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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

Page 28

by K. C. Wells

  Chaz and Kendis bumped fists. “Told ya!” Chaz exclaimed. And before Jon could get a word out, Chaz was on his feet, so was Kendis, and they were tugging on his hands. “I think we should get started on that right away,” Chaz announced. “Call it a new project.”

  Jon went with them, laughing. “Do I need to ask what kind of movie we’re makin’?”

  “A horror flick,” Chaz said as they led him to their bedroom.


  Chaz paused at the door, his eyes shining. “Well, it’s got a monster cock in it,” he said, reaching down to give Jon’s erection a squeeze.

  Kendis pulled Jon through the doorway, then flung himself onto the bed, shoving his jeans over his hips to reveal his bare ass. He threw his phone to Jon, who caught it deftly, then reached back to spread his cheeks. “I’m ready for my close-up,” he said breathlessly.

  There was only one thing to say to that.

  Jon grinned. “Lights, camera… action.”


  May 2018

  Kendis climbed the spiral staircase that led up to the attic, and stood in the middle of the renovated space. One end of the attic was now a partition wall, with a door set into it. Behind that would go all Jon’s boxes, which were presently stacked in the garage. That left a big open space, with skylights on one side, and three dormer windows on the other, making it a light, airy room. It wasn’t painted yet, just bare wood, but Kendis wanted to do that. Chaz said he’d help too, and Jon had chuckled, murmuring something about the best part of painting being the shower after.

  My space. Mine.

  From the moment Jon had come up with the proposal of creating a room for Kendis in the attic, Kendis had fallen in love with the idea. It would be good to have a hidey hole for when he wanted some quiet time. He guessed they all needed that occasionally.

  In the last five months, they’d settled into their new routines, and Kendis had to admit, things were working out well so far. Jon’s bed had become the space where they watched movies, the three of them snuggled up together. Those were usually the nights that ended with the three of them making love and falling asleep all wrapped up in one another’s arms. And yes, there were nights when Kendis slept with Chaz, and others when he slept with Jon.

  The best nights were when it was all three of them.

  At the other end of the attic would be a shower and toilet, and Jake was still in the process of constructing that. Kendis had to smile. Who’d have thought Taylor recommending a company to work on the house would have brought about such a result?

  Jake Greenwood had arrived to take measurements for the work to be done, and there had been a genuine Don’t I know you? moment when he and Kendis laid eyes on each other. It turned out Jake had been a year behind him in high school. Once it became obvious Jake was an okay guy—which he had to be, right, for Taylor to recommend him?—he and Kendis had gotten along really well. Kendis loved what he’d done with the attic, and Jon was delighted with it.

  Kendis couldn’t wait to see his face when he told Jon the news. Talk about a small world.

  He’d sent photos to Momma as the work progressed, and she couldn’t wait to see the finished product. Her Sunday call to Marcus had morphed into the Sunday call to Kendis, when she chatted with all of them. Five months down the line, and she’d warmed a little to Chaz, but how could anyone not warm to the cute goofball? Jon admitted he got nervous during those calls because he didn’t want to give anything away.

  Kendis thought that was so sweet.

  “Hey, where are you?” Jon called out.

  “Up here,” Kendis hollered. Moment later, Jon appeared at the top of the staircase, closely followed by Chaz.

  Jon grinned. “Admiring your new room?” He chuckled. “It needs a little something before you can sleep in it.”

  Kendis laughed. “Great. We get to go shopping for another bed.” Both of them stared hard at Chaz, who gazed back at them with wide eyes.

  “What? I can behave this time.” He preened. “I’ve matured. Del said so only last week.”

  “Yeah, but he was off his face at the time,” Jon said with a snort. Jon, Kendis, and Chaz had gone to Atlanta for the weekend, accompanied by Del and Taylor, to celebrate Kendis’s twenty-first birthday. When Jon had asked him what he wanted for his birthday, Kendis hadn’t hesitated. He wanted to go to his first gay bar—and he wanted Jon to go with him.

  His throat tightened as he recalled the look on Jon’s face, the way Jon had seized him in a fervent hug, the whispered ‘Thank you, sweetheart,’ that had melted his heart.

  Chaz hadn’t minded staying in the hotel room that night. It didn’t take three guesses to know how he spent the time. And Jon had made up for it the following morning, taking them all for brunch at a drag restaurant.

  Spending two nights in a hotel room had been wonderful too. Kendis still had the video on his phone. He’d lost count of how many times he’d watched it during the past week.

  Then he’d turn off his phone and enjoy the real thing.

  As if he’d read Kendis’s mind, Jon walked over to him. “Did you miss me?” he asked softly. It had gotten to be a routine of sorts every time they were parted, one that Kendis adored.

