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Kelly Exposed

Page 14

by Viktor Redreich

  Ms. Aurora straightened up and rubbed my bareback. “See how it was done? And Kelly took it so masterfully. It’s important that you use your body and voice to communicate with your partner. Even if you can’t manage to make words, a whimper or a grunt can communicate volumes. Now, everyone, find a partner.”

  As the rest of my classmates paired up, I looked up at Ms. Aurora for instruction on what to do.

  She chuckled and patted my shoulder. “If you’re still raring to go, I have a task for you. I’ve had my eye on you for some time. Now that you’ve finally decided to be cooperative, I’m happy to ask you to suck me off.”

  Pride warmed me all over at her praise. “Okay! But is this out of the kindness of my heart or extra credit?”

  Ms. Aurora laughed aloud. “And you have a crafty side, as well! If you make me orgasm, you get extra credit.”

  I dropped to my knees in front of her. “I’ve never turned down extra credit in my life.”

  Ms. Aurora leaned back on her desk and hiked up her skirt. Her pussy lips were incredibly prominent, like the opening of a conch shell. I placed my trembling hands on her thighs. She put hers over mine and smiled down at me. “Go on,” she urged. “You can’t hurt me. Give me all you’ve got.”

  I leaned in and buried my face between her legs. I took her large lips into my mouth and sucked on them both at once. She was a mouthful, almost more than I could handle. I recalled my lessons and relaxed my jaw while sucking, pulling in more of her and swallowing down her sweet juices. Ms. Aurora slid her fingers through my hair and down the back of my neck, over my shoulders, stroking me while I sucked her. I moved my fingers to her clit and rubbed her hard, swollen nub, pressing it around against her folds. She gasped and arched her back, her ass lifting up off the desk while she came. Her cum flooded into my mouth and I kept sucking, taking it in and down my throat. It was so hot it burned all the way down into my stomach. She gave me so much and I kept taking it, swallowing and swallowing until I felt full, sated, like I did after a big meal at the end of a long day.

  I left the class with my body still buzzing with satisfaction, my pussy still sensitive from my hard orgasm.


  I turned around.

  Blanche came up to me, a sour look on her face. “What are you doing?”


  She slapped my ass, and it wasn’t in a friendly manner. “You’re naked.”

  I glanced down at myself in surprise. She was right. I’d forgotten my clothes back in the classroom. It was like one of those nightmares everyone had, where they forgot their pants, except I didn’t feel particularly concerned. How could I? My priorities would sure be backward if I could now have sex in public but not handle public nudity.

  “Are you serious?” Blanche snapped. “You didn’t forget that you’re wearing my clothes, did you? As in, without me, you’d have died of embarrassment ages ago?”

  “Oh, you’re right,” I said. I shook my head. “I’m sorry, it slipped my mind. I was thinking about class still. I learned how to . . .”

  “Yeah, I don’t particularly care,” Blanche said.

  Her attitude startled me. “Is something wrong?” She hadn’t been so mean in ages.

  She rolled her eyes. “No.”

  Something’s definitely wrong.

  “You can tell me about it if you want.” I put a reassuring hand on her arm.

  Blanche swatted my hand away. “Don’t go projecting your issues on me. I’ll go get my damn clothes, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Hey . . .” I reached to her again, despite the stinging in my hand.

  Blanche avoided my touch and marched off into the classroom I’d recently vacated. I sighed and shrugged and headed off. I would never understand that girl. She was way too high-strung.

  “Did you hear? There’s a party!”

  I caught the tendril of conversation coming from another hallway. I pushed Blanche from my mind and turned down the next hall to find a group of girls, most of whom had been very interested in me as of late. One of them looked up at my approach and motioned me over. I walked up. “I heard something about a party?”

  “Yes!” someone gushed. “Tonight! At Zion’s place!”

  I sputtered in surprise. “A party at Zion’s? I had no idea he was the party type.”

  “It’s his way of celebrating a great start to the school year,” another girl informed me. “There’s going to be music and food from the best musicians and chefs on the island.”

