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Page 13

by A. D. Ellis

Khi broke the kiss, never easing up on his slow, hard thrusts, his fingers digging into the flesh of my shoulders. “Wanna see you come, wanna feel you on my dick.”

  The raw yearning in his words was enough to push me over the edge and I groaned as my orgasm washed over me, my pulsing cock painting stripes of thick, hot cum onto my belly. Khi again silenced me with a deep kiss, his body tensing as his throbbing dick shot his load, filling the condom.

  As we came down from our high, Khi’s forehead pressed against mine while we caught our breath, I savored the extreme boneless feeling that traveled through me.

  Whimpering when Khi slipped from my ass and rolled from the bed to toss the condom, I smiled softly when he grabbed a damp towel to clean himself before tending to me.

  Just when I expected him to crawl into his own bed, Khi pressed the lock on the door before returning to my side. “Probably should have done that earlier,” he said with a smirk. “Good thing no one came to investigate the shit-ton of noises you were making.” He settled in next to me, wrapping me in his arms and kissing my neck. “It’s a tight squeeze, but I’ll stay until you kick me out if it helps.”

  My heart soared and I savored Khi’s gentle heat surrounding me. Sure, he was likely just being kind because he knew the emergency with Bev had fucked me up. But I wasn’t going to miss the chance to cuddle with him and fall asleep in his arms, no matter the fact that it wasn’t real and likely never would be if Khi had anything to say about it. Now, if I was in charge? It would have been a whole other story.

  The next morning, the bed dipped as Khi rolled away from me, pulled on some boxers, and left the room. As I slowly came to awareness, a feeling of loss pinged through me, but I staggered from bed, pulled on underwear, and made my way to the second-floor bathroom since Khi was in the one on our floor.

  After taking care of business, I headed back to the third floor. Khi met me in the foyer area outside of our bathroom and eyed me up and down. “I just checked the whole house, no one is here.” He crowded me against the wall and kissed me thoroughly, both of us sporting minty-fresh breath after our quick morning bathroom routines.

  “We should go see Bev,” I protested.

  “We will, but you and I both know visiting hours aren’t until ten,” he murmured against my mouth. “We’ve got time and I’ve got plans.”

  My hands traveled down the back of his boxers and squeezed his ass. “Yeah? What kind of plans?”

  “The kind that require an empty house and this monster,” he gripped my quickly plumping shaft, “buried in my ass while I ride you and shoot my load all over your chest.”

  Swallowing thickly, I palmed his chest and dug my fingers into his pecs. “If that’s what you want, I’m totally on board.”

  “Then get your ass upstairs,” Khi demanded.

  I moved quickly toward the stairs and pounded up to our room with Khi hot on my heels. Not even bothering to close the door, we made out until I thought I’d come in my underwear.

  Finally breaking the kiss, Khi spoke. “I’ll take the upstairs shower, you take the second-floor. Meet back here when we’re done?” He nipped at my lip.

  We each took a shower, Khi taking a bit longer as he prepped for bottoming, and met back in our room. Locking the door behind me, I stroked my throbbing cock as Khi turned on music just in case anyone came home.

  We ended up tumbling in a heap of arms and legs, lips and tongues clashing, onto my bed. Khi gripped my dick. “You’ve topped before?”

  “A couple times, but not a lot. Most guys want me to bottom.”

  “But you’re okay with it?”

  I nodded. “Definitely.”

  “Gotta say, I’m a little concerned about taking you. I’ve not bottomed in a very long time and you’re huge.” Khi bit his lip as he stroked me.

  “If the others could take me, you can,” I assured him.

  “Were the others equipped with pop-can-size holes and zero sphincter muscles?” he asked drily.

  Laughing, I rolled him to his back. “No, but you’ll be fine, promise. I’d never hurt you.” I moved to my stomach between his legs and spread his ass cheeks.

  “Um, I’ve never been rimmed,” Khi blurted.

  “For real? Is it something you don’t want?”

  “No, I want it. Just never did it before Blaine and he refused to do it, so…” Khi trailed off.

