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When a Savage Falls for a Good Girl: A Crazy Hood Love

Page 13

by Tina J

  I had to tell Kash he better not teach him how to steal and if he did while we were out there, I was gonna feed him to the sharks. Jamaica and Kalila came to chill on the third day and we had a ball.

  During our time there, we toured a bunch of different spots, took Axel and Kash to different water parks and of course shopping. Rhythm didn’t have a lot of money but she did pay for dinner every night and I appreciated it. The little things meant a lot more to a nigga than trying to impress me with other stuff.

  The last night in Mexico, Rhythm and I had the freakiest sex ever. Nothing is off limits as it is, but we were outside on the beach doing anything to one another. When we finished, she confessed falling in love with me. She also admitted, it’s probably because she’s been single for so long it wasn’t hard. I told her in these last six months, I felt the same because I did.

  Rhythm is like a breath of fresh air for me. She’s a great mother to her son and her loyalty to Kalila and her mom is commendable, which is why Jamaica and I furnished the entire upstairs of their newly renovated house. Well, we gave them the money because I damn sure don’t have time to shop.

  “Anytime, lil man.” All four of us got in the truck and I drove to drop Kash off first. I offered for her to come in and she gave me the finger.

  “Ma, can you drop me off at the hospital and take the truck?” I hopped in and sped off. My father said, my mother just left because Zahra was about to deliver. I was both excited and disappointed because I hated who my child’s mother is gonna be.

  “Yea, is everything ok?”

  “Zahra’s in labor.”

  “Really! Are you excited?” She had a smile on her face. I thought she’d be upset but I guess being on your grown woman shit, won’t allow it.

  “Yes and no.” I pulled off in route to the hospital.

  “Yes, because she’s my daughter and no, due to who mother is.”

  “Well, you picked her.” We both laughed.

  I parked in front of the hospital, and waited for her to get in the driver’s seat. We kissed, I watched her pull off and ran in to ask where the labor and delivery floor is. Once she told me, I couldn’t get there fast enough.

  “Is she here yet?” I asked my mother who was coming out the room.

  “Not yet. They’re prepping her and the doctor said she isn’t fully dilated yet.”

  “Oh.” I went over to the chairs and sat down.

  “You’re not going in?”

  “For what?”

  “To see your daughter being born.” I leaned back in the chair and stared at her. How could a woman support another doing dumb shit is beyond me?

  “Honestly, I’m not sure if the kid is mine.” We may have taken the test and they confirmed it, however; after Zahra sucked my dick, I was convinced she had been with that nigga for much longer than she said. There’s no way in hell she gave him head once and did it with no problem. She’s a nurse too, which means she could’ve had the results changed.

  “Kruz why are you treating her like this? Four years is a long time to flush the relationship down the drain.” I hopped up and got in her face. My phone started vibrating but whoever it is had to wait. I needed to say this shit and make sure she heard me.

  “I didn’t make shit go down the drain. She did when she started spending time with someone else. You seem to forget that I’m the one you birthed and not her.”

  “Son. I’m...”

  “I’m over the bullshit with you and her. We aren’t ever getting back together and when you see me with Rhythm, you better not disrespect or challenge her.”

  “She’s your woman now?”

  “Yup and you or Zahra ain’t changing it.” I snatched the phone off my hip and answered, still looking at her.

  “Hello.” Rhythm was distraught and I could barely understand her.

  “Babe, I don’t mean to call at a time like this but she fucked up everything. My entire room is destroyed and...”

  “Hold on. Who did what?” I told her to calm down and speak slow.

  “I came home after dropping you off and went to give Axel a bath. Kruz, everything you brought is thrown out in the backyard. She either took a knife or scissors to my bed, sheets and rug. I know it’s Zahra because her car is parked in front of the house and it wasn’t a break in.”

  “I’ma handle it.”

  “Kruz, my son is asking who would do this to my room. I can’t tell him she did it because he loves her.”

