by Tom Brady
developing a water routine, 212
distilled or filtered water, 208
electrolytes and, 211
explained, 40
importance of, 33, 213
mineral water, 209
overhydrating, 211
overview, 206–7
pliability and, 26, 33, 40, 72
purified water, 209
signs of dehydration, 209
spring water, 208
tap water, 208
TB12 Method and, 270, 280, 286, 293–95
water basics, 207–9
acidic foods and, 226
collagen, 66
combining foods, 228
cytokines, 66
dairy and, 223
diet and, 218, 220, 223, 226
inflammation and, 69
leptin, 218
protein powder, 230–31, 286
supplements and, 41, 218
purified water, 209
See also proper hydration
quadratus lumborum, 79, 89
body imbalances and, 58
core stability and, 153
diagram, 78–79
pliability and, 55–56, 101
quadriceps femoris, 84
See also front thigh muscles
recipes, 243–67
avocado ice cream, 267
Brady Bowl, 261
chicken burgers with radishes, 253
fresh veggie lasagna, 249
green juice, 262
green risotto with lemon cream, 250
pasta with creamy sauce, 258
potato and broccoli frittata, 246
roast chicken with pumpkin and brussels sprouts, 254
salmon burger with avocado and salad, 257
seasonal salad with savory vinaigrette, 245
smoothies, 264–265
ACL recovery, 23, 25–26
alkalinity and, 225–26
anti-inflammatory responses and, 33, 38
blood flow and, 40
body imbalances and, 61
brain rest and, 33, 41, 57
electrolytes and, 211
inflammation and, 69
nutrition and, 33, 216
pliability and, 66, 77, 293
post-injury, 13, 27, 52, 294
rest and, 227, 276–80
supplementation and, 41
TB12 Method and, 23, 37–38, 286, 294–95
Rehbein, Dick, 13
resistance bands
core work, 36, 60
alternating arm punches, 132–33
alternating rows, 134–35
band core rotation, 142–43
band dead lift, 202–3
band front raise, 146–47
band pull-aparts, 148–49
band-resisted push-up, 144–45
core angel, 158–59
core stability, 154–77
cross-body pull, 140–41
cross-body step and press, 138–39
forward lunge with high hold, 186–87
four-way band running in place, 188–89
four-way overhead resisted foot fire, 174–75
front-facing core angel, 150–51
high to low/low to high rotation, 172–73
hip thrusters, 200–201
lateral resisted bird dog, 168–69
lateral resisted squat, 182–83
lower-body, 180–203
overhead arm flutters, 162–63
overhead core shuffle, 160–61
Pallof core shuffle, 156–57
Pallof squat, 154–55
plank with a row, 164–65
resisted shuffle, 190–91
resisted walking plank, 176–77
single leg balance with halo, 170–71
single-arm chest press, 128–29
single-arm row, 130–31
squat to press, 198–99
standing lateral extension, 136–37
upper-body, 128–51
heart rate and, 125, 241
importance of using, 294
looped, 124
neural priming and, 65
no-load strength training, 38
pliability and, 56, 120
primer, 124
range of resistance, 124
sheathed, 124–25
shorter-looped, 124
training speed and, 122
weights vs., 121, 241
rhomboids and levator scapulae
diagram, 79
See also shoulders
rotational athletes, 38
rotator cuff
diagram, 79
partner pliability, 116
self-pliability, 96
See also shoulders, back of shoulder
salt, 223–24
San Francisco 49ers, 2
seasonal foods, 220
with assisted devices, 80–100
back of shoulder, 96
back of thigh, 86
back shoulder muscles, 97
between shoulder and neck, 98
between shoulder blades, 92–93
bottom of foot, 81
calf, 82
chest muscle, 91
front of leg, 83
front thigh muscles, 84
inner thigh/groin, 84
inside of forearm, 99
IT band and TFL, 87
low back, 89
mid to upper back, 90
outer forearm, 99
posterior, 88
shoulder muscle, 94–95
vibrating foam rollers and spheres, 77, 80
lower body, 81–87
torso, 88–90
calf, 102–3
inside of forearm, 106–7
outer forearm, 108–9
overview, 101
triceps, 104–5
upper body, 91–100
See also partner pliability; pliability
back of shoulder (rotator cuff), 96
back shoulder muscles, 97
between shoulders and neck, 98
between shoulder blades, 92–93
front/middle/back muscles, 94–95
cleanliness and, 278
diet and, 276
functional apparel and sleepwear, 279–80
mattress and bedding, 278
noise and, 278
overview, 276