  “If you don’t like it, just let me know,” I said before slicking my tongue over his tight hole. I reveled in the way Khi shuddered at my touch. “Okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s good.”

  I hadn’t had a lot of experience with rimming, but the way Khi moaned and writhed with each swipe and thrust of my tongue had me soaring high and feeling all sorts of confident. When his hole was sopping wet and pliant, I lubed a finger and slipped it past his tight ring with very little resistance.

  “Mmm,” Khi groaned. “Do two.”

  I added a second finger, loving the way his body opened for me. “So good, look at you stretching for me. Gonna love watching my cock spread you open.”

  Khi whimpered and rocked his ass on my fingers.

  Crooking my digits, I brushed against his gland and chuckled as Khi nearly came off the bed.

  “Fuuuuuck,” Khi wailed. “Give me three, I wanna take your cock.”

  We spent several minutes of back and forth while I ate Khi’s ass and worked him open with my fingers and he writhed, moaned, begged, and cursed me.

  “Please, Dre, I’m ready.”

  “You’ll stop me if it’s too much?” I asked as I rolled the condom down my thick shaft.

  Khi nodded and rolled me to my back, straddling my midsection. After lubing my dick and his hole, Khi reached behind and positioned my head at his entrance. Fire burned through my veins as he worked himself down my cock a little at a time, each progression of my invasion bringing a gasping moan from his lips. When he’d finally taken all of me, his hot, tight channel gripping my shaft while his balls rested against my groin, I brushed my fingers over his hip bones and breathed slowly, giving him time to adjust to my girth.

  “This is your ride, you’re in charge,” I said.

  I nearly shot my load the moment Khi began to work his ass up and down my slick shaft. He stroked his rejuvenating cock as he rode me, a drop of pre-cum glistening on his tip. The sight before me was insanely gorgeous, even if I longed to see his ass open and impaled on my length. I gripped his hips and held on for the ride.

  Right as I began to worry I’d blow way too soon, Khi eased from my cock and shifted to a new position. “Wanna feel you plow me from behind,” he said as he planted his feet on the floor and leaned over the edge of the mattress.

  There was no way to argue with that request. I applied a bit more lube and pressed my cock against his pucker, moaning as he stretched around me, sinking back into his heat. Once he’d taken me fully again, I grabbed his hips and pounded into him, savoring the way my cock looked buried in his ass.

  “Fuck, Dre, I’m not gonna last,” Khi whined into the mattress.

  Leaning forward, pressing my chest against his back, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him up from the mattress. Continuing to rail him, I gripped his chin, turned his mouth to meet mine, and devoured his lips. Breaking just long enough to speak, I said, “Stroke your cock, come for me,” before sliding my tongue back into his mouth and feasting on the kiss.

  Pulling from his lips several moments later, I buried my face in his neck, biting and kissing the sensitive skin as he jerked himself.

  Keeping with the hard, deep thrusting rhythm we’d set, I continued pounding into him until Khi’s movements tensed and he groaned his release. Taking advantage of the way he collapsed to the mattress, I leaned down, covering his back and whispering dirty words in his ear as I increased the speed of my thrusts.

  “Fuck, Dre, give it to me. Let me feel you come,” Khi begged as he clenched his ass around my thick cock.

  His words drove me over the edge and I growled as my d
ick unloaded into the latex, pulsing in his ass.

  When I had the strength to pull out, I moved away with a wince and collapsed next to him on the bed. “You okay?”

  “Mmhm,” Khi muttered. “So good.”

  He eventually stood and reached for his towel. “We’ll shower and then go see Bev, yeah?”

  I pushed away a twinge of disappointment. Khi was right. We needed to get ready and go see Bev.

  Would he have wanted to cuddle and spend time with you after you fucked his brains out if Bev wasn’t the top priority?

  That was a question I didn’t have an answer to and one I really wasn’t feeling strong enough to analyze very closely.

  I grabbed my own towel and headed toward the bathroom.

  We’d agreed to sex and the possibility of growing the tiny sprout our friendship had formed, nothing more. If I’d stupidly gone and let myself catch feelings over someone I knew looked at me as only a sex buddy, that was my own dumb move.

