Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1

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Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1 Page 2

by Anna Black

  “Hello,” he smiled brightly.

  “Tim, how nice,” I said and then turned back to Karen, my worst fucking nightmare.

  “Yes, my husband just got home from Korea an-an-and-” she stuttered.

  “And you two making up for lost time,” I said with sarcasm.

  “Yes, yes, and you know it. So, if you don’t mind,” she said. Her eyes said it all. She tried to play it cool, but I knew she was terrified.

  “You know what, I do mind,” I said, and she shook her head like a crazy person.

  “Please, Gabby, not here,” she said.

  “Oh, bitch, please! And don’t call me Gabby, we ain’t friends.”

  “Ummm, is there a problem?” Tim asked.

  “Oh yes, there is a problem,” I said. I laid my phone on the table and then slid it to him. “This here is my ex-fiancé, the man that may be the father of the bastard your wife is carrying,” I said. She snatched my phone, ended the call, and threw my shit across the room. All I saw was red. “Bitch!” I yelled and slapped her ass so hard across her cheek.

  The next thing I knew, her husband was pulling me off of her. We were yelling, and screaming profanity and all sorts of staff, managers, and whoever else was trying to keep us apart. Eventually, Tim pulled her out of the dining area, and I was busy trying to gather my belongings that were on the floor. A kind waitressed helped me, and then someone handed me my phone. It was ringing like crazy, and it was Mario.

  I answered. “What!” I blasted.

  “Don’t leave, Gab, I’m on my way,” he said. I figured he knew how I’d react, and he also knew to come and pick-up my black ass.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?” A man kept asking me.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Just please calm down and take a seat,” he pleaded.

  I was too fired up and too wired to sit. All I wanted to do was get my hands on that bitch again. She’s harassed and caused so much turbulence in my life, I wasn’t about to leave while she rode off into the sunset.

  “I’m cool,” I said and took deep breaths. “I will go,” I said, and before I could head for the door, KPD walked in. Two uniformed officers walked in my direction. They approached the man who I guessed was the manager.

  “We got a call about a domestic disturbance,” one officer said.

  “Yes, officer, but it looks like the other woman involved has gone.”

  “Okay, do you need any further assistance?” he asked.

  The manager looked at me. “No, officer,” I said.

  “Do you want to tell us what happened, and do you need to press charges?”

  “No, no, no officer, a woman that I’ve had some issues with was here, we exchanged words, and things got physical. I don’t want to press any charges, and I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure, ma’am? We’d be glad to take a statement,” he insisted.

  “No, no, officer, I’m good. I’ll be leaving now,” I said.

  They nodded, and then I straightened my blouse. I was missing a couple of buttons, but that shit wasn’t a concern of mine. Even though I believed Mario was done with her and that baby, if she was really pregnant, may not have been his, I was still leaving. I was happy I had the opportunity to put my hands on that bitch. When I got out to the parking lot, I headed towards my car, but Mario’s SUV pulled in front of me. After he put his gear in park, he hopped out and ran over to me.

  “Gabby, baby, are you okay? What the fuck happened?”

  I exhaled and let him pull me into his arms. “Just take me home,” I cried, and he helped me into his SUV.



  My sisters had come into town the day before, and I thought it would be a better day, but it wasn’t. The moment they pulled me into a group hug, I lost it. The night before with Mario had been intense. A part of me wanted to stay and work things out because I did believe that things were over with him and Karen, but the trust was gone. He had taken that away from me, and I knew if I stayed, I’d be a mad woman. I’d stalk him, check his phone, social media and wouldn’t believe a word from his cheating ass lips. I had to go. It was hard to walk out that door that Saturday morning, but I did. We had a U-Haul with my Chevy Equinox in tow, and we headed back to my hometown.

