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Love with Fangs (The Witching Hour Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  I chose my words carefully and I didn’t move my gaze, even though his scent and the way his body was riddled with confidence made me want to agree to one-night with him.

  “Oh, Julia, I’m not going to leave you alone after just one night. I don’t do well in relationships, but I’m willing to try. Come with me for this official dinner at the end of January and we’ll see where this is going to take us. Besides, I’m still doing my own little investigation that involves finding your cousin.” He sank back into his seat, licking his upper lip, drawing a long breath.

  “A dinner?”

  “I have a few international guests from Romania. The main director is an elf, so you would fit well with your intelligence and odd sense of humour.” He clasped my hand again. “I’ll pick you up from work and then drop you home. I will be on my best behaviour.”

  “Fine, one dinner.” I gasped, wanting to bite my tongue. He looked innocent when he gazed at me like that.

  “You’re saying yes because it’s another date, or have you been enjoying my company so much that you can’t wait to see me again? I can smell your excitement. Your blood gets warmer,” he murmured, smiling and stroking my lips with his thumb. I shivered, and he groaned with pleasure. “See—even my touch drives you insane. Can you imagine how you would feel if I had you in my bed?”

  “Be careful or I’m going to change my mind.” My voice was too high with the mere thought of his words echoing in my mind. “I need to get back.”

  “Let me drive you home. Your shoes are soaked and it’s too cold for walking.”

  “I told you before, I’m fine. I can take care of myself. Plus, my grandmother already knows about our kiss, so I need to make up some kind of story.”

  He raised his left eyebrow. “Why don’t you just tell her the truth? I thought you weren’t afraid of commitment.”

  “My dad is an operations lieutenant of the Paranormal Unit for the British Police and my grandmother is the head of the Elves Association. I love them too much to even think about upsetting them.”

  “I don’t care what your family thinks. I’m dropping you home,” he snapped and started the engine. I wasn’t sure whether I should start crying or laughing when he took a sharp right. The atmosphere in the car was charged with my flowing magic. I stared out the window, trying to calm down.

  I told him to stop a few metres from the house. My mind was still pounding as I walked back. When his car pulled away, I sighed with relief.

  Fortunately, my dad’s car was parked in the driveway, and when I walked in, my mum was busy in the kitchen with Grandpa. No one questioned me when I sat in the living room.

  In the evening, my parents decided we would leave early morning the next day. I talked a little to Aunt Dorothy; she didn’t sound good. She cried most of the time, still hoping that her daughter would be found soon.

  When I went to bed, I had a text message from an unknown number.

  Sleep well and think about our first night together.

  I smiled, and my heartbeat quickened. Somehow, the alpha male got ahold of my number. I thought about the way I reacted when I was around him. He set fire to my magic, sometimes too much. Even when I was with Jasper, I’d always been calm, and my magical abilities were in control. Everything changed as soon I met Nathaniel. I knew that I didn’t have a future with him where my family was concerned, but I wanted to dream about the what ifs. Maybe it was time to call Nicky and ask her if what I was doing was sane or not. But a tiny voice in my head kept saying this had nothing to do with my friend and I needed to make a decision. Today, I’d agreed to go out with him again.

  Chapter twenty

  The explosion.

  By the time I got back to London, I regretted that I didn’t talk to Dad about Ella and her bites. I spoke to her on Boxing Day, but she mentioned her date was cancelled. It was the third of January when I stepped into the office at half past ten in the morning.

  I thought that my ten days off went by way too fast, because no sooner than I sat in my chair, the phones started ringing off the hook. Jennifer, Alexandra, and I were working together during this glorious sunny morning.

  “Did you have a good Christmas?” Alexandra asked me, pulling some files out of the drawer. I was drinking my coffee and sorting through what seemed like millions of emails.

  “After looking at what I have to go through today, I wish I could extend it.” I sighed.

  “You need to wake up, Senior, because Lucinda wants another fifty assembly workers to start tomorrow. Plus, we need a Wand Maker,” Jennifer said, looking paler than usual. I scrolled through the most recent emails. My colleague was right: Lucinda needed people as soon as possible and Paranormal Personnel, as usual, had to deliver.

  We got on the phone and called as many people as we could. Then we were registering them until early afternoon.

  Around two o’clock, the office was clear, and I finally had a chance to grab a quick dinner at the local bakery. Jennifer was speaking to someone on the phone when I walked back in.

  “Hold on, she just came back,” she said, then placed the phone on hold. “Lucinda needs to speak to you. Apparently, this is very important.”

