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Hunter's Treasure

Page 20

by Jill Shannon

  Willow looked at Hunter's sincere grey eyes and then glanced at the men around them. "I think I'll go below and see if Luca needs some help with dinner. I don't think I could close my eyes right now." She leaned in and kissed Hunter on the cheek. "If you hear anything from Liam or Sophie," she stressed Mrs. Spenser's name, "please let me know."

  "You have my word, princess."

  This time, when she walked away, he watched her go. Her slumped shoulders told him she was feeling the heaviness of the situation.

  Judge went to the fridge and grabbed four cold beers. "I think we could all use one of these right now." Distributing them, he asked Yankee, "How much longer till we get there?"

  "From here, a few more hours," was Yankee's response.

  Judge was in full president mode now. "Saint, you keep searching. I want as much information as you can dig up. Viking, make sure all the artillery is loaded for bear in case of a gun battle. Yankee," he stood and looked at him in the captain's seat, "you keep doing what you're doing. I'm going to call the other chapter presidents and make them aware of what could be happening in their areas."

  The men went about following Judge's orders, while the Black Rose cut through the water at a steady pace, each mile bringing them closer to uncovering what Alex and Jax were up to.

  Chapter 8

  By the time the Black Rose pulled into Back Sound, the sun was sinking like a ball of fire into the sea. Luca had prepared a tray of chicken and rice, from an old family recipe, and Willow had thrown together a salad. The men all filled their plates, thanking them. Each took seats around the deck as they ate in silence.

  They were still a reasonable distance behind the Dark Horse when Alex started barking orders at Jax. They were stopping. Yankee pulled back on the throttle, moving at a slower speed through the inlet. "They must be going to Beaufort; there are a few coves around there."

  Jax's voice came through the speaker, "Okay, so now what do we do? Have you heard anything from that idiot farm boy?"

  The men looked at each other with a sinking feeling flowing through all of them.

  "I'm supposed to contact him when we arrive. Would you please slow your roll? I've never known you to be so jumpy," Alex commented.

  "I just know we are selling our souls to be free of that bastard."

  "I know, Jax." There was a pause, "But it's the only way to get the fuck out from under his thumb."

  "We don't have to do this, Alex. We could take the boat and go. No one would ever find us. We've done it before," she pleaded with him. "Or we could turn ourselves in and explain we had nothing to do with the killing of Zapatero's men."

  "We have no proof. No one is going to believe we were there against our will or that Zapatero needed someone to take the fall for killing his own men."

  They heard a rustling and put together Alex must have been hugging her.

  "This is all my fault. If I had just slept with him to pay off our debt, things would have been so different," Jax sobbed. "I just couldn't, though."

  "Look at me, baby. You did the right thing. You'll see. We'll do this job, then we'll be free of that monster forever."

  "But what if he does the same thing? Sets us up? We don't even know what we're picking up."

  "No matter what it is, it's important to Carlos. I have to believe that this time, he'll hold up to his end of the deal. Otherwise, we dump his cargo into the ocean right in front of him." There was another pause in their conversation. Then Alex went on, "Let me get Ethan on the two-way and let him know we have arrived."

  Once they heard the name, they all knew exactly what Alex and Jax were picking up. Hearing the beeping sounds from the two-way radio, they knew Alex had gotten the phone. An unfamiliar voice could be heard. "You made good time. Carlos will be happy. Are you close to the falls?"

  "Yes, I followed the coordinates and directions I was given," Alex snapped back.

  "Good, I will begin to prepare them when it's dark. I will bring them to you three at a time."

  "What are you bringing?" Jax asked over Alex.

  "Carlos didn't tell you?" Ethan's voice had a touch of laughter to it.

  "No, he didn't tell us. Why do you think we asked?" Alex's voice held an edge of anger to it.

  "Well, then let's keep it a surprise until we meet later," Ethan teased then burst out laughing before ending the call.

  "What the hell was that all about?" Jax screeched.

