by Tom Brady
Finally, I dedicate this book to my incredible family. Thank you to my mom, dad, sisters, and extended family for all the love and support you’ve always given me. I’ve always wanted to represent our family in a positive way. You have all been my role models, and I couldn’t accomplish anything without you. I also want to thank my wife, Gisele. Your love and support for me and all that you do for our family makes it possible for me to live my dream, and I am beyond blessed to have you as my partner. I love you more than you will ever know. You are the light of my life. And to my three children, Jack, Benny, and Vivian—Daddy loves you.
TOM BRADY is the quarterback and offensive captain of the New England Patriots, a team he has played for since 2000. During his time with the team, he has won five Super Bowls, and was named MVP in four of them (Super Bowls XXXVI, XXXVIII, XLIX, and LI). Additionally, he has won two league MVP awards (2007 and 2010), has been selected to twelve Pro Bowls, and has led the New England Patriots to more division titles (fourteen) than any other quarterback in NFL history. As of the end of the 2016 season, Brady is fourth all-time in career passing yards, fourth in career touchdown passes, and third in career passer rating. With a career postseason record of 25-9, he has won more playoff games than any other quarterback and has appeared in more playoff games than any player at any position. The TB12 Method is his first book.
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A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
ACL injuries, 18, 23, 25–26, 56, 287–88, 295
diagram, 78, 79
See also inner thigh/groin
Aguirre, David, 3
alcohol, 40, 69, 206–7, 212, 224–25, 238, 276, 286
acid-alkaline balance, 206, 217
alkaline vs. acidic foods, 217, 225–26
carbohydrates and, 228
electrolytes and, 206
lactic acid and, 61
mineral water and, 209
anti-inflammatory responses, promoting
explained, 38
importance of, 33
apparel, functional, 26, 41, 279–81, 286
average career lengths, NFL, 34
low back, 89
paraspinal muscles, 90
in between shoulder blades, 92–93
back of the thigh, partner pliability and, 114
balance and moderation
explained, 37
importance of, 33
Belichick, Bill, 14, 16, 29, 272
bioceramics, 26, 41, 279–80
Bledsoe, Drew, 16
blood flow
See oxygen-rich blood flow, promoting
blood pressure, 37, 220, 223
BMI, 37
body fat, 37, 51–52
bottom of foot
diagram, 79
explained, 70
inflammation of, 68
partner pliability, 111
self-assisted pliability, 83
self-pliability, 81
brain exercises
divided attention, 276
double decision, 276
explained, 41
freeze frame, 276
importance of, 35
mixed signals, 275
proper hydration and, 41
target tracker, 275
brain rest, recentering, recovery
explained, 41
importance of, 33
training, rest, and recovery
brain exercises, 274–76
centering yourself, 272–73
keeping positive, 271–72
overview, 270
proper mind-set, 270–71
sleep and, 276–80
TB12 action steps, 281
TB12 brain training and fitness program, 273–76
BrainHQ, 274–75
Buffalo Bills, 27
caffeine, 40, 207, 212, 225, 240, 276, 286
diagram, 79
partner pliability, 112
self-pliability, 82, 102–3
See also gastrocnemius and soleus
complex, 220
digestion of, 228
protein powder and, 230
refined, 223
carbonated water, 209
See also proper hydration
conditioning and, 15, 120
resistance bands and, 125, 241
Carr, Jason, 8–9
Carr, Lloyd, 9–13
carrots, 226
cartilage, 207
Cartwright, Kit, 7, 9
centering yourself, 272–73, 281, 294
chest muscles, 91
cholesterol, 37
Clark, Dwight, 2
cleanliness, sleep and, 278
collagen, 57, 66–67
conditioning for endurance & vitality explained, 37
importance of, 33
core stability exercises
core angel, 158–59
four-way overhead resisted foot fire, 174–75
high to low/low to high rotation, 172–73
lateral resisted bird dog, 168–69
