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Hunter's Treasure

Page 10

by Jill Shannon

  "Probably not. Mom took it upon herself to invite some of the people from the rec-center where she volunteers."

  "So, you're telling me I'm not going to know half the people here tonight?" Willow shook her head. "Leave it to Mom." She smiled at her sister, "Hey, did you invite Hailey? I went to the gym the other night, and I didn't see her there. I'd really like to see her while I'm here."

  "I sent the invitation; I just didn't receive a response." Skylar shrugged her shoulders and held her hands up. "You never know; she might want to surprise you."

  "Well, if you see her, tell her I'm looking for her, okay?"

  "You got it, birthday girl." Skylar teased her, "Is Saint coming tonight?"

  "I invited him, and he said he was going to come. I'm just not sure when he'll be here. I'm not worried about him. I gave Luca the car. I hope he can find his way here." Willow laughed, thinking of how terrible Luca could be with directions on land. "He can get so turned around on land."

  "He'll show up eventually. If not, we'll call him and see where he is. Don't worry about him; go have fun."

  Willow nodded to Skylar, and she turning from the bar to greet her guests. The DJ started playing music so people could dance while waiters and waitresses walked around, serving appetizers. Willow talked with different groups, accepting well wishes and gifts.

  She was busy talking with a group of people when Hunter arrived with Judge. He had left his cut in his car. Wearing a long-sleeved royal purple, form-fitting button-down shirt, his white gold chain peeked through the opening at his neck. His shirt was tucked into his black slacks that brushed against black dress boots. She hadn't seen him yet, so he stood and observed her. She was graceful, speaking to the crowd around her, listening and laughing to whatever was said. She was so beautiful, a polite smile on her face. The dress she wore hugged her perfect body, emphasizing her thin waist and ample chest. She appeared taller, yet she still wouldn't reach his chin. As she listened to something being said, he saw her glance toward the entrance doors. A smile formed on his face because he knew she was looking for him. Arriving with Judge, he had entered through the back entrance. Her attention, pulled back to the conversation around her, had her turning her head his way. Her glance went over him then flicked quickly back to him. Her smile immediately changed; it was meant for him alone.

  Excusing herself from the group, she walked across the area to greet him. "I was starting to wonder if you got scared off," she teased him. "You look very handsome." She noticed that the bruise on his nose and black eyes were well covered with makeup without looking obvious.

  "Not a chance in hell, princess. I was waiting on Judge." He took her hand in his, turning it over and kissing the pulse on her wrist. "I missed you." Pulling a white gold charm bracelet from his pocket, he told her, "I'm not much for wrapping gifts, but I do hope you like it." Holding her wrist in place, Hunter attached the clasp.

  The blush that appeared on her cheeks traveled over the rest of her body as Hunter secured the unexpected gift to her wrist. When he was finished, she held it up close to her face to see the charms attached. There were all kinds of sea creatures, a boat, a gold coin, and a treasure chest encrusted with rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. "It's beautiful, Hunter. Thank you." She leaned in to give him a kiss.

  The breath he had been holding, hoping he had picked the right gift, escaped his mouth. "I thought this could be the gift that keeps on giving," he said modestly. She gave him a curious look, and he explained. "I will be able to add to it for different occasions that we are together."

  Willow's heart dropped to her stomach as the music began to get louder, with the party ramping up. How was she going to tell him she was only here on vacation? Avoiding the topic, she yelled at him, "Do you want a drink?" Hunter nodded his head, and they moved to the bar through the crowd. He had just secured his beer when her sisters came charging over to drag her to the dance floor for a special song they all shared. The expression she gave him was one of sorrow as her sisters pulled her away.

  When they had reached the dance floor, the first thing Willow did was show her sisters the gift he had given her. Skylar glanced at him with an approving look. Then they began to dance. As he watched, her smile grew with total abandonment, her body lost in the rhythm of the music. The way she was swaying back and forth held him mesmerized. Until Judge stood in his line of vision. "What the fuck, dude?" Hunter swung his head to look around him, but Willow had disappeared into the crowd. Sitting back up in his seat, a disgruntled look on his face, he said, "Your timing really sucks sometimes." He tipped the bottle to his lips, drinking.

