Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1

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Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1 Page 1

by Anna Black

  Chi-Town Bosses & The Women That Love Em

  Anna Black



  Gutta & Gabby!

  1. Gabrielle Jackson

  2. Gabby

  3. Gabby

  4. Gabriel Wilkerson

  5. Gabby

  6. Gutta

  7. Gabby

  8. Gutta

  9. Gabby

  10. Gutta

  11. Gabby

  12. Gutta

  13. Gabby

  14. Trina Nichols

  15. Gutta

  16. Gabby

  17. Gutta

  18. Gabby

  19. Trina

  20. Gutter


  Don ’t miss the contest at the front of the book!!

  Chi-Town Bosses & The Women Who Love Them

  Copyright © 2019 by Anna Black

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States of America.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, please contact:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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  Published by Cole Hart Signature, LLC.

  Created with Vellum


  Wanna Win $100.00 In Cold Cash?




  July 1st and the drawing will be on July 3rd to give you some of that holiday money!

  So, go and turn those pages as you get to know

  Gutta & Gabby!

  Part Two will be more of Gutty & Gabby while you also fall in love with Rel & Chas!

  Followed by Malice & Grace and then finally

  Royal & Gem!

  As always happy reading and thanks a bunch for your support & love. The best gift that you can give to an author is to take a few moments to post a review and then tell another reader about us. Again, thanks!


  Gabrielle Jackson


  I labeled my last box and stood. I looked around the room surveying all the boxes, and then I exhaled. I had movers coming in three days to load up my things for my move back to Chicago. I was done with Texas, done with Mario, and ready to start my life all over again. I had been in Texas too long, according to my mother and two sisters. Now that my life was upside down, I couldn’t have agreed more.

  I moved to Texas ten years ago to be with my man, and after ten years, he still hadn’t given me his last name. Yes, he had proposed, but that was five long years ago. And over the course of our fifteen-year relationship, he has cheated on me three times. The first two times I gave him and dealt with it, but this time was the last time, and I had no plans to ever take his sneaky ass back. I allowed him to treat me horribly, and I was ashamed of how I let him cheat on me twice before. “I should have been left your ass,” I mumbled and kicked the box that was closest to me. Instantly, I got angry all over again.

  “How could I be such a fuckin’ fool?” I questioned myself. I put my face in my hands and tried to hold back my tears, but I was heartbroken and hated that things turned out for the worst for us. I sniffled and then wiped my eyes. I looked around and wished that I had it in me to destroy his shit, but that wasn’t my style. I was always taught to keep it classy. Taking a bat to his seventy-inch screen would only create more significant problems, so I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of Pinot. I inhaled and exhaled as I told myself not to bleach that motherfucker’s clothes or take a butcher knife to his leather sectional.

  “God give me strength,” I sighed and then went to shower. I didn’t have a lot of things to move, but I had too many boxes to load by myself. Since Mario didn’t want me to leave his cheating ass, he didn’t bother to offer up any assistance to help me load my truck, but that was okay. I had my own money, so I wasn’t bothered that he didn’t want to help. I had known a few guys that would have been glad to help me, but I went the professional route because I just wasn’t for drama.

  After I showered, I settled on the sofa and then called my mom.

  “Hey Gabby,” she answered.

  “Hey, Ma,” I returned.

  “How is the packing going, darling?”

  “I’m all done. I just have a few items that I will toss in my suitcase before my departure.”

  “That’s great, baby. Your sisters should land around noon on Friday.”

  “I know, Ma. I talked to Grace a little earlier, and Gemma has already texted me their flight itinerary. I will be on time to pick them up, and we will be on the road bright and early the day after that.”

  “I’m so glad you finally agreed to let your sisters come down to help you with that drive. I mean, driving all that way by yourself wasn’t going to fly with me, young lady, even if I had to fly down myself.”

  “I know, Momma. When I said that, I was super upset and wasn’t thinking rationally, but now that I’m calm. Them coming is a better idea. I mean, I need them right about now. I just can’t wait to get home and away from this place.”

  “Well, I can’t wait either and that fool Mario ought to be damn happy that I’m not coming down there. I know it won’t change anything, but I’d put an ass-whippin' on him,” my mother said, and I giggled. Gloria Jean Jackson was a pistol, and I’d be scared for Mario’s life after what he had done to me.

  “Ma, that won’t be necessary. I’m over it and him. A person can only hurt you so many times until you turn numb. After all, I’ve put up with during this ten-year charade with Mario, I’m good. It hurts, but not as bad as the first time, I guess.”