overhead arm flutters, 162–63
overhead core shuffle, 160–61
overview, 153
Pallof core shuffle, 156–57
Pallof squat, 154–55
plank with a row, 164–65
resisted walking plank, 176–77
single leg balance with halo, 170–71
x plank, 166–67
cytokines, 66
dairy, 223
Dallas Cowboys, 2
See proper hydration
digestion, 40, 207, 212–13, 223, 225, 227–28, 230
Dreisbach, Scott, 8–11
durability, 26–28, 51, 62, 66, 122
ElAttrache, Neal, 23
hydration and, 33, 206–8, 212, 235, 241, 286
importance of, 211
supplementation and, 41, 228
TB12 Electrolytes, 206, 209–10
trace minerals and, 229
See also proper hydration
Ellis, Shaun, 16
Elway, John, 11
core stability
core angel, 158–59
four-way overhead resisted foot fire, 174–75
high to low/low to high rotation, 172–73
lateral resisted bird dog, 168–69
overhead arm flutters, 162–63
overhead core shuffle, 160–61
overview, 153
Pallof core shuffle, 156–57
Pallof squat, 154–55
plank with a row, 164–65
resisted walking plank, 176–77
single leg balance with halo, 170–71
x plank, 166–67
band dead lift, 202–3
rd lunge with high hold, 186–87
four-way band running in place, 188–89
glute medius side plank, 184–85
Heiden hop, 192–93
hip thrusters, 200–201
lateral resisted squat, 182–83
overview, 179
resisted shuffle, 190–91
single-leg clock jumps, 194–95
squat, 180–81
squat jump, 196–97
squat to press, 198–99
alternating arm punches, 132–33
alternating rows, 134–35
band core rotation, 142–43
band front raise, 146–47
band pull-aparts, 148–49
band-resisted push-up, 144–45
cross-body pull, 140–41
cross-body step and press, 138–39
front-facing core angel, 150–51
overview, 127
single-arm chest press, 128–29
single-arm row, 130–31
standing lateral extension, 136–37
far infrared rays (FIRs), 279
fast food, 40, 223, 240, 267, 286
See also processed foods
carbohydrates and, 223
eating seasonally and, 220
processed foods and, 224, 240
saturated, 223
supplements and, 234
fatty acids, 40, 220, 223, 230, 232, 234
fiber, 40, 218, 220, 225, 234
flexibility and stretching
pliability vs., 73
inside (flexors), 99, 106–7
outer (extensors), 100, 108–9
with assisted devices, 99–100
unassisted, 106–9
form, importance of, 123, 125
fruits, 218–20, 222, 224, 227–29, 236, 238
functional apparel and sleepwear, 279–80
gastrocnemius and soleus
diagram, 79
See also calf
Gittleson, Mike, 6
gluten, 235, 237–38, 240
glutes and piriformis
diagram, 79
alternating rows, 134–35
band front raise, 146–47
chest press and, 128–29
cross-body step and press, 138–39
four-way band running in place, 188–89
glute medius side plank, 184–85
lateral resisted bird dog, 168–69
overhead core shuffle, 160–61
pallof core shuffle, 156–57
resisted shuffle, 190–91
single-arm row, 130–31
single-leg clock jumps, 194–95
squats, 180–81
standing lateral extension and, 136–37
x plank, 166–67
self-pliability, 88, 101
Griese, Brian, 8–11
Guerrero, Alex
author’s introduction to, 18, 61
background, 18
on brain training, 65
development of pliability approach, 22–26, 55
on electrolytes, 211
initial treatments by, 18–19
injury treatment, 70, 72
pliability treatments, 61, 63, 70, 101, 279
TB12 Method and, 26, 284
on training speed, 122
diagram, 79
injury to, 51
partner pliability, 114
self-pliability, 86, 101
Harden, Greg, 9
Harris, Bill, 7
heart rate
conditioning and, 15, 48, 240
resistance bands and, 125, 241
weight training and, 120
Henson, Drew, 11–13
holistic and integrative training
explained, 37, 39
importance of, 35
Howard, Desmond, 9–10
explained, 42
importance of, 35
See also proper hydration
inner thigh/groin, 78, 79, 85
IT band and TFL, 87, 101
Johnson, DiAllo, 8
Junipero Serra High School, 4, 6, 271
Kansas City Chiefs, 23
Kapsner, Jason, 10–11
keeping positive, 271–72
Krystofiak, Kevin, 6–7
leptin, 218
Lewis, Mo, 16
Little League baseball, 3
load, 33, 38, 45–46, 65, 121
See also no-load strength training
local foods, 219