  "Well, someone needed to tell you to suck your tongue back into your mouth and wipe the drool away. What happened to you?" Judge sat in the seat Willow had vacated.

  "What do you mean, what happened? You're with her sister. You should know what happened. There is something different about her. A sincerity, she's not vain but has every right to be. A simple beauty that shines in the darkest of night." Hunter realized who he was talking to and clammed up.

  Judge smacked his hand on Hunter's shoulder. "You are so screwed!"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You're falling for her. You do know she doesn't live here. She'll be going back to Florida when her vacation is over." Judge looked over his head as a short, rotund man dressed in a suit, escorted an impeccably dressed woman through the door. "Speak of the devil, that's her boss and his wife. I don't know who the other two are."

  Hunter turned to look at the couples joining the party. His protective instinct kicked in when he saw the couple trailing behind. Watching Willow's face as she greeted her boss, Hunter could tell she was pleasantly surprised to see him and his wife. Yet he watched her body language as she stiffened up, air-kissing the man and woman who appeared to be with her boss. Then, they disappeared into the crowd when Willow took them to meet her parents. "I get the distinct impression she doesn't like those two."

  "I got the same feeling," Judge agreed with him. "Hopefully, they are only here for the party," he commented. "Hey, Saint?" He snapped his fingers in front of Hunter's eyes, getting his attention. "What are you thinking?"

  Hunter's brain had kicked in. There was no way he was letting her go now that he had found her. "I'll let you know." Finishing his beer, he placed the empty bottle on the bar. Getting up from his seat, he added, "Right now, I'm going to go save her from them."

  Hunter made his way over to her. Tapping her on the shoulder, he asked, "Would you like to dance?" The music had slowed down, and couples were now dancing together.

  She graced him with a smile full of relief. "Yes, I would." She excused herself, and they made their way to the dance floor.

  Taking her hand in his, he wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. The song 'H.O.L.Y,' by Florida George Line, started playing, and they swayed to the music. His hand tenderly brushed against her warm, soft body. The aroma of vanilla and lavender mixed with the smell of his light mahogany cologne blended around them. A stunning sense of calm filled him, a feeling he had not felt in many years.

  Willow snuggled her head against his chest. Closing her eyes, she lost herself in the music and his intoxicating scent. "You smell so good." She felt him chuckle, realizing he had heard her, and she looked up at him. "What? That's a good thing, isn't it?"

  "Yes, but I don't expect to hear it." He smiled.

  She laid her head on his shoulder, enjoying being in his arms. A few minutes later, she picked her head up, telling him, "Thank you for saving me. That was my boss and the other diving crew. He shut down for the weekend to come here. I wasn't sure how to get away from them." Then she giggled. "I had no idea they were coming."

  Realizing she was drunker than she appeared, he suggested, "Let's go get you some food, and take the plates outside for some air." He led her over to the table of food, and picking up two plates, he began piling food onto them. Letting her lead the way out to the patio, they found an empty table. "I'll be right b
ack." Hunter went back into the bar as Willow put her napkin in her lap. When he came back out, he was carrying two bottles of water.

  Not wanting to ruin the moment, yet needing to know her plans, he asked, "Judge tells me you plan on leaving after your vacation?" He watched her body cringe at his question.

  She wiped her mouth with her napkin before speaking. "I need to go back to Florida; that's where my work is." She lowered her head and said, "I know I should have told you earlier."

  Hunter let the subject go as they ate. He finished eating and tossed his napkin onto his empty plate. "So, how many days do we have?"

  "Ten." Willow finished picking at her plate, pushing it away and picking up the bottle of water, drinking half of it.

  "Okay, then. I have ten days to convince you to move here."

  "Hunter, be realistic. I have a life in Florida," she defended herself.