  Once we were ready, we piled into Khi’s car and headed toward the hospital.

  Throughout the day, Bev had several visitors and the whole Remington Place crew hung out in the visitors lounge as they were able with shifts, jobs, and responsibilities.

  Her doctor had been to see her and spoken to all of us about her diagnosis of diabetes. The doctor in charge of her care at the hospital assured us that, while Bev did have a slight concussion, he didn’t expect any long-term issues. He predicted she’d be able to go home the next day, provided she was able to check her own blood sugar and administer insulin as needed. The dietician would be in contact over the next few weeks as Bev adjusted to a new eating plan that would allow her to keep her sugars in check.

  Overall, Bev’s situation had been scary and potentially very dangerous, but it had forced her hand and allowed her family to be aware of her condition so we could support her through it.

  When visiting hours ended, those of us who hadn’t had to return to work headed home and spent the next few hours cleaning the house and ridding the pantry and cupboards of foods on Bev’s new list of no-no’s.

  “Soooo,” Cooper drawled about a week later as he, Bev, and I sat at the kitchen table drinking tea and eating cookies. Our tea was sweetened with stevia and the cookies were sugar-free and low-carb—but leave it to Bev to have already mastered making any type of cookie absolutely delicious. She’d come out of the hospital with a newfound determination to face this health challenge head-on. Every now and then, she asked Rai, Khi, and I for assistance, and she was still figuring out food exchanges and whatnot, but my aunt was a damn fighter and I was so proud of her.

  “Sooooo, what?” I narrowed my eyes at Cooper as he bounced his leg and tapped his fingers on the table. I knew what he was getting at, but I wasn’t just going to spill the tea without making him work for it.

  He didn’t even try to hide his damn smile. “You and Khi seem…less at each other’s throats? Maybe more down each other’s throats?”

  I nearly choked on the cookie I was chewing.

  Bev snorted and whacked Cooper on the back of the head. “Damn, boy, maybe leave a bit to the imagination?”

  “What?” Cooper feigned innocence. “It’s not my problem that you’re one of the only elderly people I know who would even get what I was referring to.”

  “We’re old, not dumb,” Bev answered drily before turning her attention to me. “Although, I can’t say he’s wrong.” She cocked a brow. “You and Khi do seem to be getting along a lot better.”

  I shrugged, not sure if I was ready to divulge everything—but knowing if any two people could get it out of me it would be Cooper and Bev…and Gabby, but thank goodness she wasn’t part of this particular inquisition—and opted for vague. “We’ve been forced to work together. Kinda inevitable we’d get along a bit better.”

  “Fact,” Cooper smirked and held up a finger, “I’ve gotten reports, from very reliable sources, that the noises coming from your room are a lot more than getting along better noises.”

  I squirmed in my seat and threw a help me glance my aunt’s way, but she just sipped her tea and smirked before quipping, “I’m blessed with a first-floor room, don’t look at me.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Fact,” Cooper continued, adding another finger as if he was working me open like a damn ass being stretched—prepping me to spill all my secrets. “Don’t think I didn’t notice both of you doing the whole I had a cock in my ass last night shuffle and shifting on those terrible waiting room chairs. You all see me as a mild-mannered preschool director,” he paused as Bev and I both snorted, “but there’s more to me than meets the eye. I know what it looks like when a fabulous dicking has been had and both of you exhibit every single sign.”

  Just the thought of how good that dick had been—and continued to be, almost daily—had my cheeks flaming hot. “Fine,” I said on a sigh. “You win. You’re right. Khi and I are hooking up. But it’s just sex, nothing more.”

  “Oh, for the love of Pete,” Bev said with an exasperated huff. “As much as I love all you children, I sometimes think I’m surrounded by idiots. Lovable, kind, caring, amazing people, but idiots all the same.”

  “Hey!” Cooper and I both exclaimed.

