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In Embers (The Ember Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Madison Daniel

  With a warm smile she lowered her weapon and extended a hand to shake. “Detective Steele.”

  “Detective?” I asked, afraid to shake her hand.

  “Yes, but you can call me Kris.”

  “And why would I do that?” I grumbled.

  “Because, Mr. Valentine, you and I have much to discuss.” She smiled.

  “Why is that?” I asked, picking up the broken pieces of my surfboard. Detective Steele slid her shotgun over her shoulder and ran a hand through her curly red hair, and smiled wider.

  “Your Uncle Frank made me promise to watch over you.”


  ~ Every Breath You Take: The Police ~

  Cool Cat Cafe: Lahaina, Maui

  4:15 p.m.

  “I’m not hungry,” I said, impatiently.

  “Suit yourself. I’m starving,” Detective Steele said. She waved her hand over her head to signal the waitress that she was ready to order. I fidgeted in the booth I was tucked into. Detective Steele had dragged me to a small little diner that was known for its Spam burgers and pineapple shakes. I wasn't in the mood for either. I just wanted some answers. She had known my uncle. She apparently had known him in secret because he never once mentioned her before.

  “How did you know Frank?” I asked, point blank.

  “Relax, handsome, there’ll be plenty of time to talk about it. Now, order something. I’m buying,” she almost demanded.

  I stared at her not saying anything until she got the hint. Her face squinted up in annoyance, connecting the freckles along her cheeks and nose. Her face flushed over in a frustrated pink hue before she gave up.

  “At least order something to drink…a Coke with a slice of lime, your favorite, right?” She half smiled.

  How did she know that?

  “My uncle mentioned that to you?” I inquired. My mouth fell dry and the drink sounded perfect.

  “Yep,” she chirped. “Want one?”

  With my walls coming down, I mumbled, “Sure.”

  Quickly, she ordered enough food for two and a large drink for me…my favorite drink. As we waited for our order an awkward silence filled our booth. I didn’t want to be here. I didn’t want to have this conversation. I just wanted answers.

  With a calming glance my way she whispered, “I know the anticipation must be killing you…so, ask away, Max.”

  “All right, Detective…”

  “Please, you can call me Kris.” She smiled.

  It irritated me a bit, but I could tell already that she would have gotten along well with my uncle. They had the same zest for life and carried themselves in the same positive way. I centered myself just as our drinks arrived.

  “Okay, Kris…” I took a quick sip from my tall, cold glass. “Why don’t I know anything about you?”

  “Because that’s the way Frank wanted it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “A few years before you came to live with him here on the island, we were more than just friends. Hell, we were almost engaged.” She winked.


  “Almost is the key word. He was so good to me, but I was too busy with my daily job. You know, serve and protect.” She made fists with her hands. “We spent a year and a half together, but decided it was best if we just stayed friends. I wasn’t ready to get married anyways, and I think Frank’s first marriage scared him off from fully committing to me.”

  “My Aunt Sharon…”

  “That’s the one,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “If you two stayed friends, why am I just now meeting you? Where were you when he was sick?” I accused.

  “Funny, I could ask you the same thing. If I had your magical gift of healing the things I loved the most, I would have crossed the universe to save Frank,” she said, coldly. It felt like a punch to the stomach. “Sorry, Max, I didn’t mean to say it that way.”

  “It’s okay. There’s nothing you can say that I haven’t thought already. I wake up every day with that regret. If only I had come back to Maui a month sooner, maybe my healing powers would have been still working and Frank would still be here.” My voice trailed off as I spoke and I wanted to leave all of a sudden. That’s when it hit me…she knew my secret. She knew about my abilities.

  “I miss him too. I was stationed on another island when he fell ill and should have kept a closer eye on him, but I didn’t,” she said, with the first hint of sadness in her voice. “He went downhill so fast though…I miss him every day.”

  Trying to get her last words out of my head, I tried to change the subject. “How much did he tell you about me?”

  “Max, he told me everything.”


  “Rock bands, bullies, absentee parents, infernos, and broken hearts. That about cover it?” she laughed, softly. I shrunk into shiny cushion of the booth a little.

  “And death…don’t forget the death,” I added, cryptically. My eyes glazed over in guilt. She slowly leaned across the table, scooting my drink to the side with one hand before gently slapping me with her other. It shocked me back into the moment.

  “Stop that right now!” she ordered. “You don’t get to do that anymore. Death is a part of life. You can’t control that. No one can.”

  “I used to,” I argued, still smarting from her smack across my face.

  “So I’ve been told.” She looked around the tiny diner to make sure we were out of anyone’s earshot. “All right, fess up, what happened to your powers?”

  I took a moment to search her face for the truth. Why was she here? For me? For my uncle? Her brown eyes watched me with a confident glare. I didn’t know this Kris Steele at all, but I could see why my uncle trusted her. It was written all over her face, she was a straight shooter, no bullshit whatsoever. It made me like her right away, no matter how much I didn’t want to.