  "No. You have a job down there. What if you had a job here?" His brain was rolling over possibilities to keep her here. Then he added, "You wouldn't even have to return to Florida. They could ship all of your belonging for you." Hunter reached and took her hand in his. "You could have a life here." When she tilted her head and started to plead with him, he interrupted her, "Nothing has to be decided tonight. Let's enjoy your party. Are you feeling better?"

  "Well, I'm definitely not doing any more shots tonight." She smiled at him and added, "I was going to tell you, but I was planning to wait until tomorrow. So, let's forget this conversation for tonight and readdress it tomorrow with clearer heads. Okay?"

  "Sounds good to me." Hunter got serious again. "Now, tell me about the pair who walked in with your boss. I could tell you weren't pleased to see them."

  "They are Alex and Jax, the other dive team who works for Charlie."

  "So, why don't you like them?"

  Willow looked away, unsure of how she could explain how she felt about them. Turning her focus back to him, she replied, "Have you ever looked at someone and just knew they were bad?" He nodded his head in agreement. "That's how I felt when I met Jax and Alex. I got a really bad vibe, and it hasn't changed."

  "Why are they here?"

  "I'm not really sure. It's a little strange that they came. Especially knowing they aren't my favorite people."

  "You don't trust them, do you?"

  "Like I said, there is something about them."

  Hunter had all the information he needed from her for now. He'd do some investigating on his own. He stood and took her with him. Gathering her in his arms, he leaned down, capturing her lips. Kissing her gently, his tongue teasing along the seam of her lips. She opened her mouth, locking her arms around his neck, leaning into his hard body, savoring every moment, not caring where they were. Hunter ended the kiss, telling her, "Let's go, princess, your party awaits."

  Her desire filled eyes flashed to his smiling ones. "Now, who's the one teasing?" she asked, giving him a smug smile. When she turned on her heels, her over-exaggerated ass rocked back and forth as she made her way to the door.

  Coming up behind, grabbing both of her ass cheeks in his hands, he told her, "As of now, this is mine. There will be no shaking it for anyone but me. Is that understood?" Hunter was determined to convince her to stay. The best way he knew how to do that was to show her how things could be.

  She giggled, swiping his hands away from her ass as they walked through the door. Then, she graced him with her beautiful smile as she wrapped her arm around his, letting him guide her back into the room.

  The rest of the night, he had always been close but never right on top of her. She had introduced him to her friends and family while he was at her side. True to her word, she refused every shot offered to her and stuck to her beer. Occasionally, Hunter would hand her a bottle of water, which she gratefully accepted. She joined the crowd on the dance floor, and Hunter took advantage of the opportunity to talk with her boss, the one person she hadn't introduced him to. He found him at the bar ordering drinks for his table. Approaching him, he extended his hand. "We weren't officially introduced. I'm Hunter Murphy. And I have a business venture I'd like to discuss with you while you're here."

  After they had sung happy birthday to her and cake was served with coffee, the party started winding down. Guests began to leave, and the bar was opened to the public again. Willow had walked her parents to their car, telling them not to worry about her tonight if she didn't come home. Not really sure what Hunter's plans were, she could only hope that was the case.

  She walked back into the bar, and her line of sight found Hunter at the bar with Judge. They were talking with her boss, Alex, and Jax. They appeared to be getting ready to leave. Willow was a little apprehensive about Hunter talking with her boss, knowing how he wanted her to stay. She was so focused on the exchange between them, Willow bumped into her boss's wife. "Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry." Grabbing her elbow to steady her, she appeared to have enjoyed the open bar tonight.

  As Willow got her standing on her feet, Julie slipped a piece of paper into Willow's hand. A very sober Julie quietly and quickly told her, "Don't look at it." Willow's eyes sprang to her face. "Read it later, then you'll understand." Then, making an over-exaggerated gesture to hug her, "What an absolutely fabulous party, my dear." In her ear, she whispered, "Please don't show any confusion on your face, or they will know."

  When she pulled back, Willow plastered a smile on her face. "I'm so happy you and Charles could be here to celebrate with me." Willow understood there was something very wrong, not by the way Julie was acting, but by the fear all over her face. "I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself." Giving her arm a gentle squeeze, she continued. "We have to get together to have lunch while you're here." Willow had never had lunch ever with Julie; their relationship had always been of an employee and boss.

