Kelly Exposed

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Kelly Exposed Page 11

by Viktor Redreich

  “It’s so good to have you all here.” He clasped his hands together in front of him and pursed his lips, seeming to consider what to say next. “This is a beginner course, of course,” he smiled at his wordplay, “but don’t be mistaken. There’s no shame in being a beginner. In fact, I sometimes wish I could go back in time and relive my own discoveries. Make no mistake, what you will learn here is paramount. The rest of the faculty will tell you the same, but the fact of the matter is that you must understand what you feel and why you feel it. If you don’t know what’s good for you, you won’t enjoy sex very much, will you?”

  The other students were already jotting down notes. I had a notebook of my own, thanks to donations from sympathetic women in the office, but I had yet to write anything down.

  Mr. Midge looked at me, singling me out for the briefest moment before turning his attention back to the class at large. “This is not a science class. You won’t be learning the names for the different bodily systems or skin layers. This is a journey we will embark on together. As with self-pleasure, we will feel our way along until we find a pace that works for us. I regret that, no matter what, these first few days won’t be very exciting. But once we get going, well, this will be your favorite class. Of that, I am certain.”

  Looking around, I didn’t think the other students needed much more excitement. Some were already squirming and nearly all of them had pointed nipples; that might have had to do with the air-conditioning in the room, but I doubted it.

  “For today, let’s focus on getting to know each other. I want to go around the room and have you introduce yourselves. Please include a fact or two about yourselves. I’ll go first.” Mr. Midge smiled pleasantly. “My name is Stephen Midge. I prefer my students to call me Steve. I enjoy masturbation more than sex. Who’s next? How about the lovely lady right in front of me?”

  Mr. Midge—I was never going to be so rude to call him by his first name—pointed to an ebony-skinned woman in the front wore. She wore a crop top that was too small to even act as a bra, and a pleated skirt so short her red thong was visible. From where I sat, I could see clearly how the fabric slid between her night-dark cheeks and into darker, deeper territory.

  “Simone,” she said. “I struggle with a condition that makes my pussy so tight it’s painful to do anything. I want to learn how to relax.”

  “You will certainly do that here,” Mr. Midge reassured her. “And in the next row, starting from the left and going right.”

  And so it went, each girl saying her name and including information about herself. Most of them made an effort to have their personal fact sexual in some way.

  Then it was my turn.

  “Kelly,” I said, aware of all the eyes on me. How could they not be staring at me? Blanche had dressed me in a see-through blouse and shorts, and withheld underwear of any kind.

  “Speak up, please,” Mr. Midge instructed.

  “Kelly,” I repeated, louder.

  “And tell us about yourself, Kelly.”

  I swallowed hard. I decided to go with a lie based on the story I’d told the women in the office. “I’ve only had sex once because god is watching me.”

  Mr. Midge paused, then laughed. “Well, your god has to be just as kinky as everyone else here, doesn’t he? Don’t worry. Soon, you will come to enjoy being watched.”

  I blushed and stared at my notebook.

  “Now that we’ve learned about each other, let’s play a trivia game. I want to see where we all stand on basic knowledge. Whoever gets the most points will earn a pass to use on any assignment or activity she wishes. Or, if you hold onto your pass, you can exchange it at the end of the term for extra credit. Now,” he clasped his hands together, “let’s begin.”

  Mr. Midge produced a fact sheet from his desk and went around the room asking questions. He kept a tally of who got an answer right on the whiteboard behind him. By the time class ended, Simone had won by a landslide.

  I hadn’t answered a single question.

  The rest of the classes went in much the same way. Introductions followed by going through information of some kind. It was all so familiar I started to relax and go along with it, even answering a few questions in my last class of the day, that being Makeup and Attire. I could almost forget what it was I was doing in this place.

  What prevented me from fully relaxing was the rest of the school. During breaks and meals, the other students constantly talked about sex and wanting to have sex.

