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Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Laura Pavlov

  “You think I’m fucking selfish? Seriously? This is the most unselfish thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Then why do you keep texting and calling? Let it go.”

  “So what? We kissed one fucking time and now you don’t want to speak to me? We can’t do that. Not happening.”

  “Maybe it’s not up to you, Gray. You don’t call all the shots.”

  I was fucking glad she was getting mad, because that was the only way to keep things from escalating again.

  “You’re right. You call the shots here. So, make good choices.” I held my vase up as the outside was completely covered in orange paint and it looked like shit.

  “I always do.” Her face hardened and she glanced over at the vase. “You need to paint in one direction on this next coat, so the lines don’t show.”

  “I don’t have a fucking clue what that means.”

  She pushed to her feet with annoyance and stood so close to me I was flooded with the smell of peaches. I breathed in all her goodness. Her hand came over mine and she moved it forward to dip the brush in the paint, before guiding me to move the bristles in long strokes up the length of the pottery. Again, and again. Her little hand maneuvered mine with perfect precision.

  “Take your time. Don’t rush it,” she whispered, and her voice was all sultry and needy.

  Good Christ.

  Is everything with this girl sexual now?

  She moved my hand.

  Long and slow and gentle.

  And I wanted to flip her on the table and have my way with her.

  “Okay, I got it. I got it,” I hissed, yanking my hand away. She moved back to her seat with a mischievous smile spread across her face, like she was fucking proud. “You think you’re funny with that shit?”

  She turned to look at me. “Just making good choices, right?”

  I rolled my eyes. She had me all worked up and she seemed very pleased with herself. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my back pocket. My dick was actually chafing against the fabric of my joggers at this point, I was irritated, and if it were possible to die of a bad case of blue balls, I may as well head to the mortuary now.


  Always there to give me a wake-up call.

  My best friend.

  My brother.

  I showed her the screen before putting him on speakerphone. “What’s up?”

  “Not much. Heading to class. What are you doing?”

  “I’m at this bullshit art studio with your sister. Ran into her on campus,” I said, watching her because I couldn’t take my fucking eyes off of her.

  “Hey. He’s lying. He loves it.” She leaned closer to the phone and I took a step back which made her laugh.

  “Why the hell are you at the art studio? This has to be a first.”

  “I ran into him on campus. Your bestie just got offered a summer internship at the courthouse because he got the highest score on his paper. So, I told him to come celebrate by painting a vase for Mom.” She laughed, and I rolled my eyes because she was pumping me up more than necessary.

  “Dude. That’s fucking amazing. Congrats. And I appreciate you keeping an eye on Gigi.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You do realize I can hear you. He’s not keeping an eye on me. I’m a big girl. He’s painting a vase for Mom. And I had to show him how to do it, so there you go.”

  “You know what I mean, brother. Thanks for always having my back,” Cade said. “I was calling to let you know that me and Camilla are going to come visit this weekend. I want to see Jett’s last game and thought we could all hang out. I want you guys to meet her.”

  “Yay, I finally get to meet her,” Gigi said, and her lips turned up in the corners. “Looks like everyone’s growing up.”

  I didn’t miss the innuendo or the way her brow went up in challenge when she looked at me.

  “Sounds good. And I want to meet this dude you told me about, Gigi. The one you like. Have you met him yet, brother?”

  My jaw dropped open.

  She likes someone else?

  What the fuck?

  “I have not. But I’ll make it my business to do so before you get here.”

  “I knew you would. See you guys in a few days.”

  I ended the call and stared at her.

  “You have something you want to tell me?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  She laughed. “It’s not really your concern, right?”

  Fuck that.

  Everything about this girl was my concern.

  Chapter Eleven


  The expression on his face was priceless. He’d turned and stormed out of the art studio when I refused to tell him any details and referenced the fact that he’d beat up the last boy I went out with.

  I couldn’t wait to fill the girls in when we had our Magic Willows Zoom call this afternoon.

  Cade had caught me at a weak moment, asking me a million questions, and I’d admitted that I had a bit of a crush on a guy. I failed to mention that it was his best friend, because trust me, I was just as surprised by the revelation as he would be.

  But I liked Gray.

  I liked him so much.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. I knew he felt it too. But he was so afraid of messing things up and I understood it. I really did. We were family. This could go very wrong. I’d never want to do anything to mess up his friendship with my brother.

  But this was separate. I didn’t understand why we couldn’t just keep it to ourselves and see where it went before we involved anyone else.

  “Hey, girl,” Leo called out and moved in stride beside me.

  “Hi. How are you?” I asked as we walked into our Art History class.

  “Well, I’ve got some tea. You know that hot guy that’s in our pottery class with the shaggy blonde hair who looks like a sexy-dirty-surf boy?”

  I laughed. “Yes. You’ve pointed him out many times.”

  “He ran into me this morning on campus and talked to me,” he said, fanning his face. “I die. But anyhoo… I was hoping he played for my team, but he asked me about you.”


  “I know. You lucky little heathen. You’ve got your sights set on big daddy Gray, and now you’ve got yourself a hot surfer boy waggling his tongue in your direction. Oh, what that tongue could do.”