  “And alcohol. God, I miss getting drunk and fucking random guys.”

  “You’re going to come, right, Kelly?” said the girl who’d invited me over.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Absolutely!” I wasn’t going to miss out on the opportunity to see him. I could talk to him and show him what a good student I was now, thanks to him. He might even have already heard about my change in behavior from the professors.

  I left the group of girls and went to my next class, and then headed back to my dorm. Caroline grabbed me as soon as I entered and planted a kiss on my lips. “Did you hear about—”

  “The party? I’m going!”

  Priscilla clapped her hands together. “Great! Isn’t it great, Blanche?”

  Blanche scowled and turned her back.

  “Blanche?” Priscilla pressed but earned no response. Priscilla looked at me as if I could explain. I wished that I could but all I could provide was a shrug.

  I didn’t have time to worry about Blanche’s behavior or the reason behind it. There was a lot of preparation I needed to do. My classes on appearance had taught me what to do and how, but I had yet to develop any real speed.

  I borrowed a dark blue dress with a neckline almost down to my navel and then spent almost the whole rest of the time giving my hair extra volume and using contour to accentuate my facial structure. I painted my eyes and lips in smoky colors to make my pale skin and light eyes stand out. It wasn’t a look I would have ever gone for before Anwak, but it did a whole lot of favors for me. Hopefully, I’d catch Zion’s eye. He might not even recognize who I was.

  The man wasn’t one to do anything simply. He sent cars to the school to pick up students, including the male students who lived on a secluded area of campus, and the school staff and professors. The cars were nothing short of luxurious, spacious on the inside and equipped with mini-fridges where most vehicles would have a center console between the two front seats.

  The entire mansion was lit up, every light in every room turned on to the maximum. It was like a bonfire, lighting up the valley and the hills.

  I stepped out of the car I’d piled into with my roommates. People were everywhere on the lawn, mostly clustered around a makeshift stage on which a live band was performing classic instrumental pieces. They used marimbas and pan flutes and bongos to give the pieces a tropical twist. Couples were already pairing up, dancing, and grinding on each other in front of the stage.

  Caroline grabbed my hand and pulled me along through the throng and into the mansion. I hardly recognized it. Banners and lights dangled from every available surface, and the floors were littered with layers of confetti. Performers went around, performing sexually suggestive tricks. Instead of sword-swallowers, there were dildo-eaters, shoving massive and realistically-textured dildos down their throats with ease. There were jugglers juggling ball gags, and magicians pulling condoms and Viagra from behind people’s ears, and masters of sleight of hand going around removing items of clothing without their marks noticing until it was too late.

  Caroline and I made our way into a large lounge area. There were tables piled with chips and vegetable platters, typical party foods, to morsels of plantain and seafood prepared a thousand different ways.

  Men and women in sexy black tuxedos and dresses went around the room with trays, dispensing cups of beer and flutes of wine and champagne.

  This is amazing.

  “Ma’am?” A waiter leaned his tray in my direction. “Champagne imported from France f
or the pretty lady?”

  I hesitated only a second before I took one of the thin flutes. He grinned and moved on, though not before ogling my breasts.

  “Want to share?” I asked, looking to Caroline. I caught only a glimpse of her skimpy skirt disappearing as someone pulled her into another room. I sighed a little. Abandoned again. Well, it wasn’t as if I was unused to it.

  I looked at the alcohol in hand. The only experience I’d ever had with alcohol was that party when I slept with Duke, and that had been only a few sips. That was part of the reason it even ended up happening in the first place. I was too slight to handle booze at all. Even just those few sips had been enough to make me loose. And, though I’d not admitted it at the time, horny.

  I wasn’t that girl anymore though, was I?

  I tossed back the drink. It fizzed down my throat. At the same time, I felt a rush of bubbles go straight to my brain, making my thoughts light and drifty.

  I picked up another drink from a different server and sipped at it, tasting it this time. I went from room to room, searching the crowd. I even went back to the scene of my humiliation in search of Zion. I half-hoped he’d be there to remember that time, too.

