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The TB12 Method

Page 22

by Tom Brady

  I can’t thank the [TB12] staff enough for all that they have done for me in restoring my body to its previous state of health. The facility is outstanding—and I highly recommend TB12 to all my friends.

  OUR SON, AGE TWELVE, WAS EXPERIENCING HIP, LEG, AND JOINT pain, which ultimately sidelined him from playing fall sports. We came to TB12 unsure of what the future would look like for sports with our son—and were immediately put at ease by Alex.

  I listened as they explained to him that things would get better. They taught him about the importance of diet and hydration and the effort it would take to heal. I watched as they began working on my son’s recovery. Almost a year later, our son is not only able to compete again but even has the ability to push himself further as an athlete. Watching him be able to play the sports he loves is a gift to us and is something we do not take for granted.

  I RANDOMLY FOUND TB12 AFTER A GOOGLE SEARCH AND HAD NO idea of the scope of the organization, or even what “TB” meant!

  I made an appointment because my recovery from hip replacement had gone awry. I felt I was running out of options. It was difficult to walk without pain, and I was putting on weight after the surgery. [My TB12 body coach] began a program for me to correct the surrounding muscle and devised brief workouts and a quick manipulation to store the corrections in muscle memory.

  I lost twenty-four pounds, and have kept it off. My vertical leap is 32", which is pretty good for a sixty-five-year-old, and I adopted the TB12 diet and resistance-band program. I would say I gained back about ten years. I now play extremely strenuous tennis with top club pros and stay in there quite well, especially on the forehand side, for hours on end.

  TB12 SAVED MY SHOULDER—AND MY SANITY. AS A SENIOR partner at my company, I work long hours and travel often. Exercise is my outlet, and a torn bicep and partially torn tendons in my rotator cuff prevented me from doing my usual Pilates and HIIT. Once my orthopedist recommended surgery, I called TB12. [The TB12 body coach] has helped me regain range of motion, reduce pain, and begin to get back to the exercises that keep me mentally and physically at my best.

  AS A PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER IN JAPAN, I WENT TO TB12 three years ago in search of the best massage techniques, diet, and workouts. I have to say TB12 has been a big part of my evolution as a person and an athlete. My first visit influenced me to be at my best every day, eating clean, which resulted in my losing ten pounds and getting into the best shape of my life. The approach to training and lifestyle is a perfect fit for me, as I have tried every type of training, diet, etc. I truly believe this is the way of the future in training and recovery. The confidence and knowledge of everyone, and the results I achieved, made the visit very comfortable, fun, and easy. I can’t say enough great things about the TB12 center, the people who work there, and my own experience.

  YOU GUYS AT TB12 WORK MAGIC. IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT. MY SON had an injury that local physical therapists did nothing to correct or improve. After a single visit to TB12, my son was ready to play in his football game that weekend. You also did the same for another one of my sons the previous season: one visit, and he felt great and could play.

  THE REALITY IS THAT TB12 DRAWS THE BEST THERAPISTS FROM across New England and employs the latest techniques and physical therapies in sports. The connection with Tom Brady may add to the allure of TB12, but the simple fact that you are the best is why I bring my children to you, and why I recommend you to every parent I know.

  LAST YEAR MY ACTIVE SPORTS AND WORKOUT ROUTINE WAS INTERRUPTED by a painful low back spasm and sciatica nerve pain that made simple tasks very challenging. I am a “mature” athlete and an active golfer, and to not be able to freely involve myself in these activities was depressing.

  I immediately started searching my database for sports massage, chiropractic clinics, etc., but after a few months with no success I was introduced to TB12 by a friend. After the very first treatment, I actually felt relief. The facility and staff were top-notch. I am now back to my “old” self, actively pursuing my favorite activities, free of pain and enjoying myself. Thanks, TB12.

  I HAVE BEEN PLAYING SOCCER SINCE I WAS EIGHT YEARS OLD. AS little kids do, I had lots of dreams of playing someday in college or beyond, but these thoughts started to get farther away from me because of the pain in my legs, which I’d experienced since I was five. As I started playing at a higher level in my middle school and high school years, I was told it was shin splints—but I knew it was something else. Over the years, I’ve had knee pain, hamstring pulls, quad strains, patella issues, and severe pain in my calf muscles that would remove me from the field.

  Then, randomly, a high school teacher told me I should look into TB12. It was like someone was finally speaking to me directly. TB12 has helped me in more ways than just recovery. I have gained new confidence and now move my body with full mobility and strength. I don’t fear injury anymore. I have learned so much about my body and mind, and have been well informed and educated about hydration, nutrition, recovery, and, of course, pliability! Today I no longer feel like the injured kid. I was blessed to receive this gift, and I do not take it for granted. I have the utmost respect for all of you, and all you do! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  I AM A FIFTY-SEVEN-YEAR-OLD MALE WHO HAS ALWAYS TRIED TO maintain good health. I played three sports during high school and went on to play Division I football in college. After college I continued to be active by running marathons, lifting weights, taking yoga classes, snowboarding on family vacations, and working out with my three children in the various sports they played. After years of hard physical activity, I learned I had put an incredible strain on my hips and would need both replaced. In 2009, after my second surgery, I set out on a mission to get back in shape as fast as I could. I worked very hard at getting back to my previous physical condition and active lifestyle. I thought I was doing all the right things until three years ago, when I had the honor of meeting Alex Guerrero. After learning about the TB12 method and their beliefs, I knew I had to adopt that kind of lifestyle. I had always thought I was doing the right things, but after talking with Alex, I realized that by doing things a little differently, I could be even better. With TB12’s guidance I changed the way I ate, slept, and trained—essentially I was training the same way Tom Brady does. The physical, mental, and spiritual changes that have resulted from going to the TB12 Sports Therapy Center have been magic for me.


