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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

Page 17

by Dakota Trace

  “Okay, and we’re doing this why?” Noah asked, as he stepped back from Reba.

  “It’s simple.” Kaleb flashed the other man a quick grin. “Even though as dominants we are in charge of their pleasure or lack of it, I’ve found that no dominant can be as sadistic to a submissive as another submissive can be.”

  A sinking feeling filled the pit of her stomach when Noah chuckled. What the hell had she let herself into?

  “Well played, my boy. Let’s make them do the work.” He sat down in one of the pair of chairs next to the bondage bed.

  “This is the deal, ladies.” Kaleb came to the middle of the bed, where he first addressed Reba. “As your master gave you to me until amends are made, for this scene you are mine to command, correct?”

  Reba nodded. “Yes, Master Kaleb.”

  “That’s right. With your manipulations, you forced a punishment upon Alyce, one she probably wouldn’t have earned otherwise. As I see it, the person you need to make amends with isn’t me, but Alyce. And to do so, you will pleasure her. Your goal is to make her come – if you can. It will be no easy feat as I’ve primed her past the point of easy. She will need hard thrusts and a lot of clitoral simulation at the right intervals to come at this point. However, you’ll only have ten minutes to accomplish it.”

  Adrenaline flood Alyce’s system as Kaleb continued to coach Reba on how to make her come. She couldn’t believe that her dominant would do this to her! But even as the thought crossed her mind, she discarded it. Yes, he would. He’d warned her, that he lived to control her pleasure. Or give it away at his choosing. Her heart sank.

  “And you, my sweet, feisty kitten.” He brushed her hair out of her face. “Who owns your orgasms?”

  “You do, Sir.”

  “That’s right. I do.” He gave her an almost sad smile. “And I can be a right bastard at times, but regardless of that, you are not to come.” He placed his hand on her stomach, just above her womb. “That orgasm belongs to me. Which means your sole goal is to distract Master Noah’s submissive enough to keep that from happening. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Determination replaced her earlier misgiving. Her Sir hadn’t given her pleasure away. He’d only given her a challenge. One that she was determined to win.

  “Good.” He stepped back, and took the seat next to Master Noah. Picking up the timer he’d requested, he spun the dial. “Your time starts….now.”

  The sudden buck of Reba’s hips against her, forcing the cock deeper sent an unwelcome surge of pleasure through Alyce, causing her to pull back. How the hell was she going to do this? Her thoughts were frantic, but almost became jumbled when the butterfly against her clit flared to life. She hissed as the tip of the egg vibrated against her sore nub, sending shards of pain to mingle with the pleasure the dildo wrought.

  Sweat broke out all over her as the need to come returned. “Like hell,” she gasped, pushing the button on the remote she held.

  Reba squealed and squirmed against her, her long legs locking over Alyce’s - embolizing -trapping her as she began to fuck Alyce hard and fast.

  Alyce panted and fought to free her legs, to escape the pinioning hold Reba had on her. Not being able to move reminded her all too much of how her Sir loved to hold her immobile as he fucked her through her orgasm, and was guaranteed to push her over the edge if she let it go on too long. “No, you don’t, you bitch.”

  She jerked hard, freeing one of her legs, in the process her foot landed on the butterfly at the top of her teacher’s mound. Grinding down hard with her heel, Alyce gritted her teeth, even as Reba screamed and a sudden wetness soaked the table and spread across the inside of Alyce’s thighs. Her eyes widened, the other woman was…

  “Come, you manipulative little whore.” She kept the pressure on the butterfly, as she started bucking her hips hard, fucking Reba through her long-denied orgasm. “You want to punish someone? Let’s see how you like it.”

  Animalistic noises, even snarls ripped free of Reba’s mouth, as she thrashed through her release. “Bitch!” She panted while trying to shove Alyce’s foot aside, but tied at the wrists to the opposite end of the bed, Reba could no more grab at Alyce than Alyce could seize her. All they could do was fuck back and forth on the long, massive dildo and use those devilish remotes to torture the other woman’s clit.

