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“I don’t understand it,” Xavier joked. “It must be a prison chick thing.”
“Hey!” BJ shoved him. Playfully. And several members of the Board felt energized by the chemistry between these two.
A few miles out of town, the suburbs gave way to large tracts of agricultural land. It was here that Angela Cocci started a passion project of her own: Bogwood Bay Winery—a small boutique winery made possible by Dick Nickerson’s largesse. As she walked through the vineyard toward the tasting room (with Cocoa reluctantly following), she reflected how much healthier she felt once she made some changes in her life—including kicking her garage sales habit. Her therapist had urged Angela not to live so much in the past. It was good advice, Angela thought. Kind of like something her grandmother might have said. So, a few months ago, Angela gave most of her old garage sale clutter to charity. It felt good to be free of all those possessions dragging her down. At about the same time she also quit her job at Olympic Research. The whole research biz was getting really tiring. All the questions. It never let up. Angela was much happier among the grapes and the casks, pruning vines, monitoring the fermentation process, testing the pH, doing quality control, even designing the labels and working on marketing her wines.
Bogwood Bay’s first wine was nearly ready and Angela was very proud of how unique it was. She called it a “Breakfast Chardonnay.” The wine was light, crisp, and had a bit of a citrusy tang to it that made it pair especially well with eggs. And believe it or not, its unusual flavor was the result of a secret ingredient. In every cask Angela added a tiny sprig of fermented moss. Delicious.
Stay Tuned for More Bogwood Chronicles
A few years after the Fenwick’s big g-sale, Angela, Dick, Xavier, Ed, Malcolm, BJ, and Vicky Bell are back in an all-new comic adventure: Murder Most Fatal.
Through a series of smart investments, Dick Nickerson has parlayed the profit from the sale of his Pot o’ Gold memorabilia into a small fortune—enough for him to purchase a remote private island in the center of Lake Bogwood. But he soon gets bored and lonely living on the island. Like a modern-day King Lear, Dick decides to downsize and give away all his possessions, including his island estate. He throws a weekend party for his closest friends (including Angela, Malcolm, BJ, Xavier, and some others). But soon after the festivities begin, one of the guests, a beautiful blonde, is found strangled, naked, and covered in whipped cream. It becomes clear that Dick was the intended victim and the killer is still loose. A severe storm traps everyone on the island, so Dick has no escape. He has to figure out which of his guests are trying to kill him and which are trying to save him.
The Bogwood Chronicles: Murder Most Fatal
Coming Soon
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About the Author
Randy Nargi is an award-winning writer and film director who lives in New Mexico with his wife (and frequent collaborator), actress Jessi Badami. Mr. Nargi received his BA in Literary Writing from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. He is a former technology entrepreneur and advertising executive who grew up in New York and has lived in London and Seattle.