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Page 10

by A. D. Ellis

  Watching Dre kneel before me, fist my cock, and suck me deep was a view I’d never get tired of. The last time he’d had his lips stretched around my cock had been lava-hot and fueled by anger. This time, the heat and intensity still burned, but my thrusting hips were spurred on by something other than anger. Lust and desire flowed through me as Dre swallowed me deep and fondled my balls.

  “You can go harder,” Dre panted when he popped off my hard, spit-slick dick.

  Grabbing the back of his head, I directed him back to the task at hand and groaned as my cock slipped between his waiting lips. Setting a hard and deep rhythm, I fucked Dre’s face, never once looking away from his rich brown eyes and the way his lips covered my shaft.

  Something sparked in my chest as my balls drew up tight and Dre gagged on my dick. Had any sex ever felt like this?

  Pushing away the thought and focusing only on getting off, I increased my speed. A few more thrusts and my head fell back against the door as my release exploded from me, coating Dre’s waiting tongue.

  Barely able to catch my breath, I yanked Dre to stand and licked a trickle of cum from the corner of his mouth before attacking his lips and plunging my tongue deep. The mix of my release and Dre’s essence was a heady taste and I wanted to dine on him forever.

  “You like tasting your cum on my tongue,” Dre said with a smirk as we broke apart. “Even last time, all angry and tough, you kissed me right after.”

  A part of me wanted to bristle and defend and claim it wasn’t true, but the anger and fire had left me and I just shrugged. “You’re a good kisser.” I pushed him to the edge of the bed and knelt to the floor between his legs. “I know I like my cum on your tongue, now I need to know if yours on mine tastes just as good.”

  Dre made a sexy noise as he propped up on his elbows to watch.

  I took his thick cock in hand and stroked. “Damn, talk about a monster.” He wasn’t as long as me, but he was thicker and my ass clenched at the thought of taking him deep.

  “Suck me,” Dre ordered, but the demand sounded more like a plea as he licked his lips and watched me with those deep brown eyes.

  Blaine hadn’t been a fan of blow jobs and always wanted to move straight to me pounding his ass. We’d both always gotten off, but I’d missed having my mouth stuffed with a big, fat cock.

  Flicking my tongue over his leaking slit, I hefted Dre’s heavy balls before sliding my lips over his crown and taking him deep to the root. Casting my gaze up at Dre, I laved his silky, hard cock with my tongue and reveled in the fact that I was the one who had him groaning and gripping the sheets. It had been a very long time since I felt wanted and powerful in the bedroom and watching Dre come undone as my mouth worked him over sent currents of yearning for more through my veins.

  Gripping Dre’s thighs, loving the feel of his hot flesh under my palms, I bobbed my head up and down his length, enjoying his grunting and panting as I sucked him deep.

  “Fuck,” Dre bit out. “Fuck. Gonna come.”

  Squeezing one of his hips, I encouraged him to thrust up as I fondled his tight balls and teased a finger toward his ass. With my finger pressing against his taint, Dre moaned and unloaded on my tongue. Thick, hot spurts filled my mouth.

  Moving to stand, I leaned over Dre on the mattress and kissed him hard and deep, spreading his release between us and savoring the flavor. The kiss was hot and slow, languidly soaking up the last bursts of pleasure before our sated bodies begged for sleep.

  “Showers? Meet back here?” Dre suggested, his words soft and sluggish.

  “Mhm, sounds good.”

  “Want you to bend me over this bed and fuck me until I’m screaming,” Dre murmured.

  “Fuuuuck.” Even as drained as I was, my dick attempted to twitch to life at the vision Dre painted for me. “Better hope my shower gives me some energy.”

  “Just figured we don’t often get an empty house around here so we better take advantage.” Dre pushed at my chest and we stood. “No telling when we’ll have the place to ourselves again.”

  I reached out and wrapped an arm around his waist. “Pretty sure we’ve had to suffer through listening to nearly everyone in this house have sex, they can deal.”

  “Are we telling people we’re fucking?” Dre asked.