  1. What is the TB12 Method?

  The TB12 Method is a performance training approach and lifestyle that Alex and I developed over the past twelve years, with the goal of maximizing my potential both on and off the field. It can enable active individuals to sustain their peak performance by preventing injury and promoting faster recovery through holistic, whole-body wellness programs.

  The TB12 Method incorporates exercise, nutrition, hydration, brain exercises, rest, and recovery, and—at its core—targeted, deep-force muscle work techniques to help maximize what we define as muscle pliability.

  I believe this approach is optimal for long-term results—and I credit the TB12 Method for my sustained peak performance in professional football, and for the health and vitality I enjoy every day.

  2. What is pliability?

  Pliability refers to the state of muscles that stay long, soft, and primed through the acts of daily living and activity—in contrast to muscles that are tight, dense, and stiff, and less able to adapt to the stresses placed on them. When our muscles are pliable, they recover faster, are less susceptible to injury, and are better able to absorb loads and forces. The TB12 Method incorporates a range of techniques to increase and maintain pliability, including pliability exercises using assisted devices, self-pliability, partner pliability, and, in its highest form—the one I recommend—a certified TB12 body coach who applies manual deep-force pressure to muscles as they functionally contract and relax through movement. A key principle at TB12 is integrating pliability treatments both before and after workouts or activities.
Our primary long-term objective is to help athletes develop a brain–body connection that allows their muscles to remain long, soft, and primed during workouts, practices, or games. Muscle pliability optimizes oxygen-rich blood circulation while substantially decreasing microtearing and scarring, thereby reducing the risk of injury and accelerating recovery from injury if and when it happens.

  3. How is pliability different from flexibility?

  Pliability is all about lengthening and softening the muscles. Flexibility, which often comes as the result of stretching, may lengthen the muscles to some degree—but it doesn’t soften them. Lengthening and softening the muscles removes tension from them. Stretching doesn’t. Another difference between pliability and stretching is that pliability training requires some level of positive and intentional trauma to stimulate the muscle and “train the brain” to contract and relax the muscle through its longest, softest state. If you stretch, I recommend you incorporate pliability treatment before and after. For more explanation of the differences between flexibility and pliability, see page 73.

  4. How can I get started with the TB12 Method?

  The best way to get pliability training is through an experienced and certified TB12 body coach. There is no real substitute for in-person pliability sessions at the TB12 Sports Therapy Center, but as I explained earlier, there are other ways to incorporate lifestyle and training choices that will put you on the path to peak performance. It begins with a commitment to incorporate pliability and its amplifiers into your daily routine to whatever degree possible. Hydration comes first. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day is an easy lifestyle change to make, and the positive results may surprise you! It’s also important to make the right nutrition choices (complemented by smart supplementation) in order to keep your body’s inflammation rates low and to maintain a healthy, positive attitude. Look for ways to recenter yourself, too—understanding that brain exercises, the proper mind-set, rest, and regular sleep go a very long way and have a cumulative effect on your long-term health.

  5. What are TB12’s most important nutritional recommendations?

  Our nutritional recommendations are tailored specifically for each TB12 client based upon his or her unique situation and goals—but overall, our diet program emphasizes a balanced, seasonal, mostly plant-based diet of real and organic foods, and adequate intake of foods with alkalizing properties. Review chapters 7 and 8 for more detail. Above all, remember that exercise alone will never make you healthy if you’re not eating well. Good nutrition will improve overall vitality in your life.

  6. Why all the focus on resistance bands?

  Muscles aren’t for show. They serve to protect our bone structure and to carry out the jobs we ask them to do, whether playing sports or lifting heavy boxes. Since the core of the TB12 Method is muscle pliability, we focus on functional exercises that keep muscles long, soft, and primed. Resistance bands allow for a bigger, more fluid range of motion than weights do, and help build strength and power without shortening or damaging muscles, creating inflammation, or overloading any one muscle. By targeting accelerating and decelerating muscle groups at the same time without overloading our joints, resistance bands also mirror the body’s normal, everyday movements. Review chapter 6 to see our TB12 exercises incorporating resistance bands.

  7. Does the TB12 Sports Therapy Center in Foxborough focus on post-injury recovery or injury prevention and performance optimization?