  Although we jammed to the music and reminisced on childhood stories, I was super sad on the inside. Gemma and Graced did most of the driving because I was an emotional wreck. As soon as we pulled in front of my mother’s home out in Oak Lawn, IL, she hurried out to greet us with my childhood favorite thing, Salerno Butter Cookies in hand. I tried to keep it together, but the cookies and my mother’s tight hug broke me down again. I hadn’t realized just how much I loved Mario until I was a thousand miles away. The first week was the worst, and then after I started to look for my own place, I was beginning to come together. I had enough saved because I never paid rent when I was with Mario. I thank God for that because it allowed me to move into the neighborhood I wanted to live and teach in.

  An old friend of a friend was a principal at a school not far from my place, and by the fall, I’d have a teaching job. Once I was moved in, I bought some new furniture. After the first month, I was feeling human again. No, I wasn’t socializing as much as my friends and family thought I should be, but I was no longer crying myself to sleep. I had the courage to unblock Mario, and not a day went by without a few calls and text messages from him; never did I reply. Yes, I was tempted, but the only thing I actually responded to was bill related. When I was in Texas, I pretty much handled the bills, so giving him usernames and passwords were the only banter I’d exchange with him.

  “So, are you up for cocktails tonight? I mean, school will adjourn next week, so you might wanna have at least one night out with your sisters and us.”

  “Chasity, please, I don’t want to go out. I’m not in any mood to face the world yet. Plus, I have other shit to get done before class starts. Teachers start before the first day, you know.”

  “Ummm, I do, but that’s next week, Gabby? You’ve been home for a couple of months now. Time to dust some of them cobwebs off your cat and find a new boo.”

  I rolled my eyes. “For the love of God, Chas can y’all please stop trying to recruit dick for me. I just got out of an engagement,” I cried.

  “Girl, please! Don’t nobody count that as an engagement. That ninja gave you that damn ring damn near six-years ago and never set a date. Your ass just got out of a dead-end relationship.”

  I wanted to protest, but she was spot on. “Whatever it was, I’m still going through it. I’m not ready for anything new right now Chas, damn.”

  “Girl, ain’t nobody talking about a damn relationship. I’m talking about dick, girl. Just getting a damn orgasm. I’m sure you missed those, or has it been so damn long you forgot how good they feel?”

  “No, and you have your damn nerve, Miss Chasity. Last we checked, you don’t have steady dick yo’self.”

  “Hold the fuck on and watch yo’ mouth. I got the dick and gets the dick when I need it, but, I ain’t trying to be a committed Bish. The shit Chris put me through was enough, and I’ll never love, trust, or allow another nigga to put me through that shit. So, boom, bitch! What you got?”

  I laughed. “Not a damn thing, and I don’t want to go anywhere tonight.”

  “The hell you not. Be ready by ten, we are going to be there to scoop your ass up.”

  “We, who?” I quizzed.

  “The entire crew, boo. We about to get you some new dick and help you to get over that stupid ass motherfucker you left down in Texas,” she said.

  “Oh, no, my sisters too?”

  “You damn right! Now pour you a glass, put on some Anthony Hamilton and get yo’ shit together,” she said. Before I could protest, she hung up.

  I shook my head then let out a breath. I knew I had to get up and start looking for something to wear because if she, Tori, Gem, and Grace were coming, there was no way they were going to let me off the hook. I ran to shower beca
use my natural curls were a damn mess, so I had to tame my hair before I did anything else. After I got my coils in order, I went for my closet, and it didn’t take long to decide on a pair of jeans, tank, and wedges. It was still warm enough, but I’d take a light jacket just in case. I had just begun to work on my winter wardrobe, and my sisters assured me that they’d help me with a few items until I was good to go.

  I went to the kitchen and poured me a glass of Chardonnay and then took my bestie’s advice. “Alexa, play Anthony Hamilton,” I said, and a second or two later, Best of Me began to blast from my wireless speakers. I smiled and started to feel more in the mood to go out and have a little fun. I applied my make-up, and by glass number two, my bell chimed. I went to the door and let them all in. They all walked in, cheerfully, looking fly and giving me words of encouragement about starting over and beginning again. By the time we hit the club, the valet had opened our door, and I was ready to have a night of fun with my sisters and two best friends.