  Sweat poured off Alyce as she tried to keep the pressure on the butterfly, but a lucky move on Reba’s part caused her foot to slip, then it was Alyce who ended up in a scissors lock with the other woman, causing the angle of the huge dildo to shift.

  Another scream filled the room, but this time from Alyce as Reba forced the dildo over her g-spot. Alyce dropped the remote and tensed every muscle to avoid the approaching orgasm. But it was barreling toward her, and no amount of denying it was slowing it down. Her eyes frantically sought the timer sitting on the table between her Sir and Master Noah. Thirty seconds. She gasped, focusing on the numbers. Twenty. They mocked her as she clung to the edge. She could do this! She could!

  “Come, you little slut.” Reba panted, her face red with exertion.

  “No!” The numbers on the clock started to blur. Ten, nine, eight.

  “Got to make you…you deserve it.”

  “Not without….” She strained to make out the numbers on the timer. Six, five, four, three… “I can’t. I won’t….Sir said….”

  Suddenly Kaleb was there, blocking her view of the timer. She barely heard the ding of the timer when he pinched both of her nipples, and growled against her mouth. “Come!”

  A nearly inaudible sound, much like the implosion of a bomb going off, tore free of her as her long-denied orgasm ripped through her. Her legs stiffened and her hips arched against the still thrusting dildo as raw, brutal ecstasy coursed through her body. Every part of her convulsed with pleasure, until she was unsure how to embrace - let alone contain it. She whimpered, her terrified eyes seeking her Sir’s.

  “Let it go, kitten. I’ll catch you.”

  An anguished moan escaped her as subspace beckoned. Then she did as ordered. She let go, secure in the knowledge her Sir wouldn’t fail her.

  * * * *

  When she finally came back around - enough to be aware of her surroundings, she was no longer strapped to the table, but instead was cradled against her Sir’s chest, wrapped in a soft blanket. He was lightly stroking her back, talking softly with some else. She tried to focus on the words, but they were a jumble as she continued to float. A faint whimper escaped her.

  “Someone’s coming back, I see.” The male voice was familiar but not recognized.

  “She flew high.” Kaleb tucked her closer against him. “I’m very proud of her, Ethan. She took everything I gave, and still submitted.”

  Ethan chuckled. “You’re lucky she didn’t tell you to shove that dildo up your own ass. I would’ve if you strapped me to a bondage table with another sub.”

  “But she didn’t.” He nuzzled the top of her head.

  “No, she didn’t. That’s one helluva a sub you’ve got there. I hope you realize that.”

  She could feel her Sir nod, but could only smile then yawn as sleep tugged at her….


  Three months later

  "The board will see you now, Ms. O'Connell. If you'll follow me?" A slender co-ed gestured for Alyce to follow her.

  Swallowing hard, she tried to calm her nerves, even though she was about to embark upon what would be a life changing event. It was hard to believe that she was actually getting ready to defend her thesis - after jumping through so many hoops. At the end of the day, she would either be a state certified psychologist or eight years of her life would have been wasted. Dear Lord, don't let it be the latter.

  "Relax, kitten. You’ve got this." Kaleb's voice broke through her panic as he stood, then helped her to her feet. He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm as they followed the young woman down the well-lit hall. "They're gonna love you."

  She gave him a tentative s
mile as they turned the corner leading up to the smaller auditorium where the candidates defended their theses. "You're supposed to say that, Sir."

  "Of course I am." He chuckled. "But that doesn't mean that it's any less true. I want you to put everything out of your mind - there will be no thinking about the upcoming trial or your mother's evaluation. The only thing that matters right now is your thesis, and proving to the board that you deserve your degree. Not even our collaring ceremony - matters at this particular moment. "

  She took a deep breath. "I'm not worried about the trial, nor Mom. Obed deserves to be in prison for shooting you. As for Mom..." she shrugged her shoulders. "Until she decides that she wants to get better, the hospital is the best place for her. For Dad's sake, I hope she does what the doctors say, but personally, I don't care if I ever see her again. And our..." Then what he said registered. "Collaring ceremony?"