  It’s like they can’t think of anything else.

  The next day came and went, and it was even more like the college setting I was used to. I took a lot of notes, listened to lectures. The next day, the same thing.

  And then everything changed. The introductions were done. The time for listening was over. As Mr. Midge explained, listening was different from understanding, and understanding meant doing when it came to sexual activities.

  Just like that, I went from being a good student to a terrible one. I blushed at everything. I struggled to get naked, to touch myself or anyone else, or even an inanimate object in the shape of a sex organ. My awkwardness and inexperience weren’t the problems. Simone, with her medical issue, had an even harder time at first. The difference was her willingness to learn and soon she was showing up to some classes entirely naked. She would lean back and play with herself until the bell rang, getting herself relaxed and ready for the day’s lessons.

  Mr. Midge gave me instructional sheets and told me what videos to watch from the massive archive in the school’s library. Ms. Aurora gave me extra homework. I was taken aside and spoken with so many times the subjects all blurred together into a mass.

  I just couldn’t do it.

  I couldn’t get over being watched. It went against everything I knew. Maybe if there was a Watch Porn in the Privacy of Your Own Dorm While Your Roommates are Out class, I’d have done better. If I could stand to watch a particular style of porn, that was.

  A week was all it took for the patience of my lecturers to run dry. Encouragement turned to scolding and write-ups. My failures to make myself, the other students and the professors orgasm were treated as laziness and insubordination.

  I was miserable. Everyone around me was miserable. Of my roommates, only Caroline bothered with me. Priscilla was too busy and Blanche too disgusted with my ineptitude to admit knowing me. So many times, I daydreamed of leaving this terrible place, but each time I did, I thought of all the uncertainties included in that decision and chose to stay instead.

  All I had to say for myself was that I was learning far more about sex than I could have ever hoped to know. A Sexual Psychologist would have to know a lot. I’d come back to school way ahead of my peers if this kept up.

  Chapter 15


  “I have a special treat for my girls today.”

  I looked up from my notebook at Ms. Penny, the Blowjobs/Oral Sex instructor. She was a round, motherly figure, which made the acts she demonstrated seem all the more obscene.

  “Weren’t we supposed to have a test?” I asked meekly, raising my hand.

  The other students whipped to face me and shushed me. I shushed.

  Ms. Penny smiled. “Oh, there will be a test of sorts at the end. But I thought we’d hold off on the big test and watch a very important video. It will help some of you immensely.”

  Again, everyone in the class looked at me. They knew what she was saying, without her actually having to say it. This video was for my benefit.

  Dread sank into my bones.

  Ms. Penny turned off the lights. A large TV screen at the front of the room turned on.

  Eating Pussy: An Instructional Guide, the title read.

  The title screen gave way to the scene of a bedroom. A slim, nude brunette sat on top of light blue sheets, her legs spread to show off between them. The brunette smiled at the camera. “Hi, I’m Sam. I, and my friend, will be demonstrating the proper technique for eating out. Come out here, Rick.”

  Rick, a muscular blond man, edged into the frame. He grinned at the camera and held a thumbs-up to us.

  Sam stroked Rick’s hair. “We’ll start at the beginning. You don’t want to rush things by coming on too strong,” she said. “This can turn your partner off or worse, hurt her. So just breathe on her pussy, gently. Get as close as you can without letting your mouth touch her.”

  Though she spoke as if about someone else, Rick began to follow her instructions. He kept his eyes glued on her; it occurred to me they might be husband and wife. What kind of married couple would do this in front of a camera?

  I was getting tired of asking that question.

  Sam’s hips began to squirm. She started again. “Now, gently kiss her pussy lips. Keep the pressure light. The point is to make her want more. To tease her, don’t touch her clit yet.”

  Rick began to kiss her, so chastely, like he might have kissed his wife on their very first date. He kept it up for at least a minute, fully devoted to the task.

  Every student in the room looked mesmerized, awaiting what would come next.