  “Hey!” Priscilla shouted, running up to me with Blanche in tow. Priscilla’s eyes were hazy and she smelled of strong alcohol. Whiskey, maybe. She tossed her arms around me and hugged me, her drunkenness somehow bolstering her strength rather than dampening it. I struggled to breathe.

  “Hi,” I gasped.

  “Did you hear?” Blanche asked. She sounded innocent, way too innocent for this to be good news. “Zion’s not even here tonight.”

  “What?” I exclaimed. “Not at his own party?”

  Someone else, passing by, offered, “He’s not even on the island. It’s a party for us, anyway.”

  Disappointment hit me hard. What am I even doing here, then?

  “Finish that,” Priscilla said, pointing to my second drink. “Then come with us! We’re starting a game of Truth or Dare!”

  I didn’t have a reason to say no. I’d never played the game before and this was a time in my life for doing new things.

  I did as Priscilla requested and then followed her and Blanche to a small side room, a sort of meeting area filled with more of those massive leather couches. There were already a ton of people waiting and soon a circle of players formed, along with a crowd of watchers.

  Blanche butted in first, “Kelly, truth or dare?”

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickled with wariness. She was planning something. “Dare,” I said.

  A murmur of amusement swept around the room.

  Blanche smirked and folded her arms. “Time to get your anal cherry popped. Do you have the guts for it?”

  Some of the other girls in the circle gasped. One muttered, “I would not do that with all these drunk guys.”

  “Yeah,” someone else agreed. “But Kelly’s crazy lately. She’ll do it.”

  I didn’t see that I had a choice. I didn’t want to go back to being the lame girl no one liked. I cleared my throat. “Who’s the lucky stud?”

  A round of cheers went up. The watchers broke out into conversation, searching for a volunteer. One quickly emerged, an older man built like a competitive wrestler—broad, tall, imposing. He was a professor. The others called him Bobby.

  Bobby clamped one massive hand on my shoulder and nodded over to a nearby couch. The people sitting there vacated their spots. “Come on.”

  The smell of alcohol rode his breath. Judging from the way he yanked me along to the couch, he had no intention of taking things easy on me.

  My stomach tingled, and the tingle spread down into my pussy. My heartbeat picked up. I felt even more intoxicated than I had at the party where I met Duke, the two drinks I’d had beginning to hit me.

  I grabbed onto the couch for support and climbed up. Bobby grabbed the back of my dress and lifted it over my hips to expose my pussy and ass. Blanche leaned over and yanked the front of my dress down too, letting my breasts slide out through the low neckline and swing free.

  I started to hold my breath but stopped myself. I had to stay calm, stay relaxed.

  Bobby kneeled behind me, his hot breath striking me. The crowd started chanting, “Do it! Do it! Do it!” the cries came faster and faster, mimicking the pace of my heart.

  “Get ready, sweet cheeks,” Bobby growled. He spread my ass cheeks with his rough hands. I felt my exposed ass clenching. My inner muscles rippled with anticipation and my pussy started clenching too, wetness drenching my folds. Bobby ran his tongue sideways across my pussy lips and then up through my crack. His tongue probed against my entrance. He was less skillful than Ms. Aurora but his eagerness to get going struck a chord and made my loins resonate.

  I arched back on his tongue, wriggling my hips. “Come on!”

  “Slut!” Bobby growled. Pain stung across my ass as he smacked me, then morphed into pleasure. Euphoria swept through me, so I did it again, arching and demanding. Bobby stood up and slapped me again, twice, once on each cheek. I cried out as another wave of pleasure rocked through me.

  “Please,” I gasped, sagging against the back of the couch. My body trembled. “Please, professor.”

  “Please what?” I heard soft thumps as he undressed and lobbed his clothes aside. Something hard shoved against my entrance, pushing against the natural resistance. I knew exactly what that something was and it was making me crazy.

  “Fuck me!” I cried, desperate for relief, desperate to have something inside me, anywhere. “Break me in! Use me!”

