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Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Laura Pavlov

  Gigi ~ I hate you.

  Me ~ Keep it that way. Sweet dreams, G.

  Gigi ~

  I laughed.

  I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home.

  It was the only way I’d be able to stay away from her tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The next week flew by in a blur. My brother and Camilla had gone back to school, and I’d found a new friend in Cade’s girlfriend. I loved her. Jett had arranged for us to come down on the field after TU had won the game and made it to the playoffs and I was so happy to experience that with my brother.

  His best friend was another story.

  I’d ignored Gray after he’d managed to run off River during the party—yet he wanted nothing to do with me romantically.

  Hypocrite much?

  River had reached out the next day to apologize for getting so trashed that he could barely say my name. The truth was—I wasn’t interested in River, or anyone for that matter.

  Gray had ruined me with his kiss.

  And I hated him for it.

  I thought about that kiss. I dreamed about that kiss.

  And I longed for another one.

  I’d been ignoring his texts all week, because that had just become our routine. He’d piss me off and I’d ignore him for as long as I could until he wore me down again.

  He’d made it clear that nothing could happen between us, yet every time I tried to date someone else, Gray had a meltdown.

  Frustration didn’t begin to describe the brewing feelings that resonated deep within me. The more he pushed me away, the more I wanted to be close to him.

  Yet I hated him at the same time?

  What was wrong with me?

  I’d never been one to lose control of my emotions or feelings, especially when it came to boys. I’d never actually liked anyone enough to get a reaction out of me. And now I was bursting with feelings and emotions that were so foreign I didn’t know what to do with them.

  So, in typical crazy hormonal, irrational fashion—I was going to a Sig Alpha party tonight. Yep. That’s where we were with this. I’d been ignoring his texts where he pretended to be a family member just reaching out to check on me and I was going to show him what he was missing.

  Addy, Leo, and I walked to town where there was a cute boutique to find something to wear tonight.

  “I can’t believe you get to date that delicious football star. Man, he looks like he’s chiseled to perfection, and I’ve only seen him fully clothed,” Leo teased, and a pink hue spread across Addy’s cheeks.

  “He’s as close to perfect as you can get.” She beamed.

  “Yes, girl. He sure is. And big daddy Gray is, mmmm-mmmmm, you two have fabulous taste in men.”

  “Gray is not my boyfriend. Hell, he’s nothing. Maybe my nemesis,” I hissed as I pushed a few tops down the rack as I wanted something that would jump out at me, and I’d yet to see it.

  “Sure, he is. That’s why he ran that poor sexy River around his house until the boy dropped.”

  Addy laughed. “I agree. He’s definitely into you, but he’s scared of what will happen with Cade.”

  “Why, your brother’s fine ass seemed perfectly reasonable to me.” Leo held up a black see-through blouse and I scrunched my nose and shook my head. I didn’t want to show everything, just enough to leave him waggling.

  “He’s not reasonable about things like that,” I said.

  “She’s not kidding. He would lose it if Gray tried to date Gigi. Gray has a bit of a reputation back home,” Addy said, pausing to look at a white turtleneck bodysuit. Conservative, yet sexy, just like my bestie. “But so does Cade, and he’s turned things around for Camilla.”

  I held up a blue blouse with a little denim miniskirt and studied it. “Exactly. He’s ridiculous. He’d get over it. But maybe Gray’s afraid he couldn’t stay faithful to me. That’s the truth of it. He probably just wants a one-nighter, and he knows that will cause a lot of trouble with Cade. And I’d hate him if he did that too. So maybe he’s right and we shouldn’t go there at all.”

  Leo laughed. “One-nighter. Oh girl, you make it sound so dirty. One-nighters can be amazing.”

  “I’m sure they can, but seeing as I’m sort of a no-nighter at this point, I should probably not attempt a casual fling. I’ve never had anything. And I want the real deal. Like what Addy and Jett have.” I admitted before turning to let them see the outfit I was admiring.

  “And you deserve that. And hells to the yes on this outfit. Classy, sexy, and very Gigi. Go try it on,” Addy said.

  “I agree. You deserve the best, girl. And that outfit will have all the boys dropping at your feet. Why don’t they make anything sexy like that for guys?” Leo said, and we all laughed.

  Leo waited on the pink velvet love seat while Addy and I went into the dressing rooms to change. We modeled a few different things, but they both voted for the blue top and skirt for me and the white turtleneck bodysuit and new jeans for Addy.

  The weather was changing as Thanksgiving was right around the corner. I couldn’t wait to go home for a few days. The girls would all be home, but Addy would be going with Jett to the bowl game that weekend. But we’d have a few days where we’d all be together, and I was looking forward to it.

  “Well, I might not have an outfit with any sass, but I’ll be walking in with the two hottest girls on campus on my arm, so that has to bring me some attention, right?” Leo was a character, and I’d grown close to him.

  “You always look amazing,” I said as we gathered our bags and made our way out of the shop, laughing all the way back to the dorms.

  I’d been asked to dance so many times I could barely feel my feet anymore in these booties. The outfit was clearly a hit. I’d also been drinking more than usual, and you know what, I didn’t care.

