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Hunter's Treasure

Page 17

by Jill Shannon

  "Damn, woman, you have some cold hands." He reached for her hands and held them in his, blowing warm air onto them. Placing them on his chest, he removed her black jeans then lifted her into his arms. As he held her close, he savored the feel of her warm skin against his. "How can your body be so warm, and yet your hands are so cold?" He climbed onto the bed and gently laid her in the middle of it. Wave after wave of her chestnut hair billowed out around her head on the pillows. Hunter placed his hands on either side of her head, grinding his hard dick against her warm, wet core. Lowering his chest to rub against her hard-erect nipples, he joined his lips to hers. She tasted of beer, but it was her aroma fueling his fire.

  Willow racked her nails down Hunter's back, gyrating her hips trying to relieve the sweet sensation he had created. Rubbing her sensitive nipples against his powerful chest helped a little, but she needed more. She needed relief from the uncontrollable desire vibrating through her body.

  She tried to take control by shifting her body, but he stopped her. Breaking the kiss, his desire filled grey eyes peered into her. "Don't top from the bottom, princess; you won't like the results." Willow had no idea what he meant, but she knew from his tone she needed to just follow his lead. "Relax, and let me take care of you." He kissed her forehead then her temple. She shifted her head to the side as he made his way to her ear, sucking her lobe between his teeth. He gently bit down, chuckling when he felt her body jerk. He continued downward, kissing her neck and shoulder, licking his tongue along her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth, and pulling it to a hard nub. Willow's body pushed off the bed, offering more. "Patience, princess, we have all night."

  Willow didn't think she had the patience to wait but relaxed her body back onto the bed. As she allowed Hunter to take care of her needs, giving control of her body to someone else was new to her, but he hadn't failed her yet.

  Hunter continued to meander down her body, heightening every nerve ending. His tongue traveled down her flat stomach and dipped into her navel, tickling her. Moving further down, he reached the apex between her legs. Their eyes locked before his tongue took its first swipe along her dripping wet pussy.

  Willow's legs spread wide to accommodate his shoulders, pushed her center up, giving Hunter access to every part of her. Her head pressed back against the pillows, losing eye contact with him. Taking pleasure from his skilled tongue, a moan of relief groaned in her throat.

  Hunter dipped his index finger into her wet, tight opening, pushing in and out slowly. Licking his tongue along her clit, he added another finger, plunging deep inside her while his tongue slid along her wet lips, lapping up the honey, her body was generating. When he felt her close to coming, he slowed down then brought her to the edge of coming again, keeping her body in a heightened state. Hunter continued this process over and over. He knew it wouldn't take much to give her the pleasure she craved. Yet, he wanted to feel her tight, sleek walls pulsate around his throbbing cock.

  "Hunter, you're killing me. Please, I need to come," she pleaded with him.

  He gave her pussy one last swipe of his tongue, before climbing up her body. Placing his hard dick at her entrance, he told her, "Don't come until I give you permission." With that said, he slid into her warm, tight channel. A satisfied moan growled deep in his throat. "I've wanted to do this with you all day." He drew back his hips then surged forward, pounding into her and hitting her sweet spot over and over.

  With her arms wrapped around his brawny shoulders, she held onto him. Willow tried to hold off as long as she could, wanting to give him everything he had given her. Knowing she couldn't hold back any longer, she begged, "Please, Sir, I need to come."

  When she used the title that he preferred in the bedroom, it sent an electric current straight to his cock. "I love it when you call me Sir," he whispered in her ear. "Come for me, princess." Then he kissed her, his tongue probing deeply in her mouth, joining them in more ways than one. His hips surged forward then back, pulling almost out of her, only to push back in.

  Willow melted into the burning kiss, holding onto him as he ground his long, thick cock into her again and again. Her hips lifted off the bed to meet each thrust of his hips as she strived to reach the climax he was driving her to. When he gave her permission, she screamed her release into his mouth. Her walls began to pulsate around his cock as stars burst behind her closed eyes.