  "Jax, I'm saying this for the last time; relax. Everything will be fine. We have some time before it's dark. Let's go below and eat something. I'm starving," Alex announced.

  The crew of the Black Rose had heard all they needed to hear. "Fucking human trafficking. Can you believe the fucking balls of that mother…" Judge was beyond infuriated.

  Yankee guided the Black Rose past the cove opening. Turning it around, he dropped anchor on the far side of the cove. This would put them in the position of coming up behind them when they were ready to leave the inlet.

  "So, now that we know what they're transporting, what are we going to do?" Viking asked the simple question.

  "I wish I knew how many there were," Judge remarked.

  "There is an easy way to find out," Willow announced.

  "How?" Judge asked

  "I could go find out," Willow answered. All the men turned her way for an explanation. "Yankee has tanks and scuba gear. I could easily slip in without notice."

  "That's not a bad idea," Yankee agreed.

  "Like hell, you're doing that. If anybody should go, it should be me," Hunter said.

  "No, Saint, she's right. The women aren't going to respond to a man. Willow is the obvious choice," Judge protested.

  "Fine, but she's not going by herself. If she goes, I go. That's non-negotiable." Hunter looked at Willow, making sure she understood that there was no way she'd be going without him.

  "I think that's a good start to a plan, but how are you going to get to the women without Ethan seeing the two of you?" Viking asked. "There's only one way in and one way out."

  "There is no way I can position the Black Rose any closer. But Ethan said he'd be bringing them out three at a time. I think Willow, Saint, and Luca should gear up to scuba in together." Yankee had all of their attention. "If they all go together, Luca can hang by the Dark Horse and let Saint and Willow know when Ethan is returning to the cove. This way, they will be able to let the women know to cooperate with Ethan and that help is here for them. Plus, after hearing Alex and Jax talk about being set up by Zapatero, I believe it will be easier to deal with them alone. Let them think everything is all good. When they return to the sound, we can flag them down, board their boat, and negotiate with them."

  "Negotiate? We have nothing to negotiate with," Viking burst out.

  "We might not, but I'm sure my mother might," Hunter said. "I'll get in touch with Liam and explain what we've discovered. I'll see if he might have any information that can help. If not, I'll go straight to my mother."

  "You need to get on this right now, Saint. We only have a few hours before the sun disappears and they begin moving the women," Judge told him. "Then, looking at Luca, he asked, "Are you ready for this?" With a nod of his head, Luca gave his consent. "It will be your responsibility to make sure Willow and Saint are undetected. As soon as Ethan unloads the women from the boat, you let Saint know. The minute that boat moves away from the Dark Horse, you make sure they both know." Turning to Willow and Hunter, he continued. "We don't know what you are walking into behind those falls. They could have more men watching the women who we have no idea about. You need to take every precaution not to be detected. You have to get in and out as fast as you can. The element of surprise is the only thing we have on our side right now."

  "What do you want us to do, Judge?" Viking asked for him and Yankee.

  "The same thing I'm going to do. Pray," he replied.

  "I'm going to call Liam. Maybe after I talk to him, you'll have something to do," Hunter informed them, grabbing his phone from h
is pocket.

  "Luca and I will go ready the gear," Willow said. Grabbing Luca by the elbow, she pulled him along with her.

  Judge turned to Viking and Yankee, asking them, "When the fuck did selling women replace drugs and guns? What the hell is wrong with this world? Where a woman is treated with less respect than a horse at auction?" His brothers felt Judge's pain. No words were needed between them. All of them were feeling the disbelief of the situation. They paused a moment, wrapping their heads around what they were getting into and at what cost to the Celtic Demons. They knew what they were about to do could start a blood war with the Zapatero Cartel. But they also knew if they didn't at least try to help the women they knew about, none of them would ever be able to live with themselves. Yet, each realized that even if they stopped Carlos, someone else would just replace him.

