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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

Page 9

by Dakota Trace

  Bella nodded, her expression showing she understood his subtle clue. In other words, get her out of this open area – away from Obed, and keep Anissa busy until her mom gets here.

  “Sweetie…” He waited for Anissa to focus on his face. “Time out?”

  He waited for the jerky nod that would signal she understood he was going to move her to another location. A quiet location. It was slow in coming but it did come. Between him and Bella, they gently guided the girl up the steps to his office. The last thing he whispered to Bella before entering was to lock the door. He wasn’t taking any chances with the man getting his hands on Alyce’s daughter again. His sub or not, her daughter didn’t deserve to be terrified by her own father.

  * * * *

  Alyce hummed softly along to the eighties song playing on the radio. It was one of her daughter’s favorites. Despite the fact the lead signer is lamenting his high school sweetie is now a centerfold.

  Pulling into the lot of the youth center, she smiled. For once she was running early instead of late. It seemed selfish but she was hoping to spend a little bit of time with a certain youth center director before picking up her daughter. The past few weeks had been more than she’d anticipated. Not once had Kaleb demanded sex. Nor had he ordered her to step outside of her comfort zone. He’d made her think, with his questions, and often surprised her with his thought process when he answered hers. She’d thought she’d known most everything about the lifestyle and the whys and wherefores of how a dominant’s brain worked.

  But he continues to surprise me. Like there’s more to him than just a dominant asshole bent on getting his way. Look at the way he handles Anissa, when he’s not staring at me with those damned bedroom eyes.

  It was almost enough to tempt her into finding out how he was in the bedroom. Her heart skipped a beat, then sped up as she killed the engine. Crazy as it seemed, she found herself liking the man she glimpsed behind the dominant, who tempted her into forgetting the painful lessons she learned at Obed’s side. Perhaps remembering his vanilla side will keep me better grounded when he finally does want a scene. But the pooling tension in her belly told its own story. She couldn’t wait for him to order her to kneel, or even to bend over his desk for a repeat of what happened the first time she’d visited the youth center. While the cautious part of her told her to be happy he was taking things slow, her curious side was killing her. It made her almost want to act out. Just so she could once again experience the feel of his hands on her. Even if it is a punishment.

  “Get a grip, girl.” She muttered to herself as she exited the car. It didn’t take her long to cross the lot and step inside the cool confines of the youth center. After the unseasonably warm weather, the air conditioning felt wonderful. Who’d have thought it would be hitting near eighty in April? As the door shut behind her, she realized for once the youth center was quiet. Too quiet. She found the reason why, when she rounded the corner to head into the main hall. There in the center of a room that should be filled with children’s laughter stood her ex-husband, all six foot three inches of bad attitude and temper. Her blood ran cold. Only one thought filled her head…

  Where’s Anissa?

  A quick scan of the room didn’t reveal any kids in the immediate surroundings. If she strained real hard, she could make out the faint sounds of giggles coming from down the hall where the classrooms were housed. Maybe Obed hadn’t found their daughter yet. Her fingers trembled as she slipped her hand inside her purse, her fingers feeling for the familiar outline of her cell. She wanted to cry when she realized the phone wasn’t inside it. In her rush to see Kaleb she’d left her phone charging in the car. Dare she go back out and get it, or try to deal with Obed by herself. She took a deep breath. She was a grown independent woman who was no longer married to the asshole presently wearing a path in the carpet. She could do this. It wasn’t like they were in private. There would be plenty of witnesses if he tried to assault her, including video footage.

  “What are you doing here, Obed?” She was surprised her voice came out as strong as it did.

  He swung around, and for a split second she was reminded of the boy she’d fallen in love with when he flashed an old familiar grin her way. The one that used to make her heart melt, until she’d realized it hid a very vicious temper.

  “Alyce.” He moved toward her. “I just stopped into to see if Anissa was enjoying her new class. Your mom mentioned that she’d started one of those special needs classes.”

