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Page 11

by Jana Leigh

  “Shit, Reggie.” Cassie whispered and stood up. She was going to have to go and get him and Ruby.

  “Casey no, you can’t leave. The door locks behind us and, unless the Alpha comes, we will not be able to get out. They and the Betas hold the code.” Tey said never taking his eyes off of the camera.

  Casey sat back and grabbed Jo’s hand. She was worried about her men, and now her brother.

  What has caused the loud noise? She looked at the cameras again and could not see what had made the noise. That is until she moved, and looked at the screen that had been hidden from her view by Tey. It was the Alphas’ apartment. She saw Quin and Jaden, yelling although she could not hear what was being said. Devon and Sid were both helping the Beta's attempt to get in a door. When she looked closer, she realized that it was the door to Reggie’s room.

  “No.” she cried and ran to stand next to the big man. Jo had not made a noise behind her, but she cried out at that moment and slumped to one side. Cami yelled for Tey, who jumped to his mate’s aide while Casey took over the chair. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see that Quin’s mother had come and stood next to her, trying to comfort her. She knew there was something not right about what was happening.

  “She is so scared.” Jo whispered. “Ruby, she is scared for herself and Reggie. Reggie is still unconscious. Ruby has been blindfolded so she does not know where she is. She refuses to let Reggie go, she is protecting him.”

  Tey gathered his mate in his arms and sat with her as she cried because of the emotion she was feeling. “Try to block it out.” Tey whispered.

  “I am trying, but you know better than anyone when a feeling is this strong in the Pack I can’t.” Jo whispered and laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  Finally, Casey could see the door give with the pressure from the men who had been trying to get in. She could not see inside the room, but she could see some of the destruction through the doorway. It was as if the wall to the outside of the building had been ripped away. How the hell would they have been able to do that? Casey thought and watched as her men and the rest of them stepped into the room, and then run back out and go to the stairs.

  Through the cameras, she watched their progress and waited. It seemed to take forever while they ran to the ground floor and out the front doors. God, they were sexy. Why the hell would she think of something like that at a time like this? Opening her mind she felt and listened as they talked to each other. They must have felt her a little because she felt them block her.

  Growling in frustration, she mentally cussed them out.

  They sat in the room in relative silence as the events unfolded around them. Casey could tell the Alpha female was beginning to get restless, and a little angry about being kept in the room for so long, because she started pacing.

  Jo remained with her mate and every once in awhile, whimpered and told them what Ruby was feeling. “Oh shit.” She murmured. “Levi just found out his mates were kidnapped.” Casey looked back at the cameras and saw the man who was going to be her brother’s mate. He was pissed. She watched him slam into the room where Ruby and Reggie had been in. She thought she could actually feel the roar of anger come from the big Enforcer.

  Chapter 8

  It seemed like a lifetime before she heard the door to the safe room they were in open. She had watched as they cleared out some of the rubble looking for clues and found very few. Casey waited patiently knowing her men were just on the other side of the door. She had seen them come into the apartment with the Alphas.

  Quin was the first through the door and was quickly followed by Jaden, who grabbed his mate and pulled her between them. Devon and Sid came in next and rushed to her side grabbing her into a hug. She wanted to ask about her brother, but she was being squeezed too tightly to actually talk. Clearly, Cami was having the same issue until she saw her friend start to slap at her mates making them give her a little space.

  “Let’s hear it.” Cami demanded.

  “First let’s get out of here. We are moving to another building for the near future since the assholes decided to blow a hole in ours.” Jaden grimaced and looked at Devon and Sid and said.

  “You guys, as well as Tey and Jo will be in the same building with us. It is the most secure and until the new Council housing is complete, we will be there.” Devon nodded, Tey did too, and they all stood ready to follow their Alpha to their new place.

  Quinn explained on the ride down the elevator that they would have constant guards on their apartments, and each of them would be assigned their own personal guard. They walked quickly across the street to a large brick building that looked like an office complex.

  Casey was surprised to see the indoor of the building’s entrance was decorated tastefully, but still looked like a business complex. It had a large desk right at the entrance, and at least five guards sitting behind it. There was only one way to get through the desk and that was through the guards. Behind them was a small waiting area and a wall of elevators. Casey counted seven in all, which was a little excessive she thought, as she looked around.

  The lobby was decorated in deep browns and blues, and was very inviting, if it had not been for the huge hulking men guarding the entrance. Quinn nodded and stopped at the desk and asked for the cards. He turned and looked at them and said seriously, “Each of these cards gives you access to your apartment. It gains you entry to your own elevator, which leads to your floor in the building. All the elevators have been locked, and will remain so until the threat is past. I really don’t see that happening in the foreseeable future, so get used to it.” Quin paused, led them all through the guard’s station, and stood in front of the elevators. “If you want to go to another apartment, unfortunately you will have to come to the lobby and then be escorted up by a guard to whoever’s apartment you want to see. None of these will stop on any floor but your own. I have installed a state of the art intercom system and video chat so we can talk to one another through the day without having to inconvenience each other.” They all nodded their understanding, and Casey waited patiently for them to get to the part where they discussed her brother. She did not have to wait long as Quin led them around the corner to a conference room hidden behind the elevators. Inside the room, she saw the older Council members were already in the room and there was the large Enforcer she saw earlier. She remembered they had called him Levi. He was pacing the length of the room talking on a cell phone quietly.