lower body
adductors, 85
bottom of foot, 81
calf, 82
band dead lift, 202–3
forward lunge with high hold, 186–87
four-way band running in place, 188–89
glute medius side plank, 184–85
Heiden hop, 192–93
hip thrusters, 200–201
lateral resisted squat, 182–83
overview, 179
resisted shuffle, 190–91
single-leg clock jumps, 194–95
squat, 180–81
squat jump, 196–97
squat to press, 198–99
front of leg, 83
front thigh muscles, 84
hamstrings, 86
IT band and TFL, 87
See also calf; hamstrings; quadriceps
lymphatic system, 57
mattress and bedding, 278
See also sleep
McGinest, Willie, 18
MCL injuries, 23, 25, 288
McNabb, Donovan, 12
mineral water, 209
See also proper hydration
alcohol and, 225
explained, 37
importance of, 33
Moeller, Gary, 7
Montana, Joe, 2–3
Montreal Expos, 7
muscle groups, 78–79
muscle pliability
See pliability
muscle pump function, 25, 33, 40, 48, 55–57, 61, 72, 110
muscles and, 84–85, 122
neural pathways, 55, 57, 62–65
neural priming, 34, 55, 127, 273
neurostimulation, 77
pliability and, 84–85, 295
neuroplasticity, 33, 41, 276
See also brain
New York Giants, 23
New York Yankees, 11–12
nightshades, 224–25
no-load strength training
explained, 38
importance of, 33
noise, sleep and, 278
alkaline vs. acidic foods, 225–26
combining foods, 228
eating local foods, 219
eating seasonally, 220
effects of poor nutrition, 69, 206–7
essential fatty acids, 220
explained, 40
fitness and nutrition myths, 240–41
food industry, 224
general guidelines, 218–25
don’ts, 223–25
dos, 218–23
high fiber, 220
importance of, 33
inflammation and, 69
organic foods, 218
overview, 216–17
portion sizes, 227
reading labels, 232–33
recipes, 243–67
avocado ice cream, 267
Brady Bowl, 261
chicken burgers with radishes, 253
fresh veggie lasagna, 249
green juice, 262
green risotto with lemon cream, 250
pasta with creamy sauce, 258
potato and broccoli frittata, 246
roast chicken with pu
mpkin and brussels sprouts, 254
salmon burger with avocado and salad, 257
seasonal salad with savory vinaigrette, 245
smoothies, 264–65
snacking, 227
vegetables, 218
organic foods, 218
oxygen-rich blood flow, promoting
explained, 42
importance of, 35
Pallof core shuffle, 156–57
Pallof squat, 154–55
paraspinal muscles, 90
partner pliability
back of shoulder, 116
back of thigh, 114
basics, 110
bottom of foot, 111
calf, 112
forearms, 115
front of leg, 113
See also pliability; self-pliability
plantar fascia
diagram, 79
See also bottom of foot
plantar fasciitis, 70
age and, 17–18, 67–68
anti-inflammatory responses and, 33, 38
balance and, 37
basics, 66
body imbalances and, 58, 61
collagen and, 66
common sports injuries and, 70
conditioning and, 17–18, 22–23, 25–26
diagram, 47
explained, 36–37, 44, 55–57
flexibility and stretching vs., 73
holistic training and, 35
how a brain learns, 57
importance of, 33
inflammation and, 69
injury and, 15–16
lactic acid, 61
lymphatic system, 57
muscle groups and, 78–79
muscle memory, 62
negative vs. positive trauma, 63–64
no-load strength training and, 38
nutrition and, 40
overview, 45–53
oxygen-rich blood flow and, 40
partner pliability, 110–16
performance training and, 34–35
pressure and, 55, 106–7, 109, 115, 287, 293
proper hydration and, 26, 33, 40, 72
Q&A, 72
rehabilitation and, 44
with assisted devices, 80–100
unassisted, 101–9
TB12 Method and, 26–27, 35, 37–38, 40
training the brain, 64–65
See also partner pliability; self-pliability
portion sizes, 227
posterior, 88
See also glutes and piriformis
exercise and, 180
on IT band and TFL, 87
negative vs. positive trauma and, 63
pliability and, 55, 106–7, 109, 115, 287, 293
probiotics, 41, 228, 230
processed foods, 40, 217–18, 236, 238, 240, 267, 286
See also fast food
productivity, 26–27, 34, 276
proper hydration
alcohol consumption and, 225
anti-inflammatory responses and, 33, 38, 241
brain exercises and, 41
carbonated water, 209