  I wanted to be a normal college kid. I was tired of always being so responsible. And I made a special point to drink the red juice that Gray had insisted I avoid at my first party.

  Because Gray Baldwin was not the boss of me.

  He’d come over to say hi, and I’d turned my back on him. I didn’t want to look at him because I knew the minute I did, I’d be desperate for more. I was breaking myself of him, not that I minded the way he drank me in when he first saw me. I’d watched as his eyes had slowly perused me before I turned away quickly when he tried to meet my gaze.

  I made my way over to Addy, Jett, and Leo. Joshua, the boy I’d just been dancing with, ran off to get me a drink. My head was a little fuzzy, and I touched my lips to make sure they were still there because I couldn’t feel them, which made me laugh. Joshua walked over and handed me another delicious red punch.

  “You sure you want to drink that?” Addy asked me, concern laced her pretty face.

  “I’m totally fine. Soooooo good, actu… actually? Is that a word? Actually?” I said it slower and tried to remember the meaning.

  Joshua wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and Jett moved in his space. “I think she’s had enough, buddy.”

  “Are you her father?” Joshua asked.

  “No. I’m her friend, and you most definitely are not.” Jett’s face hardened, and I stepped back, unsure why he was angry.

  “Come on, Gina, let’s get out of here,” he said, and I cracked up that he called me the wrong name. Hell, I only met him on the dance floor, we’d never had a conversation outside of him handing me a couple drinks.

  “Beat it, asshole,” a voice said from behind me, and I stiffened.


  “And who the hell are you? Her stepfather?” Joshua pressed, and I closed my eyes because I knew this wouldn’t end well. Poor bastard didn’t even know me, yet he was willing to piss off Jett and Gray.

  “I’m your worst fucking nightma
re, motherfucker, that’s who I am.” Gray raised his hand and before I could process what was happening, Joshua was ushered out of the party.

  “Are you going to kick out every guy I talk to?” I hissed as he took the cup from my hand and set it on the table beside us.


  “You’re an asshole.” I turned on my heels and headed for the dance floor.

  “Where do you think you’re going? You can barely walk,” he shouted from behind me and wrapped his hand around my wrist.

  I shoved him away. “I’m going to dance, and you can’t stop me.”

  Before I took one step, I was thrown over his shoulder as he moved through the crowd with ease. I slapped at his back and looked up to see Addy, Jett, and Leo smiling. Of course, they would side with him. Everyone was against me having a good time tonight.

  He pulled me into his room and dropped me on the bed, before slamming his door shut.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he shouted, pacing in little circles in front of me, as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “What the fuck am I doing?” My words were slurred, it made me laugh. I fell back on his bed as the room started to spin.

  “Jesus, G. I told you not to drink that shit.” He came to sit on the side of the bed and pushed the hair out of my face.

  “You aren’t the boss of me, Gray.” I hustled off the bed and moved to my feet. “I’m the boss of me.”

  He stood, hovering over me.

  “All right. What’s the plan, boss?” he asked, his voice gravelly and strained, for reasons I couldn’t understand in my hazy state. But I liked it.

  And I am the boss.

  “You want to know the plan?” I asked, poking him in the chest.

  “I do.” His hand was cupping the side of my face, and I closed my eyes at his touch.

  No. Nope. Not getting distracted from what I wanted to do.

  “The plan is this. I’m tired of being a virgin. And you ruin it for me every time I try to talk to anyone else. So, you’ll have to do the deed. I don’t care about Cade or anyone else. Make me a woman, Gray Baldwin. Have your way with me and teach me all the things. I am an empty canvas dying to be painted.” The last line made me smile because I didn’t expect to go so deep. But here I was. Begging the boy of my dreams to make love to me. And I’d thrown in an art spin, which should be the cherry on the cake. I mean, I doubted Gray’s usual bimbos put this much thought into it.

  “Good Christ, you can’t say things like that,” he hissed and moved closer.

  “Well, too bad for you because I’m saying it, you stubborn ass.”

  His thumb grazed along my bottom lip, and I squeezed my thighs together because maybe this was actually going to happen, and I was ready for it.

  Something twisted in my stomach, and with no warning, my head fell back, and a gush of liquid exited my body.

  I’d projectile vomited all over the boy I wanted to make love to me. He stood there staring at me in disbelief.

  Because, hello, nothing about tonight was going my way.

  And I’d worn the cute outfit.

  “Oh my gosh, did I ruin my outfit?” I whispered and looked down.

  He laughed as if I’d said the funniest thing in the world. “Nope. You somehow managed to contain all your vomit for me. Come here.”

  I followed him to the bathroom, and he yanked his vomit-covered T-shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor before turning on the shower. My palms started to sweat as I watched him in the mirror as he stood behind me. His muscles flexed as he pushed his jeans down.

  “We’re showering?” I asked before swooshing water in my mouth and spitting in the sink.

  He raised a brow. “You have no reason to shower. I’m the one covered in puke.”