  Quin indicated all of them should sit around the large table and then went and stood at the head of the table. “Here is what we know. Casey, your parents are missing also, they may or may not have been involved in this. We have no idea how deep they are involved with the Rogues. We have found a few calls to a strange number that started about six months ago. The phone is registered in Colorado, so we must assume they have had contact with someone in the Rogue Pack. Lola was being housed in the basement of the building we were just in, she has been broken out. Reggie and Ruby have been taken. So far, we have tracked them to the area that we know there has been Rogue activity, but as of yet, we have not been able to find the hole they crawled out of. Jo, can you still feel Ruby?”

  Jo shook her head and said, “About an hour ago I started to feel really sleepy. I am assuming they drugged her, she and Reggie are both unconscious.” Casey jumped a little when she heard a growl come from the man who was pacing. She looked at him as he stopped pacing and listened to Jo then resumed his pacing and talking into the phone.

  Quin nodded, then continued. “Levi is Ruby’s mate, so we will also assume he is Reggie’s. He is trying to get a fix on where the Rogues were last seen. They used a window washer’s apparatus to get up to the room where Ruby and Reggie were, and then blew a hole in the wall and took them out that way. We have called on the Packs in the United States to send wolves that would join our guard. They should begin arriving in the next few hours. We have at least twenty new wolves coming. Sid, you and your brothers are going t
o have to start the building soon. We need to be together. In the meantime, all the guards and Enforcers will be sharing the free apartments in this building. Levi has given his apartment. Jaden, Cami, and I will be on the top floor. Jo and Tey under us and then Devon, Sid and Casey, the elder Council will be on the two floors under them all sharing apartments, as we have already assigned. Until we give permission, all the women will not be allowed out of the building.” Before Cami could open her mouth, Quin raised his hand and frowned at her. “The bookstore will be closed until we have guards in place. We need to get things under control before we have you roaming around here. Our main concern is getting Ruby and Reggie back.” Casey looked down at her hands and felt the tears well in her eyes. Jo must have felt her, because she was instantly at her side and then Cami came to her other side. The women talked to her quietly trying to assure her that they will find her brother. Devon and Sid backed away knowing that she needed to have the support of her new friends right now, and they needed to talk to the Alphas.

  The meeting lasted for a few more minutes before they decided to retire to their separate apartments. They decided to meet each morning to give their reports and discuss what was going on. Devon leaned, kissed Casey on the top of her head, and pulled her shoulders up, helping her stand. Before they left the room, Casey walked quietly to the man who would be her brother-in-law, stood, and waited while he talked to the Alphas.

  When he was done, he turned to her. Casey saw the anguish in his eyes and said nothing, but pulled him into a hug before whispering in his ear. “Bring my brother home.” Levi nodded to her. “I will. I am so sorry I was not there to protect them. I did not know he was my mate, or I would have been there.”

  Casey kissed his cheek and nodded before turning and walking with her mates to the elevator.

  She just needed to be alone with her mates. Casey stood silently and waited in front of the door to the elevator. There was so much to process, once again.

  They stepped in the small box, and Casey saw there were no numbers on the little board there would usually be floors to choose from. There was a phone on the wall and nothing else.

  “This is kinda like Next Generation stuff.” Sid mumbled as the elevator moved up.

  “Yeah, Quin loves gadgets.” Devon laughed, and then stepped out before Casey and Sid could.

  He stuck his head back in and nodded that they could follow.

  The elevator opened directly into the apartment. Casey gasped at the elegance of the apartment.

  It was decorated in deep purple and blues. A huge sectional couch was in the center of the living room, it was a gorgeous shade of purple. It had huge inviting pillows, and faced a rock wall fireplace, with a huge flat screen television mounted over it. The wall directly across was covered in heavy drapes a lighter shade of purple. Casey assumed it was floor to ceiling windows, since the drapes covered the entire wall. She was not going to open them, unless someone told her it was allowed. Shuddering she thought of Reggie being taken out of a window like that.

  Small tables and decorative flowers made the room very inviting. On the opposite end of the room was a large dining room table in cherry wood and cushions on the chairs in a pretty blue.

  She could see it lead into a kitchen. When she poked her head in, she smiled at all the appliances that adorned the counters.

  The walls were painted a cheerful yellow, and one wall had drapes from the floor to ceiling in a pale green. It was the perfect place for her to relax when she cooked. Casey loved to create gourmet meals when she was stressed. Her men were going to eat well for the next few weeks.

  She knew she would not relax for a long while.

  Walking back through the dining area she went down the hallway. They had an office set up with a computer and two desks. A smaller spare bedroom was empty, and then at the end of the apartment was the master bedroom. It was done in black and white. The drape was pulled of course and showed a geometric circle pattern on the black drapes. The comforter on the bed matched it. It was a super king-size bed with black and white pillows covering it. The bed had a canopy of white lace. She saw the lace was draped, and tied to the tall intricately carved posts on each corner, so if she wanted to release it, they could be cocooned into the large bed. Very romantic, she thought.

