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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

Page 23

by K. C. Wells

  I don’t want this to end.

  Jon knelt beside him. “How about a shower to clean up?” Kendis nodded absently. “Then I was thinking of havin’ an early night.” Jon reached around to cup their napes. “I don’t wanna be alone, not after that. And… you can’t sleep in Chaz’s room anyway, not until the paint has dried thoroughly.”

  Kendis had a feeling that last part was bullshit, but he knew nothing about painting, so he kept quiet. “You’re saying… we all sleep in your bed?” Oh Lord.

  Jon smiled. “It’s big enough for three, believe me.” He narrowed his gaze. “Unless you’re one of those starfish sleepers.”

  Kendis bit back a chuckle. “I’m more your ‘dead to the world’ sleeper. I usually wake up in exactly the same position as when I fall asleep.” He had to admit, the idea of sleeping with Jon made him warm all over. He glanced at Chaz. “Think we can manage that?”

  Chaz’s grin was all the response he needed.

  “There’s something I’d like to do once we’re in bed,” Kendis confessed as they headed for the bathroom.

  “And what’s that?” Jon asked.

  He sighed happily. “Get a closer look at your tattoos.”

  Jon laughed. “I think we can manage that too.” He paused at the threshold to the bathroom. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “I never dreamed you’d invite me like that, an’ watchin’ you two was…” He swallowed. “It was nothin’ like my first experience, let’s put it that way.”

  Kendis’s heart went out to him.

  Chaz put his arm around Jon’s waist. “You ever shared a bed with anyone?”

  Jon chuckled. “Only Del, and I was five at the time, so I don’t suppose that counts.”

  It was only then that the enormity of what they’d just shared hit Kendis hard. “Then we’re gonna snuggle up together all night long.”

  He didn’t want Jon to be alone either.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Thursday Dec 28

  Okay, this is surreal.

  For the first time ever, Jon awoke to find a man in his bed. Two men. I could get used to this. Kendis lay in the middle, facing Jon, and Chaz faced away from them. The comforter was pulled up high over them: it had been a cold night.

  The sky hadn’t begun to lighten yet, so dawn was at least forty minutes away. Jon propped himself up on his elbow and stared at the sleeping pair. So last night wasn’t a dream. Thank God for that. Because if so, it had to be the sexiest fucking dream he’d ever had. Watching them, losing himself in the intimacy of their connection…

  Heady. As. Fuck.

  Lord, how he’d ached to be on that couch with them. He’d sat there, pulling on his dick, his hands tingling with the need to touch their bodies, stroke them, caress them… There was no way he would’ve moved from that spot, but for Kendis imploring him, begging to be kissed.

  The night had been as far removed from porn as it had been possible to get. The sounds they made were way hotter than in any scene he’d watched—and he’d watched a few. But what blew his mind was the emotion he saw in their expressions, the intimacy in their caresses… If anything, there was too much to experience all at once. But to be up close when Chaz shot his load inside Kendis? To watch Kendis’s face as he came all over the couch?


  Just looking at them took his breath away. Seeing them both naked for the first time, the differences in their bodies… Chaz was skinnier than Kendis, but with a leanness that made Jon ache to touch and kiss him all over. His skin had a golden tanned look, and the contrast of his pale hands against the dark satin of Kendis’s body…

  “Good morning.” Kendis’s voice was barely more than a whisper. “What time is it?”

  “About seven, I reckon.” Sunrise would be seven forty-five-ish. “What time do you have to be at the shop?” Jon peered over him to where Chaz lay. No sign of life there yet.

  To his surprise, Kendis shifted closer, until Jon could feel the warmth radiating from his body. Then he remembered—they were all naked under the sheets.

  “I have to be out of here by eight-thirty at the latest. So we got time.”

  “For what?” And just like that, Jon’s heartbeat slipped into a higher gear.

  Kendis smiled. “Morning snuggles?”

  Okay, he liked the sound of that. Jon lay on his back and Kendis shifted even closer, resting his head on Jon’s chest, his hand over Jon’s heart. Jon could feel Kendis’s morning wood against his hip, and he yearned to touch it, to run his fingers along its length.

  He wasn’t that brave, not yet. Especially not without an invitation.

  “This okay?” Kendis asked shyly.

  It was more than okay. It was perfect.

