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Christmas Cookie Baby

Page 17

by Laura Marie Altom

  For the longest time he stood there staring. Was he searching her face for any indication that what she’d said might not be true? But then the tears spilling from her eyes must have proven the depth of her sincerity. And love.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “For everything I put you through.”

  Colby crushed her in a hug, burying his face in her hair. “I was so scared,” he said. “When Vic’s plane went down, I kicked myself for not forcing you to stay—for not locking both of us in my pantry and throwing away the key.”

  “I like it in there,” she said with a teary, sniffy giggle.

  “I’ve noticed. When we came to get you and Vic,” he said, “I wanted to take you back right then and there, but my so-called friends told me to let you go. Tanner—he’s still bitter about Jenny leaving him. He told me to forget we’d even met, but I couldn’t. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she said when he finally lifted her for the kiss she’d rehearsed a thousand times in her head. She wrapped her legs around his waist. The baby between them didn’t make it easy, but they made it work.

  Rose groaned when Colby crushed his mouth to hers, almost afraid to believe she was really back in his arms. “I’m sorry I didn’t immediately agree to marry you.”

  “I’m sorry I pushed you. Of course, you’d have qualms about marrying some guy you’ve only known a week.”

  She kissed him again. “I feel like I’ve known you forever. I think that’s what’s so scary. Everything we’ve shared—it’s so different from what I thought love should be.”

  Between them, he felt his son kick, and he set Rose down. “I didn’t hurt the little guy, did I?”

  “Not a bit.” She placed Colby’s hand back where it should be—on their son. “I think he’s just saying hello.”

  Colby knelt to kiss her belly. “You’re going to have a great life,” he said to his son. “We’re going to fish and hike and I’ll teach you to fly.”

  “What about me?” Rose asked, her fingers in his hair. “Don’t I get to do any of that fun stuff?”

  “Fishing and hiking—yes. As for the flying… Woman, I’m never letting you near a plane again.”


  “COLBY, GOOD GRIEF, would you leave the tree alone, and come sit with us by the fire?”

  “I want everything perfect.”

  “It is. Your mom and stepdad and the whole crazy crew will love what you’ve done.”

  “It’s not their opinion I’m worried about,” he said, scooping his pride and joy from his momma’s arms. “Nick here’s got to learn how Christmas is done. After all,” he added, removing his bedraggled Santa hat to settle it on his son’s tiny head, “conceived like he was on Christmas Eve, he’s a real live, Santa baby.”

  “Hey,” Rose teased, standing beside him. “I thought I was your Santa baby?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Can’t a guy have two? Better yet, Nick will be my Christmas cookie baby.”

  “What are we going to do when we have a daughter one of these days? Maybe another son?”

  Their gurgling three-month-old between them, Colby pulled her into a hug. “Then I guess we’ll have a house full of Christmas cookie babies. But hey, I thought you wanted a few more years to get your consulting business off the ground before we try for more?”

  “I do, I’m just saying that when the time comes, you’d better watch out.”

  “Better not pout?”

  Wagging her finger at him, she grinned. “You’d better not cry, I’m tellin’ you why…”

  “Santa Claus is comin’ to town.”

  They were still laughing and singing carols an hour later when the doorbell rang, and in spilled Colby’s family and Vic, who’d flown them in for the occasion.

  Rose’s mother and stepfather were coming for a nice, long visit over New Year’s. Rose was looking forward to many fireside chats with her mom, during which hopefully they could once again learn to be close.

  After a buffet meal of ham and turkey and all the trimmings, Colby’s step-nieces and nephews took baby Nick into the TV room for movies.

  Rose excused herself from the boisterous crowd laughing and sharing stories in front of the fire to make a fresh batch of eggnog.

  She jumped when Colby stepped up behind her, but then he eased her into his arms as he placed a string of kisses around her neck, kisses that followed the form of the gold necklace he’d given her the day Nick was born. It had a beautiful gold-and-diamond snowflake charm. “I love you,” he said.