  I shrugged. “Doesn’t seem like we need to make an official announcement. If they suspect and ask, no need to lie. You okay with that?”

  Dre nodded. “Cooper is going to have a heyday.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, he’ll be the worst. Luckily, he doesn’t live here so maybe he won’t find out for a while.”

  “Ten bucks says he’ll notice tomorrow.”

  Laughing and grabbing a towel, I asked, “How?”

  Dre waggled his brows and shot a look at my dick. “After you rail me with that? No way he won’t call me out for walking funny.”

  I rolled my eyes and flicked the towel toward him. “Go take your shower. We have things to do.”

  As I made my way down the stairs to use the second-floor bathroom, a strange feeling washed over me. Interacting with Dre without the animosity was the most surreal experience; I’d disliked him for so long, but now I found myself in a situation where not only did I enjoy the physical contact, I actually found myself not hating the idea of spending time with him.

  Clearly the sex endorphins had my head all sorts of messed up.

  Or maybe you’re looking past the anger to realize that maybe you haven’t always hated him so much as you’ve kept yourself aloof and distant, refusing to open up, let your guard down, and talk about how you feel.

  I rolled my eyes at my damn self-analyzing brain and climbed into the shower. Whatever. Whether I hated Dre or not, whether I was beginning to like having him around or not, the sex was amazing and we both agreed we’d take damn good advantage of it for as long as we could.



  Holy shit.

  If I was dreaming, I didn’t want to wake up.

  Sex with Khi at the hotel had been fabulous despite leading to more awkwardness. Sex with Khi when we weren’t surrounded by a fog of anger and irritation was ramping up to be the best I’d ever had.

  But were we being stupid?

  Or maybe it was just me being stupid?

  Khi made it very clear that whatever this new situation was between us, he wanted casual and no attachments, nothing serious.

  While I wasn’t looking for a ring and forever, I’d definitely developed feelings toward Khi recently. Sometimes those feelings retreated back to the negative emotions of the past, but mostly I found myself living in a surreal world where the guy I used to dislike—the guy who left no doubt about hating me—had grown on me to the point where I looked forward to his grumpy refusal of the coffee I made for him. I wanted to spend time with him—even when he was being pissy and aloof—because I’d glimpsed beyond that façade and seen a different Khi.

  Was it smart to get involved with a guy who clearly had so many hang-ups about showing emotion and being vulnerable? Probably not, but we weren’t getting involved, were we? No, it was just sex.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that and see how it turns out when Khi runs for the hills once he realizes you’re falling for him.

  Didn’t matter, wouldn’t happen.

  At least, that’s what I told myself.

  And really, could anyone blame Khi for the issues he had with emotions? He’d had a shitty childhood and teen years, gave up his college ball dream too early because of his knee injury, and wasted seven years of his life with a lying, cheating bastard.

  Obviously, issues were to be expected.

  But you think you can be the one who breaks through all of those issues, all of those walls, and convinces the man who has just recently moved from hating to tolerating you—as long as his dick is buried in you—that maybe admitting feelings and building a relationship is a good idea?

  I pursed my lips as I lathered soap all over, paying special attention to the most
important nooks and crannies. Maybe it was ridiculous to even contemplate, but I thought there was potential between me and Khi—maybe, possibly, perhaps—and I wanted to see where this little jaunt in my life’s journey would take me.

  It needs to take you right back to bed so Khi can fuck you senseless and nowhere else. Don’t get all romantic and idealistic about a guy who very clearly offered nothing more than a good dicking.

  Why did my head have to be so cynical when my heart wanted to believe in fairytales and happily ever afters?

  Why do you have to jump straight from the suggestion of hot, casual sex to hearts and flowers and forever?

  Whatever. I had no illusions of Khi declaring his undying love for me and asking me to spend the rest of our lives together. I swallowed thickly as I rinsed the soap from my body. Honestly, though, would there be something terrible about that scenario?

  Oh God, I was fucked. Somehow, I’d already gone and got myself all starry-eyed over a guy who’d been very upfront that all he wanted was sex. I shrugged and turned off the water. No worries. I was accustomed to being rejected—my designs, so far, hadn’t struck the fancy of any buyers—but that didn’t mean I was giving up.