  Gabriel Wilkerson


  My head fell back as I released the smoke from my lungs. I was puffing on a bitch ass vape pen, something a mah’fucka like me swore I’d never do. But I was having a night out in one of my classy, smoke-free, upscale clubs like a few more of my hot spots that I owned outside of the hood. Yes, I had a lot of shit going on, and I had revenue generating from a few other avenues other than my clubs. Now some of my businesses cater to upscale living, and others still catered to lower class recreation. I had a simple life, well, simple enough on the surface because there were only a select few that knew the real me. I kept my circle very small, and other than my three brothers, no one knew who the true Gutta was because I rarely trusted muthafucka’s and I made no efforts to let anyone get too close.

  My brothers and I were all successful now, but I won’t lie, there were some unpleasantries in our past. All the things we’ve done weren’t squeaky clean, but that street life business was very short lived. Our hands were a little dirty, but we were not career criminals. I was the oldest. Next was my brother, Uriel (Rel), Michael (Malice) and Raphael (Royal). We were the only four boys born to my parents, Samson and Delilah.

  Crazy, right? Yes, I know that shit sounds unreal, but it’s the honest truth. They met at church fresh out of high school and always taught us that God brought them together. Because of their names alone, they were convinced that God had a calling on all of our lives, but my brothers and I never walked in their holy footsteps. We grew up on the south side of Chicago in a lovely neighborhood, but mayhem was never hard to find for a young black man. Although our parents had us in church praying to their God four to five days a week, we grew up to be the exact opposites of what they had envisioned.

  We were all educated, smart, and all college graduates. I owned and operated pool halls, night clubs, and partnered with my brothers in other things. I was opening up a new club in six months if all went according to schedule. A couple of my older spots were what some would call a hole-in-a-wall, but the revenue they generated was profitable, and the properties weren’t horrible, so I held on to them. They were well maintained, but the area was not as desirable as some of my newer establishments.

  “Your brothers are here,” her voice announced.

  My head jerked up from its thrown back position. “Mari, hey love, you know you can show them in.”

  “I know, but when you said nobody is allowed without announcement, I knew you meant nobody,” she smiled.

  “That’s my girl,” I said with a wink. “Go ahead and bring them back. And a few more bottles would be nice,” I added.

  “Anything you like Boss Man,” she kidded with a playful bow. I smiled at her and watched her ass when she turned to make her exit.

  Mari and I were cool. I’ve known her since high school. She and I never hooked up because she dated my homeboy and they have an eight-year-old son together. Even though Dez and I aren’t as tight as we were back in the day, I’d never smash his son’s mom. That shit wasn’t going to happen.

  I took another hit, and when I reached for the Tequila to pour over my ice, my family filed in.

  “Gutta, bro, wat da fuck crackin’?” My brother, Malice, asked first. I stood, shook his extended hand, and pulled him in for a quick brotherly hug.

  “You know, same ole same, baby brother. Worried about keeping this money rollin’ in.” I continued to exchange hugs and greetings with my brothers. When we were all seated, Mari walked in with a cart on wheels.

  “Here ya go, gentlemen,” she said as she rolled in with a cart of goodies. She added glasses, a fresh bucket of ice, bottles of vodka, whiskey, champagne, and another bottle of tequila to the table. She got everyone’s starters and cheerfully fixed the drinks as she exchanged light banter with us. My brothers and I all admired her backside as she moved around the VIP section catering to us. Once she made her exit, we caught up on business and some of our shared investments. When business banter was done, we quickly eased into play mode.

  After a while, they wanted to spread out and mingle, so I joined them. When I stood at the upper level of the club, I looked down and surveyed the room as I always did. A brown skin, bright-eyed babe, caught my eyes. I studied her face. When she wasn’t laughing, her lips were sexy as hell with the plum lipstick that she wore. Swaying to the music in her seat, bobbing her head, she and the other sexy ladies that sat on the plush sofas with her looked as if they were enjoying themselves. I didn’t recognize any of them, and I was sure it was their first time patronizing my place. I walked back to VIP where Mari was cleaning up the mess that my brothers and I had left behind.