  She turned to face him. “I love you, too.”

  “It’s snowing again.”


  “So, I know the white stuff’s been lucky for us, but I’m wondering if next year you want to go somewhere warm for Christmas? Hawaii?”

  “Nope. I like it right here in Kodiak Gorge—snow and all.” She fingered her charm.

  “Yeah, but I was thinking…” He gave her another kiss.

  “About what?”

  “Well…since I’m in charge of decorations, and Nick and I are sharing the family Santa hat, and since he’s now our official Christmas cookie baby—I don’t want you feeling left out.”

  “I don’t. I was just teasing about—”

  He silenced her with another kiss. “I figured as much, but still…” He released her to dig into his back pocket. “Just so there’s no family squabble, I bought you this—only it might be a little cold here for you to truly enjoy it, which is why next year Hawaii might be a better place to spend the holidays.”

  Rose raised her eyebrows.

  The only thing in her husband’s hand was a scrap of red satiny fabric with a teeny bit of green attached. “Um, thanks,” she said, “but what is it?”

  He beamed. “A Santa baby bikini.”

  Rose was trying to decide whether to model the two fabric scraps for her husband or pummel him with them when his volunteer rescue radio squawked from its base on the kitchen counter.

  The reception was so poor, only every few words could be heard. Static static PRESUMED static static static URGENT static static NEEDED static FALLS OVER.

  A chill overcame Rose’s entire body. She’d learned a lot during her year living in Kodiak Gorge. One fact was that winter rescue calls weren’t as common as they were in the summer. Two—when calls did come in, they were far more likely to be deadly.

  Keep reading for an excerpt of the next story in my

  SEAL Team: Holiday Heroes series, HAPPY NEW YEAR, BABY


  SEAL Team: Holiday Heroes

  Book Two

  Laura Marie Altom

  Chapter One

  “DON’T LET HIM die, Brody. Don’t you dare let him die!”

  Retired Navy SEAL, Brody Crawford, tuned out his sister-in-law’s screams. This trip had been voodoo from the start. He’d told his identical twin brother, Brandon, it was a bad year for ice climbing. Unseasonably warm daytime temps had caused too much rapid thawing, pocking the ice and making it rotten.

  “Hang tight,” Brody called, voice flat against the frozen waterfall’s five-story vertical face. Night had fallen, meaning his headlamp was the only thing keeping his twin in view. Brody had pre-placed a series of belays, which Brandon and his high school and college sweetheart—now bride, had systematically clipped in and out of on their ascent. The plan was to spend Christmas Eve climbing, then camp that night atop the falls. “Don’t move…”

  The night was still save for the chilling creaks and groans made by cracking ice.

  Liliana’s tears worsened the already bad scene. She had no business being out here. Inexperienced and afraid was no way to ascend a multi-tiered beast like Kodiak Falls.

  “Lili, hon, pull it together.” An anesthesiologist, Brandon never lost his cool. “Brody knows what he’s doing.”

  “Shut up,” Brody said, inching closer to his idiot brother. “When I tell you not to move an inch, I mean it.”

  “D-don’t talk to
him like that!”

  Brody ignored Liliana’s histrionics in favor of hanging straight-armed while chipping a hole in good ice. Done, he unclipped a screw from his harness, jabbing it in at waist level for reaching maximum penetration. After two quick turns it was seated, at which point the quickdraw line flowed from his chest-mount, bringing him that much closer to his brother.

  The ice sheet beneath him groaned.

  “Brandon,” he said from between clenched teeth while popping in another screw, feverishly setting up a fresh belay on good ice. “Don’t even breathe.”

  “You’re worrying for nothing. From my vantage, you’ve got about three more screws until you’re above me. Drop a line, and I’m golden.”

  “Honey…” Liliana’s voice shook from fear. “Please, do what Brody says.”