  He pushed his black briefs down and my mouth dropped open. I hadn’t seen many penises in my life, but I was fairly certain this one could win some sort of award for its… grandness. A true overachiever, just like everything about this boy. “Oh, my gosh.”

  He raised a brow. “You like what you see?”

  I nodded slowly before my hand went to my stomach as a sick feeling flooded me again. He lifted the toilet seat before stepping in the shower.

  I dropped to my knees and unloaded what was left in my stomach.

  While Gray was naked behind the curtain looking like every fantasy I’d ever had. Was I dreaming this? Had he just stripped naked in front of me?

  Well, after I’d just begged him to have sex with me and then puked on him.

  He wasn’t the one that should be scrutinized right now.

  I wiped my mouth and pushed back to lean against the wall and groaned. The room was spinning, and I was sick to my stomach.

  The water turned off and he opened the shower curtain. I forced my head up to look at him one more time. If this was the last time I was going to see him naked, I didn’t want to forget what he looked like. And damn it, my head was so hazy I’d never remember this moment.

  “Would it be completely inappropriate to ask you to grab my phone and take a picture of yourself for me to look at later? When I’m hiding in my room and mortified by everything that just happened.”

  I was feeling a little better after that last dumping of vomit and bile, and I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

  He cinched a towel around his waist, his hair dripping wet, green eyes looking at me with anything but judgment, and a sexy smirk that melted my heart. He bent down to meet my gaze. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, G.”

  “I just begged you to make me a woman and then puked on you. And then I vomited while you were naked behind the curtain,” I said as the tears started to fall.

  He used his thumbs to swipe away the tears. “Trust me, you’re already a woman, G. Having sex does not make you more complete. You’re already perfect to me.”

  I buried my face in my hands and sobbed. “Then why don’t you want me?”

  I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. Talk about liquid courage. I’m sure I’d regret every word tomorrow, but I couldn’t keep this in any longer if I tried.

  And I didn’t want to.

  “You think I don’t want you? I’m going out of my fucking mind every time you show up here with a dumb fucking dude hanging all over you. I want you so much I can’t see straight.”

  I leaned my head against the wall and calmed my breathing. “What are you afraid of?”

  “Hurting you. Hurting Cade. Messing things up.”

  I nodded. “We don’t have to tell anyone. We can see where it goes first.”

  He smiled and pulled me to my feet. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow. You’re drunk and nothing’s going to happen tonight.”

  He led me into his bedroom and pulled out a T-shirt and placed it on the bed before walking to the door.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, dropping to sit on the soft mattress.

  “I’m going to grab you some toast and a bottle of water. Put on the T-shirt and get in bed. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “I’m sleeping here?” I asked, wrapping my arms around my shoulders as chill bumps covered my skin.

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight.”

  I smiled, because I couldn’t help myself. He walked out the door and I pulled off my booties and then dropped the skirt to the ground and unbuttoned my blouse. I slipped his large T-shirt over my head and breathed it in. It smelled like Gray.

  Mint and sandalwood.

  I wanted to pick my clothes up off the ground, but I was spinning again, so I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. Things may not have gone as I’d hoped tonight, but I couldn’t complain.

  I was exactly where I wanted to be.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Warm breath tickled my neck,
and I stirred. The feel of soft hair feathered through my fingers like silk, and my eyes slowly opened. Gigi was staring up at me. Her concerned sapphire gaze was filled with confusion.

  “Hey,” I said, liking the feel of her warm legs tangled with mine.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered, before pulling the navy comforter on my bed over her face.

  I waited a minute to see if she’d come out. She did not.

  “Hello,” I said, pulling the blanket off her pretty face.

  “Did we?” A pink hue covered her cheeks, and I tried to hide my smile.

  “Did we, what?”

  “You know,” she said, refusing to meet my gaze.

  I tipped her chin up and forced her to look at me. “Did I make you a woman?” I couldn’t help but chuckle as the words left my mouth. “No. And trust me when I tell you, you wouldn’t need to ask. You would know if I had. You’d feel me long after I was gone.”

  Her gaze searched mine and she nodded. Something crossed her face and she paled. “Oh. My. God. I asked you to make me a woman, didn’t I? That’s why you said that. This isn’t happening.”

  She tried to tug the comforter over her face again, and I yanked it back down. “Stop. It was cute. And very tempting.”

  “Yet nothing happened?”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to do anything when you were shit-faced.”

  She continued to study me and then gasped. “I puked on you. And I saw your… manhood. Oh my god, what is happening? I’m never drinking again.”

  “You weren’t complaining about seeing my manhood last night.”

  She fanned her face. “Did I do anything inappropriate?”

  “Other than projectile vomit red juice all over me? No. You were an absolute lady.” I barked out a laugh because I couldn’t help myself. Shit, I’d been drunk more times than I could count and had my fair share of embarrassing nights. This was nothing.

  “Why am I here?” she whispered. “Why didn’t you send me home with Addy?”

  “Because I wanted you to stay. If you hadn’t been drunk, we would have done something that we would both probably regret today.” I ran the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip, and she trembled in my arms.


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