  "We'll have to see, dear. Charles has our time planned out." Turning her head and looking over her shoulder at her husband, she added, "I see they are ready to leave." She swung her head back to Willow. "Be safe, my dear. I need to go now." She let go of Willow's arms and wobbled over to her husband. Leaning into him as if she needed his guidance, she slurred, "What a wonderful party, Charles, but I think my bed is calling my name now." Then she giggled. "Goodnight, everyone," she yelled over her shoulder as he guided her to the door, Alex and Jax trailing behind them after saying their goodbyes as well.

  Willow never took her eyes off the group walking out the doors of the bar as she made her way over to Hunter. She slipped the note into her bra to read later when she was alone. "Your boss' wife seemed to enjoy herself," Hunter commented when she reached his side.

  "Yeah, she's a party animal," Willow responded sarcastically.

  Hunter asked, zoning in on her tone, "You okay?"

  "I have a feeling not everything is all right with her." Willow smiled at him. "I'll figure it out tomorrow. Right now, I need to figure out how I'm getting home tonight," she hinted, praying that he would volunteer. Even though he was her date, they had never talked about him taking her home, on top of the fact that she wasn't dressed to ride on his bike.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her between his legs. "I thought we had established that earlier. For the rest of the time you are here, you are mine. I will make sure you get home, but not tonight." He gathered her hair in his hand as he held her in place. Kissing her neck, he whispered in her ear, "I hope your parents weren't expecting you to spend all your time with them?"

  The most amazing sensation ran from her ear to the pit of her stomach. Willow melted into his body. The minute his lips touched her neck, her nipples got hard, and she could feel the wetness gathering in her panties. Any thoughts she had, fled her mind as she concentrated on what Hunter was saying. She pulled back to look at him, locking her hands behind his neck. "As you can see, I'm not dressed to ride on your bike tonight."

  A smug smile formed on his lips, then he announced to her, "It's a good thing I brought the Audi then."

  A surprised look formed on Willow's face. "But wasn'
t that at the house this afternoon? How did you get it here and still have time to get ready and find a gift?"

  "Mr. and Mrs. McNeil drove it down for me this afternoon." A confused look crossed her face. "I didn't want to take you to the clubhouse tonight. So, I asked Mrs. McNeil to come and freshen up my house on the grounds of the Celtic Demons' compound. I haven't been there in months. Plus, Mr. McNeil loves driving the car." Her smile confirmed he had done a good thing. "You ready to leave?"

  Removing her hands from around his neck, she turned around, her luscious ass rubbing over his cock as she addressed her sister, Skylar, "Thank you for my party, but I'm ready to leave now." She looked over her shoulder at Hunter. "Let Mom and Dad know I'm safe if they're looking for me."

  Skylar was sitting on the stool with Judge standing by her. "Yeah, I think I'm ready to call it a night too." Judge gave her a surprised look. "What? I can leave early if I want. I am the boss, you know."

  Judge put his hands up in defense. "I'm just happily shocked." He swung his arms down then pointed toward the exit. "Ready when you are." He finished his beer and left the empty bottle on the bar. "See ya tomorrow, Saint." He slapped him on his shoulder as he passed him and followed Skylar toward the door.

  Hunter finished his beer as well. "After you." Moving her forward, he stood up.

  Willow smiled up at him when he latched his hand on her waist and guided her out of the bar. He led her to the passenger door of the Audi, and as he opened it for her, she asked, "Would you let me drive this one day? I've never had the desire to drive a motorcycle, but a fast car, that's another story." She snuggled into the comfort of the high back black and grey leather seat. She glanced around at the rest of the black interior.

  "We'll see. If you're a good girl, I might reward you with your request," he told her as he closed the door, sealing her in.

  Sliding into the driver's seat, Hunter started the engine, and the car purred to life. The soft rumble growled with power under the hood. The dash lighting with all the instruments lit up as the music flowed through the incredible sound system. With a smile on her face, Willow decided what her next car would be.


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