  Hunter was shoving his phone back in his pocket as he approached his brothers, a smirk on his face. "I think my mother can solve our Carlos problem." He reached in the fridge, removing four more beers. Handing one to each of them, he held his bottle in a toast like manner. They all followed his lead, touching their bottles to his. "Mom says if he refuses to agree to our terms, she will arm every rebel in Mexico with AK-47s, rocket launchers, and flame throwers. If he agrees, she will sit down and talk to him about an exclusive deal."

  "You spoke with your mother, not Liam?" Judge questioned. Hunter nodded his head yes.

  "Well, damn, praying does work," Viking declared.

  Each drinking from their bottle. Saint continued, "So, that means Willow doesn't need to put herself at risk." Swallowing down the last of his beer, he tossed it in the garbage can. A smile plastered on his face.

  "No, Saint, she still needs to go. We need to let these women know to cooperate. We don't know what Ethan could do to them if they don't. Plus, Alex and Jax have a lot riding on this shipment. We need their cooperation as well if we are going to make this deal work," Judge corrected him. "We stick to the original plan. You two will go in, warn the women, then the three of you get back to the Black Rose. We will confront Alex and Jax on open water."

  Hunter didn't want Willow being put at risk, but he agreed with his president. His shoulders shrugged in defeat. "Fine, you've made your point." He started to walk past Judge, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I better get down below and change, because she's still not doing this alone."

  Judge patted Hunter's shoulder as he passed. "We all knew she wouldn't be alone."

  Viking and Yankee nodded their agreement when he glanced their way. "There's no way I would let Angel go on her own, either," Yankee confirmed.

  Having their assurance didn't ease Hunter's mind all that much, but he knew they were trying to help. There was still so much that could go wrong. "By the way, Liam is filling the Spensers in on what we know and then bringing my mother to the heliport. They should be in Beaufort in less than two hours. I told them one of you would be there to pick them up. Mom wants to be on the Black Rose to ensure the safety of everyone. Also, to show she's serious about a deal with Zapatero."

  Viking jumped off the stool he had been sitting on. "Finally, something for me to do." He tapped Yankee on the shoulder, saying, "Come and help me get the wave tender launched." They started to go below. Then, realizing he didn't have all the information, he yelled over his shoulder, "Where am I supposed to meet them?" He stopped to listen for the information.

  "I gave Liam your number. Figured Yankee and Judge have their hands full here," Hunter answered him. "He'll call you for a location to meet when they land. My suggestion, find the closest Irish bar to the pier."

  "How will I recognize them?"

  Hunter smiled at the image that came to mind. Then he told Viking, "Look for a tall redhead with a dominating attitude and her six-foot-five, green-eyed bodyguard. I don't think you'll miss him; plus, I'll send you photos on your phone. I better go; it'll be dark soon." Looking at Viking, he added, "As soon as they are on the wave tender, let Yankee know."

  "Will do." Viking gave him a head nod. "Let's get to it, Yankee."

  Finishing off their beers, they went to release the four-person wave tender Yankee had carried on board for quick trips to the mainland.

  Hunter was almost to the staircase when Judge asked, "Did you bring a drone with you?" When he got an affirmative head nod, he finished, "Good, get it for me. This way, I can keep an eye in the sky over all of you.

  "I don't think that's a good idea, Judge." Receiving a confused look, Hunter explained, "Ethan knows that cove in the light of day and the dark of night. He's safe here. If you fly a drone into his secluded area, he will know it. The night sky will illuminate the sensors on the drone. Sorry, Judge, but there can be no eye in the sky." Hunter turned and left Judge with that thought.

  Luca was helping Viking and Yankee launch the wave tender when Hunter arrived on the platform, his scuba gear covering the lower half of him. Willow's body immediately reacted to the sight of his every bulging muscle. Her nipples hardened as the sensation flowed through her. She shifted her legs as the feeling hit her core.

  He walked straight over to her and, taking her face between his hands, kissed her. Forgetting where they were and what they were about to do, Willow melted into his body, savoring the taste of him on her lips. Her hands reached up and locked behind his neck.