  Caressing my still red cheek, I spoke carefully, “Honestly, I’m not sure. My fire-starting ability was growing stronger and stronger every day. But after the events in Hana a couple months ago, I haven’t been able to conjure up a single flame,” I sighed, and took a long refreshing sip from my drink. “The man who took my daughter, attacked me and my friends, well, he injected me with something. I don’t know what it was, but I haven’t felt the same since I woke up in the hospital later that night.”

  “And the fireworks?” she hinted.

  “You mean when I went supernova and hurt all those people?”

  She nodded slowly, never taking her eyes from mine. “I saw the police footage, Max. What you did isn’t possible.”

  The way she put it brought a sneaky smile to my mouth. Holding in a laugh, I whispered, “I heard there’s been talk of a movie about the incident. I guess it’s got Michael Bay written all over it.” We both laughed, and for a half-second I felt better. Almost like old Max.

  “Let me get this straight, you go boom and then your powers go away…that about sum it up?” she asked, wryly. I shrugged my shoulders. “Hmmm, and what about the healing thing? How long has that not been working?”

  “A year or so…I guess.” I still wasn’t comfortable talking about this part of my story. “I noticed it fading after…” I stopped myself, unsure how to proceed.

  “After Avery’s little brother, Devon, killed you,” Kris said, seriously.

  “Wow, you really do know all my secrets.” I smiled, uncomfortably.

  “Almost.” Just then, the waitress brought her food over and quietly dismissed herself. Kris continued staring my way though, ignoring her food. Quickly, she said, “They never found his body.”

  “Is that so?” I played dumb. They never would either. Not after Asia’s ultimate revenge.

  “I’ve seen what your pretty little girlfriend can do. I’m betting we won’t ever find Devon Wahlberg,” she said, like a warning.

  “Maybe,” I said. After a few awkward seconds, I mumbled, “And she’s not my girlfriend anymore…I think…”

  “Ahh…young love,”
she teased. My mouth fell open when she said the words because Uncle Frank used to say the exact same thing. “Ms. Michaels has got to be the most physically stunning young lady I have ever seen. I thought women only looked like that in magazines. You must be kicking yourself for screwing that up, huh…”

  I knew she was just razzing me, but it still stung a little. “I don’t think I want to talk about Asia.”

  “How about Samantha then?”

  I shook my head no. I was pretty sure she knew everything about her too.

  “Madison?” she asked, cautiously.

  “Our daughter. What about her?” I sounded defensive.

  “Easy, Max. Just curious. Comes with the job, you know.” She let a sly smile upon her lips and began to eat her food.

  “Madi is the only relationship I haven’t screwed up yet. I’m very sensitive about her,” I warned, and my palms warmed over in a tingle. It fogged up the icy glass of my drink, but I didn’t even notice it.

  “Frank mentioned that she may be just as special as you.”

  “Wait a second, you said you lost contact with Frank near the end. He couldn’t possibly have told you about Madi’s powers,” I accused.

  “He mentioned it in a letter,” she said, solemnly.


  “Frank made sure I received a package of info after he passed. That’s why I am here now. To honor his last wish,” she said.

  “And what was that?”

  “To protect his nephew at all costs. Max, your uncle knew you would still need guidance, my guidance.” Kris stood up from the table and excused herself as I sat stunned. “I’ll be right back, potty break.”

  As she headed for the restroom, I finally noticed the heat my hands were generating. I rubbed my palms together and instantly the heat disappeared. Frustrated and confused, I jumped from the booth and left the restaurant. I was done talking. I needed to get away. Hopefully Detective Steele would understand.

  Just over an hour later I found myself at the hidden lookout on the edge of the island. The place where Asia and I shared our powers and hearts for the first time. It was kind of a sanctuary to us from then on. Our safe spot. As I sulked my way up to the cliff where Asia and I had experienced so much, something was different. A tree had been planted just before the three-hundred foot drop off of the cliff, but not just any kind of tree…a cherry blossom tree. It was never there before and the ground around its trunk was newly chewed up as if it had just been planted. It was far from blooming in its wondrous pink and white flowers that shared the same smell as Asia. As a matter of fact, it almost looked like it was dead. I slowly approached it and placed a hand along its bark to see if I was daydreaming or not. The music of the waves from the sea below greeted me and eased my aching head.

  “Did you put this here, Asia?” I asked the wind. Thunder shook the ground under my shoes and I knew I was no longer alone. Without even looking behind me, I called out with my voice cracking…

  “Can we talk?”


  ~ Volcano: Damien Rice ~

  Asia’s eyes. Those diamond-like jewels of blue cut into me like they always did. When she appeared in front of me I thought my heart might actually stop. Her long dark hair slid along her face and shoulders like living silk as the wind danced in her presence. Her beauty was my drug, my life. And I was completely addicted to her in every possible way. Physically, emotionally, and elementally. My other half. My perfect storm.

  “How are you feeling?” I stumbled over the question. I knew she was beyond fine. Madi’s healing touch made sure of that. Asia tilted back on her heels a bit and continued to stare into my heart. Lightning whispered behind the clouds, teasing me, and the water down below tried to reach up and splash us in a crash. I let my bangs fall in my face to hide from her. She shifted her stance and the wind came alive around us, quickly swiping my brown hair from my face. The empty tree branches shook in defiance. She tightened her face in a deadly pout and reached up, sliding my hair behind my ears. Her hands felt like heaven on my skin, and for a moment I thought I may fall into her arms, tired and broken.

