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Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Laura Pavlov

  “I don’t give a fuck about a watch. But it sure would be nice to have a father.” I looked at Wren and he nodded to let me know he’d handle it from here.

  I guided Gigi out of the apartment and down to the truck. Somewhere between looking for my father, being approached by two sketchy dudes, and Dad pulling a gun, the weather had changed. Should have known the storm was coming when I got here, both literally and figuratively. It was pouring rain and we hurried to the truck. She didn’t stop me when I buckled her in, and she hadn’t said a word yet.

  Because what was there to even say at this point?

  Chapter Fifteen


  My heart was still racing when Gray pulled down the dirt road at the end of the lake. Rain was pelting the windshield, and I pushed my wet hair away from my face. We hadn’t spoken a word. I sat as close to him as I possibly could, needing his warmth.

  Water dripped down the side of his face as he opened the door and got out. He paced in front of the truck and I jumped out and made my way over to him.

  “It’s pouring rain,” I shouted, reaching for his hands.

  “I’m so fucking sorry, G. I never should have brought you here.” He tugged me close and wrapped his arms around me. Rain pounded against the back of my head and I didn’t care.

  “I’m glad I came with you. I wouldn’t want you to have been there alone,” I was yelling over the falling rain.

  “This is the only place that calms me. This lake. The water.” He led me down to the shore and he stood staring out like he was fighting the urge to dive in. The way the rain pelted against the water looked like diamonds dancing on the surface.

  “Let’s go in.” We were already soaked, and I knew he was struggling. I’d do just about anything to help him right now, and the warm air made the rain tolerable.

  “You want to go in?” he asked, studying me like I held all of life’s answers. The look in his eyes nearly brought me to my knees.





  He bent down and pulled off his shoes and reached for my foot. I held on to his head and let him slip off my booties.

  “Clothes or no clothes?” he asked when he stood back up and his nose grazed mine.

  “It’s daytime. Someone could see us. My clothes are staying on.” I shivered at the thought of being naked in the water with Gray.

  He grabbed my hand, and we ran into the water. I fell forward when the bottom dropped out from beneath my feet. Gray caught me and tugged me against his body. He stood easily as the water came up to his chest, and I ran my hands over his muscled shoulders. I looked up at him, just as the rain seemed to lighten up all at once and I didn’t miss the heat in his eyes.

  “My dad is so fucked up. I can’t believe he’d pull this shit.”

  I reached up and grazed his jaw with my fingertips. “I’m sorry. I know he loves you, he’s just an addict. And addiction always wins. He isn’t thinking rationally.”

  He nodded, and his head tipped back to look up at the sky. The rain halted. The sun appeared out of nowhere and he looked back down at me. “I’ve never jumped in the water fully clothed.”

  “Sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do,” I said.

  “You’re right about that, G.” He leaned down and captured my mouth. My limbs went weak, but he wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me firm against his body.

  His tongue dipped in and I groaned into his mouth. My hands tangled in his hair because I needed him closer. He lifted me and my legs wrapped around his waist and I ground up against him. So lost in the moment.

  Lost in this boy.

  He took control of the kiss. Tilting my head back to gain more access. His hand stroked the back of my neck as I continued to grind against all his hardness.

  Thunder boomed behind me and he pulled away.

  “Please don’t stop,” I whispered when he set me on my feet. My hands reached up to grip his white shirt, forcing him to look at me. To stay in the moment.

  “I don’t think I could stop if I wanted to. And I don’t want to. I can’t stay away from you anymore.” He shrugged, leaning down and kissing the tip of my nose. “You’re my addiction, Gigi Jacobs.”

  A wide grin spread across my face and I reached for his hand. He led me out of the water, and we both laughed when we bent down to get our shoes. “We’re soaked.”

  “My truck has seen worse. You think it’s all right to go to your house? I really don’t want to deal with Simon and all his judgment right now.”

  “Of course. I’m sure you remember that my parents are in Maui for the big anniversary, seeing as it’s all they’ve talked about for months. I sent my mom a text when we were driving here and just let her know I’d come home to grab a dress for an upcoming dance,” I said when he picked me up, soaking wet, and set me in his truck like I was a delicate piece of china. I slid over to the center seat and reached for my seat belt and he smiled.

  Gray’s smile did things to me that I’d never experienced. I swear my heart doubled in size every time he looked at me.

  We drove to my house and talked about his father. He asked me to send a quick text to Wren from his phone to see what was going on.

  “Wren said they are on their way back to rehab now. He has the watch and he’ll take care of it,” I said, reading the text when it came in.

  “I’d be in deep shit without that man. Can you respond and thank him for me?”

  “Of course,” I said when we pulled into my driveway. The sun was just dipping behind the horizon and I jumped out of the truck. The leaves had all changed colors. Fall was my favorite season as it meant Thanksgiving and Christmas weren’t far behind. It was still surprisingly warm for this time of year, but I wasn’t complaining because otherwise jumping in the lake with Gray would not have been tolerable.

