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The Devil's Lover: The Resurrection

Page 4

by Dahlia Lu

  “I don’t know,” he said. He drank the other half and placed the empty glass on the coffee table. “I thought I saw something in your eyes.”

  She sat quietly as he picked up his camera again. This time he just held it in his hands and looked at her. He was studying her, observing every detail his eyes could capture. Her velvety skin was the color of soft ivory. He had seen celebrities who spent tens of thousands of dollars on their skin at the dermatologist, but none were as flawless. Her nose was perfectly proportioned to her face. What stunned him most about her were those amethyst eyes underneath long, dark lashes. They were the most bewitching shade of purple. At first he thought she was wearing contact lenses, but it wasn’t long before that he knew they were real.

  “That’s it for today,” he said as he slowly removed the lenses from his camera.

  She wasn’t listening. She stared out of the window, deep in thought. Her mind seemed to be somewhere else.

  “Hey, didn’t you hear what I said?”

  She turned toward him. His eyes met her amethyst ones. A sheen of tears shone on her captivating eyes. When she blinked, her long lashes pressed against her coral cheeks. The tears seeped though and spilled out against her will.

  It took him a minute to return to reality. He hurriedly secured his lens back on and snapped a picture.

  This was it! It was what he was looking for!

  His hands felt shaky, as though he was going to drop the camera. He tried to take a few more pictures, but it didn’t even matter. He had gotten what he wanted. He ran into the dark room with his camera. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this excited about developing film.


  Skye ran the comb through her hair, obviously agitated. When the comb broke in half, she threw both pieces across the room. Seth emerged from the shadows and picked them up. He calmly walked to her side.

  “What’s troubling you?” he asked as he placed both pieces of the comb on her dressing table.

  “He’s left every time he has a chance.”


  “How should I know?” she asked rhetorically. “Now that I’m stuck in this mortal body, my means of transportation is very limited.”

  “Perhaps he’s suspicious.”

  “Impossible,” Skye argued. “He couldn’t have known…”

  “Again, Skye, you are not her.”

  She grabbed the nearest object and threw it at him.

  Seth effortlessly caught it in his hand. “It’s not too late to back out now,” he advised her as he placed the perfume bottle back on the table. “We both know Lucifer’s someone you don’t ever want to cross.”


  She was already gone when he woke up. Grant heaved a heavy sigh when he read the note she’d left him on the refrigerator door. It said, “I know where to go now. Thanks for letting me stay the night. P.S I borrowed some money from your wallet. I will pay you back.”

  Chapter 7: Her Lord and Husband

  The cab stopped in front of a pair of rusty old ten-foot tall gates. Kali paid the driver and stepped out to the sidewalk. She closed the back door of the cab behind her and watched as it drove away. She turned her attention back to the gates, and the long road that led to the mansion on top of the hill. The gates were locked from the inside.

  She rubbed her hands together before attempting to climb it. It had been a long time since she had attempted to climb anything. The good news was that she was in much better shape than she’d ever been. She was surprised at how easy it was to make it to the top. On the way down on the other side, a misstep caused her to tumble to the ground. Kali gathered herself together and brushed off the dried leaves that got caught in her hair. The fall didn’t hurt at all like she’d expected, but she did feel a fleeting annoyance. She walked up the long path up the hill. There was a double steel door guarding the mansion, but before Kali could knock, the doors opened on their own.

  “Lucifer!” she called out as soon as she entered. Her footsteps against the marble floor echoed back. “Lucifer!”

  “You’re not supposed to be here,” a familiar voice said from the top of the stairs. Kali looked up and saw herself. She was expecting this to happen to a point, but it still baffled her. She slowly made her way up the stairs, her eyes locked on those of the imposter.

  “Where is he?” Kali asked. She stopped several steps from the top.

  “He’s not here,” Skye answered. “You should leave.”

  “We both know who should leave,” Kali replied.

  “You!” Skye brought her hand forward in attempt to attack. The realization that she was now mortal drew her back.

  “Tell me where he is,” Kali didn’t bother with the rest.

  “Didn’t the thought that he might be happy with me ever cross your mind, Kali?” Skye played her psychological card. “Or should I say, Skye.”

  “You might be in my body, but you are not me!”

  “If Lucifer cannot tell the difference, then what is that matter?”

  “I believe he could.”

  “You will be disappointed, my dear.”

  Kali sensed a powerful presence. Her heart began to race. It was a strange feeling to her. Something told her that Lucifer was nearby. “He’s here.”

  Skye panicked. She knew she had to do something. This mortal girl was not the fool Arvin had convinced her Kali was. She might be able to convince Lucifer that she was the real Kali, then it would be over for her. Dire situations called for extreme measures.

  Skye grabbed Kali’s hand and placed it forcibly on her own neck.

  “Lucifer!” she screamed out. “Lucifer, save me!”

  With Skye grabbing tightly to her hand, Kali attempted to pull away. Lucifer would misunderstand what was going on here. “What are you trying to do?”