  Hunter felt her release along his hard cock, almost pushing him over the edge into his own world of euphoria. But he needed tonight to be burned into her memory. So, he held off, letting her body ease down from the height he had taken it. He broke the kiss and told her, "Flip over; I want to enter you from behind and drive into you further and squeeze your exquisite tits and tweak your clit at just the right moment." Willow followed his instructions, lifting her ass as he plunged his still hard cock into her. Muffling a moan of satisfaction into the pillows, she pushed back against Hunter, driving him further into her. Hunter knew he wouldn't last long in this position, but he was determined to make her come again. Encasing her breasts in his hands, he pulled her back to his chest. His voice caressed her ear as he told her, "You have delicious tits, princess. I would love to devour one in this position." He slid his thumbs and index fingers down to her hard nipples. Squeezing them, he made her body twitch.

  The image that arose in Willow's mind at his request sent a shock to her core. Not knowing if it would be successful, she twisted her body, wrapping her arm around his neck to give him access to what he desired.

  "My God, you are beautiful." Taking her breast in his hand, he brought her nipple up to his mouth. His cock jerked inside her as he lowered his head. The tip of his tongue teased around her hard nub, making Willow's head push against his shoulder.

  The overwhelming stimulation to her body was shattering. Once Hunter had access to her breast, he took his other hand and moved it between her legs, all the while thrusting his cock deep inside her body, rubbing against her cervix at times. "Sir, I need to come again."

  That was all Hunter needed to hear. He bit down on her nipple and pinched her clit, sending her into a mind-blowing orgasm. The vibration of her pulsating walls around his cock overtook the control he had. Releasing her breast and clit, he growled into her neck. He then latched onto her hips, pounding into her, letting her body milk the cum from his swollen cock, coming harder than he ever had. Wrapping his arms around her mid-section, he rested his head on her back, getting his breathing under control. Pulling out of her, he told her, "Lie here; I'll be right back." He got off the bed and went into the adjoining bathroom. When he came back out, he held a warm soapy washcloth and towel. Willow had flopped to her side when he left the bed. Spreading her legs, he used the cloth to wash and then used the towel to dry her. Pulling back the covers, Hunter tucked her in the bed.

  Throwing the soiled laundry on the floor, he went to the in-room refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water then joined her under the covers. He opened one of the bottles and took a long swig, handing it to her. When she drank all she wanted, she handed it back to him. Setting it on the nightstand, he told her, "That was beautiful, princess, thank you." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her back against him. "Try to get some sleep. We have no idea what we will be facing when this goes down."

  Savoring the incredible feeling still resonating through her body and welcoming the security Hunter's arms provided, she snuggled into the protection of his strong arms. Gathering her courage, she confessed to him, "I never thought I'd ever find a man who I could let my defenses down with. Yet, here you are. You've put your life on hold to put my needs first, involved your club in an adventure that we have no idea where it's going, and made me feel safe for the first time since I moved out of my parents' house." Tilting her head up, her crystal blue eyes gazed into his striking grey eyes as she asked, "How did you do that?"

  Leaning down, he kissed her forehead then explained, "It was meant to be, baby. I believe we all have a set path the day we are born. It just too
k us until now to be joined on our path." He pulled her in closer. "Now, try to get some sleep. I'll be here to watch over you."

  Willow closed her eyes and said a silent prayer to God, thanking him for sending Hunter into her life. Secure in his arms, she allowed the rhythm of the boat to rock her into a sound sleep.