  “You’re insane. Gray just made it very clear that nothing can happen between us. And now my brother is coming to town and wants to meet the guy I like, because of course I told him I’m interested in someone when he asked but I failed to mention that it was his best friend. So now Gray is seething that he thinks I’ve met someone. My life is a mess.”

  “Girlfriend, you’ve got that boy all wound up over you. So, you invite our boy to go out this weekend. He sure looks the part. Maybe you’ll end up liking him, or at the very least just hooking up with him. And I am happy to go out with you guys and be there waiting in the wings if he decides to jump ship on the vagina,” Leo said.

  “You are crazy. He is cute. What’s his name?”

  “Oh, honey. It’s such a good name. River. I’d like that river to run right through me.”

  I fell back in my seat in laughter. “Let me think about it.”

  Professor Tomlin walked in and I pulled out my notebook and got to work.

  When class ended, Leo pulled out his cell phone and gasped. “Oh, honey. He’s already messaging me asking about you. Our little River has got it bad. He wants to know if we’re planning on going to the Sig Alpha party this weekend. He wants me to give him your number so he can text you. Are you good with that?”

  My stomach dropped at the thought of seeing Gray and doing so around my brother would definitely be different. I’m sure Gray would completely ignore me in front of Cade.

  “Yes. I
’m wasting my time with Gray. He’s right—nothing is going to come of it. I need to start meeting other people.”

  He squealed. “I love this side of you.”

  I laughed and we agreed to meet up later. I hurried back to my dorm for my chat with the Magic Willows. It was always the highlight of my day when we all caught up. It made me feel close to home.

  “Here she is,” Addy said when I dropped to sit beside her on the bed, leaning my back against the wall.

  “Hey,” I called out, taking in each of their pretty faces. Coco was sitting at her desk in her dorm room that looked like something straight out of a magazine. The girl had a flair for design, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

  “Hi, G, we miss you,” Maura and Ivy said at the same time. They were sitting together on a bed in their dorm room as well.

  “So, give us the update. Addy was just telling us a little bit about Gray. She thinks he’s totally into you and so do I. And obviously, I’m rarely wrong about these things.” Coco leaned forward and flipped her blonde hair over one shoulder. Behind her sat black and white fashion drawings that she had sketched and framed.

  “It doesn’t matter. He won’t act on it, and Cade’s coming to town this weekend, so it will just be more of a reminder that it can’t go anywhere.” I shrugged. “But Leo just told me this cute guy in my pottery class wants to meet up at the Sig Alpha party this weekend.”

  “Oooohhh. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into Gray.” Maura took a long sip from her water bottle after she spoke.

  “I agree. Maybe you need to show him what he’s missing,” Ivy said with a brow raised.

  “I don’t think he’s going to do anything about it. And you know Gray. He has a ton of girls chasing him around. Ugh. Don’t even get me started on our sorority president, Tiffany. She’s obsessed with him and keeps coming to me for advice.”

  Coco laughed and shook her head before pulling herself together. “Girl’s marking her territory. You better get busy, Gigi. You’ve got some competition.”

  “I am not chasing him around like a puppy. Maybe he didn’t like kissing me and he doesn’t want to tell me.” Sure, he’d claimed he liked it when we were at the pottery studio, but Gray also wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings.

  “Please. Who wouldn’t want to kiss you?” Ivy said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I say you just meet up with the other boy and see what Gray does about it. At the very worst, maybe you’ll end up liking this other guy, which would be much less complicated.”

  “True,” I said. “What’s happening with you? Any updates on Ty?”

  “His sister texted me the other day to let me know some big label is signing him in Nashville. I’m sure he’ll be a big star and sleep his way all over Tennessee while he stomps on my heart and my virginity. I hate him.”

  “You don’t hate him, Ive.” Coco cocked her head to the side and her eyes filled with empathy. “It’s okay to be sad about him.”

  “It’s easier to hate him.” Ivy swiped at the tear running down her cheek, before shaking her head and lifting her chin up. “Anyway, I have a date tonight. His name is Willie and he’s really cute and very nice. We’re going to dinner.”

  “Oh, I wonder if he has a big willie?” Coco said with a mischievous grin.

  She couldn’t help herself.

  “Of course, you take it there. I’m not interested in finding out about his willie, thank you very much. Ty’s penis has scarred me for life.”

  We all laughed.

  “You’re going to get through this, Ivy. I promise.” Addy smiled. “Have you heard from Shaw at all, Co?”

  “We text occasionally. But did you see his post on Instagram with the hot blonde? I think Shaw is doing just fine on his own.” She rolled her eyes. “Do you still talk to Kyle at all, Maura?”

  Kyle was Maura’s high school boyfriend, and they’d split up during our senior year after he left for college.

  “No, we haven’t been talking, and it’s okay. I’m having fun here.” She smirked, and her cheeks pinked.

  “Our little Maura is getting a whole lot of attention from the guys here,” Ivy said, wriggling her brows. Maura and Ivy had always been relationship girls. They’d had high school boyfriends and were both putting themselves back out there now that they were single.