  “Babe, I got you. Relax and I’ll be there after she delivers.” I hung up and put the phone on my hip.

  “You’re going to her while Zahra’s in labor?” I stopped and turned around.

  “I’d quit while I was ahead or you’re gonna regret it.” She saw my face and put her hands up in surrender.

  I stormed in the room, yanked this dumb bitch up by the hair and made her look at me. I could hear the machine beeping fast and her holding her stomach and gave zero fucks. What she did is unacceptable and she’s about to hear my mouth.

  “What you did was childish as fuck and I’m gonna make sure you’re dealt with after having this baby.”

  “Kruz please stop.” Her hands were tryna pry mine off.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch. You’re lucky this is all I’m doing.” I slammed her head in the pillow and turned to see her mother walking in.

  WHAP! She smacked fire from Zahra.

  “How dare you come in my house and destroy her room like that?” I stared down at the pictures Rhythm sent and got mad all over again.

  “Ma, she don’t deserve him.”

  “Oh, and a woman who’s been opening her legs to God knows who during a relationship does?” Zahra put her head down.

  “I raised you better than this and I pray my granddaughter doesn’t grow up doing the same.” She cursed Zahra out after each contraction and I didn’t feel bad. My mother stood there watching and I dared her to say a word.

  After ten hours of being in labor, my daughter finally graced us with her presence. She weighed seven pounds and 6 ounces. My mom said she looks just like me but she would say that being she’s team Zahra. I ended up calling my pops up and asked him to come get her. The slick comments about us being a couple again were getting on my damn nerves.


  The next day, the picture people came and so did Kalila and Jamaica. My mom strolled in with my father and brother Kash. Most of the conversations were with me because no one could stand Zahra but my mom and for good reason.

  I handed Sasha back to her mother and went to use the bathroom. When I came out Rhythm and Axel were standing at the door. She said he wanted to see his auntie’s baby. It’s sad that Zahra can’t stand his mother because of jealousy and he loved her to death. I pulled her in for a kiss and whispered how much I missed her.

  “TiTi Zahra.” She looked up and smiled but rolled her eyes when I sat Rhythm on my lap.

  “Hey baby. How are you?”

  “I’m fine but somebody messed up mommy’s room. They cut up everything. Do you know who did it because I saw your car at the house? Did you see the person?” He bombarded her with questions.

  “I did it.” All of us got quiet. I moved Rhythm off my lap because shit is about to get crazy. Zahra’s mom told her to shut the fuck up in a nice way but as usual, her ass didn’t listen.

  “Why would you do that to mommy?” He was confused as hell.

  “Because I hate your mother and if I could kill her, I would.”

  “OH MY GOD!” My mom shouted. Rhythm tried to jump on the bed but my dad caught her just in time.

  “GET MY SON OUTTA HERE!” She screamed and my mother actually took him out. One thing my mom doesn’t play is, saying or doing ignorant shit around kids.

  “You’s a stupid bitch. Why the fuck would you say some dumb shit like that to a kid?”

  “Because I do hate her. I hate everything about her.” I stared at Rhythm who was tryna calm down.

  “Why the fuck did you have
to come in our life? Bitch, Kalila is my sister and she’s my mother.”

  “Get off me. I don’t care if she just had a baby. I’m about to beat her ass.”

  “You ain’t doing shit.” Zahra picked my baby up. She knew like I did, Rhythm wouldn’t touch her.

  “I’m fine Mr. Garcia. Put me down.” He did and she fixed her clothes.

  “You acting like you’re better than me. Like your pussy good enough for him not to stray. Well guess what?” I knew right then shit was about to be fucked up.

  “Last week at the doctors.”

  “Shut yo ass up Zahra.”

  “Nah. Fuck you and her.”

  “Last week we kissed in the doctor’s office and I sucked him off.” Rhythm looked at me and so did everyone else. I’ve never been a cheater and they all knew how I felt about Rhythm, well except my mother because she was in denial. I’m sure they’re wondering why, the same way I am.