  Bev held up her hand. “How many times do you boys have to see this same situation play out? Different scenarios, different cast of characters, different motives, but it’s the same damn thing every time. We’ll just have sex and then go our separate ways. Then, when feelings start getting involved, we’ll stick our heads so far up our own asses we won’t be able to have an actual conversation about how we’re feeling. We’ll hem and haw around, being all emo and shit, until one of us finally balls up and speaks the truth.” Bev shook her head. “Maybe it’s because I’m on the outside looking in on all of these little performances, but Lord Almighty, you’d think, just once, someone would smarten up and realize the farce of just sex when there’s obviously a lot more between you is plain ol’ ridiculous.” She sighed. “I realize things are different these days—and there’s nothing wrong with sex for the sake of sex—but I remember my dear Jerry and I openly admitting our feelings soon after our first date. Did it make for anxious, vulnerable, scary moments? Sure did. But when you feel a certain way about someone, you don’t mask it with just sex. You let them know how you feel.”

  I huffed and toyed with a braid. “That’s the issue, though. There is a lot between us—as in a lot from our past that we’ve not sorted out and it’s clear Khi doesn’t want to. There was nothing huge or life-altering, mostly just what amounts to immaturity, jealousy, and miscommunication—at least on my part.” I paused as Bev scoffed, pretending she was surprised—such a sarcastic biddy for someone who looked so cute and loving. “I can admit I’ve gone and let myself get caught up in feeling something more for Khi, but I can’t force him to like me back.”

  “So, he can have your dick but he can’t have your truth?” Bev raised a brow over her tea cup.

  “It’s not that easy,” I muttered, choosing to ignore the fact that my aunt was talking about dick.

  “Look,” Cooper started, “I’m the first to admit that Jesse and I tried the whole let’s just have sex and then we’ll move on thing and it was great—until it wasn’t. Feelings got involved and instead of facing those feelings we were idiots—luckily, we worked it out and realized Bev had been right all along. Communication is the key.” He held up a hand when I started to protest. “I get it. Talking about feelings is hard. But I’ll tell you and Khi like I tell my preschoolers, ‘Use your words.’ You and Khi need to talk about your unresolved issues—if you need a mediator, you’ve got people who would help, or we can set you up with Alicia. And you need to tell him how you feel about him. If he doesn’t know your truth, how can he decide what he wants for the future?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why does it have to be me spilling my guts and him getting to decide what he wants from the future?”

  Bev patted my arm. “S
omeone has to be the one to take the first step. We all know Khi has a lot of baggage from his past relationship. Maybe you opening up will be the catalyst to get him talking and thinking about what he wants.”

  “And if what he wants isn’t me?” I asked softly.

  “Then you’ll know and the two of you can decide where your friendship stands before you get any deeper in your feelings for him,” Bev answered. “But without communication, you’ll never know.”

  “It’s been really nice to be around him without the animosity,” I said. “What if I tell him how I’m feeling and it ruins the small steps we’ve taken?”

  “Are you afraid to rock the boat or afraid to lose the dick?” Cooper asked as he stood to get his wiggles out.

  I frowned. “You make it sound like I only want him around for sex and that’s not true.” I thought about my words and knew them to be the truth. “The sex is great, but I like him, not just his dick.”

  “Okay,” Cooper said as if that decided something.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Okay, you need to be honest with him. End of story. Bev’s right, this house is full of a bunch of idiots—myself included—stop being worried you’ll cross a line or make someone mad or put yourself in a vulnerable position.” Cooper bounced on the balls of his feet. “If you give him your truth and it’s something he can’t or won’t handle, that’s on him. But at least you’ll be free to live your truth and find the person who can handle it.”

  We finished our tea and cookies and I headed to my room to sketch a few designs I’d had bouncing in my head. Bev and Cooper had given me a lot to think about. In my heart, I knew their advice came from a place of love and was pretty much spot-on. But I was scared to death to mess up whatever tentative thing I had going with Khi.

  Tentative? Did it seem tentative when he was pounding your ass last night? Was it tentative when you sucked him off in the back of the bus?

  I huffed as I opened my sketchbook. Fine, tentative was maybe the wrong word. The sex was full-blown, on fire, and the very opposite of tentative.

  The relationship outside of sex? The friendship I was hoping would continue to grow? That was the part feeling a bit wobbly.


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