  “Well, as I always taught you girls since I left your father unruly ass, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You’ll find love again.”

  “Ma, love is the last thing on my mind.”

  “You say that, but you are still young Gabby. You’re only thirty-two. I know you want a family someday, so don’t turn bitter or cold when it comes to love.”

  Arguing with Gloria Jean was pointless, so I just agreed. “You’re right, ma.” I was about to continue, but I heard the door. “Listen, ma, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” I said.

  “Okay, love, get some rest.”

  “I will,” I said and then ended the call.

; I put the phone down and grabbed my glass. When he walked through the door, I didn’t even bother to look in his direction. I heard him toss his keys onto the end table near the door and then watched him proceed to our bedroom. I grabbed the throw blanket from the back of the couch and figured that was where I’d sleep that night because I had no intentions on lying next to his ass.

  Once I heard the shower, I turned on some music and got up to turn out the main light in the ceiling. I turned on the lamp and then rested back on the couch. I sipped my wine and closed my eyes. I listened to the lyrics of Jill Scott’s Whatever and wondered if I’d ever have that feeling for another man. I wondered if another man would make me smile and feel special. Or would the next man break my heart and cheat on me like Mario did?

  I wasn’t the best woman on the planet, but I thought myself to be a good woman. I worked hard as a fifth-grade school teacher. I cooked, cleaned, kept my body in check, well almost because I was far from skinny. But my size twelve frame wouldn’t be considered fat, and I still had a slim waistline. Mocha skin, natural curls, a slender nose, and pouty lips got me compliments, and men always tried to holla. We were in a military town where men were everywhere you looked, but I stayed true and faithful to this motherfucker who didn’t appreciate a loyal ass woman.

  “Can we talk?” His voice interrupted my thoughts, and I opened my eyes.

  I wanted to say, ‘fuck no,’ but I refrained. “What about?”

  “Us,” he said and then sat.

  “There is no us, and there is nothing more to talk about, Mario. What’s done is done,” I spat.

  “But I love you, Gab, and if you go through with this move, there is no way we can work our shit out.”

  I giggled and shook my head. I took my last gulp before I stood to go for a refill. “You love me?” I quizzed.

  “Yes, Gabby, I love you.”

  “Okay,” I said and put a hand on one hip. “You love me, yet you get another woman pregnant. You love me, but you can’t seem to set a date to marry me. You love me, but I guess the lower half of your body doesn’t because your dick is not lining up with your heart.”

  “I fucked up, and I swear this baby ain’t mine.”

  “Well, the possibility that it maybe is enough, and I’m done,” I snapped and then headed to the kitchen. I poured the rest of the wine into my glass and then tossed the bottle into the trash. I went back and flopped down, then grabbed the blanket and tossed it over the lower half of my body.

  “So, that’s it, you’re really doing this?”

  I looked at him. “Nah, fool, all these boxes are just for dramatics,” I hissed.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “I know you are, and I’m sorry I can’t stay.”

  “I’m not going to give up on us.”

  I shook my head. “You do what the fuck you wanna do, Ro. I’ve already given up on us. You have hurt me for the last time. I hope that is your baby. Maybe that’s what will make you happy.”

  “Come on, Gab, don’t say shit like that.”

  A tear fell, then another and another. I had no more words for his ass. After five minutes or so, he finally gave up and went into the bedroom. I finished my glass and then cried myself to sleep.



  The next morning when my alarm sounded off, I reached for my phone to silence it. It was the last day of school, and I didn’t want to go in, but I had to say my final goodbyes to my students and colleagues. Principle Walters hated that I decided to leave Killeen behind, but if there were no me and Mario, I had no reason to stay at Fort Hood. Yes, I had a handful of girlfriends that I’ve gotten close to, but they were not my family and definitely hadn’t gotten as close as me and my girls, Chasity and Tori. They were my girls from high school, and they were ecstatic that I was moving back to the Windy City.

  I threw back the blanket and sat up. I went into the master and wasn’t surprised that Mario had already left because his mornings started so much earlier than mine. He was a Sgt. in the United States Army, and since I wasn’t his lawfully wedded wife, his affairs wouldn’t impact his career. I went to shower, and by the time I was putting on my make-up, he walked in from P.T. sweaty. I remember when that used to turn me on, but it didn’t ignite or spark anything inside of me anymore. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. I tried to vacate the bathroom before he removed his bottoms, but he took them off within seconds.