  The crowd roared and chanted and the sound melded with the pounding of my pulse in my ears. I opened my mouth to yell again. Bobby pushed hard against me, the velvet softness of his tip slipping inside. It wasn’t much different from a tongue. I cried out and shoved against him; he responded by shoving in deeper, ramming my entrance wide open with his thick girth. My yell twisted into a shriek at the pain of entry. It felt like he was going to split me apart like it wasn’t a cock but a wooden log back there.

  Bobby smacked my ass cheeks again. My body shuddered and bucked and he slipped in deeper.

  The sharp slaps showed me there was pleasure somewhere deep inside me, beneath the shadowy surface of pain. I needed to get to it. I reached for it with urgency, unsure how much longer I could bear the pain. I pulled in deep breaths and made myself relax, made my muscles relax so he could pierce me deeper and deeper. I thought he might come out of my throat, there was so much of him still to come.

  Then, his hips pressed flat to my ass.

  “She took all of him!” Priscilla cried. “Blanche, look!”

  “I am looking,” Blanche snarled.

  Bobby rocked his hips and his cock pressed against a place that exploded with pleasure. Ecstasy pounded through me, engulfing me. I arched against the man behind me and this time, I received no punishment for being hasty. He started to thrust, slamming that special place inside me again and again. There wasn’t an ounce of mercy in his actions. My breasts bounced. The couch beneath us shifted in inches with every ram of contact, sliding across the floor.

  The last of my self-control drained out of me in a flood of my juices. I buried my face in the couch and lifted my ass in the air like a wild animal in heat. I plunged my hand between my legs and took my clit between my fingers, rubbing hard and fast in time with Bobby’s thrusts. The pain was still there, an agony, but a distant agony kept at bay by far more intense sensations.

  Bobby groaned behind me, his thrusts growing erratic. He was on the brink of cumming.

  I, an anal virgin up til now, had done this to him.

  I tossed my head, my body right on the verge of release. Something held me back. Then, the image of Zion flashed in my mind. It was so real I could almost believe the fantasy was real, that it was the headmaster behind me, fucking my ass instead of Bobby.

  My orgasm leaped forward and claimed me, and in the same moment, a rush of heat in my ass told me Bobby had also
reached his end. I closed my eyes and let it all overcome me.

  Chapter 20

  Escape from paradise

  My eyes popped open. Insects hummed softly, a contemplative sound, and birds let out soft cries that I had begun to recognize as a morning greeting during my stay on the island. Pale light flooding the area around me strengthened my impression of what time it was.

  I know what time it is, but where am I?

  My thoughts came sluggishly. I lifted my head, propping myself up on my arms. My ass smarted, making me wince. The ache made me feel invaded . . .

  Understanding of my situation swamped me, shame and disappointment riding in like surfers on the shoulder of a swelling wave. I was on the island inside the mansion of a sadistic, sexist man. The party . . . The game . . . I had let a man I didn’t know fuck me.

  I dropped back onto the floor and buried my face in my hands. All the choices I had made up to this moment seemed ridiculous. Blending in was one thing but going as far as this? Where had my morals gone? Where was my sense of self?

  “It was the alcohol,” I moaned.

  But were two drinks really enough for this, a little voice whispered. I’d been losing myself long before the party. The worst, most shameful part of it was that I couldn’t even manage to feel regret for my actions the prior night. My ass hurt fiercely, to the point where the thought of walking and even sitting down made me feel like dying, yet the pleasure I remembered made it feel so worth it.

  Despair surrounded my heart like a shadow. I needed to get out of here so I could think clearly.

  I grasped the wall next to me and yanked myself to my feet. The world tilted around me and I almost fell on my ass. I grabbed frantically at the wall to stop the descent, certain that the impact might cripple me. My head, previously only a little foggy, started pounding so hard it felt like someone was hammering nails into my brain. My mouth felt like cotton, and my stomach was unstable.

  I looked around carefully so I wouldn’t upset my stomach further. There were other students around, passed out on furniture and against walls, though it also seemed like nearly everyone had made their way out.


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