  Brandon laughed. “Have both of you forgotten I’m the oldest by four whole minutes? That means I’m smarter, stronger, and way better look—”

  The massive ice sheet cracked, slipping in a freefall that took Brandon with it. The sheer edge clipped Brandon’s Kevlar rope as if it was thread.

  “Brandon! Brandon!” Liliana’s cries warred with the horror in Brody’s head. One minute his brother dangled beneath him. The next—he was gone. Pulse surging, he abandoned his own line to free climb to Liliana. “Brody, do something! You have to save him!”

  His heart pounded in his ears.

  Adrenaline spurred him into taking suicidal risks. Brandon was already gone. He now had to save his brother’s wife—the same woman he’d secretly loved since they’d been kids. He wasn’t saving her for himself, but because he’d rather die himself than lose them both. Taking his spare pick from his tool belt, he moved in a fluid sideways motion. Biceps and shoulders screaming, he finally made it to her.

  “Y-you have to s-save him,” Liliana said over and over until her voice made Brody physically ill. Maybe it was the overexertion, maybe it was adrenaline, maybe the shock of watching his twin brother fall to his certain death, but he hit a mental and physical wall—frozen still fifteen feet from Brandon’s wife. “Please, please save him…”

  Move! his mind commanded, but his body refused to listen. He’d told Brandon this was a busted mission. He’d told him, but he refused to listen. He never listened. That time when they’d gone backcountry camping without extra ammo because Brandon said it was too heavy, they’d damn near been eaten by a pissed momma grizzly. The time they’d gone fishing in a leaky boat that Brandon promised wouldn’t sink, had indeed sunk. The twenty-yard swim to shore in melting glacial water had almost killed them both.

  Brandon believed he was invincible, and he usually was. He got the grades. The money. The girl. But now, what good was any of it?

  “Brody?” Liliana asked, her voice thin and defeated. “Do you think there’s any chance he survived the fall?”

  “I. Don’t. Know.”

  “Please tell me he could. He has to live. I have to give him his Christmas present.”

  “What is it?” he asked out of sheer morbid curiosity. What could she possibly give his brother who already had the world?

  “I’m pregnant. Once we made camp, I was going to tell him we’re finally having a baby…”

  Look for the exciting conclusion to HAPPY NEW YEAR, BABY

  Available everywhere December 19th!

  Dear Reader—

  I so much appreciate you taking time to get to know Colby and Rose!

  Researching this story was a hoot! Using good old-fashioned detective work, I managed to find a real live bush pilot who was kind enough to answer my MANY questions about how I could crash planes, but have my characters survive. It’s a tricky process. Any research errors are all mine.

  I’m excited to get to know the residents of Kodiak Gorge. SEAL Team: Holiday Heroes will feature a new couple each month, centered around two of my favorite things—babies and holidays! Since I know many of you love my romantic suspense series, I’ve also added a dash of danger to each book. Hope you’ll join me in celebrating not only these twelve new couples, but the kooky citizens of this small Alaskan town.

  Happy Reading!


  SEAL Team: Holiday Heroes

  Book One: Christmas Cookie Baby

  Book Two: Happy New Year, Baby

  SEAL Team: Disavowed

  Book One: Rogue

  Book Two: Outcast

  Book Three: Shunned

  Book Four: Exiled

  Book Five: Renegade

  Book Six: Forsaken

  Book Seven: Scorned

  About the Author

  Laura Marie Altom is the author of over sixty novels. Her award-winning work has appeared on numerous bestseller lists and worldwide, she has over a million books in print. Laura lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband of twenty-nine years. This former teacher has been blessed with boy/girl twins and a menagerie of dogs and cats. For fun, Laura’s content to garden, thrift-shop or curl up with a great book.

  Laura loves hearing from readers, and can be reached at the following social media outlets:



  Twitter: @LauraMarieAltom



  Copyright © December 2017 by Laura Marie Altom

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

  All characters and incidents within this book are fiction, and works of the author’s imagination.




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