  He gave her a soft smile. "You didn't honestly think I was going to let you go around unclaimed forever, did you?" He lightly swatted her ass. “This ass along with that brilliant mind of yours belongs to me, and I want everybody to know it.”

  "But...I thought we agreed to wait until Anissa..." Tears welled up in her eyes. She'd never expected her Sir to want to collar her this soon; although she’d hoped that by the time Anissa was out of high school, he would. By then, her daughter wouldn’t need her constant support. But that was at least five years away. Five long years until I can finally be the submissive that Kaleb deserves, and that I long to be.

  He pressed a finger to her lips. "We'll discuss it later. Nothing matters more right now than you proving you know your shit. Now, get your ass in there, knock their socks off, and then we'll discuss your collar - afterwards."

  She lightly nipped his finger, giggling when he drew it back with a frown. "Promise?"

  He arched a brow at her. "Have I ever lied to you?"

  She shook her head. "No, Sir."

  "Good." He gave her a swat on the ass, and a gentle shove toward the door. "Now, get moving or what happened at the club - let alone at home - last weekend will seem like child's play."

  Her cheeks heated, even as she resisted the temptation to stick out her tongue at him. The weekend hadn’t been far from her memory most of the day. She still couldn’t believe that she had let him….

  Not only had her Sir pushed her to the edge, and held her there the whole time they'd been at the club, he hadn't allowed her any release when they'd returned to his home. It wasn't until the following morning, when she'd woken up with his devilish mouth between her thighs, that he'd finally allowed her to come.

  Even now, she should be leery of his threat, but the bratty side of her wondered what evil scenario he'd come up with if she disobeyed.

  "Yes, Sir." She gave him a mock salute, before slipping into the room.

  "I saw that, brat." Kaleb's growl made her giggle as she rushed down the aisle in the middle of the auditorium toward her biggest challenge yet. She might be a brat, but she wasn't a stupid one. Even if her mouth got her into trouble later, she was going to nail this thing. Not just because her daughter's future happiness depended upon it, but because Alyce O'Connell wasn't a quitter. She was a doer!

  * * * *

  "Quite impressive, Ms. O'Connell. Professor Gylberte wasn't boasting when she recommended that you be given your degree." Professor Alberts, the reclusive head of the psychology department, flipped over her thesis and scrawled his name on one of the three lines on the back for that purpose. "I foresee a bright career ahead of you. You'll do both your education and patients a great service."

  "Thank you, Professor," she replied coolly, keeping her excitement buried deep. It wouldn't do for her to lose her composure. Especially when Professor Gylberte, without hesitation, signed off.

  "In the next few weeks, you'll receive your transcripts and a certified copy of your thesis. My suggestion is that you submit it for publication, young lady. It's that good." With that said, Professor Alberts rose and left the large room. Three of the five members followed him, until the only people left in the room were Alyce and Professor Gylberte, who was gathering up the handouts on the long table.

  She shifted nervously, before shoving all her papers back into her bag. She couldn’t face her advisor – the woman who’d been instrumental in making her professional dreams come true. Without Reba Gylberte, she wouldn’t have a bright future ahead of her. So why couldn’t she get past the fact that she’d made the woman scream in pleasure? Logically, both she and Reba had safewords, and could’ve used them at any time to stop the scene – yet neither had. And perhaps that’s what bothered her the most.

  Not only had she’d fucked her professor with a large double dildo, she’d called the woman a bitch while she’d done it. Let alone, what her mentor had done in return. If it hadn’t been for her Sir denying her orgasm, she would’ve come over and over again, while Reba fucked her. In the light of day, and with a clearer head, what they had done to one another was beyond mortifying. And the reason why we’ve barely spoken since that day.

  Rushing toward the exit, she hoped to slip away before Reba noticed.

  “Alyce – wait!” The substantial edge of desperation in the older woman’s tone, tugged at her heartstrings. Reba had been more than just a mentor, she’d been Alyce’s friend as well – one of the few who hadn’t turned on her when she’d left Obed.