sleep environment, 278
temperature and, 278
timing exercise right, 278
snacking, 227
sports drinks, 211, 241
St. Louis Rams, 17
strains, 46, 53, 70
sugar, 40, 207, 211, 218, 223–25, 227, 230, 234, 237–38, 240–41, 276
Super Bowl, 2, 6, 17–18, 23, 271–72
choosing, 232–33
essential fatty acids, 230
explained, 41
how to take, 234
importance of, 33, 270
multivitamins, 229
nutrition and, 228–30, 241, 267, 286, 294
protein powder and twenty-minute rule, 231
reading labels for, 232–33
recovery and, 41
tap water, 208, 278
See also proper hydration
TB12 grocery list, 236–38
See also nutrition
TB12 Method, principles of
balance and moderation, 37
brain exercises, 41
brain rest, recentering, and recovery, 41
conditioning for endurance and vitality, 37
healthy nutrition, 40
holistic and integrative training, 35
list, 33
no-load strength training, 38
overview, 32
promote oxygen-rich blood flow, 40
promoting anti-inflammatory responses in the body, 38
proper hydration, 40
supplementation, 41
temperature, sleep and, 278
tennis, 68, 70, 76, 291
tennis elbow, 70, 99
tibialis anterior, 83, 113
diagram, 78
timing between eating and rest, 227
timing exercise right, 278
front thigh muscles, 84
IT band and TFL, 87
low back, 89
mid to upper back, 90
posterior, 88
training speed, 122
trapezius, 98
exercises, 134
self-pliability, 49, 71, 104–5
University of Michigan, 5–15, 206
upper body
back of shoulder (rotator cuff), 96
back shoulder muscles, 97
chest muscle, 91
inside of forearm, 99
outer forearm, 100
rhomboids and levator scapulae, 92–93
shoulder muscle, 94–95
upper trapezius, 98
variety in diet, 220, 223
vegetables, 218
alkaline and, 225–26
antioxidants and, 229
combining foods, 228
eating raw, 286
fiber and, 220
food industry and, 224
importance of eating, 218, 235
local foods and, 219
nightshades, 224–25
portion sizes, 227
fresh veggie lasagna, 249
potato and broccoli frittata, 246
seasonal salad with savory vinaigrette, 245
seasonal, 220
shopping for, 236–37
steaming, 208
vibrating foam rollers
neural stimulation, 295
self-pliability and
adductors, 85
back shoulder muscles, 97
bottom of foot, 81
calf, 82
chest muscle, 91
front of leg, 83
front thigh muscles, 84
hamstrings, 86
inside of forearm, 99
IT band and TFL, 87
low back, 89
mid to upper back, 90
outer forearm, 100
posterior, 88
rhomboids and levator scapulae, 92–93
rotator cuff, 96
shoulder muscle, 94
vibrating sphere
choosing, 80
self-pliability and
between shoulders and neck, 98
IT band and TFL, 87
neural stimulation, 295
posterior, 88
shoulders, 94–95
Vinatieri, Adam, 17
essential fatty acids and, 220
identifying on food labels, 232
inflammation and, 69
multivitamins, 229
produce and, 219, 225
supplements and, 41, 228–30
trace minerals and, 229
vitamin B complex, 229
vitamin D, 69, 228–29
See proper hydration
Wersching, Ray, 2
Woicik, Mike, 6, 14
Wooden, John, 6, 271
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Book design: Shubhani Sarkar,
Jacket Design By Shubhani Sark Ar & Hil Ario Bango
Jacket Photograph By Kevin O’Brien
Creative direction: Hilario Bango, Martian Arts
This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed in the publication. It is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, or any other kind of personal professional services in the book. The reader should consult his or her medical, health, or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it. The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN 978-1-5011-8073-6
ISBN 978-1-5011-8075-0 (ebook)
All photographs are by Kevin O’Brien, with the following exceptions: exercise photos are by Josh Campbell; recipe photos are by Jayna Cowal; photo on page 227 is by Gilad Haas; photos on pages 11, 12, 17, 217, 219, 221, 228, 229, and 262 are courtesy of Getty Images; photos on pages 222 and 239 are courtesy of Shutterstock; photos on pages viii and 8 are courtesy of Under Armour; and photos on pages 3, 4, 5, and 296 are courtesy of the author.