  I put the key in the door, and we made our way upstairs. I flipped on a few lights and paused when I got to my room.

  “I have to get out of these wet clothes,” I whispered.

  “Yeah. Me too. Thankfully I have some stuff here.” Gray leaned against the doorframe, watching my every move.

  “I need a hot shower. I probably smell like puke.” My heart raced and I walked into the bathroom and reached for a towel. I patted my face and rubbed it against my hair, waiting to see what he would do.

  “You smell like peaches.” He smirked and my legs went weak. “It’s my favorite scent now.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is. Do you want to shower together?” His voice was gruff and full of need.

  “I’ve never showered with anyone before,” I admitted. Gray knew I wasn’t experienced, but I didn’t know if he knew just how deep that ran. I hadn’t done much with anyone outside of kissing.

  “I’ve never showered with anyone either.” He closed the distance between us and stood in front of me.

  “You haven’t? That surprises me.”

  “One-night hookups do not typically lead to bathing together. Wham-bam, thank you, ma’am has always been more my speed.”

  I rolled my eyes, annoyed by his words, but equally excited by his nearness. “Well, I’m not a one-night hook-up.”

  His hand cradled my cheek and his thumb stroked me there. “I’m very aware of who you are, G. That’s why I’ve been fighting this—because I don’t want to fuck it up. And there’s a very good chance that I will. But I’m willing to try.”

  My hand came over his large hand. “Okay.”

  He leaned forward and kissed down my neck and my head fell back. His hands settled at the hem of my blouse and he pulled back to look at me. Asking me with his emerald gaze if it was okay to keep going. I nodded. He lifted the silk fabric over my head, and I stood there in my pink lacy bra and my denim skirt. Goose bumps covered my skin as he t
ook his time perusing me.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” His words were laced with need, and my breath caught. I reached for the buttons on his shirt and my hands trembled as I unbuttoned each one. He helped me push it off his broad shoulders. My fingers traced every line and muscle on his chest and he sucked in a long, slow breath. He unbuttoned my jean skirt and I helped him shimmy it down my thighs and we both laughed. Wet denim was nobody’s friend.

  He tugged down his pants and briefs with no hesitation and stood there like it was perfectly normal to undress in front of me. I understood his confidence because he was chiseled to perfection. Strong arms, a muscled chest, and six very distinct cuts down his abdomen. I had visions of him standing in front of me last night naked, but my memory was blurry. So, I was going to enjoy this moment.

  I reached behind me and unsnapped my bra, and he dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach as he rolled my panties down my legs.

  I couldn’t breathe with the feel of his mouth there. His warm breath teasing my skin. He looked up at me and smiled, and I bit down hard on my bottom lip.

  “Don’t be nervous. We aren’t going to do anything you aren’t comfortable with and we aren’t having sex, so don’t start stressing about something that isn’t going to happen.” He pushed to his feet and turned on the water in my shower.

  I wrapped my arms over my chest, hugging myself as I let the sting of his words settle in. “Why not?”

  He came closer and chuckled just a little as his forehead rested against mine. “It’s certainly not because I don’t want to. But there are a lot of things we can do without having sex. And until we figure out what’s going on with us, we’ll stick to those things. I promise to make you feel good.”

  “I don’t doubt that at all.”

  He took my hand and led me into the shower. I didn’t know what it would be like to shower with someone, but this exceeded all expectations. Gray squeezed some shampoo into his hands and washed my hair so gently that my back fell against his chest, enjoying every minute.

  “I love your hair. Everything about you is pretty, you know that?” he whispered against my ear.

  I turned in his arms and reached for the soap, taking my time as I washed his hard chest, and my hands made their way down lower. Enjoying the feel of his abs beneath my fingers, the way the muscles were so defined. My hands moved lower and I gripped his erection, and he hissed. I slowly allowed my soapy fingers to stroke him until he fell back against the wall and covered my hand with his.

  “We’re taking this slow, G. Tonight I want to give you pleasure.” He lifted my hand and kissed it.

  “I want to give you pleasure too.”

  “Trust me. Seeing you get off is all the pleasure I need.” He turned off the water and yanked two towels off the rack and wrapped me in one. He used the other to dry my hair as he stood there buck naked and dripping wet.

  “Oh my god,” I whispered.

  “Do you trust me?”


  “That’s all I need to know.” He wrapped the towel around his waist, and I walked into the bedroom and grabbed some sweats. Gray went into the room that he stayed in when he was here and came out wearing a white T-shirt and navy joggers. His hair was wet and fell around his face. I sat on my bed brushing my hair and he leaned against my doorframe.


  “Starving,” I said, pushing to my feet.

  “Pizza sound okay?” He stared down at his phone.

  “Yeah. That sounds good.”

  “It’s on the way.” He moved toward me and dropped to sit on the bed beside me. “I’m really sorry for dragging you into my shit.”

  “Stop saying that. Would you let me walk into that situation alone?” I asked.