  “It’s fine,” Jon assured him. Okay, not quite perfect, not when Kendis’s boyfriend lay sleeping on the far side of the bed. In his heart, Jon knew Chaz wouldn’t mind them cuddling—hell, he’d watched Jon in the shower, hadn’t he?—but it still felt a little… weird.

  “Can I ask you something?” Kendis’s voice reverberated through Jon’s chest.


  “It’s just that… I’m thinkin’ back on some of the things you said, and… well… I’m not sure I’ve got this right, but…”

  Jon tilted Kendis’s head until he could see his eyes. “Ask me. Whatever it is. Okay?”

  Kendis nodded. “You… you haven’t done anything with a guy before, have you?”

  His chest tightened. He’d not come out with the word virgin, because admitting to that at his age would have made him feel like he was a total loser. That was the stuff of comedies, right?

  Then he reconsidered. This was Kendis, and if Jon was going to share his bed, he should be prepared to share some of his secrets.

  Jon sighed. “Sweetheart, I haven’t done anything with anyone before.”

  Kendis’s breathing hitched. “Oh wow. How in the world have you made it this far without going nuts?”

  He laughed softly. “You say that because you’re twenty, full of raging hormones, and a dick that gets hard more times in a day than I could possibly imagine.” Kendis chuckled at that. “You don’t miss what you’ve never had, I guess.”

  “But…” Even in the dim light, Jon could make out Kendis’s incredulous stare. “Didn’t you feel like you were missing out?” he whispered.

  “Yeah, but not on the stuff you think I’d miss.”

  “What then?” Kendis ran his fingers through Jon’s chest hair, and Lord, that felt good.

  “Things like… havin’ someone there to come home to, to talk to, to hold me when I needed it…” Jon’s heart ached just thinking about all those years without those things.

  “I don’t understand.” Kendis stared into his eyes. “Why didn’t you try again after that first time? Why’d you wait so long? Were you that scared?”

  Fuck, how could he explain this?

  Jon put his arms around Kendis, holding him close. “Not just scared. I might not seem like it to you, but I’m basically a very shy person.” He chuckled. “We can’t all be like Del.” His brother was the poster boy for Not Shy.

  Kendis frowned. “Who says you have to be like him? You’re you.” He traced a path down Jon’s chest with his fingertips. “I know who I’d rather have waitin’ for me to come home at night… in my bed…” His dick jerked against Jon’s hip.

  Jon tried to ignore it. “I forgot. You like older guys. Well, Del is even older than I am.”

  “Yeah, but he’s not you,” Kendis repeated.

  Jon locked gazes with him. “An’ just what am I?”

  “Kind,” Kendis replied instantly. “Unselfish. Caring. And yeah, in that respect, yes, you are like Del. But you’re two very different guys.” He smiled. “Maybe I like that shy streak of yours. The kinda unassuming part of you.” He swallowed. “Please, don’t be so hard on yourself. You got so much goin’ for ya.”

  Before Jon could respond, a sleepy voice interjected. “Yeah, you have.” Chaz rolle
d over to face them.

  “Good morning. An’ what do I have?”

  “Us?” Chaz said, no trace of humor, just an earnest expression that sent a rush of warmth through Jon’s body. “You just woke up with two guys in your bed.” Then he smiled. “I’d call that goin’ from zero to full throttle in less than three seconds.” He peered at them. “Is this a private cuddle y’all have goin’ on, or can anyone join in?”

  Damn it. Chaz just melted him. “Anyone who happens to be in this bed, sure.”

  Chaz was curled around Kendis in a heartbeat, reaching over him to cover Kendis’s hand with his own. “It’s too damn early for all this serious talk. Can we just lie here like this until we absolutely have to get out of bed?”

  Jon sighed happily. “You got my vote.”

  Okay. Now it was perfect.

  Chaz stroked Jon’s chest. “Damn. Love all this fur.”

  “So I shouldn’t shave it all off then,” Jon teased.

  “Fuck no!” Chaz and Kendis’s voices rang out in unison. They chuckled.

  “Well, what have we got here?” Chaz sounded delighted.

  “Your hand on my dick, that’s what,” Kendis said, his breathing becoming a little erratic.

  Chaz met Jon’s gaze. “You wanna touch his pretty cock?” His breathing matched Kendis’s. “Feels so good in my hand.”

