Finding Fate
Page 17
“Is that Leo?” Annie asked in surprise.
Tucker shrugged. “I guess she texted him. Said she needed to tell him.”
“About time,” Annie commented, sticking her hand out. “Keys.”
As their senior year slipped into October, Jet and Annie were still under a constant, frustrating watch. Why bother to use birth control if she and Jet weren’t going to be allowed together alone for a second, Annie wondered. What had happened to all of their parents’ trust? They weren’t the ones that had messed up.
On the positive side, they at least had a few Fridays together thanks to football games starting up, unless they had to leave early for an away game. It had been nice since Izzy hadn’t been calling during her ‘Jet time’ anymore, so she had to hand it to Tucker. He’d been doing a much better job of handling her sister’s moods.
But he still had much of the same issues at home until the previous week when his mother decided she wanted to be the one to take them to Izzy’s appointment. While Bridgette had continued to give Izzy a hard time about deciding to keep the baby after the first appointment, Jenna was beginning to warm up to the idea.
Izzy had cleverly asked to let his mother hear the heartbeat, and when the thrumming filled the room again, Jenna couldn’t help but react much the same as Izzy and Bridgette had the first time.
Again, Izzy had smiled lovingly up at him, tears glistening in her eyes, and much to Tucker’s increased dismay, he had to fake a smile again. Something that was even harder to pull off with his mother in the room, but somehow he’d managed. Maybe there was something to say for women getting wrapped up in the moment.
Isabel was now in her nineteenth week of pregnancy, and miraculously the baby was still a secret. The bump that had finally started to show a couple of weeks ago was very slight and still easy for her to hide under the right clothes.
Most of her earlier symptoms of pregnancy had passed at this point, and she wasn’t quite as worn down as she was in the beginning, but she was hungry often, and wondered how she hadn’t gained more weight with everything she’d been eating. Granted, she’d been smart about her snack choices, but still.
Isabel knew she still got pretty moody at times, too, but she really was trying to control it, and when she couldn’t, she knew her friends were trying to be patient with her. Except when it came to the aversion of her long hated nickname. Annie and Jet just didn’t seem to think she was serious about it. Tucker, however, really was making an effort, at least in private.
“You’re in a really good mood this morning,” Jet commented while he and Izzy were on their way to school.
She just hadn’t been her old morning person self lately, and Jet knew it was probably because of the baby, but today she was in an even better mood than she used to be on a good day. Izzy flashed him a brilliant smile and continued singing to one of her favorite songs on the radio.
Jet smiled back and started tapping his hand on the steering wheel along with the beat. It was hard not to be in a good mood when Izzy’s spirits were so high.
When the song ended, she replied. “Yeah, I just woke up feeling like today’s going to be a really good day. Like something really good or exciting is going to happen.”
“I hope so. Mondays usually suck.”
She shrugged with an agreeing grin and looked out the window, excited over the news she’d gotten in her email this morning. She just wasn’t sure if she wanted to share it yet. She kept debating on who to tell first, Tucker or Leo. She still couldn’t believe how understanding he’d been.
“So Tucker seems like an okay guy,” Leo said as they found a place to park and eat. Isabel was already halfway through her chicken wrap, having dug in as soon as they’d gotten in the car.
Swallowing, she nodded. “He’s really great. I promise. You just caught him after some drama.”
“I wasn’t being sarcastic,” he said, grabbing his toasted club to join her. “It’s obvious he likes you. He’s pretty damn big, though. Do I need to worry?”
“Not unless you decide to have a thing for me,” Isabel teased.
Leo shook his head. “It’s nothing like that with us, and you know it.”
“Then, you have nothing to worry about,” she grinned. “Hey, I’ve been wanting to tell you! I got an audition letter for Baste Academy!”
“Really? Does that mean you’re going?”
She shrugged, realizing it would have been better if she hadn’t gotten Leo excited. “Honestly, I probably would have, before…”
“Before what?” he questioned, now sounding concerned at her tone.
Isabel grimaced. “You want to finish your sandwich first?”
“That bad, huh?”
“It’s not great.”
Leo took two large bites, polishing off the first half of his food, and put the rest back in his bag. “Spill.”
She sighed, so not looking forward to this, but he needed to know. She tugged at her hair, pulling it over one shoulder as she found the words to explain.
“So those dizzy spells and that cold we thought you gave me?” He nodded. “Well, turns out I’m actually pregnant.”
Leo’s eyes bulged as he gaped. His gaze flicked down to her stomach and back again. “You’re…no, Izzy,” he groaned, dropping his head back against his seat in frustration as she ducked hers over her lap. “This can’t be happening. You’re too good!”
Isabel shrugged, her gaze focused at her knees, embarrassed and unwilling to see her friend’s disappointment. “I’m sorry. I only found out a couple of weeks ago. If it helps, my doctor has cleared me to still dance for now. I just have to start being more careful and adjust our routines a bit. That is if you’d still want to be my partner. You’d have to find someone new in the spring, though. I’m due in March.”
It was deathly quiet for a minute, and Isabel thought she’d go crazy waiting for him to say something. This was almost as bad as when she’d waited on that stupid stick.