  Seeing his massive rod, I swallowed hard. I put my eyes back on my face and continued to apply my make-up, and then he smiled.

  “Don’t even,” I said.

  “What?” he said innocently.

  “I don’t want your dirty ass dick, Mario, so don’t even think you coming up in here stripping down to nothing is going to change my mind. I’m only here until Saturday, and then you’ll be free to fuck whomever you choose.”

  He walked up behind me. “But I only want you,” he said, attempting to pull me into him.

  “Get your sweaty ass off of me. I’ve already showered, and you will never have me again,” I said, stepping to the side to avoid his embrace.

  He sighed. “Gabby, words can’t express how sorry I am. I told you that I’m done with running around. I’m done with playing games and with your heart. Them ho’s don’t mean shit to me. It’s you that I love,” he pleaded.

  That shit was fucking comical. “Well, you know what, it’s too fucking late,” I declared and turned back to the mirror.

  I continued to finish my make-up, and he just stood there. After a few brief moments, he moved to turn on the water, and I quickly vacated his space. I dressed and hurried out the door. When I made it to the school, I got way more emotional because truly deep down inside, I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to go. I wanted a life with Mario, but that motherfucker was no good for me. I made my way to my classroom, and I was surprised by my students, principal, and colleagues. They had decorated my room and had a farewell banner for me. My students gave me little goodbye tokens, and I have to admit I cried. By the end of our half day, I was a ball of mush.

  Principle Walters and another teacher walked me to my car with my boxes, and they both wished me well. I drove away, wishing my sisters were coming in that day instead of the next because I didn't want to be alone. My only other couple of girlfriends were teachers, and they had seen enough of my tears that day, so I headed back to Mario’s place. Yes, it was now Mario’s place because, in two days, I’d be out of there and out of his trifling ass world. I just wish I was happy. I knew what was best for me, but my heart was aching and breaking. Instead of me going to his place, I went by Red Robin for a cocktail. It was close to two, and since there was nothing to do at the apartment other than cry, I parked, grabbed my handbag and went inside. I sat at the bar, and the barmaid quickly approached.

  “Good afternoon, what would you like to start with?” she asked politely.

  “A Cosmo, please, and I need a menu,” I said. I had cake and punch at the school, but if I planned to drink, I needed some real food in my stomach.

  “Sure, coming right up,” she said.

  I placed my handbag in the seat next to me and surveyed the room while I waited. The crowd was pretty light. I didn’t think it would be that busy at that time. She placed my drink in front of me and then handed me a menu. I went straight to the starters and ordered Voodoo Fries. That was enough to fill me up but as blue as I was, who knows what else I’d eat. By my third drink, I felt more relaxed and asked for my tab. I didn’t order any more food because I barely finished the fries. After I finalized my bill, I headed to the ladies’ room to empty my bladder before departing. When I walked out, I ran into a familiar face, but she wasn’t with Mario, she was with another man in uniform.

  “This bitch is married,” I said out loud. She and the man she was with had on wedding bands. I started to leave and pretend I didn’t see her, but that ho’ had rained fire on my relationship, and the cocktails were telling me to pay a visit to her table.
I walked in her direction, wondering if Mario had a clue that she was married. I paused, pulled out my phone, and then FaceTime Mario.

  “Hey, Gab,” he answered.

  “Hey, you busy?”

  “Nah, what’s going on?” he asked.

  “Well, I’m at Red Robin, and yo’ girl is up in here.”

  “Really, Gab. I have told you over and over that I’m done with that.”

  “Well, I hope you are because I’m sure her hubby doesn’t know that you don’ knocked her up.”

  “Her husband? What are you talking about?”

  “This,” I said and flipped my camera, so he could get a look at the ho’ he cheated on me with and then I flipped it back.

  “Look, I had no idea. I mean, I’ve been to her house and shit. She told me that they were divorced, and he had moved out.”

  “Well, maybe they are reuniting,” I spat.

  “It doesn’t matter because I told you that is done and I don’t give a fuck about her,” he added.

  “Well, neither do I,” I said, moving towards her table.

  “What are you doing, Gab?” I heard Mario ask, but I kept moving until I stopped at her table. She was grinning with her man until she looked up into my face.

  “Gabrielle,” she recited nervously.

  “Yes, Gabrielle,” I snapped.

  “Nice to see you again. This is my husband, Tim,” she introduced with a hand gesture.


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