  A large master bathroom was in the corner, and it walked through to two walk in closets. This place was amazing, she thought, and it was her new home for the foreseeable future. Casey looked and saw her bags had been placed on the closet floor; at least she had a change of clothes.

  “I am ordering dinner.” Devon said softly.

  Casey looked over her shoulder and saw both of her mates looking at her. She knew they were worried because she had said so little in the last thirty minutes or so. She just did not trust herself to speak, or she would break down. She wanted to be strong for her mates and her brother. She may have been thrown out as a child but she was one of the Chosen, she needed to be stronger and not a wuss.

  Sid walked to her, smiled gently, and pulled her into a loose embrace. She smiled into his chest and leaned back. Being in his arms made everything better, Casey was getting used to feeling safe when her mates were near. If she had both of her mates, it would make it ever more right.

  Suddenly, she had what she wished for, and they stood silently giving her the support and gentle acceptance that she needed.

  “Bid bed, huh?” She muttered looking up at her mates through her lashes.

  Both of the men laughed. “Is that a hint?” Sid teased.

  “Well, there are two in this group which have not fully mated yet. I was thinking I could stretch out on the bed and get comfortable and watch a live porno show.” Casey announced.

  “What?” Devon said shocked that she had actually said this out loud.

  “Come on, come on. Let us get moving. I suddenly have the need to see my mates naked.” Casey demanded, ran, and jumped on the bed settling herself against the pillows.

  Devon and Sid laughed and followed her taking their shirts off and throwing them on the floor before turning to her. “You need to get comfortable.” Sid said and pulled off her shoes.

  “Yeah, I will not be able to concentrate if you are dressed and just laying there. It seems a little dirty.” Devon teased and pulled at her pants until they slid off. “You know, like you were using us or something.”

  “Oh, I am using you alright. Using you to be my own personal wet dream is all.” Casey said and pushed her shirt over her head. She laid back wearing only her black bra and matching lace panties and settled in to watch her men.

  Sid laughed and turned to Devon and kissed him hard and fast. The sexual tension in the room rose quickly as the men explored each other’s mouths. She found it very sexy watching them kiss and touch each other.

  Devon groaned a little and pulled back. “Clothes off, now.” He demanded and reached for his own pants. It did not take either of them long to get rid of their clothes, and then lay on the big bed next to Casey. Devon took the dominate position over Sid and covered his body with his and kissed him deeply again.

  Casey reached out, ran her hand over Devon’s back, and felt all of his muscles ripple as she touched him. She pulled Sid’s hand up and guided him to touch Devon’s body. With her hand over his, they moved it over his back and down to his bare ass where she grasped the cheeks and Sid pulled him closer so their cocks were settled against each other.

  Sid broke the kiss, trailed his lips down Devon’s neck, and then circled the man’s nipple with his tongue. Teasing and nipping at it until the nipple was firm and standing straight out begging him to play with it. Sid moved to the other nipple and did the same, as Casey leaned over and took over kissing Devon. Their tongues dueled with each other, and Casey could feel the excitement building in each of them.

  Leaning back, she pulled her bra to the side and pulled at her own nipples until they were just as firm as Devon’s, and then watched as her men got to know each other's bodies. They ran their
hands over each other soothing the nerve endings that were sparking their need.

  Devon pulled back a little and reached between their bodies, and grasped Sid’s hardened cock.

  A small drop of cum had leaked out and using his thumb, he rubbed it all over the tip. Sid groaned and leaned back and just felt as his mate touched and stroked his straining cock. It felt good, different from when Casey touched it but no less exciting.

  “I am not going to last.” Sid grumbled.

  “Yes, you are, you will not come until I tell you to.” Devon growled against his mate's neck.

  Then pulled his balls gently out from his body and stroked his cock a few more times before releasing him and leaning over the side of the bed and pulling something from his pants.

  Casey chuckled a little when she saw the small bottle of lube and knew her mate had prepared for this moment. Devon wanted Sid as much as he wanted her. It was a good feeling to know that they were all truly mates together. It would not have worked unless they all felt an attraction. Her mind wandered for a second and hoped her brother would find the same love that she had.

  Looking back to her mates, she grinned when she saw the look of passion on both of their faces.

  Devon looked at her and smiled. “Wanna help?”

  Casey giggled and nodded. Devon was serious most of the time, and it was endearing and nice to see him like this. Relaxed and teasing. She watched as Devon slapped Sid on the hip gently to get him to roll over. Devon pushed him until he was on his hands and knees. He crooked his finger and motioned for her to come to him.

  Devon kissed Casey deeply and then pulled back and pushed her onto her back and then moved her until her face was beneath Sid’s weeping cock and her pussy was right under Sid’s face.

  “Nice.” Devon said and then took his spot back behind Sid. “Suck him good, baby.” He said and then put some lube on his finger.


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