  “You know I hate when you do that with your hair,” she said, like a blade. Her words cut into me. “Don’t hide from me.”

  “Sorry, Asia,” I whispered. Just letting her name roll past my lips made me feel better. She stepped closer to me, her chest skimming mine. Instinctively, I fell into her, absorbing her wonderful smell. I thought she would fight it at first, but her essence soaked me in as if it had been starving for a thousand years.

  “Ever,” she added, as my lips pressed against her forehead.

  “You either,” I whispered only loud enough for her to hear. Her cool hands slid up along my neck, her fingers traced the lines of my jaw and face before losing themselves in my hair. My hands searched her hips and lower back, stopping only when they found their familiar home. Pulling her as close as possible, her lips devastated mine with a kiss so intense I couldn’t move. Paralyzed in Asia’s arms I felt the hole in me begin to fade away.

  “I’ve missed you, Max,” she said, with spinning tears in her pupils.

  “Don’t let me go,” I whispered, burying my lips into the lines of her neck. Rain fell over us like a blanket, drenching us in seconds. The raindrops fought through the branches of the tree like a dizzying maze over our heads until their cool essence found us. Asia’s storm seemed to cling to me like static electricity. Almost as if the rain was holding me too. I looked deep into Asia’s eyes.

  “Well, that’s a new trick.”

  “I’ll never let go,” she promised. With a sweet smile she kissed the excess raindrops from my bottom lip before leading me to her black Jeep parked at the other end of the lookout.

  “How’d you know I was here?”

  Her lips pouted. “Easy, I followed my heart.”

  “And the cherry blossom tree?”

  “It was supposed to be a surprise.” She smiled. “Come on, there’s some friends I’d like you to meet.”

  “Okay.” I climbed in the truck and sunk into the seat.

  Onboard Asia’s massive yacht I sat in silence as four sets of judgmental eyes searched me up and down. Four intense little girls watched me with uncertain stares and inquisitive smirks. The two oldest girls looked like sisters, maybe even twins. They held hands and stared at me as if they knew everything about me. The youngest of the four sat behind the sisters and seemed scared to make eye contact with me. Finally, Asia’s icy bodyguard judged me with her hands on her hips and a pout on her lips. She didn’t like me much. It made me uncomfortable. I nervously popped the knuckles in one hand and cleared my throat. Just as the situation became unbearable Asia spoke up.

  “Max, I’d like you to meet my new friends, Star, Lennon, Pepper, and you’ve already met King.”

  “Friends?” I asked, unsure.

  “Yes,” King scolded.

  Offering her a polite smile I leaned into Asia. “What’s with their names?”

  “I told them they could pick their own names. They were free now. They deserved more than a number. I wanted their first step to be completely theirs. So, they each picked their own.” Asia walked up to them and placed her hands on the two oldest. “Star and Lennon are like you, Max, music lovers. They discoveredThe Beatles and quickly decided on Star, like Ringo Starr, and Lennon, for John Lennon, of course.”

  “Crazy,The Beatles are one of my favorite bands. Great taste, girls!” I applauded.

  “Indeed, but Star insisted that we call her Ringo for the first day or so. I recently convinced her to embrace his last name,” Asia teased. Star rolled her eyes, embarrassed.

  “How old are you?” I asked, politely.

  “Eight,” they said at the same time.

  “Okay, King, what’s your story?” I playfully inquired. She tilted her head and walked away from me. Asia sighed and spoke for her.

  “King is seven, and has some trust issues. She can be a bit moody.”

u don’t say…” I smiled. Asia nodded my way as if to say,you should talk, and continued.

  “She is our literature addict. She chose the name of her favorite author.”

  “Stephen King,” I said. King whipped around toward me surprised. I added, “He’s my favorite too.”

  “Really?” she sulked.

  Stepping up to her, I asked, “Have you readFire-Starter yet?” She shook her head no. “Hmm…give me a chance and maybe I’ll letcha borrow my copy.”

  Asia raised an eyebrow and I winked her way. Thunder lightly tickled the windows and I smiled. King eased her stance and sat back down next to her sisters.

  “And what about you, Pepper, what are you named after? A spice?” I teased, trying to ease her nerves. Asia placed an arm around her and snuggled her closer. Pepper’s arms locked around Asia’s waist, instantly.

  “Not exactly,” Asia laughed. “She was the first to pick her name.”

  “And why’s that?” I asked.

  “She’s named after the soft-drink,Dr. Pepper. She discovered it on the plane ride home. She’s addicted to the stuff.” Pepper nodded my way with a small smile on the verge of her lips. Asia held her tighter. “I’ve never been around a more caring six year old, Max.” Asia grinned while caressing Pepper’s chestnut hair. “I, personally, love each one of their choices,” Asia smiled at each of them. It was more than obvious that she had connected with them emotionally already.

  “Pleased to meet you all,” I announced

  “You’re like us, right?” King asked, softly.

  “What do you mean?” I knew exactly what she meant.

  “You’re special,” she added.


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