  She nodded slowly, resentment toward her own mother building in her chest. When would her mother ever side with her and not go running to Obed every time Alyce did something with Anissa that she didn’t agree with?

  “We discussed this. Our daughter is supposed to take regular classes with kids her own age. She’s never gonna get better if you keep babying her.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Same old Obed. She’s autistic, not sick. This is not something she’s ever going to outgrow.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest as he came to a stop in front of her. “Not if what I saw earlier is any indication.” He leaned down until his face was level with hers. The overwhelming need to slap him flooded her system. It was only the fact she knew there were cameras watching, that stayed her arm.

  “You saw Anissa? Without my consent.” She took a deep breath. “The court says you have to schedule any and all visits through them, Obed. Especially after what happened last time.” Her blood still ran cold when she recalled the early morning call she’d gotten from an overly distraught Anissa, the one and only time she’d gone to stay with her father for a weekend visit. By the time she’d persuaded the police to do a wellness check on her daughter, they’d arrived to find a cornered, out of control child, who stabbed at anything or anyone who approached her. It wasn’t until Alyce showed up, and spent long agonizing minutes of reassuring her daughter everything would be okay, had she managed to coax her daughter out of the corner. They’d had to sedate Anissa at the scene, because Obed’s constant yelling had threatened to set her off again even after Alyce had gotten her out of the farmhouse.

  “So it wasn’t an error, Ms. O’Connell, that your ex-husband was left off the approved pickup list?”

  Kaleb’s voice, so formal and cool, was like a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was there, supporting whatever decision she made.

  “No, Mr. Terzis, it’s not. In fact, there is a five-hundred-foot restraining order in place. He’s not allowed any contact with our daughter unless there is a court appointed representative present.”

  Kaleb gave a brief nod. “Then the matter is settled, sir. I’m going to have to ask you to leave and not return if your daughter happens to be present.”

  A dark look crossed Obed’s face. “I’ll leave, but this isn’t over, Alyce. You can’t keep my daughter from me.” He glared at Kaleb. “And you better tell your boy-friend here that I’m not one to mess with. Remember what happened to Rudy? It would be a shame if something happened to such an upstanding fellow.” He made a show of cracking his knuckles, before spinning around to stalk away. The sound of the front door slamming echoed through the cavernous room. Almost as loudly as the words Obed had thrown at her.

  Had he actually killed Rudy?

  The blood rushed from her face at the bittersweet memories of her beloved terrier. Obed had claimed he hadn’t seen the dog run behind the car as he’d backed it out of the garage. Tears threatened. If he could kill her dog, what would he do to Kaleb if given the chance?

  Hurt him.

  It was a sobering thought. She’d never expected Obed to go after Kaleb. She gave a soft groan. What the hell had she been thinking when she’d thought she could have her cake and eat it too? She turned to face Kaleb, ready to break their agreement off – for the sake of all of them.

  But when she opened her mouth, he placed a finger over her lips. “Don’t.” He tipped his head down to hers. “Don’t do something foolish because you’re scared, kitten.” He gazed gently into her eyes
. “Take your daughter home, give her the comfort she deserves, and when she’s finally settled for the night - call me.” He lifted her chin and pressed a soft kiss to her upturned lips. “We’ll work it out together.”


  “Is she okay?”

  Alyce settled deeper into her rocker with her cell phone wedged between her ear and shoulder. As usual, her nerves settled at the feel of satiny wood under her bottom and Kaleb’s husky voice in her ear. She sighed and tilted her head back to stare at the exposed rafters of her home. It was nearing midnight - and although her daughter’s normal nine-thirty bedtime was hours ago, she’d had to lay next to Anissa until her daughter fell asleep, clutching Mr. Giggles. Sometimes she wished murder was legal in California.