  She was much stronger than she thought. As Kali pulled away, Skye fell forward. She rolled down the steps, a loud thud echoing as she hit the ground floor. To Kali’s horror, she saw Lucifer materialize at the bottom of the stairs. One glance at Skye and his angelic blue eyes became hostile. Lucifer looked up the stairs and spotted his enemy.

  Kali’s body trembled. She’d never thought she’d be as frightened of him as she was this very moment.

  It was wicked of Skye to do this.

  Kali saw a triumphant smile on Skye’s face from the corner of her eye, as if the demon was congratulating herself. She must admit Skye was good at thinking on her feet. Her attention was diverted to Lucifer, who now stood in front of her. His movements were so fast she barely saw him move up the stairs. The silver glow in his blue eyes stirred like a violent storm. She could hear a low growl from his throat as he approached her.

  This wasn’t what she had in mind. She had imagined a more sentimental reunion. That was before she realized Arvin was partially right; he had it all planned out when he recruited Skye.

  “Lucifer,” she tried to call his name as firmly as she could. She didn’t know what purpose that would serve, but it just seemed right at the moment. She searched his eyes, hoping he could grasp something familiar about her. All her efforts were stopped by the screen of rage.

  She could feel his cold fingers slowly wrap around her slender neck. There was something uncanny about this situation that reminded her of when they first met. She’d thought he had changed a great deal since then, but she had no evidence to support that claim right now. Perhaps he had never been who she thought he was.

  She didn’t know how fast she was thinking until he tightened his grip.

  A strange feeling stirred within her. She felt a sense of danger that was engulfing her whole mind and body. Her mind began to evaporate, or rather, recede deep into her subconscious.

  Lucifer noticed the change. Her amethyst eyes glowed fiercely when she lifted up her head. Her razor sharps nails dug into his hands, challenging him. She bared her fangs at him and hissed.

  He lifted her off the ground and threw her against the stone wall. She re
coiled from the wall before she could hit the ground, and lay low for a moment before she got up. The throw had little impact on her physical body.

  She snarled at him.

  The floor was shaking. The ceiling was trembling. The crystals from the chandelier were clanging together.

  Chevalier got up from his seat and walked toward the door. As soon as he opened it, he caught a glance of Trent quickly making his way through the hallway. He was moving too fast for Chevalier to determine the expression on his face.

  “Trent!” Chevalier called out to him. Trent did not even spare him a glance. Curiously, Chevalier followed him.


  Trent snatched Kali out of the way at the last second. The sword buried itself deeply into the stone wall.

  “I invited her,” Trent informed Lucifer. Any delay and who knew what Lucifer would do.

  “She was recently left by her lover and became depressed.”

  As Trent expected, Lucifer’s rage began to dim. His father was anything but unreasonable, especially when he knew despair so well.

  “Why is she here?” he demanded.

  “She needed help before her instinct completely took over,” Trent quickly came up with a reason. “As you can see, she’s at her limit.”

  It wasn’t completely a lie. “I thought maybe you could help.”

  Chevalier rushed to Skye’s side when he saw her on the ground. “Kali, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

  He received no reply. Her eyes were intensely focused on the female demon behind Trent. The female returned the glare.

  Lucifer and Trent locked eyes for a brief moment before he shook his head. “Foolish thought,” he finally spoke. “She must leave this place and resolve it herself.”

  “Lucifer!” Skye was horrified when Lucifer dismissed Kali. “She tried to kill me! Don’t just let her go!”

  He was by her side again before she can finish the sentence. “She’s just a confused demon,” he said as he pulled her body into his arms, “Now, where are you hurt?”

  Skye refused him. “She tried to kill me!” she repeated gravely. “Are you just going to let her go so she will have another chance to hurt me?”

  Chevalier narrowed his eyebrows. It wasn’t like Kali to demand punishment.

  “That is not possible,” Lucifer assured her as he carried her off. “You are no longer subject to death.”

  As soon as they were out of sight, Kali’s body collapsed. Trent was quick to catch her.

  “Why are you defending her?” Chevalier asked Trent. “From what I just witnessed…”

  “I have my reasons,” he said and then gathered her into his arms. Chevalier folded his arms and watched as Trent carried her down the hallway. Something about what had just happened didn’t seem logical.

  Trent suddenly stopped. He turned around and walked toward Chevalier, much to Chevalier’s surprise.

  “I need your help,” Trent said wearily.

  “Excuse me?” Chevalier blinked. Just moments ago, Trent did not even want explain himself.

  “She can’t stay here, not in this house.”

  “You’re acting strange,” Chevalier concluded. “What is going on around here?”

  Trent gently handed the sleeping girl over. It was completely reflex that caused Chevalier to take the girl into his arms. “Like I have told my brother, I will reveal everything when the time is right. Right now, I need you to look after her. You’re the only one I can trust.”

  “Must be important.”

  “More than you know.”


  “He’s left me again!” Skye bellowed.

  After half an hour of her complaints, Seth didn’t feel like sticking around anymore, either. There wasn’t much he could do.

  “Wait!” she ordered.