  I dropped everything I bought on my desk and waved to Jennifer to transfer the call. I was glad I had another coffee, otherwise I knew my brain wouldn’t work right today.

  “Hello, Lucinda, how are you?” I asked, putting on my business voice.

  “Oh, Julia, I’m so glad I got you today.” She giggled, and I rolled my eyes. I had only met Lucinda once, and she was the most annoying mermaid I’d ever came across.

  “How can I help you, Lucinda? I hope everything is going smoothly there and everyone is turning up for work?” After going through a series of hysterical giggles, she was able to continue.

  “Not to worry. I’m not calling because I want to complain. We have a crisis here. Would you be able to pick up some induction paperwork today? I just want to make sure all your candidates understand the rules.”

  I couldn’t believe that she wanted me to get to the other side of the city just to pick up some paperwork. She must have realised that I hated wasting my time.

  “We discuss the terms and conditions during the registration process, Lucinda—”

  She cut me off. “I just had a few complaints, that’s all, and if you give them the paperwork before the induction, then it will be easier for me to do my job.” Before I went on holiday, Lucinda gave me the impression she was demanding, and she only wanted to deal with me.

  “Okay, I will be there in an hour or so.”

  “Fantastic, Julia. I’m going to be in my office, so please inform security downstairs.” She hung up, abruptly ending the call.

  “What does she want now? When you weren’t here, she asked for your private number. She was pretty pissed when we refused to give it to her,” Jennifer said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “I’m glad she couldn’t get ahold of me. She’s a nightmare. She wants me to go and pick up induction packs, so we can distribute them to the new starters.”

  “But you don’t drive. How are you going to get there?” she asked, staring at me, confused. I bit my lip, knowing I couldn’t ask Jennifer to go and Alexandra was too busy with interviews.

  “I just placed an advert for a Wand Maker, so we should start getting some CVs soon. I will take a taxi and try to be back as soon as possible.” I checked my schedule. No one was due to see me, but we were expecting more people to turn up. I needed to be quick.

  “Not to worry. Everything is under control here, so just tell her she’ll have these fifty workers by tomorrow,” Jennifer said. I picked up my bag and left the office.

  Five minutes later, I managed to get a taxi. It was rush hour and the traffic was terrible. I felt bad that I had to leave the girls, but La Caz Pharmaceutical was an important client and I had to keep Lucinda happy. I took my notepad with me, and managed to make some phone calls in the cab. I couldn’t believe it was only Monday and I was
already stressed and exhausted.

  Around half past three in the afternoon, I stepped into the reception of Nathaniel’s company. I wasn’t anxious about seeing him; he worked at night most of the time, and I didn’t expect him to be here. Since his text message at Christmas, there’d only been silence. I still couldn’t figure out what we were doing; he came all the way to Kent to see me. He was so confusing.

  “Miss Taylor, how can I help you?” Todd asked when I walked in.

  “I need to see the HR director. She’s expecting me.”

  He smiled. “Yes, Mrs. Grabovsky mentioned you would be arriving.”

  Lucinda was a large mermaid, and I noticed a pack of Crispy Creme doughnuts on her desk, so she obviously liked to indulge herself. She didn’t have a neck and her short curly hair was untidy. She probably didn’t even swim that often, because her skin looked unhealthy. As I expected, Lucinda made me stay in her office for over half an hour before she went through the paperwork.

  By the time I was done, it was after five and my shift was due to finish. I called Jennifer and asked her if everything was fine in the office.

  “Just take it easy, girl. Monica and Adele will take over soon, so you don’t have to rush.”

  After I hung up, I exhaled. Jennifer was right; the two vampires had to take care of the rest. I left Lucinda’s office and marched down to the lift, scanning my phone to see whether I had a number for a taxi company. I still needed to get back to the office to drop off the induction packets to my two vampire colleagues.

  “Miss Taylor, Miss Taylor—please!” someone shouted just as I was about to step into the elevator.

  “Yes?” I turned around to face the pretty blond vampire who once didn’t want to let me into La Caz’s office. She looked flushed.

  “Mr. La Caz would like to see you; he sent me here for you.” It looked like she wasn’t too happy with the fact that she was asked to fetch me.

  If he was in the office, he could no doubt see me on the security cameras.

  “Mr. La Caz?” I repeated. “Well, I’m afraid I'm busy. You can tell him I need to get back to the office.”

  She looked shocked and angry, staring at me as if I’d lost my mind. “Mr. La Caz is insisting, and he told me I’ll lose my job if I let you go.”