  Kendis kissed him, a lingering kiss he hoped would convey just how much he’d missed Jon. “You know it.” Then he broke away, smiling. “You are not gonna believe what happened today. You know when you went to the bank for the loan to do all this? And you came home beaming because the guy who’d set up the loan was black? The only black guy in the whole bank?”

  Jon nodded. “Yeah. His name was Liam. Nice guy.”

  Kendis was still smiling. “Well, he was here today.”

  Jon frowned. “What was he doing here? That sounds weird to me.”

  “Relax. He came to pick up Jake—his boyfriend.”

  Jon’s mouth fell open, and Chaz stared at him. “Seriously?” Chaz’s face lit up. “That’s great. I really like Jake.”

  And Kendis was delighted to find there was someone else in town he could relate to. “Actually, Liam’s his fiancé, but they’re letting Jake’s parents get used to the idea that he and Liam are livin’ together. One hurdle at a time.” Even after a brief conversation, it was clear the couple were steeling themselves for the future.

  We have a lot in common.

  “Okay, we have to invite them round for a BBQ,” Jon said. His eyes sparkled. “I was right, wasn’t I? Liam’s a nice guy.”

  Kendis nodded. He’d warmed to Liam right away, and it was hard not to like someone who clearly adored every bone in his boyfriend’s—fiancé’s—body. Then he grinned. “Hey, you know what this means, right? Another gay couple just crossed our path. And a biracial couple at that.”

  Jon laughed. “Well I’ll be damned. You’re right. Maybe there’s hope for us yet. However, before we break out the rainbow flags, I’d better point out there’s a scandal rocking this town right now. Del told me yesterday.” He glanced around conspiratorially. “It seems a woman has moved into town, and she’s living with two men.” Jon rolled his eyes. “The dear little old ladies who pray for the police department have been prayin’ for their souls ever since they arrived.”

  Kendis sighed. “So I guess that means we’re gonna stay quiet about us, right?” Not that he minded. Anything to keep the haters from their door.

  “I was dying to tell the old dears that someone had beaten the new arrivals to the title of First Poly Relationship in LaFollette, but I didn’t dare.” Jon shook his head. “They’d probably want to exorcise us.”

  Kendis almost choked at that.

  Chaz coughed loudly, and Kendis chuckled. “I haven’t forgotten you. I just didn’t wanna hug you in case I hurt you. Because I have no idea where your new tattoo is,” he said with a meaningful stare.

  “Hell, neither did I,” Jon added. “I only found out when we got to the tattoo studio in Knoxville. And he wouldn’t let me look at it till we got home.” He gave Chaz an affection
ate glance. “I think I was only there to hold his hand through it all.”

  Chaz tapped his cheek. “Well, I don’t have a tattoo here, do I?”

  Kendis took the hint and kissed him there, sighing as Chaz turned his head slightly, their lips meeting. “Did it hurt?” Kendis whispered.

  “It was torture,” Chaz whispered back. He chuckled. “Put it this way, I don’t plan on getting any more. And I’m lookin’ at Jon with so much respect.”

  Jon rolled his eyes. “Torture. You wuss.”

  “Guilty as charged,” Chaz replied with a wide smile.

  Kendis gave Chaz an inquiring glance. “Well? Do we get to see it or not?”

  Chaz gave an exaggerated sigh, and carefully unbuttoned his shirt. Both Kendis and Jon leaned forward to get a look, and as Chaz peeled back the fabric, they both gave a low cry.

  Over Chaz’s heart, under a layer of clear wrap secure by tape, was a small tattoo done in red, almost Celtic in design. It portrayed three hearts, drawn with one continuous line so they appeared interlocking.

  “It’s beautiful,” Kendis said with a sigh.

  Jon couldn’t tear his gaze away from it. He put his hand to his own heart. “Baby, it’s perfect,” he said quietly.

  Chaz swallowed. “It’s us. Well, it’s meant to be. The three of us, connected, not being able to see where one begins and one ends.” He looked from Jon to Kendis, and back to Jon again. “I might not have said it, but I’m still thinkin’ it,” he said softly.

  “You keep right on thinking it,” Jon told him, his voice a little hoarse. “And when you feel like saying it, we’ll be right here.”

  Tears pricked Kendis’s eyes. “What he said.” He swallowed, his pulse quickening. Sure, they danced around and didn’t come right out and say the words, but one glance at that tattoo, and the look in Jon’s eyes when he saw it, said plenty.

  It’s like none of us want to tempt fate. Kendis could understand that.

  He glanced around his soon-to-be new bedroom. “Is it too early to think about christening this place?”

  Jon guffawed. “Only if you want splinters in your ass.”

  “We got a perfectly good bed downstairs,” Chaz added. He grinned. “Only, I gotta be careful.” He gestured to his tattoo.