“Izzy,” Leo said, finally snapping to his senses, his tone demanding her attention. When she braved to look, he continued. “If you think I’m crazy enough to think I can find another dance partner as good as you, you’re crazy. We click. I mean we can go places kind of click. I don’t care if I have to do solo routines for the spring season, that’s fine, but you’re not quitting, and you’re not giving up that audition. When is it?”
“November, but I’ll be too far along to audition by then.”
“Then, you’ll call them to reschedule it. If they can’t do it sooner, then you do it in the spring. I’ll watch the baby myself if I have to. No, wait, my sister runs a daycare. I’ll talk to her. I know she’ll give you a good rate. I’m not letting you give up on your dream.”
“Holy crap,” Isabel cried as she laughed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “You can’t be serious. You can’t be this awesome.”
“Damn straight, I’m this awesome. Now, where’s that hulk of a boyfriend of yours so I can kick his ass.”
Isabel laughed at the memory, and fell into sync to sing with Jet as the next song came on the radio. They were sitting at the light by the high school when the song ended, and she struck up the conversation again.
“So are you planning anything special to do with Annie for Homecoming this weekend?”
“We’ll probably go to the game and the dance for a bit, but honestly, Izzy, I just wanna find someplace to go just me and her. I’ve even thought about asking Noah if he’d rent a hotel room for us since he turned eighteen last month, but I don’t know if it’s worth the crap he’d give me.”
“Wow, well, maybe you should ask Annie what she thinks first. That’s kind of a big deal.”
Jet nodded, “Yeah, you’re right, but I’m telling you, Izzy, I’m going crazy with all our parents’ new rules, and even the few times I’ve managed to find time with Annie since then?” he shook his head. “Something’s off.”
“Off how?”
“It’s just different. But let’s just drop it if Annie hasn’t said anything,” he said, trying to backtrack.
“Jeez, Jet, I’m so sorry. If it wasn’t for Tucker and me messing up.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he cut her off. He hadn’t meant to ruin the mood. “Let’s talk about something happy. Like Halloween. Crazy it’s only about a week away. You coming out with us this year?”
Still concerned, but reading his signals, Isabel let the topic drop. “I think I’m just staying home to pass out candy. I don’t feel like searching for a costume, and I’m not really in the mood to have to worry about someone noticing my ridiculous stomach at a party. Besides, I like seeing the kids all dressed up. They’re so cute.”
“Such an Izzy response,” Jet thought as the light turned green, and he pulled into a parking space in front of the school. “You’re barely showing, Izzy, but, alright, I get it. You’re going to force us to have fun without you and make Tucker whine and text all night,” he teased.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Tucker does not whine and text.”
“If we were going to Benton Hall I’d bet you’d want to go.”
“Dancing? Of course. But you’re not.”
“We could. You never know.”
She shook her head, enjoying the banter. “Whatever. The hall’s not even open that night.”
He winked at her and leaned into the back seat to grab his backpack and hoodie, the second cool front of the season scheduled to come in after lunch that day.
Jet had just closed the door when he heard a gasp come from the other side of the car. He looked up and saw Izzy standing by the passenger door, looking shocked with her hand pressed to her stomach.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jet asked as he rushed around the car to Izzy’s side. She didn’t really look like she was in pain, but he’d never seen her do anything in public that might let people catch on to the pregnancy. Except there she was with her hand pressed against the small bump at her stomach, the illusive, pink dress not hiding anything.
He stepped in front of her to block anyone’s view that might be nearby, scanning the area to make sure they didn’t have any onlookers. None that he could see.
“Izzy, what is it?” he asked again when she didn’t answer. She was just standing there with the same surprised expression on her face. “Izzy, are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
“No,” he heard her breathe out in a whisper of astonishment. She slowly looked over at him then, her eyes wide. “It moved.”
Utter confusion spread over his features. “What?” he asked.
“The baby,” she whispered. “I just felt it move.”
It had been so sudden. She had known that she would be able to feel it soon. Dr. Fallor had told her so at her last visit, but that flutter still took her off guard. What a strange yet utterly amazing feeling.
Jet’s jaw dropped. “Really?” he asked. “You felt it?”
She nodded. They stood there for almost a minute, marveling at the morning’s development until she realized how awkward they must look with Jet standing protectively in front of her, the passenger door just hanging open.
In a tremendous effort to remain inconspicuous about the situation, she forced herself to remove her hand from her belly and grab her bag and purse from the car.
“We should probably head to class. We don’t want to be late.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jet shook the shock off, shutting the door.
They waved goodbye when they reached the split in the hall that would take them to their homerooms, and Isabel continued to marvel at what she had just felt. Her baby wasn’t just the small bump in her stomach anymore. It was a flutter now. No. She’d felt faint flutters before. This was more than that. A kick? Had she just felt her baby kick?
She wondered when she’d be able to feel it again. The baby seemed so much more tangible now, though she doubted others could feel it yet, it was so subtle. But she could feel it. “I knew today was going to be a good day!”