  “That’s because you’re hot as hell, girl. You all are. How did we get so lucky to meet when we were so young, and we all ended up being hot pieces of ass?” Coco asked, and we all burst out laughing once again.

  “Magic Willows for life,” I said.

  We continued chatting for the next hour, filling one another in on every little detail of our lives, just like we always did.

  My brother picked me up off my feet and spun me around. “Missed you, Sis.”

  “Missed you too,” I said, patting my short flowy dress into place and turning to face Camilla. She was gorgeous. Long brown wavy hair, brown eyes, and a warm smile. She was a few inches taller than me, and she and Cade looked really cute together. “Hey, Camilla. Nice to meet you. I’m Gigi.”

  “You can call her G-money if you want.” Gray waltzed up behind me and I stiffened.

  “Please don’t. I don’t know why he insists on annoying me.” I glared at the boy who was consuming my every thought, reminding myself that I hated him.

  He rumpled the top of my head, and I rolled my eyes. Yeah, I get it, buddy. We’re just friends.

  I hear you loud and clear.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Gigi. Your brother talks about you all the time.” She pulled me in for a hug.

  “Awww… thanks. He talks about you a lot also. I can’t believe you’re making her stay at that nasty fraternity house.” I tried to cover my smile when I glared at Gray.

  “Nasty? That room is fit for fucking royalty.”

  I raised a brow. “And let me guess. You’re the king?”

  “You know it, G. But I’m giving my room to Cade and Camilla this weekend. I’ll crash on the couch.”

  “That’s so nice of you, Gray. We just dropped our stuff off at his place and it has a private bathroom, so it seemed okay,” Camilla said.

  They’d gone to Gray’s house first and he drove them over to campus to meet me for lunch.

  “Dude, you do not need to sleep on the couch. Didn’t you tell me Addy’s always sleeping at Jett’s? Why don’t you crash in her bed?” Cade asked, and my entire body went still.

  Gray glanced over at me, not making it obvious at all that that might be awkward. “Maybe. Let’s play it by ear. You’re coming to the party tomorrow night, right?” he asked me.

  “Yes. I’m actually meeting someone there,” I said, and I could barely hide my excitement to say it. I couldn’t wait to see Gray’s reaction.

  “Ah, is this the guy you told me about?” Cade asked, and I didn’t miss the way Gray’s hands fisted at his side.

  “Yes. It is. I don’t know him well, but he seems really nice and he’s really, really good-looking.” I happily accentuated the last few words and Camilla clapped her hands together.

  “Oh, this is so fun. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Yeah. Me too.” Gray’s voice remained completely calm and collected.

  Damn it.

  “How about you, brother? Anyone on your horizon?” Cade asked as we walked into the restaurant.

  “Yeah, you know me. I’ve got a few on the line. Gigi’s sorority president will be there, and she’s definitely got it bad.” He wriggled his brows and I seethed as the hostess took us to the table.

  “Oh yes, she’s a real peach.”

  “You have a problem with Tiffany, G?” Gray asked with a cocky smirk.

  “You don’t like her?” Cade reached for a piece of bread and met my gaze.

  “She’s fine. She just likes to throw in my face that she’s the reason I got in
the house. But whatever. If Gray likes having her paw all over him, have at it. Why would I care?” I hissed, and Camilla’s gaze bounced between Gray and me. My brother looked down at his phone as if he didn’t notice a thing.

  “You got in that house because you’re amazing. Fuck her,” Cade said. “No offense if you like her, brother.”

  Gray laughed. “I don’t have to like her to bang her.”

  His eyes landed on mine, and he looked quite proud of himself.

  “You’re disgusting,” I said, looking up when the waitress made her way over.

  We placed our orders and Camilla filled us in on her hometown in Georgia. I really liked her. She asked me all sorts of questions about my sorority and my dorm. Conversation came easily and I ignored the elephant in the room.

  The elephant being the cocky jackass sitting beside me at the table making me feel all sorts of crazy feelings.

  I hated him, but I fought the urge to touch his hand beneath the table.

  He aggravated me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of his lips against mine.

  Most importantly, he was off-limits for a million reasons, yet I wanted desperately to be alone with him in his room again. Or my room.

  Or any room, for that matter.

  “You look so good,” Addy said when I turned to face the full-length mirror.

  “Thank you. I wish you were coming tonight.” I slipped on my heel boots and glanced one more time in the mirror.

  “I know. But no way Jett can go out before the big game. Coach has them on curfew, and I want to be there with him. I know he pretends he doesn’t get nervous, but he has a lot of pressure on him.” Addy was going to spend the night with Jett and watch movies since it was a game day tomorrow.

  “I totally get it. And we’ll meet tomorrow and go to the game together?”

  “Yep. And you better text me tonight. My sheets are clean if Gray needs to sleep here.” She winked.

  “I will. Hopefully he doesn’t because that could be very awkward. And the way he talked about Tiffany, I’m guessing he might go home with her. He’s such a pig,” I said, throwing a tennis shoe in the closet with more force than I meant to.


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