  Hailey was finishing another set of pushups when she heard the sound of their jailer's keys jingling. She was determined to stay alert and prepared. She had not spent the last six months in a rehab facility getting clean and sober to be sold into slavery. After hearing the stories of the women with whom she was locked up, her desire to survive had never been stronger. She listened carefully as the sound as the keys got closer. Hailey huddled in the distant corner of her cave. A tray of slop was shoved through the opening at the bottom of the cell door. "You'll be happy to know you will be leaving this place pretty soon. So, eat up. It could be your last meal for a while." Hailey stayed put, listening to the other trays slide on the floor. She waited until she knew he was gone before crawling along the floor to the plate of food. "Is this tray of food laced with drugs?" she whispered loud enough for them all to hear.

  "My guess is you would be right," answered Cindy.

  "They will want us pliable not passed out," Lori voiced her opinion.

  "Where are they taking us, and how? We're in a freaking smugglers' cave. Our only options are boat and swimming. There's not much room for escape," Hailey sarcastically informed them as if they didn't know.

  "I think anyplace but here would be better," Lori sighed.

  "There has to be a way that we can overpower him, even if we're chained together," Hailey pleaded.

  Alice said in a quiet, slurred voice, "It will not only be him. Like you said, the only way out is by boat. There will be more than just one person to operate it. Come to your senses; we aren't getting out of here any other way."

  Hailey was frustrated at the hopelessness these women had. "Someone has to be looking for us?" Her voice was filled with optimism.

  Another voice added, "Not me. My mother and father threw me out when they found out I was gay. I've been living on the streets ever since. It's been three years."

  "I tried to escape once, when I first got here, but there was nowhere to run. When our jailer caught up with me, he beat and drugged me. That was the last time I had any hope, Hailey," Cindy explained. "Outside of these cells is a cove. A ledge runs around the water, but there is no place to hide. The only way out is water."

  "Okay, so escaping on our own isn't going to work. What about a phone? He has to have some way to communicate with the people coming to get us," Hailey expressed another suggestion.

  "Hailey, we are in a cave. Even if he had a phone, there would be no service. I'm pretty sure he has a satellite radio they communicate on," Renee sniped at her. "You should resign yourself to the idea that you are not getting out of here, like we all did."

  Hailey refused to believe that after finally getting her life together, she wouldn't be able to live it the way she wanted. She wanted to find a man to love her and she, him. Hailey wanted to have a baby and a dog. She wanted a house to make happy memories in. She wasn't giving up on her dreams, and nothing these women said would change her mind. She reached for the keepsake at her neck. Sliding her fingers down the chain, she opened it. Looking at the photos of her parents, tears came to her eyes. In her heart, she knew her parents were looking for her. If she could go back in time and tell them how sorry she was for all the pain she had caused them, she would do it in a heartbeat. They had given her everything she could have wanted. They had been the ones who had gotten her the help she needed, had supported her and visited when she was in rehab. They had to know something was wrong with her. And she was sure her father would use every resource he had to find her. They never gave up on her, and she wasn't going to give up on them. She closed the locket, kicked the plate of slop to the side, and got in a push-up position, whispering to herself, "I'm not giving up. I'm going to be ready, and when the opportunity to get the fuck out of here arises, I'm going to take that chance." Gathering whatever strength she had, she plunged into her exercises.

  Willow had lain awake in bed. Her head resting on Hunter's chest, she listened to his steady heartbeat and felt the gentle breeze of his even breathing, letting her know he had fallen asleep. As much as she wanted to do the same, her brain would not shut down. She knew what they were facing was going to be dangerous. She also knew that not one of these men helping her owed her a thing. Yes, they had their own agenda for helping, but they didn't hesitate. They worked as a team, a unit, a brotherhood, each watching the backs of their brothers as well as others. She didn't understand how she had gotten so lucky as to meet this amazing man lying next to her. He asked nothing of her, yet, gave everything. She knew right then that she was falling in love with him. She knew because she had never felt the ache in her heart before that she now felt at the thought of losing him.

  Not wanting to wake him, she gently and quietly extracted herself from his side. Throwing on a sweatshirt and pants, she made her way up to the upper deck. Yankee was now back at the helm, listening to some southern rock. "Mind if I grab a beer?" she asked, letting him know he wasn't alone anymore.