  Both! TB12 body coaches work with injured athletes to accelerate their recovery, and also with non-injured athletes to enhance their overall performance and minimize their likelihood of experiencing noncontact injuries in the future. For clients who come to the TB12 Sports Therapy Center for post-injury recovery, we recommend continuing with a training program geared toward preventing potential injuries before they happen.

  8. Can I visit, or get an appointment at, the TB12 Sports Therapy Center?

  We don’t offer tours of the TB12 Sports Therapy Center, since it’s a fully operational performance training and therapy center. But appointments are available to the general public! We work with athletes of all ages and all levels—whether they’re seeking a healthier lifestyle or recovering from injury (see our testimonials section). Each session is tailored to the individual’s needs. Please note that due to high demand, there is currently a waiting list for appointments. Call 508-543-4900 or email for more information about scheduling an appointment. In the near future, we look forward to having more certified TB12 body coaches and TB12 facilities in other parts of the country.

  9. What happens during a typical session at the TB12 Sports Therapy Center?

  All our sessions at the TB12 Center are one-on-one, and most last at least an hour. To begin, one of our certified TB12 body coaches will analyze a client’s complete biomechanics and review his or her unique goals. We then combine pliability sessions in private rooms with functional movement on our turf area, where clients learn exercises that further promote pliability, including working with resistance bands. Each client receives a comprehensive, customized, sports- and (if applicable) position-specific program that integrates cutting-edge concepts in athletic preparation, hydration, nutrition, brain fitness, rest, and recovery.

  10. Does the TB12 Sports Therapy Center offer group programs?

  Our approach at the TB12 Sports Therapy Center is focused on developing comprehensive and highly tailored solutions that require individual attention from our body coaches. This is why we offer only a limited array of programming for groups or teams (e.g., the TB12 ACL Injury Prevention Program, which we offer to schools and coaches of youth sports teams). Please email for more information about these programs.

  11. Why do you suggest a vibrating foam roller or sphere? Where can I buy one (and other TB12 products)?

  We recommend the use of a vibrating foam roller or vibrating sphere because they create neural stimulation. Neural stimulation is critical in forging the brain–body connection and helping train our muscles to understand that they need to stay long, soft, and primed through muscle contraction. Our belief is that no real healing can take place unless the brain is involved. In our facility, we exclusively use vibrating rollers or spheres to assist with pliability (see pages 80–100 for pliability exercises that use the vibrating foam roller and/or the vibrating sphere). Our vibrating foam roller, vibrating sphere, and other TB12 products are available exclusively through our online store at

  12. I want to be a body coach at TB12. Who should I contact?

  We’re always interested in speaking with qualified and motivated individuals who are interested in training as body coaches. Please note that all our body coaches are certified athletic trainers and/or licensed physical therapists. We will be expanding our body coach certification program in the near future. For more information, please email


  WRITING A BOOK IS A long, involved process. It’s a lot like what I’ve experienced in my own professional career, in fact. It requires great teamwork, focus, determination—and everyone doing their job at the highest possible levels. First, of course, I want to thank one of my dearest friends, and my body coach, Alex, who developed the TB12 Method ideas with me not just in this book but over the last twelve years, and whose genius, friendship, and ongoing support have enabled my own sustained peak performance. We have an unbreakable bond—and it has been so much fun sharing in our success on and off the field. Thank you. None of this would have been possible without you.

  Of course, I also want to thank the New England Patriots and especially Robert Kraft for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to lead and play my sport with the best ownership, coaching, staff, and fans anyone could hope for. I can never adequately express the gratitude I feel to all the friends, teammates, former teammates, and coaches and mentors past and present who’ve inspired me to learn and grow and to get where I am today. It’s the
highest privilege to have had the shared experiences and collective success we’ve enjoyed together, and I look forward to accomplishing even more. I also want to thank all my competitors past and present, who always push me to work harder and dig deeper—as well as all the people who’ve come to the TB12 Sports Therapy Center over the years, whose stories continue to inspire me.

  I also want to thank all my friends for the support they have given me from high school to college to today. My friends have been instrumental in supporting me and teaching me what love and friendship mean over the course of my life. Thank you for always pushing me to be my best, from elementary school to my eighteenth professional year. There are too many of you to mention, but you know who you are, and I love you all.

  Thank you to all the people at TB12—our board, our staff, our body coaches, and all the clients we’ve been privileged to serve over the years. My friend and TB12 board member Tony Tjan was key in bringing this book from concept to reality, including coordinating the process and content development. It was Tony who introduced me to my writing collaborator, Peter Smith, who was instrumental in shaping, organizing, and bringing clarity to my ideas. Peter has a unique gift with words while always staying true to voice, story, and meaning. I also want to thank Hilario Bango for his creative direction, Shubhani Sarkar for her incredible design work, Kevin O’Brien for many of the photographs throughout the book, and literary agent James Levine. From the outset of this book project, I knew I had the right publishing partner in Simon & Schuster. Thank you to my dear friend Les Moonves, and to the president of Simon & Schuster, Jon Karp, and to my editor, Jofie Ferrari-Adler, for all your support, commitment, and hard work on behalf of this book.


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