  Jon laughed. “We’ll be careful too.” He leaned in and whispered, “You get to ride reverse cowboy.”

  Chaz was still laughing when they got to the bed. “You’re all heart.”

  Kendis couldn’t resist. “And you’re wearing us over yours.”

  Jon was right. It was perfect.

  The End

  Well… not quite.

  This is where I say that while Desire & Denial may be over, the Southern Boys have more stories to tell. So keep an eye out in my newsletter and online for news of future short stories coming your way.

  We haven’t heard the last from Jon, Chaz, and Kendis, Del and Taylor, and Jake and Liam.

  If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. Every review helps make books visible!

  And if you want to see what’s coming from me, there’s always my newsletter, with snippets, news of new releases, a serialized book…

  About the author

  K.C. Wells lives on an island off the south coast of the UK, surrounded by natural beauty. She writes about men who love men, and can’t even contemplate a life that doesn’t include writing.

  The rainbow rose tattoo on her back with the words 'Love is Love' and 'Love Wins' is her way of hoisting a flag. She plans to be writing about men in love - be it sweet and slow, hot or kinky - for a long while to come.

  If you want to follow her exploits, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter:

  You can stalk – er, find – her in the following places:



  KC’s men In Love (my readers group):




  Twitter: @K_C_Wells


  Other titles by K.C. Wells

  Learning to Love

  Michael & Sean

  Evan & Daniel

  Josh & Chris

  Final Exam

  Sensual Bonds

  A Bond of Three

  Le lien des Trois

  A Bond of Truth

  Merrychurch Mysteries

  Truth Will Out

  Au nom de la verité

  Roots of Evil

  Love, Unexpected



  Il Debito



  Dreamspun Desires

  The Senator’s Secret

  Le secret du Senateur

  Der Verlobte des Senators

  Out of the Shadows

  Als die Einsamkeit wich

  My Fair Brady

  Under the Covers

  Love Lessons Learned


  Zum Ersten Mal Liebe

  Prime Volte

  Premières Fois

  Waiting for You

  Step by Step

  Pas à Pas

  Schritt für Schritt

  Un passo alla volta

  Bromantically Yours


  BFF Best Friends Forever (Italian Version)

  Gerstern, Jetzt und Auf Ewig

  Collars & Cuffs

  An Unlocked Heart

  Trusting Thomas

  Someone to Keep Me (K.C. Wells & Parker Williams)

  A Dance with Domination

  Damian’s Discipline (K.C. Wells & Parker Williams)

  Make Me Soar

  Dom of Ages (K.C. Wells & Parker Williams)

  Endings and Beginnings (K.C. Wells & Parker Williams)

  Un Coeur Déverrouillé

  Croire en Thomas

  Te Protéger

  Valse Hesitation

  Herz Ohne Fesseln

  Vertauen in Thomas

  Secrets – with Parker Williams

  Before You Break

  An Unlocked Mind


  On the Same Page

  Avant que tu te brises

  Un Esprit Libéré


  Making it Personal

  Personal Changes

  More than Personal

  Personal Secrets

  Strictly Personal

  Personal Challenges

  Une Affaire Personnelle

  Changements Personnels

  Plus Personnel

  Secrets Personnels

  Strictement Personnel

  Défis Personnels

  Una Questione Personale

  Cambiamenti Personali

  Piú che personale

  Segreti Personali

  Strettamente personale

  Sfide personali

  Persönliche Entscheidungen

  Persönliche Veränderungen

  Mehr als Persönliche

  Persönliche Geheimnisse

  Streng Persönlich

  Persönliche Herausforderungen

  Confetti, Cake & Confessions

  Confetti, Coriandoli e Confessioni



  Saving Jason

  Per Salvare Jason

  Jasons Befreiung

  A Christmas Promise

  The Law of Miracles

  My Christmas Spirit

  Island Tales

  Waiting for a Prince

  September’s Tide

  Submitting to the Darkness

  Le Maree di Settembre

  In Attesa di un Principe

  Piegarsi alle tenebre

  Lightning Tales

  Teach Me

  Trust Me

  See Mer />
  Love Me

  Unverhoffte Liebesgeschichten

  Lehre Mich

  Vertrau Mir

  Sieh Mich

  Liebe Mich

  Il Professore

  Fidati di me

  A Material World













  Southern Boys

  Truth & Betrayal

  Pride & Protection

  Kel’s Keeper

  Kels Hüter

  Double or Nothing

  Back from the Edge

  Switching it up

  Scambio di ruoli

  Out for You

  State of Mind

  Here For You

  Sexting The Boss

  Sexting mit dem Boss


  Fifty Gays of Shade

  Winning Will’s Heart

  Come, Play

  Watch and Learn

  Writing as Tantalus

  Damon & Pete: Playing with Fire




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