  "Nope, help yourself."

  Willow walked to the refrigerator, grabbed a beer then offered, "You want one?"

  "Yeah, I'll join you," he agreed.

  Taking the extra beer out, she closed the fridge and made her way over to Yankee. "Can I sit for a bit? I can't sleep, and I don't want to wake Hunter."

  Yankee waved his hand at the chair next to him. "Have at it. I could use the company." He turned the music down as she joined him in the captain's chairs. "Not much to do but eat, listen to music, and watch the stars on a stakeout."

  Willow tilted her head back on the chair and looked at the sky full of stars. "It is beautiful, though." They sat in comfortable silence for a bit, then she asked, "You've known Hunter for a long time, and I was wondering—"

  He cut her off before she could continue, "Before you say anything else, let me stop you. If you are going to try to grill me for information about my brother, you should stop now." He turned in his chair and looked at her, "Anything you want to know about Saint, ask Saint." He took a swig from his bottle. "I will tell you this, he's an open book if you ask."

  She turned in her chair to look at Yankee, telling him, "Okay, I get that, but what if what I want to know is something painful from his military time?"

  "Again," he stressed, "ask him. I know his time in the military wasn't a walk in the park." He got a faraway look in his eyes, remembering his own time. Shaking the memories away, he told her, "Let me put it to you this way. There's a lot of shit a soldier deals with while serving this country. And we all have painful memories. It's how we cope with them that matters. Finding peace within ourselves with what we've seen and done isn't easy. The rate of suicides for vets grows every day, and the number of jobless and homeless are staggering. If you can get an appointment at the VA, you wait for hours to be seen, to be handed another prescription to fix your problem, because their hands are tied to dispense the proper treatment."

  Willow thought back to the bottle of pills on Hunter's nightstand. "Hunter takes medicine for PTSD, doesn't he?"

  "There are a lot of us out there suffering from it." He sat forward in his chair and sipped his beer. "I just heard there is a doctor in Maryland who has been working with soldiers having been diagnosed with PTSD. He runs a clinic and has been using something called stellate ganglion block. They say that out of the thousand or so shots given, about seventy percent have reduced anxiety and paranoia. The military is still doing testing on it, but I think with those numbers, it's worth the risk. I was going to talk with Saint about it, but then you came along." He swung his head, resting on the back of his chair, looking at her.

  "What does that mean?" Willow wasn't sure his comment was a good or a bad thing.

  "No worries. It's a good thing. Saint seems mo
re content, less stressed. Although, he did just get finished organizing the fundraiser too."

  She leaned over and smacked his arm, spilling some of her beer. "Hey, I thought you were on my side." She stood, going to the bar to retrieve a napkin. As she got to the bar, her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, she saw the time was well past one in the morning. Not knowing the number, she answered timidly, "Hello?"

  "Is this Willow Lawson?" a woman's voice asked.

  "Yes. Can I ask who you are?"

  Yankee had been watching Willow's reaction to the phone call she had received. He sat a little straighter in his chair.

  "This is Sophie Spenser. Frank and I heard you were in town and were wondering if you've heard from Hailey."

  "No, Mrs. Spenser. I had been hoping to catch up with her at my birthday party, but she never showed. I figured she had other plans. Is everything all right?" Willow knew in her gut that something was wrong.

  Yankee heard the concern in Willow's voice, indicating she now knew who she was talking to, and relaxed a little.

  "It could be nothing. For all we know, Hailey could have relapsed and is holed up in some crack house."

  "But you don't think so, do you, Mrs. Spenser?" Willow could hear the despair in her voice.

  "She had been doing so well. She had been going to her meetings, talking with her sponsor. She even got a decent job at a gym in town. That's where she was headed the last time we saw her. We were going to take her on a mini-vacation the next day, but she disappeared."

  "How many days ago was that?"

  Yankee's ears perked up again, eavesdropping on her conversation.


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