  Khi didn’t have to know I was all up in my feelings for him. We could have hot, amazing, mind-blowing sex and amicably move on when the situation naturally wore itself out. He’d go on to be his grumpy, aloof, guarded self and I’d eventually land both a contract for my designs and a man to love me unconditionally.

  As I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist before making my way back to our room, I chided myself for all of the dreaming and critical analysis. Khi and I had made great strides in moving away from the awkward tension and animosity of the past. So what if he wanted unattached sex and I maybe yearned for something a bit more? We’d enjoy what we had for the time being—and I meant to thoroughly enjoy that man—and deal with consequences and next steps later.

  Khi was already in the room, lounging naked on his bed, when I walked in and locked the door behind me. He’d placed a condom and lube on the bedside table and he gave me a lascivious grin as he stroked his long, thick cock.

  I’d bottomed a lot since admitting I was gay—despite being vers, most guys assumed I was a bottom—and I was very well-acquainted with the importance of prepping and stretching. Sharing a room with someone, both at work and home, didn’t leave a lot of self-pleasuring time outside of the shower. I fingered myself often, but I knew I’d need a lot of prepping if sex with Khi was going to be enjoyable.

  Dropping my towel, I attempted to push away the first feelings of uncertainty. Did Khi really want this or was I just a hole for taking out frustrations?

  “Come here,” he demanded.

  I crawled onto the bed and Khi instantly wrapped his strong arms around me and rolled me to my back as his mouth devoured mine. The hint of mint made me smile, our teeth clacking together, when I realized we’d both brushed our teeth.

  Khi’s hips settled between my legs, our hot, hard cocks rutting together as our mouths and tongues continued to savor and indulge. “You still want this?” Khi asked as he rocked our hips together.

  “Yeah,” I panted, pressing kisses against his neck and trailing my hands down his back to grip his firm, round ass. “It’s been a while, may take a bit to work me open.”

  Khi groaned as I nibbled at his collar bone. “We’ve got time. Watching you open for me is one of the best parts.” He spent long, luxurious moments mouthing, biting, and tonguing my jawline, neck, chest, and abdomen before nuzzling his nose into my groin and pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. “Roll over,” he said as he reached for the lube and tossed it on the bed.

  I rolled to my stomach and spread my legs. Khi moved between them and settled onto his stomach as his hands spread my ass open. The first brush of Khi’s lips against my hole turned my blood to lava and had me grinding my cock into the mattress.

  Khi made an appreciative grunting noise before painting a wet stripe from bottom to top as his tongue traveled over my sensitive skin. Seeming pleased with my writhing moans, he set to work tonguing my rim and slowly relaxing the muscle.

  Right as I feared I’d possibly explode before he even slid inside, Khi grabbed the bottle of lube and smeared his fingers and my hole. “This okay?”

  “Yeah, but make it quick, be better when it’s your dick,” I said, trying to sound demanding, but pretty sure I just sounded desperate.

  Khi chuckled and pressed one finger against my entrance with a satisfied hum as the digit slid in easily. “Can you take two so soon?”

  I rocked my hips, hissing, “Yes.”

  He added the second finger and only then did I gasp at the brief sting. The discomfort eased quickly and I sank into the pleasure Khi’s long, probing fingers provided, especially when he hit my prostate.

  Knowing three fingers would be needed before I could take Khi’s cock, I fisted the sheets and thrust my ass into him. “More.”

  Before giving in to my begging, Khi shifted up my body and pulled me into an awkward position as he devoured my mouth, his tongue sliding against mine in a hot, slick dance promising the best was yet to come.

  Then he was back to the task at hand, slowly working a third finger into my ass. I clenched and hissed against the burn. Khi’s soothing hand on my back and his whispered words of encouragement allowed me to relax enough to ride out the sting.

  “You’re so good,” Khi murmured as he continued to work me open and rub my lower back. “So fucking perfect all stretched open for me. Wanna watch you take my cock.”

  “Do it. Want you now,” I panted, my body craving the connection.