  “That’s right bitch. Then he took your dumb ass to Mexico to try and cover up his guilt. Bitch, I ain’t going nowhere. We got years in.” The tears rolling down Rhythm’s face fucked me up. I should’ve never kept this from her knowing the type of person Zahra is. The sad part is she just told me in Mexico how much in love with me, she was.

  “Ok then.” She walked up on me.

  “Here’s the keys to your truck, your house in Sayreville and the condo downtown.” She dug in her purse to get them.

  “Sayreville? Condo?” Zahra questioned and I kept my eyes on Rhythm.

  “You should’ve known about these places since you have time in but let me clear Zahra.” She moved closer but I stood in between.

  “I’m not gonna cause a scene because it’s no need.” She said but I wasn’t taking a chance. Rhythm was that mad.

  “Years in with a nigga don’t mean shit as you can tell.”


  “Now its whatever because you see I got the keys to his shit but here.” She passed them to her and I snatched them right outta Zahra’s hand. I wish the fuck I would let her have them.

  “You were right about one thing and that’s, that you two belong together.” She wiped her face, grabbed her purse and walked out with Kalila behind. I tried to go after her but my father told me to give her space. I stared at this bitch and had she not been holding Sasha I probably would’ve strangled her. My father had to hold me back.

  “What’s up?” My brother Kommon strolled in smiling.

  “What up?” He gave me a hug and something was off. I knew when shit wasn’t right with him and he knew too because his smile turned into a slight frown.

  “You here to see your niece?”

  “My niece?” He questioned.

  “Yea. This dumb bitch just had my daughter.”

  “Your daughter? Nah bro. I’m here to see my daughter.”

  “Nigga, I ain’t no you had a kid. Ma, did you know?” I asked when she stepped in.

  “Kommon, you never told me about any kids.” Confusion was written on everyone’s face except his and Zahra’s. Then I remembered what Kash said.

  “Zahra said she told you it was a chance the baby may not be yours.”

  “What the fuck you just say?”

  “I told you Kruz but nobody wanted to listen to me.” Kash said sitting in the chair.

  “You heard me. Now where’s the nurse so we can get a test done. I’m either the father or the uncle.” All I saw was red.


  I walked out the room with Kalila holding my hand, hurt, humiliated and embarrassed. I definitely knew about the doctor’s appointment but the rest remained a secret until she blasted it. Who knew she hated me so much she’d blurt it out to my child. My poor baby covered his ears and started crying. He was devastated and everyone in the room knew it.

  “Come on sweetie.” I lifted him up out of Kruz’s mom arms. She had the nerve to ask if he’s gonna be ok, as if she cares.

  “You don’t have to worry about this one here.”

  “Rhythm. I’m...”

  “You’re what? Sorry.” I looked her up and down. This woman was pathetic and I didn’t care to hear any fake ass apologies.

  “You’re not sorry one bit. This is what you wanted right? You did any and everything possible to try and keep them together. Made her weasel back in the house, buy things for the baby and go to doctors’ appointments.” The insurance guy who left his card at the motel walked past us and went to the bitch’s room. How did they know each other?

  “Let’s go sis.” Kalila took my hand in hers.

  “I understand why you felt he should go to the doctors but what you should’ve done is taken the time out to be his mother, and not hers.” She sucked her teeth and we walked off. I turned and saw her going in Zahra’s room.

  “Effff him sis.” I laughed at Kalila because I know she wanted to say more and didn’t. We really tried our hardest not to curse in front of him.

  I placed Axel in the back of the Uber called and put his seatbelt on. Neither of us had a car here and this was our only option unless I got the keys back from Zahra and drove his truck.

  I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. Why in the hell did I end up falling in love with a man who’s clearly not over his ex?

  The Uber stopped in front of the house and Kalila helped me pack some things for me and my son. There’re a few vacancies at the motel and I asked our boss if I could occupy one. I told him someone broke in my house and I’m scared to stay there. He’s cool and pretty much lets me do whatever since I’ve been working here right outta high school.