  Breaking the kiss, he mumbled to her ear, "We will need to incorporate a wet suit into my playroom, princess. Seeing you dressed so has placed some very new images in my mind." Taking her hand and placing it on his hardening cock, he added, "I can only pray the water is cold enough to help with this incredibly painful hard on you've given me."

  She laughed in his ear then told him, "I couldn't agree more. I think my nipples are so hard, I'm afraid they'll cut through my suit."

  He slid his arms around her waist, holding her. Peering into her bright blue eyes, he declared to her, "If anything happens to you, it will probably kill me. So, don't do anything to put your life in danger. Follow my every command, no veering off on your own. We get in and get out. Understood?"

  Gazing into his stormy grey eyes, she set his mind at ease. "Yes, I understand, Hunter."

  "Okay, you two love birds, knock it off. There will be time for that when this is finished. Right now, we need to get on our way, so we are ready when Ethan leaves the falls," Luca said, clapping his hands together to get their attention.

  When Hunter released her, she realized that they had already launched Viking in the wave tender and were waiting on them." "Oh, sorry, we got a little sidetracked." She felt the blush bloom on her face, knowing Luca and Yankee had witnessed their tender moment.

  "No worries. I would want to make sure Angel knew exactly how I felt too," Yankee sympathized. "But now, we need to get you on your way as well." Yankee picked up the tank at his feet and held it for Hunter to put on. He had already helped Luca with his, and he, in turn, would help Willow.

  Once they were dressed for the dive, they checked the connection for their communication devices. Each could talk to and listen to each other as well as Judge and Yankee on the Black Rose.

  They planned to be under the Dark Horse when Ethan left the falls. At that time, Willow and Hunter would scuba in as Ethan was leaving, passing him under the water. They didn't have a time frame as to how quickly he would return. They were also banking on another person watching the other women left behind. Yet, Hunter planning two steps ahead, was prepared in case there were others with them. Once everything was confirmed with the communication devices, one by one, they sat on the platform and dropped into the Back Sound, disappearing from sight into the dark water.

  Hailey heard the keys jingling at the waist of their jailer. She had no idea what time it was but also knew this was an unscheduled visit. In the time that she had been there, she had kept track of their keeper's routine. She moved to the far side of her cell, fearing the worst. The sound of his steps stopped just past her cell, and then he spoke. "Well, ladies, I hope you have all enjoyed your stay he
re, but it's time for you to go. I hope you will all heed my warning. If you try to escape, I will be forced to hurt you." Leaving nothing for discussion, she next heard the keys open Cindy's door. "Let's go, girlie, you're the first one I want gone."

  Hearing the sound of chains told Hailey they would be shackled somehow. Standing and preparing for her attack, Hailey waited. If she could catch him off guard and make her escape, she was going to chance it. The sound of the lock clicking on her cell door had Hailey's blood pumping and adrenaline flowing. She repeated over and over to herself, "You can do this, you can do this!" Cheering herself on, her only obstacles were the door and jailer. However, he didn't open the door immediately; instead, he killed her spirit in two sentences.

  "Now, I know you're a flight risk, so if you got any ideas about running, you better lose them. You try anything, and your girl Cindy gets your beating."

  That's all it took for Hailey to become compliant. She knew there was no way Cindy could handle another beating from this man. And Hailey wasn't going to be the reason any of the women got hurt. Walking calmly over to the door, she sneered at him. His face was covered again, but Hailey had imprinted his voice in her head. "I will find you one day and make you pay for what you are doing to us. I'm no one to pass judgment on a person, but I'm going to make an exception in your case. I pray that the God who keeps me sober sends you a one-way ticket to the fiery gates of Hell."

  "Have no fear, darlin'; I'm already on my way there. Now, put your hands out." Opening the door, he clasped the cuffs on both her wrists. Pulling her by a two-foot chain, he connected it to the clip on the back of the belt wrapped around Cindy.


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