  “Fuck no. But that’s different.”

  “It’s not. I’m only upset because I know it hurts you.”

  “Fuck,” he said, falling back on the bed. “I don’t want to fuck this up, but I don’t know how to do this.”

  I dropped back and rolled onto my side to face him. “Don’t overthink it. I like you and you like me. There’s no pressure. Let’s just see where it goes.”

  “And what about Cade? He’s going to lose his shit. First, I take you to see my father who pulls a gun on a couple thugs who are chasing him. And now we’re talking about dating. You’re a fucking virgin, Gigi. I don’t want to take anything from you that I don’t deserve.”

  “First of all, can we please stop talking about my virginity? Yes, I happen to be one. But my god, why is it such a big deal? Everyone’s a virgin at some point in their life.” I rolled my eyes. “Secondly, I chose to go with you to your dad’s. We’re all fine. No one got hurt. Don’t make this bigger than it is. And I think we should keep whatever this is between us right now. Why risk all the drama with Cade if we don’t even know if it’s going to work?”

  “You’ve always been wiser than me.” He chuckled as he pushed the hair back from my face.

  “You finally admit it.” I smirked, and he flipped me on my back and tickled me, and I burst out in a fit of laughter.

  “So, this is our secret for now.”

  “My lips are sealed,” I said, and he leaned down and kissed me hard.

  “Not if I have my way about it.”

  The doorbell rang and we were both panting when we sat up.

  We made our way downstairs and ate a few slices of pizza on the couch. Somehow, I’d ended up on his lap and we talked more about what had happened today.

  “Did you know your dad had a gun?” I asked.

  “No. I’m still pissed about that. What the fuck is he possibly thinking? Drunk and high and swinging around a pistol? I swear to you the man is brilliant, but he’s just all fucked up now.”

  I rubbed his shoulder and studied him. He was so stoic. This had to be eating him up inside. A lot of things were making sense to me now. Why he liked to be at our house all the time. He probably craved the simplicity and normalcy of our family life. There was rarely any drama here, aside from Cade getting in my business.

  “I know he is. He’s still in there, Gray. And he needs you to have faith in him.”

  “Yeah. It’s getting harder and harder,” he said, and his tongue swiped out to wet his lips.

  “Do you think those guys will go after him?”

  “Not if they get paid. I’ll call Wren tomorrow to make sure the watch will cover everything.”

  “You’re a really good son,” I said, and he tipped me back on the couch.

  “I need to kiss you right now. Make you feel good. Think about something other than my fucked up father. And you happen to be my new favorite pastime.”

  My breaths came hard and fast, and my chest moved up and down rapidly.

  “I’m fine with that.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, searching my gaze.

  I tugged him down, and his mouth came over mine. He propped himself on one arm, so he supported his own weight as he kissed his way down my neck. His hands slipped beneath my T-shirt and they slowly moved up my sides. His thumbs grazed the sides of my chest. I arched into him, desperate for him to touch me where no one ever had. His hands moved across my breasts and he flicked my nipples and I groaned against his mouth. I’d never wanted anyone or anything more.

  He pulled back and looked at me. “Is this okay?”

  I couldn’t speak. My breaths were too rapid, and my body trembled. I nodded and he chuckled. He looked so sexy. His hair a disheveled mess and his hooded gaze drinking me in. Plump lips, swollen from kissing me already. He tugged my shirt over my head and his mouth came down over one breast. My eyes closed and I tried desperately to keep it together. He continued to worship me, giving each breast equal attention.

  “I want to carve these tits in clay so I can have them with me all the time,” he said against my skin and I gasped. “So
fucking perfect, G.”

  He pulled back to watch me as his hand slipped beneath the waistband of my leggings. I nodded.

  Don’t stop.

  He paused for a moment when he realized I didn’t have any panties on. He found my most sensitive area and I gasped at his touch.

  Holy mother of all things…

  Even my subconscious wasn’t making any sense.

  I bit down hard on my bottom lip to try to calm myself down.

  But it wasn’t working.

  This building need took over and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop it.

  “Stop thinking, and just let yourself feel good. You’re so fucking wet it’s making me crazy,” he said as his lips grazed my ear.

  I stopped thinking.

  My hips moved against him and I pulled his mouth back down to mine. He slipped a finger inside, and I got lost in the moment.

  Lost in this boy.

  Lost in all things Gray Baldwin.

  My body took over. Seeking what it needed.


  I cried out my release, and he didn’t ease up until the last ripple of sensation worked through my body.

  He pulled back to look at me, and a wide grin spread across his face.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “You are,” I whispered. Somehow this boy had hidden all of these different sides of himself from me all these years, but now I was seeing everything.

  All of him.

  And I only wanted more.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Good Christ. If anyone had ever told me what it would be like to see Gigi Jacobs come apart in my arms, I would have straightened my shit up a long time ago. Blonde waves falling all around her. Blue sapphire eyes glazed over and sated. Lips swollen from where I’d kissed her.


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