  I never got the chance to experience college because of my son. I don’t regret him one bit, however; I do think about if I’d have a better job had I went to school. Maybe not because Kalila graduated and she still can’t get a good paying job no matter how many applications she put out.

  “Hey, can I drop Axel off until tomorrow?” I asked his father’s mom. She loved my son and hated when I picked him up.

  “Yes girl. You don’t ever have to ask.” I hung up and packed him some games too. The three of us left in my car, I dropped him off at his grandmothers and headed to the motel with my best friend next to me.

  I went in the office, spoke to the chick working and grabbed a key to the room next door to the office. The boss stayed here sometimes if he had to work and no one could cover, which is rarely. The room is basically a one-bedroom apartment.

  It’s actually nice in here, minus the ugly ass picture he has hanging in the living room. It’s a big black tiger with blue eyes he said, he had to have. I asked why doesn’t he put it in his own house? He said, it was expensive and his wife would kill him if she knew he brought it.

  The kitchen is small but big enough for a square table and two chairs. The bathroom is a decent size and the bedroom has a nice set in here, thanks to me. He offered me to stay here a few years ago but I didn’t wanna move. I furnished the place and even put an exercise bike in to work out. It’s gonna do for now.

  I wasn’t worried about Ms. Bell losing the house anymore because it’s paid off and so is the loan. I’m still waiting to hear back about the person putting all those things in my name. Thankfully, the guy put in for fraud so it’s not on my credit report.

  I never called the insurance guy and I’m glad I didn’t if he’s affiliated with Kruz. Not saying he’d do me dirty but I don’t need him telling my business.

  “You ok Rhythm?” Kalila was sitting on the couch texting when I stepped out the shower.

  “Yea. I knew he was too good to be true.”

  “Rhythm, I’m not taking his side but do you think Zahra did it on purpose?”

  “What you mean?” I put lotion in my hands and then my legs.

  “She had him going to those appointments probably tryna get them alone. He probably had a moment and didn’t mean to mess up.”


  “I’m just saying. He really does love you and I don’t think you should take him back if you don’t
want too. However; I do believe my sister planned all of this, down to exposing him in front of you.”

  “Oh. I don’t doubt that at all. I just wanna know why did he allow her to even get that far?”

  “The only person who can answer that is him.” She stood and went to the window.

  “Yup and I don’t wanna hear the excuses so its best we part ways. Kalila, are you listening?” I asked because she was occupied at the window.

  “Bitch, it’s those niggas again and they leaving.”

  “What niggas?” I walked over to where she was and peeked out.

  “The ones hiding shit in the room.”

  “Ok and...” I moved when the van pulled off.

  “And they left. Let’s go see what they hiding.”

  “Girl, are you crazy?”

  “Yup and so are you? Put your slippers on.” I blew my breath, grabbed the key to my room and followed her to the front desk. I told the chick she could take a half hour break because we’ll be here. It’s the only way we could grab their key and go in the room. It would give us time to go in and come back.

  “You ready?” Kalila grabbed my hand and we walked down passed all the doors. We made it to the room, looked around and didn’t see any cars coming.

  “Hurry up bitch before we get caught.” She barked because it was taking time to get in.

  “I think they did something to the lock.” I kept jiggling the key until the door finally opened. Both of us rushed in and closed the door.

  “Shit! Where’s the light?” I moved my hands around on the wall and felt a body.

  “Really Kalila. Move so I can turn it on.”

  “Heffa, I’m over here.” Her voice came from a different direction and at that very moment, I knew we fucked up coming in here.

  “If you’re over there, then who is...”

  “Didn’t we tell you nosy bitches to stay out this room?” His voice sent chills down my spine and not good ones.

  CLICK! I felt the cold gun on my temple.

  “Rhythm you have to see this shit in the bathroom.” Dude turned the lights on and Kalila froze.

  “Lord please forgive me for my sins and watch over my son.” I said out loud and asked myself, why in the hell did I listen to this crazy ass girl?


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