  So was I. For learning purposes only, not out of interest.

  “Now add your tongue. Lick her from the bottom to the top but don’t touch her clit. Flatten your tongue. Make it firm.”

  Rick obeyed his partner.

  Sam rocked her head back and moaned so loud that everyone in that wing of the school probably heard her. She caught her breath and continued speaking between gasps and moans, impressing even me. “With the tip of your tongue, touch her clit gently. Keep your tongue stiff and pointed. Trace around her clit like your tongue is a pen and you’re writing your name on her.”

  The instructions continued, each part demonstrated with excruciating accuracy as Sam had the man suck on her clit with increasing intensity. Soon he added his fingers into the foray, ramming into her while licking her outer lips and clit.

  The dynamic changed at that point. Rather than instruct, Sam started to just narrate what Rick was doing to her. It seemed to me like she’d reached the point where she could no longer separate herself from the activity in which she was engaged.

  “Rick has . . . oooh . . . His fingers are spread out inside me and doing a come-hither motion. That hits just the right spot. The—ah!—G-spot, it’s called. His tongue is going left and right, then doing strokes up and down over my clit. Don’t stop, please!” Sam cried out. She bounced against Rick’s face. The high-definition camera caught the glisten of moisture on her pussy as she came. Rick’s tongue played in her fluids while she jerked and spasmed.

  The orgasm lasted longer than I would have thought possible.

  Sam flopped onto her back on the bed. She turned her head to look at the camera, and it seemed to me that she was looking right at me. “Oh, yes . . . One last thing. When you eat a woman out the right way, you only make her want more. Right now, even though I just came, all I can think about is having Rick’s hard cock inside me!”

  Rick climbed onto the bed and thrust himself inside Sam’s wet and willing core.

  And the video ended, and the room plunged into darkness.

  Ms. Penny was a silhouette crossing the room to turn the lights back on. In the flash of illumination, I got a good look at Simone up in the front row. She was breathing hard, her fingers dancing around beneath her skirt.

  Ms. Penny laughed with delight. “I’m so glad you enjoyed the presentation, Simone. I hope the rest of you have had an equally educational experience.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” the others shouted in unison.

  I slumped in my seat, hoping to avoid notice.

  “Very good.” Ms. Penny looked right at me. “Now it’s time, once again, to demonstrate what we’ve learned. We’ll work in pairs. Each pair will take turns replicating what they saw in the video. The rest of us will provide commentary and critique to help improve technique. Let’s have, hmm, Simone and Kelly. Come up here, you two.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to hold back a groan.

  “Kelly,” Ms. Penny said, her voice darkening.

  I got up from my desk and went to the front with Simone.

  “Now, Simone, please undress. Sit on the edge of my desk. Kelly, you will be the one to pleasure her first. Hopefully, you did a better job than you usually do in regards to paying attention.”

  Panic struck me, hard. I gulped and turned to the professor. “I don’t think . . .”

  Ms. Penny cut me off. “I had this video brought out of the archives specifically for your benefit. I chose it as it would be very educational for everyone, but particularly you. There is no reason you can’t follow the steps that were so clearly outlined for you.”

  “I’m not ready!” I cried.

  “And you’ll never be, will you?” Ms. Penny tutted and shook her head. “I’m tired of hearing your excuses. Either participate in class activities or find yourself expelled. Your actions are a distraction for everyone else.”

  Eat another woman out or be thrust into the world at large to deal with who knew what.

  I swallowed hard. I made my decision and stood in front of Simone. She smirked at me. I kneeled in front of her to avoid her gaze and found myself with her pussy right in front of my face. It was beautiful, I had to admit to myself. Simone’s lips were spread apart like flower petals, dewy with morning dampness.

  I was shaking. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself. Simone’s aroma entered my nostrils. She smelled like musk and desire, a womanly perfume.

  It wasn’t so bad, being right there in front of her, but eating her out was still a foreign concept. Maybe if I had all day to prepare . . .