  Oh Lord.

  Kendis reached up and stroked Jon’s beard. “You can, you know. Touch it, I mean.” He took hold of Jon’s hand and guided it to his dick, Chaz’s hand already there. “Please.” The word came out as a sigh.

  As if Jon could ignore that.

  Fuck. Kendis’s cock was warm, silken to the touch, and firm.

  “Please, Jon.”

  He knew what Kendis was asking of him. Jon wrapped his hand around Kendis’s erect dick and gave it a single slow pull. Kendis expelled a breath and pushed into his hand. “Oh, that feels so good.”

  Fuck that. It felt amazing.

  Chaz leaned over them both, reaching for the nightstand drawer. “You got lube in here?”

  Jon’s pulse quickened. “Yeah.” He let Chaz retrieve it, then sighed when Chaz squeezed a little onto Kendis’s shaft.

  “Don’t that feel better?”

  As if in response, Kendis slid his dick through Jon’s now slick fingers, and yeah, it was all kinds of better. Jon’s cock thought so too, judging by the way it jerked beneath the sheets.

  He should have known Chaz would spot that.

  Chaz looked him in the eye. “Can I?”

  Jon swallowed. “What did you have in mind?”

  Chaz smiled. “I wanna touch it.” He licked his lips. “Suck it.”

  Oh, dear Lord in heaven.

  His heart pounding, his mouth dry, Jon nodded, and Chaz moved swiftly, pulling back the sheets to reveal Jon’s already hard dick. Chaz’s eyes gleamed. “Hey, whaddaya know, another pretty cock.” He climbed over Kendis, who was snugged against Jon’s side, and got on his belly between Jon’s legs that he was spreading for Chaz with no hesitation. Chaz took Jon’s dick in his hand and held it steady as he gave it a slow lick from root to tip.

  Oh fuck.

  His phone lit up on the nightstand, and Jon grabbed it, his heartbeat racing. He stared at the screen, frowning. Why is Del calling at this hour? Jon clicked on Answer, holding up a hand to Chaz to signal him to call a halt. He freed Kendis’s shaft reluctantly. “Hey.”

  “Great. You’re awake. Glad you’re still an early riser.”

  Jon was trying to get his heart to calm the fuck down. “An’ good morning to you too, Del. Isn’t this awful early to be callin’?” Not to mention pretty damn inconvenient. Then it hit him. “Is something wrong?” Chaz let go of Jon’s dick, and he heaved a sigh. This would have to wait.

  “Quit panicking, everything’s fine. I just wanted to catch you when it was quiet.”

  “Okay.” Jon breathed a little easier. “What can I do for you?” Beside him, Chaz had bared Kendis’s body and was kissing down his back. Kendis was shivering and it was mesmerizing to watch goosebumps erupt over his body as Chaz trailed his fingers down Kendis’s arms, reaching his hips and thighs.

  “I’m calling about New Year’s. Do you have any plans?”

  Chaz was staring at him and grinning. That was not a good sign.

  “Haven’t really given it much thought. Are you two doing anything special?” Jon gaped as Chaz once more grabbed his dick around its base, holding it steady.

  Oh. Hell no. Jon glared at him, but Chaz paid no attention whatsoever. Then he gave Kendis a wicked grin, and Jon’s heartbeat slipped up a notch when Kendis shifted on the bed, until his head was next to Chaz’s, and his mouth inches from Jon’s cock. The pair of them looked up at him, grinning.

  Shit. They wouldn’t.

  Don’t you fucking dare, Jon mouthed, glaring.

  Chaz’s slow lick of his lips was not reassuring.

  “Taylor wants to go to a party in Atlanta. Not that I’d invite you.” Del chuckled. “It’s gonna be a lot of gay men dancing, wearing very little, and drinking a lot.”

  It sounded like heaven. Then Chaz took Jon’s cock into his mouth, and fuck, Jon discovered what heaven really was. He couldn’t help himself. He pushed up with his hips, wanting more of that heat, more of the tightness that engulfed his shaft.

  “Jon? You still there?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’m still here.” Then Jon bit back a gasp as Chaz pulled free, allowing Kendis to lean over and flick Jon’s shaft with his tongue. Oh, they are so gonna get it when this call is over. “So if you’re not calling to invite me to join you… why are you calling?” Chaz sucked hard on the head, and Jon grabbed his head with one hand and held him there while he thrust into Chaz’s mouth, his dick sliding in and out, slick with his saliva.