  She gave a hard sigh and turned around. Standing on the stage, Reba seemed small – almost lonely. “What is it?”

  “We need to talk.” Reba jumped down from the stage and walked towards her. “And I mean really talk. Come have coffee with me.”

  Alyce chewed on her lower lip. “I….Kaleb is waiting for me.”

  Reba came to a stop in front of her. “Well, he can damn well wait a bit longer. I’m not about to let you walk out that door with the way things are between us.”

  “Can’t we just forget about it?” Alyce asked desperately.

  Reba shook her head. “Something as intense as what we experienced is not easily forgotten – but perhaps can be forgiven.” She took Alyce’s hand and guided her toward a pair of seats in the front row. She gave Alyce a gentle shove before sitting down next to her. “What did I do that made you so uncomfortable that you won’t even talk to me anymore? Was it the fact that your dominant used you as a way to punish me?” Reba sighed. “Not that I ever expected him to do such an underhanded thing. Kaleb is much more sadistic than I bargained for.”

  Alyce giggled. “Sadistic should be his middle name.” She sobered. “Look, we both had safewords – we didn’t have to agree to the scene.”

  “Exactly. But the way things are between us right now, I almost wish I would’ve. My master’s approval isn’t worth losing you.” Reba took her hand, her expression earnest. “Damnit, Alyce. I was never able to have kids. I look at you like a daughter. And before you say something about mothers not doing to their daughters what we did, I wasn’t in my role as your friend or mentor let alone a mother. I was in my submissive space, obeying my master. It wouldn’t have mattered if it had been you - or some other submissive at the club – when my master orders, I obey.”

  Alyce looked down at their joined hands. Remembering other times that Reba had held her hand: in happiness when Anissa had been born; in comfort when Alyce’s grandmother died; in support when Alyce decided to leave her ex. And now in desperation, trying to repair the damage I caused because of my stupid insecurities.

  “Please, sweetie. I don’t want what happened at New Beginnings to continue to drive a wedge between us. Or color the way you view the club. It’s a great place, even though Master and I rarely attend.” Reba’s cheeks colored. “Much like your Kaleb, my pleasure belongs solely to my husband. And he’s a possessive and sometimes private bastard.”

  “Just like mine.” Alyce sighed, then met Reba’s desperate gaze. “Obviously, we need to work this out.” Alyce gave her advisor and friend a half smile. “If not to just put this impasse behind us, then to
get Anissa off my back. She’s been driving me crazy about when Aunt Reba and Uncle Noah will be over, so she can show them her cool new mural.”

  “Which she’s assured me is quite delightful.” Reba lifted their joined hands to her cheek. “Truce? Can we just chalk it up to what happens at New Beginnings, stays at New Beginnings?”

  Alyce chuckled. “I don’t see why not. After all, what are the chances that either of us will find ourselves in that particular position again?”

  Reba smiled, a sparkle in her eye. “One could only hope not…”

  “But brats will be brats…” Alyce retorted, using her Sir’s favorite expression.

  The auditorium filled up with their laughter, until Kaleb, wondering what was taking his submissive so long, came looking for her. Which, of course, only set off Reba and Alyce off again.

  The End


  Hi, I'm Dakota, an author of erotic romance (think 50 Shades of Gray - but better) and paranormal erotica. What exactly does that mean? Well, since I've always marched to the beat of different drum: it means that I get to take my unique life experiences - like putting around in the garage with my dad, or driving a train when I was ten, to create worlds where the heroines aren't necessarily June Clever, but are strong independent women who may stand on their own two feet, but long to submit to the right man. Whether it's two friends who realize there is more than friendship between them or the sexy alien who captures his unwilling slave's heart, sparks are sure to fly! My imagination has no bounds or at least none I've found yet!

  I’ve been writing professionally since 2008, but when I’m not clacking away at the keyboard, you can find me putting around the garden, out on the marching band field or cooking up something yummy in the kitchen for my kiddos.

  If you’ve enjoyed this book, please leave a review - it’s like a virtual hug to hard working authors like me. And if you didn’t…you can leave one too. I love hearing from all my readers.


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