  He stopped in his tracks. “Yes?”

  She turned to face him. “Isn’t there something we can do?”

  “I don’t think there is anything we can do,” he replied honestly.

  “He spared that woman after she tried to kill me. He should have ripped that woman apart!”

  “She didn’t try to kill you.”

  “But he doesn’t know that!” she cut him off. “And as soon as he got me back into this wretched room, he left me!”

  “Has he suspected something? He is no fool, you know.”

  She took a moment to think. “No,” she answered. “He believes that part of her is still missing.”

  “You should be thankful that he hasn’t suspected anything,” Seth advised.

  “There must be a love spell of some sort.”

  “A what?” Seth was surprised she even suggested such a thing. “There is no such thing. And why would you want to? He is already in love with you.”

  “No,” she frowned. “He’s in love with her.”

  “So it finally caught up to you,” Seth took her by the hand. “Let’s go to Arvin and ask him to resolve all of this.”

  “I will do no such thing, you fool!” She yanked her hand back. “And neither will Arvin.”


  She hadn’t said a word since she woke up. Their eyes locked for several minutes before she turned away and sat by herself at the window. Bi had brought her food and some water, but she refused them. There wasn’t much that he could do.

  He was a little curious when Trent asked him to take the girl. Now he was suspicious as to the reason why. Kali had claimed that the girl tried to kill her. For some reason, it was hard to believe. He didn’t sense any hostility from her. On the contrary, she was more depressed than anything else.

  He wanted to start a conversation, but what could he say?

  “Chevalier,” her voice interrupted his thoughts. Her amethyst eyes met his.

  “How did you know my name?” He asked the first question that popped into his head.

  “If you can’t even tell, there is no hope for Lucifer,” she said in a soft voice, almost to herself.

  If he were still human, he wouldn’t have heard her. “If I can’t tell what?” he asked.

  “Look at me, look into my eyes. Please.”

  He did as she asked. Her amethyst eyes were bewitching, luring him to her. “What am I looking for?”

  There was a confused and hurt look in her eyes. “Nothing at all?”

  He shook his head.

  She took a moment to think before she spoke again. “Is he happy?”

  Chevalier was unsure who she was referring to.

  “Is Lucifer happy with her?” she clarified.

  He and Lucifer were not exactly on good terms with each other. “I guess. As happy as any couple in love could be.”

  “Is that so,” she whispered, lowering her head.

  “Who are you?”

  He saw droplets of tears falling on the back of her hands. “I don’t know anymore.”


  Skye found Trent in the library. He could sense her presence, but did not give her any attention. She entered and stopped at the entrance. He gave a quick glance, and then returned his attention to the book in his hands. She slowly approached him.


  He didn’t reply. When her hands touched his shoulders, he moved to brush them off.

  “I can’t help but feel you are trying to avoid me,” she began. “Have I done something wrong? Are you not happy that your mother is alive and well?”

  “I am,” he answered her.

  She smiled and embraced him, much to his dismay. He only needed to pretend a little bit longer.

  Chapter 8: We Meet Again

  “Grant, are you home?”

  His editor pushed the door open. He scanned the empty apartment and sighed, slipping his hands into his pants pockets. “You missed the appointment with your models, Grant. What is going on here?”

  When there was no reply, the editor searched room by room. He found Grant sitting in on the floor of his bedroom.

  “Grant?” The editor ca
me to his side and helped him up. “My God, are you using drugs again?”

  Grant brushed his editor aside and stood up. “No, I was just… what are you doing in my apartment?”

  “You missed work,” the editor repeated. “Gigi is very upset. You know she doesn’t like to be stood up.”

  “Spoiled brat,”

  “Spoiled brat or not, she’s making money for our agency. What have you been up to the last couple of days?” The editor scanned pictures on Grant’s desk. He picked up a photo that caught his eye. “Who is this girl?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “The girl is absolutely stunning! Did you digitally fix this?”

  “I didn’t do anything to it,” Grant snatched the photo back. “That’s exactly what I shot.”

  The editor raised both of his brows in surprise. “Where is she now? We have to get to her first, before another agency signs her.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again,” he chuckled. “And I didn’t even catch her name.”

  “I don’t mind if you come up with a name for me,” her sweet voice surprised him. She stood by the door, looking in at him.

  A soft smile appeared on his face. “You came back.”

  “I know we don’t know each other that well, but I was wondering if you could do me just one more favor.”


  “Favor?” Grant gave the editor a subtle gesture to dismiss him. The editor gave him a wink before he exited the room.

  Kali watched as the strange man walked past her. “I need a job, Grant,” she said straightforwardly.

  He hadn’t expected that. “A job? You came into my home uninvited, stole from me, and then left without a word. Now you came back for a job? You don’t impress me as a trustworthy kind of person.”

  “I didn’t mean to. I had to go and find out… well, it didn’t matter.”

  “What’s your name?”

  Her lips moved but did not make a sound. A hint of sorrow invaded her amethyst eyes. “I do not have a name,” she said plainly. “Not anymore.”


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