at each other and smirked.

  “We down.” I said and a few other chicks said the same.

  “If you can pull this off, a spot is yours at the club.” He winked at me.

  “What about the rest of us who don’t wanna do it?”

  “You can try the club out tonight because it’s a probably gonna be packed. You can reserve a spot as well if you do good.” She nodded.

  “Now what I need to mention is, if you’re unsure, do not and I mean do not show up. My name is on the line and I’ll be damned if you fuck it up by freezing on stage.” He’s right. Dexter is known as one of the best dance instructors and has the best women on his team. I don’t blame him for not tryna mess up his brand.

  “Here is the time and place we’ll meet.” He handed everyone a card.

  “If you don’t have anything to wear, I suggest you hit up a lingerie store today and make sure the outfit is fire. Also, you will not remove all your clothes no matter what. The party is for a deacon and he doesn’t know they invited strippers. You’re providing the fantasy but not giving him too much.”

  “I’m cool with that.” I took these classes to strip with strict rules on not showing my pussy. That will always be off limits.

  “Any questions?” Everyone said no and started gathering their things.

  “You ready?” Kalila asked and opened the door.

  “Yes and no.”

  What you mean?”

  “Yes because we can use the money. And no, because I don’t really want any men touching me.”

  “Me either. Shit, we have to find some ballers.” I gave her the side eye because Jamaica can definitely take care of her.

  She’s still refusing to speak to him. She wants him to work for her and I get it, however; he stopped trying after the first two weeks of her not responding. It’s been two months and she’s still having crying fits every now and then.

  “Whatever. He’s doing him.” She shrugged her shoulders. I doubt she’d ask him anyway. Her mom has always instilled being independent growing up.

  “Let’s hit the mall.”

  “How much money you got?” I opened my wallet and pulled the money out.

  “Two hundred. What about you?” She did the same and said $150.

  “It’s good enough to get some nice shoes and a cheap lingerie set from Vicki Secrets.” Both of us smiled and headed to my car. I grabbed the paper off my windshield and read it.

  Don’t get too comfortable with yourself. Every stuck-up bitch has to be taken off her high horse at some point. I laughed and passed the note to Kalila. I’m sure its Zahra with her hating ass. If she only knew, Kruz and I haven’t seen one another since the day at the motel.

  He sent me a text a few days later saying he was fresh outta the relationship with her and didn’t wanna drag me in with her drama. He also said, the test revealed the child is his and he’s gonna do right by his kid. I understood but didn’t really know what he meant. Were they a couple again? I had no idea and didn’t bother asking.

  We still text to check up on each other every day but nothing about hooking up or seeing one another ever comes up.

  Its good though because I don’t need her drama in my life, nor do I wanna be a rebound chick. I’m feeling Dexter anyway. We’ve gone out and he’s nice. We kissed a few times but sex isn’t on my agenda right now. I haven’t slept with a man in three years because my baby father gave me gonorrhea, so I’m good on sex for the moment. Of course I want it but I’d rather do myself then be put at risk again.


  “It’s packed out there Kalila.” We were peeking out the side where the stage was. Men were everywhere and some women sprinkled in.

  “Say the word and we’re outta here.”

  “You’re not scared.” I turned to her.

  “Hell yea I am. Then I think about my mom and push the fear to the back of my mind. I can’t let her lose the house Rhythm. My sister may not care but I do.” I nodded, took her hand and went in the back.

  “Here y’all.
We’re going to need it.” Sabrina passed us two shot glasses and held up a bottle of Tito’s. She’s one of the chicks we met in class. The bitch is bad as hell and if I went that way, I’d do her.

  “Is it a new bottle?” I asked. I’ve seen Players Club and ain’t no bitch date raping me.

  “Girl bye. You know I don’t play that open bottle shit.” She used her teeth to open it and poured each of us a shot.

  “Another one.” We had four shots a piece and a bitch was ready to go to pass out. I drink occasionally so these shots had my head spinning.

  “Rhythm, you’re up.” Dexter said and came close.

  “You’re gonna be fine.” He placed a kiss on my lips and smacked me on the ass.

  “You good?” Kalila walked with me to the door. I stood on the side of the dance floor and nodded at the DJ.

  “Coming to the stage is a newbie. I must say, I’ve seen her rehearse and when I say you’re about to spend all your money on her, believe it. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lavender.” I snickered at the name he called. I could’ve used my own but everyone said, strippers had a stage name and that’s all I could come up with on short notice. The DJ smiled at me, and cut the lights. Once the beginning of the song played, the club lit up in lavender lights. Here I go.

  One lover, don’t you dare slow down.

  Go longer, you can last more rounds,

  push harder,

  you’re almost there now, so go lover.

  Motivation played loud on the speakers as I made my way to the pole. I hopped on, climbed to the top and arch my back on the way down. I let my legs open in a split and spun around the pole. Once I hit the floor, I found myself crawling to the edge of the stage. I saw the man of the hour sitting in a chair smiling hard as hell.

  I continued my dancing but when Kruz and I locked eyes, I winked and he came closer to the stage. He gave zero fucks about blocking the birthday guy and no one moved him out the way.

  I let my hands run up his chest as I stood. My pussy was in his face and he had no problem with it. He bit down on his lip and ran his hands up and down my legs; sending shockwaves through my body.


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