  “I hope so. Sometimes it’s hard to predict how she’s going to act after a meltdown. Sometimes she’ll sleep the entire night, others…” She let her voice trail off, not sure if Kaleb wanted to hear about the reality of dealing with an autistic child who had night terrors. In fact, she’d turned on the baby monitor so she could hear her daughter, just in case.

  “She has nightmares?” Kaleb’s tone was coaxing.

  She nodded, then realized he couldn’t see her. Forcing past the lump in her throat, she spoke. “Yes. Bad ones. And there’s no rhyme or reason to them either. Nights I think for sure she’s going to have them; she sleeps like a baby. Other times, just having a kid at school hug her will set them off.”

  “Well, for your sake I hope she sleeps the whole night through, kitten.”

  Warmth flooded her at the endearment. Obed had never once called her anything more than babe, except of course, when he was yelling obscenities at her. Nor offered a single kind word about dealing with Anissa’s autism. “Me too.” She let her eyes drift shut as she slowly rocked herself. The comfortable silence between them was nice after the drama of the day. If only her mother hadn’t mentioned to her control freak of an ex that their daughter was enjoying her new classes. Mom should’ve known that Obed was going to go off the deep end - he always does now, just as he did then whenever I make a decision about Anissa without his prior approval.

  “I can almost hear the wheels turning in your head, Alyce. Talk to me.”

  She sighed softly. It was almost scary at times how good Kaleb could read her…even over the phone. “Just that I wish my mom would’ve kept her mouth shut.” She opened her eyes. “I am really sorry about the scene today. I should’ve warned you about him, but I hadn’t planned on him finding out about the classes. With the court order and everything, he’s not allowed to attend any of her functions, or even be within five hundred yards of her.”

  “Let me ask you something. Did you tell him to come to the art center? That it would be acceptable for him to grab and hurt your daughter, knowing that it would cause her meltdown?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Then quit apologizing for his sorry ass.” Kaleb’s anger came through the phone clearly, even though he hadn’t raised his voice. “He’s the ass who made a scene - not you. Got it?”

  A reluctant smile tugged at the corner of her lips. “Yes, Sir.”

  A low grumble filled her ear, and she could almost see him crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Good. Quit worrying about that idiot, and start worrying about what I want to do to you instead.”

  Desire trickled through her at the sudden rasp in his voice. The last time she’d heard that tone, she’d ended up over his lap getting her bottom warmed. “I haven’t done anything to warrant a spanking, Sir.”

  “Yet.” He chuckled. “In fact…”

  She clenched her thighs together, barely breathing as she fought the rising anticipation flooding her system. Even though he couldn’t physically touch her through the phone, he could make her beg for it.

  “I want both you and Anissa to come to my place tomorrow afternoon.”

  Alyce almost dropped the phone. Instead of some sexy command or demand, he was asking her to visit his home for the first time. With her daughter! She licked her lower lip, then reached for the glass of wine sitting on the stand next to her. “I…do you really think that’s a wise idea, Kaleb? Especially after today? If Obed finds out...he’s not above attempting to do physical damage…”

  She barely caught his sigh before he answered. “Yes, I do, and I’m not scared of your ex. He likes to intimidate those smaller - weaker than him. I’m neither. He will find I’m not a man who starts trouble but instead finishes it.”

  Heat raced through her as she remembered how small she felt in his arms.

  “So what do you say, kitten? After talking to Anissa, I think she’d enjoy an afternoon out. It’ll be a very casual affair. Grilled hot dogs and burgers mostly – providing it doesn’t rain again. I’ve invited my sister and her family. Karen’s oldest boy, Matthew, is in Anissa’s class at the center. She gets along well with him. I plan on setting up the volleyball net for the kids, and I even had my pool cleaned, in case it gets as warm as they are forecasting.” He took a deep breath. “Not to mention it will give me a little ‘one on one’ time with my sub. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten my hands on that sexy ass of yours.”