  Or was it better to be taken off-guard like this so I couldn’t worry myself sick all day?

  The classroom clock ticked on and on as precious seconds passed, the sound especially sound in my ears. A fine layer of sweat broke out over my skin.

  “We don’t have all day,” came Ms. Penny’s impatient voice. “Get on with it.”

  I stuck out my tongue and leaned forward until the tip made contact with Simone’s pussy lips.

  The taste was sweet and not at all horrible like I’d been imagining. It was almost more of a feel, a sensation of slickness, than a flavor. I slid my tongue over her pussy, my body trembling. Then, the reality of what I was doing hit me and I almost gagged.

  Simone moved quickly out of the way, knocking a few items off Ms. Penny’s desk. “Whoa! No thanks! I’m open to exploring some stuff while I’m here, but I’ll have to leave out the barf.”

  The other girls in the classroom laughed.

  I stood up, hanging my head, unable to even look at the professor. I didn’t need to. I could feel the anger coming off her body in waves of heat.

  Ms. Penny marched around me and snatched a sheet of paper from her desk. She slapped it against the whiteboard and wrote rapidly across the surface. “You gave it your best, and your best is still pitiful. Everyone else is making waves here. Why not you, Kelly?”

  “I—I don’t know,” I stammered.

  “Had you not tried, I’d be sending you packing right now. But you clearly need to be taking in hand by someone who knows more than I ever will.” Ms. Penny shoved the paper into my hand. It looked like a detention slip.

  I’ve never been to detention before.

  “I’m sending you to Zion’s mansion for discipline. I feel that only he has a chance at setting you straight. You’ve left me no choice.”

  Chapter 16


  “I can’t believe you’re going to get to see Zion!” Caroline blurted out when I showed her the note Ms. Penny gave me earlier in the day.

  I leaned back on one of the couches in our dorm. Both Priscilla and Blanche were out doing who knew what. Caroline had been studiously doing homework when I walked in. Sharp as ever, she’d noticed my bad attitude and the paper I toted into the room with you.

  “You sound like you wish you were in my place,” I remarked.

  “I sure do!” she gushed. “W
ell, maybe except for the part where you’re getting in trouble. I don’t know how you can stand to have such poor grades.”

  Caroline was who I used to be before coming here, punctual and intelligent, a real teacher’s pet. Minus the overactive sexuality, of course.

  “I don’t even know who he is,” I said. “That’s part of what’s really bothering me.”

  Among so many other things.

  “Why should I trust this guy? He gave an amazing speech but so what if he’s good at public speaking? Anyone can say anything they like.”

  Caroline paused and set her homework aside. It was some sort of essay about the mechanics of some sexual position or other, from what I could tell. “I forgot that you can here on a whim. You really don’t know anything. Zion is an amazing man. That’s why he made this school.”

  “But what’s he done that’s so amazing?”

  “Um, well, first of all, he’s a millionaire. He’s got his fingers in businesses all over the world. He’s an award-winning author. He’s written books on public speaking, sexual psychology, the theory of sex, and managing a business. He’s also a total enigma. No one knows much of anything about him. He has a private jet that he uses to fly on and off the island whenever he feels like it. Where he’s going, no one knows.”

  My ears perked up. “A private jet?”

  “Yes.” Caroline nodded.

  That gave me hope. He didn’t need to operate under the control of the airport. He could do whatever he wanted. If I asked nicely enough after explaining my position, he had to be able to use his plane to get me back home.

  He could use his millions to organize something for me.

  I couldn’t use blackmail, necessarily, but he might not like having someone like me at his school and would, therefore, gladly get me out before I could put a stain on its name.

  The next day, I headed out of the dorms and started to follow a path away from the school building, deeper into the valley. At the top of a hill was a villa. Zion lived there, and that was where I had to go. I had been made very aware that I wouldn’t be allowed back in a classroom until I went to see him.


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