  She was my highest paid server and the only one allowed in my VIP room and anywhere near my brothers and me. On top of that, we tipped her well.

  “Mari,” I called out, and she turned her attention to me.

  “Yes, boss, what’s up? What can I get you?”

  “Come here,” I said with a hand gesture. She didn’t ask any questions, she just followed me. “Do you know who that is?” I asked.

  “Who, boss? There are a million women down there?”

  “The one in the light blue tank and head full of curls over on the wall sofas,” I said with a nod. I didn’t want to be pointing like a clown.

  “Oh, the beauty in Kelly’s section. I don’t know, boss. I’ve never seen her before.”

  “How much longer will you be finishing up here?”

  “Not long. Mace took the bottles back for me, so I’m just doing a clean-up.”

  “Can you pause on that and go down and deliver a bottle to her table from me?”

  “Of course. What will it be champagne?”

  “Of course. Better yet, go over and ask what she and her girls are drinking.”

  “And if she asks who wants to know?”

  “Just say the house,” I said, and Mari was off.

  I never approached women. It was normally the other way around, but it was something about her natural look that caught my eyes. Not many women rocked their natural curls like this goddess. She didn’t have bat wings for lashes, and her face looked like she’d be the same woman in the morning without all the make-up that most sistas beat their faces with nowadays. Definitely my type.

  I watched as Mari approached and not long after, Mari gave a point in my direction. When she and her crew looked up at me, I gave a devilish grin, a head nod and then sipped my drink. From that moment on, all eyes were on me. When Mari returned to their table and placed their drinks all around, they all held up their glasses to toast to me. I held up my glass and then headed down to mingle. I wanted to go over, but I played it cool and made sure I didn’t rush over to her table like a lame ass idiot. I sent them several more rounds and then Mari found me.

  “Hey boss man, the ladies are asking for you to come over, so they can give you a proper thanks,” she said.

  I nodded. “How is the temperature?”

  “It’s warm, heard she is single and just moved back to
Chicago from Texas according to one of her homegirls,” Mari said.

  I nodded again. “Thanks,” I said and headed in that direction. I didn’t know precisely what this brown beauty was looking for, but I was definitely going to find out. I’d be open to anything she wanted because it had been a very long time since I saw a woman that I wanted to get to know and not bed. Wait, I did want to bed her, but that wasn’t the only thing I wanted and that hadn’t been the case for me in a very, very long time.



  “Aww, shit now, Gabby! You got somebody’s attention,” Gemma said, and the ladies clanked their glasses.

  “And I don’t want it. I mean, come on y’all. I’m not ready to be meeting men. Mario and I only parted two seconds ago.”

  “Bitch, you mean to tell me that Mario is still a subject?” Grace said.

  “I mean damn, Gab. He should officially be black fuckin’ history. He was a no good, low-down, dirty, son-of-a-bitch,” Tori added.

  “And must you keep reminding me, Tee? Damn, I know, but I’ve loved him for…” I paused and then threw back my drink.

  “Too fuckin’ long,” Chasity said, and they all giggled.

  I rolled my eyes. “It still hurts.”

  “Boop, bitch. Stop it, okay? You moved and left his cheating, lying, stupid ass back in Texas. Grab you some of this good, big Chicago dick and move the fuck on,” Gemma said.

  My mouth dropped open because I never knew my baby sister to be so blunt and nasty. “Gem, really? You too?”

  “Yes, sis, me fuckin’ too. Let that shit go. Dude up there sending us drinks,” she pointed, and we all looked up to see the brother that looked like a fucking masterpiece. “And according to the waitress, it’s because of yo’ ass. So, if not for yourself, take some good dick for the team,” she joked, and they all laughed again.


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