  Her ears burned at the undisguised lust in his tone. “Kaleb!” She set down the glass of wine before she spilled it. Latent desire thrummed though her – making her hands tremble. More than likely nothing would come of it, she told herself. The past few times they’d been alone, Kaleb had treated her warmly – like a good friend, but had kept his hands and any desire he felt to himself.

  “You can’t tell me that you haven’t been thinking about it, Alyce.” His voice deepened. “As much as I enjoy our talks and getting to pick that rather intelligent brain of yours, I still can’t enter my office without remembering how sexy you looked bent over my desk.”

  She barely managed to bite back the moan his words evoked. “That shouldn’t have…”

  “Have happened?” There was a rustle in the background as if he were settling himself in a different position. “But it did…and damned it if wasn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever done with a woman who wasn’t my sub at the time. It was very humbling that you trusted me, a complete unknown, to give you your first spanking.”

  Uncomfortable with the growing wetness between her legs, she struggled with what to say, so she tried to be flippant. “If you say so. I can’t imagine that spanking me, is any different than spanking another-”

  “Stop it. This isn’t about anyone else.” He growled, his displeasure quite obvious. “As the submissive in this relationship, you need to quit dismissing my compliments. As a dominant, remember that I don’t ever say things I don’t mean. Understand?”

  Guilt swamped her. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Say thank you, Sir for the compliment, kitten.”

  Her cheeks heated, but she forced the words past her suddenly tight throat. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “For what?” He snapped.

  “For the compliment, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Now tell me about the rest of your day. What did you do today?”

  “After I dropped Anissa off with you, I went to school, helped Dr. Gylberte with her clinical psychology class…”

  * * * *

  “So after supper, I gave in and let Anissa have a double scoop of…” Alyce tried to stifle her yawn but failed. “…ice cream. I figured after the day she had, it couldn’t hurt to let her have her favorite treat.” Her eyes watered up and another yawned threatened. The grandfather clock in the hall had struck one nearly half an hour ago and her long day was finally catching up with her. Thank God she had tomorrow off and didn’t have to get Anissa up early. Saturdays were their sleep in day.

  “And on that yawn, I think it’s time for a certain subbie to shower and hit the sheets.”

  “I suppose so.” She slowly stretched. It was almost comical that Kaleb knew more about her nightly rituals than her ex had. “It’s been a long day.”

  “Before I say good night, did yo
u manage to take your thirty minutes today?”

  She winced. Out of all of his rules, that was the one she struggled with the most. It seemed she always had so much going on. “Well, not exactly. Unless you count singing along with the radio on my way to the youth center, me time.”

  A drawn out sigh filtered through the ear piece. “Not particularly. Anissa has told me horror stories of your auto serenades.”

  “Little rat.” Standing, she gathered up her empty wine glass to deposit in the dishwasher on her way to her room. “I’ll have you know that I was in choir all the way through school and…”

  The ass actually laughed at her. “And according to your daughter, you’re tone deaf.”

  She clicked the light off in the kitchen, before heading down the hall to her room. As she passed by Anissa’s room, she peeked in - and sighed in relief as she spotted her daughter sleeping soundly with Mr. Giggles. “Well, maybe, but I enjoy it. And you can’t say I’m doing it for anyone other than myself, since I was alone at the time.”

  “Really? Are you trying to fib to me, kitten? Anissa thinks you do it to make her laugh.”

  She sighed and pulled her daughter’s bedroom door completely shut. “Maybe, but remember she wasn’t in the car, so…”

  “So nothing. That doesn’t count. I know for a fact that it takes only fifteen minutes to drive from the college to the youth center.”

  Slipping into her bedroom, she clicked on the lamp next to her bed. “I guess not. Perhaps Sir could let me skip just this once?”

  A low growl filled her ear. “Now what kind of Dom would I be if I let you get away with not following the rules, kitten?”

  “A merciful one?” Gathering up her nightgown from the foot of the bed, she headed toward the attached bathroom. “I’m soo damned tired I’ll be lucky to make it to my bed after my shower.”


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