  “I thought maybe you might like to come to the house for New Year’s Day. We won’t be cooking anything special—after the night Taylor’s planning on having, I doubt my head will cope with putting together a fancy meal. Just snacks and drinks. If you want to bring Chaz and Kendis, they’d be more than welcome.”

  “Okay. I’ll think about it.” He bit back a groan as Chaz broke off to feed Jon’s cock to Kendis, who gave the head a hard suck, before settling into a rhythm as he slid Jon’s shaft in and out of that goddamn perfect mouth.

  Dear God, they’re gonna kill me.

  Jon arched up off the bed with the sheer pleasure of it all. Kendis bobbed faster, and when Chaz gently squeezed Jon’s balls, Jon figured his head was about to explode.

  “Jon… is everything okay? You were so quiet the last time I saw you. I know you had a headache Christmas Day, but… I sorta got the feeling there was more to it than that.”

  “I’m fine.” And he was gonna even more fine in a minute, because when the call finished, Jon was gonna fuck a certain pair’s mouths until they couldn’t talk for the rest of the week, and Jon had emptied his balls down one of their throats.

  “So what are your plans for today?”

  I plan on shooting my load. As soon as you stop talking. Then he caught his breath as two mouths went to work on his dick, licking and sucking on it from both sides. Kendis’s low groan shattered the quiet, and Jon soon saw the cause—Chaz had his finger in Kendis’s ass.

  They are so dead.

  “What was that?” Del demanded.

  “What was what?” Jon managed to get out just as Chaz took him deep.

  “That noise just now.”

  “No clue.” Jon rocked faster in and out of Chaz’s mouth, grunting a little as his balls tightened and his body tingled. Kendis reached up to flick Jon’s nipple with his fingertips, and Chaz moaned around Jon’s cock, his mouth full.

  Del snorted. “Isn’t it a little early to be watching porn?” Before Jon could respond, Del blurted out, “You know that? Forget I asked. We’ll talk again when you’re not so distracted. I’ll leave you to your… morning.” And with that, he disconnected.

  “Thank fuck for
that,” Jon said with a growl, before dropping the phone onto the bed and grabbing hold of Chaz’s head with both hands. “Fucking take my load, you little shit.” He held on tight, pumping his hips. “This…is for… giving me… my first blowjob… when I’m on… the fuckin’ phone.” He shot hard, crying out as he pulsed into Chaz’s mouth, until his spunk was dripping from Chaz’s lips. Only then did Jon release him.

  Jon pulled Kendis to him, claiming his mouth with a passion that surged up from deep inside, a collision of teeth, lips and tongues. Kendis clung to him, feeding him moan after moan, until at last Jon’s heartbeat returned to its usual rhythm, and he broke the kiss, stroking Kendis’s cheek.

  Chaz wiped his mouth with his hand. His eyes shone. “Wow. Now that’s the way to wake up.”

  Jon glared at him, and then he finally saw the funny side of it. He laughed, pulling them both to him, and kissing them. “God knows what he must’ve thought was going on.”

  Chaz chuckled. “Next time, I’ll take it slow, okay? So you get to enjoy it for longer.”

  And didn’t that send tendrils of heat spreading throughout his body? There’s gonna be a next time.

  Kendis sighed. “It’s no good. I gotta get ready for work.”

  Jon patted him on the ass. “You get the shower first.” Because while Kendis was in the shower, Jon was going to wipe the grin from Chaz’s face.

  Kendis went into the bathroom, and Chaz sat on the bed, still smiling. “You forgiven me yet? It was supposed to be funny.”

  Jon arched his eyebrows. “That depends on your definition of funny. But now that I have you alone…” He reached into the nightstand drawer and took out the jock he’d put in there. Jon held it up. “Wanna tell me what this was doing in your room?”

  “Oh God,” Chaz muttered. He cleared his throat. “It… got mixed up with my laundry?” he suggested.

  Jon gave him a sweet smile. “Try again.”

  Chaz sighed. “I know I shouldn’t have kept it, and I was going to return it, honest, but I never got around to it, and—”


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