  Khi gently pulled his fingers from my ass before reaching for the condom. “Stand on the floor and lean over the bed,” he said as he ripped open the package.

  By the time I’d positioned myself at the edge of the bed, Khi had the latex rolled down his long, thick shaft. Glancing over my shoulder, I had to remind myself the situation was real. Never in a million years would I have thought Khi Harris would be spreading my ass and pressing the wide, lube-slicked head of his cock against my hole. But the intense pressure and flaming burn as he inched into me was enough to remind me just how real it was.

  “You good? Too much?” Khi asked through gritted teeth and I appreciated how patient he was being.

  “Yeah, keep going, you’re just really thick.”

  “Just think about how you’re gonna tear me open when you get that massive dick in me,” Khi teased as he pressed deeper into my ass.

  I gasped, both at the sting and the thought of fucking Khi. He’d want that? Want me to top for him? Fuck, yeah.

  When Khi finally bottomed out, I took a few moments to adjust to the extreme fullness, savoring his warm hands rubbing soothing circles on my back and ass. “You’re fucking huge,” I panted, but I wasn’t complaining.

  “You’re so fucking tight and hot, I’m gonna blow my load within seconds once I start moving,” Khi warned as he gripped my hips and began a slow, thrusting rhythm.

  “Fuck,” I panted, grinding my cock against the mattress and fisting handfuls of the bedding. “Faster.”

  Khi increased his speed, the sound of flesh against flesh filling the room as his fingers bit into my flesh and he plowed into me. As the rhythm of the song from Khi’s phone blended with the slapping of our skin, Khi leaned over me, his chest plastering against my back. “So fucking good,” he growled in my ear before pulling my braids and forcing me to turn so his mouth could capture mine in a dirty, wet kiss. “Wanna feel this ass grip me tight when I come inside you.”

  Groaning into the mattress, I savored each thrust as his dick slid in and out, filling me and pegging my gland with each pass. “Not gonna last,” I panted. “Wanna come.”

  Khi wrapped an arm around my chest and pulled me with him as he straightened. “Put your knees on the bed,” he instructed, keeping me tight against his body as I lifted my feet fro
m the floor to move into the new position.

  Balanced on my knees on the edge of the mattress, the only things keeping me from falling were Khi’s arms around my waist and chest, I reached my arms behind me to grip Khi’s thrusting hips.

  With his face buried in the crook of my neck, Khi grunted with each hard, fast upward thrust into my ass. Shifting his arm from my waist just low enough to grip my throbbing cock, Khi stroked me. “Come for me,” he whispered gruffly.

  Completely trusting Khi to hold me and not let me fall, I leaned my back against him and covered his hand with mine and stroked.

  “Next time,” he growled, “you’re giving me this massive dick. My ass is already aching to be stretched and filled.”

  The image he painted and the raw need in his voice were all I needed. My balls drew up tight and my cock shot my release over our joined hands. My ass clenched as I came and I groaned when Khi gave a final thrust, his cock pulsing deep in my ass as he filled the condom.

  “Holy, fuck,” Khi gritted out, his dick still throbbing as my hole continued to grip him.

  He eased me down onto the bed, stretching out our bodies as he caught my chin and turned my head to meet his kiss. The slow dip of his tongue eased the sense of loss as he slipped from my body.

  Dreading the awkwardness I assumed would materialize now that the haze of passion was lifting, I prepared myself for Khi to retreat into himself.

  Instead, he shifted to stand, removed the condom and wrapped it in a tissue, and tossed it in the trashcan. “My blanket is gonna need washed,” he gestured toward the mess I’d made on his bed.

  “Probably should go toss it in the washer,” I hedged, unsure how all of this was going to play out.

  “In a minute,” Khi said as he caught my hand and pulled me to stand. Grabbing a towel, he wiped his dick and hands before handing it to me. I followed suit and stood awkwardly for a split second before Khi yanked me close and pulled me down onto my own bed. “This is gonna sound ridiculous, but we’ve got a bit of time.” He wrapped me in his arms and held me close, our spent, naked bodies tangled together.


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