She went through homeroom in an excited daze. Annie could tell something was up, but Isabel just whispered that she’d tell her about it at home. She couldn’t risk anyone overhearing, especially since she’d nearly blown things this morning. Thank goodness Jet thought to block her stomach. It would have been hard to fool anyone who might have seen that.
She was nearly bouncing in her seat when announcements came on and wasn’t sure how she was going to make it to the end of the day without telling Tucker. He’d so be able to tell something was up.
“Attention, Sharks,” the principal came over the sound system. “I have some unfortunate news. With yesterday’s tropical storm update predicting it to hit the coast sometime early this Friday, Bentonville and Summer Grove are making the decision to cancel this week’s game. For you, seniors, I know this affects your homecoming, but your safety is most important. However, all of our usual spirit week activities will still go as scheduled. Have a great day.”
The halls were buzzing with the upsetting news as Isabel made her way over to first period. She felt so bad for Jet after their conversation this morning, and Annie had not taken the news well based on her comments after the announcement. It was a real downer for seniors. She wondered how Tucker was reacting to it, but when she stepped into the room, his seat was still empty.
“He must be running late,” she thought, heading to her seat when Ms. Darcy, her English teacher, approached.
“Izzy, I just got a call from the counselor’s office. Ms. Lane would like to see you.”
“Ms. Lane?” “That’s weird. What could she want?” Isabel wondered.
“Yes, go ahead and take your things with you just in case you’re not back before class is over. Here’s a hall pass.”
She took the note hesitantly, glad that she hadn’t had a chance to unpack yet as she headed back down the hall. It was nearly empty now that class was about to start. Tucker was headed towards her, walking swiftly to make it to class before the bell. From behind him, there was a flash of strawberry blonde darting into a nearby classroom as someone else rushed to be on time.
Tucker gave her a puzzled look as they were about to pass. “Where’re you going? Aren’t you coming to class?”
She showed him the note. “No, Ms. Lane wants to see me.”
“What about?”
“I’m not sure. I just walked into the room, and Ms. Darcy sent me right back out.”
They shared a worried look, both knowing what it could be.
“Tell me at lunch?” he asked.
“Of course,” she replied, giving his hand a squeeze.
* * *
Isabel tapped on the partially ajar wooden door of her designated counselor’s office.
“Come in,” Ms. Lane said after peeking over to see who it was.
Isabel stepped hesitantly inside, glancing around. There were colorful pictures on the walls, and several potted plants covered various surfaces of the room. Family photos were arranged neatly with a plethora of books on a shelf along the back wall. Ms. Lane sat behind an old, wooden desk covered in files and decorative knickknacks. A laptop sat at the corner where the counselor focused studiously on the screen.
“I love your rug,” Isabel said to start the conversation, appreciating the rich shades of reds and purples.
“Thank you, Miss Dearly. I rather like it a lot myself. I’m glad that you’re here. Would you please take a seat?”
She didn’t miss how even though the words were inviting, Ms. Lane’s expression didn’t seem quite as pleasant, not hostile or anything, but not as pleased to be meeting with her as she wanted her words to sound.
Isabel took the two short steps over to the red padded chair and took a seat, setting her bag and purse on the floor next to her. She waited for Ms. Lane to speak.
Eventually, the counselor broke her gaze from the laptop to foc
us on Isabel. “So how are you today, Miss Dearly?”
“I’m fine,” Isabel replied, feeling somewhat guarded.
“Good,” Ms. Lane smiled. “I wanted to speak to you today because I’m concerned about some information I received. Now, I called your mom, and she agreed it was a good idea for you to come in.”
Isabel waited. Her stomach tensed with nerves. There was only one thing that could have gotten her called into the counselor’s office to have a conversation that started like this.
Perhaps she and Jet hadn’t been as subtle as they had thought this morning? Or maybe her clothes weren’t hiding things as well as she thought? And she couldn’t think of anything else her mom would want her to speak to a counselor about.
“Do you know what I’m talking about, Isabel?” Ms. Lane asked when she didn’t respond.
She nodded. “I’m pretty sure I know.”
“Would you like to share anything with me about it?”
She sighed inwardly. “No, I don’t want to tell you about it, but I don’t really have a choice. We’re still going to talk about it anyway.” “What would you like to know?” she asked instead.
Ms. Lane smiled then, knowing Isabel was going to cooperate. “How about you tell me how far along you are.”
“Just over nineteen weeks.”
“Which puts your due date around when?”
“The middle of March. Around the 12th.”
Ms. Lane nodded and made a note in a journal in front of her.
“Do you know who the father is?”
Isabel gave her a shocked and hurt-filled look. “Of course I know who the father is! I’m not a slut or anything!” she thought defensively. “Why is that relevant?” she asked, her tone curt at the offense.
Ms. Lane ignored her attitude. “It may be helpful later on. The more I know about your situation, the more we can talk about what you’re going through in our later sessions.”
“Our later sessions?”
“Yes, I’d like to meet with you once a week. We can talk about how you’re doing, if anything’s bothering you, your future plans, or anything else you might need help with. This is a lot for someone your age to go through, and your mom thought it would be good for you to have this extra support.”