  Bastard. He’s playing on my good nature.

  “All right, I’ll come,” I snapped. She looked relieved and told me to go to the lift. She should be glad that I agreed to go with her. She pressed the last floor and off I went to see the impatient vampire.

  Emily took me to the stylish reception room with a large desk in the middle. Yet again, everything was set in white colours, but we weren’t in the same office as when I’d arrived for the first meeting.

  “Please go through, Miss Taylor. Mr. La Caz is expecting you,” Emily said, heading back to her desk. I took a deep breath, nodded to her, and pressed the door handle to enter. He was sitting behind a wide desk by the window. His office smelled of leather and mint leaves. All the walls were white with minimalistic decor.

  I decided to stay near the door. I felt I had more control over my body when I wasn’t close to him. He was wearing a navy suit with a black shirt and he looked good.

  “I’m glad you decided to come,” he said, smiling.

  “Nathaniel, I have to get back to work. I haven’t got time for your games,” I said, realising I missed him.

  “Come to me, Julia. I’m partly your boss and I’m telling you, there is no rush,” he said, and his voice was thick, intimidating. I was still annoyed, but my fingertips tingled, and my feet started moving before my brain registered what I was doing. I saw a mad gleam dancing in his eyes when I approached his desk.

  “Do you always boss people around like that, La Caz?” He stood in front of me, lifting my chin, so I couldn’t avoid looking at him.

  “Most of the time, but beautiful creatures like you have to be treated with extreme gentleness,” he said, looking into my eyes.

  He wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me closer, inhaling my scent.

  “I…I need—”

  I didn’t tell him what I needed because he kissed me, spreading a tingle of magical current throughout my entire body. Before I knew what was going on, his lips were moving on mine and his tongue was in my mouth, teasing and sucking away every inch of self-control that was left inside me. I wrapped my hands around his muscular back and his hands moved over my backside, pressing me against his hard length. I moaned, unable to stop the magic that was escaping through my skin. His other hand moved underneath my blouse, caressing my stomach. I wanted him so much at this moment that my energy was about to burst.

  He pulled his mouth away for a moment, breathing hard and fast. My eyes were still closed, and I was afraid to open them. He had done well controlling his vampire urges; his fangs were still hidden away.

  “I’m going to make you come,” he whispered in my ear. His voice sounded fluid and hypnotic. I opened my eyes in panic, but he was holding me close, his scent obscuring my elf senses. His eyes were gleaming with desire and he was hard, pressing himself against my leg.

  “Nathaniel,” I gasped.

  “Shh, I’m going to make you come right now. Your magic is begging to be released,” he said, not taking his hazel eyes off me. “Or we can continue to play with each other, risking that I might snap, and my nature will take over my body.”

  He didn’t let me respond because he lifted me off the ground and carried me to his desk, positioning himself between my legs.

  “I’m going to enjoy this more than anything. Your hot blood is pulsing with the same rhythm of my heartbeat.” His lips started caressing my neck, and then he moved his hand between my legs. I moaned as excruciating pleasure spiked through my body. He pulled away, and with a wicked grin, he unzipped my skirt. My hands were shaking with anticipation and soon, my black skirt was thrown across the room. His eyes moved down between my legs.

  His eyes widened as he stared at me, exposed and so ready for him. His hand moved under my blouse, finding my bra, massaging my nipple that had gone tender and hard. I could no longer hold still, so I just relaxed on the table, not caring any more about my morals and better judgment. His other hand slid between my legs again and then he ripped off my knickers. There was nothing left. He was looking over me while I lay on his desk, half naked in his office.

  He leaned in close to my ear and spoke in a hypnotic whisper. “Julia, you will soon be screaming with pleasure.”

  He started rubbing his thumb against my sex, making a low sound of reassurance while my heart went haywire. My brain short-circuited as lust pumped through me. His finger slid down, massaging my clit. When I lifted my head, I saw his sandy hair between my legs.

  “Nathaniel,” I gasped, then howled in bliss. I tangled his hair in my fingers, and I could feel his tongue on my already swollen clit, but then he stopped, and his eyes found mine.

  “How much do you want me to make you come?” he asked, still rubbing his thumb on my sex. My whole body rippled with desire and the energy that sparked through it. I didn’t think I could take his tortures.

  “Please, touch me. I want this so much,” I breathed. My voice trembled, and my pulse was throbbing. When he dipped down and started licking me, it didn’t stop. My eyelids slammed shut and my thighs were uneven. He sucked hard on my clit and at the same time, he slipped his finger inside me. I cried out, screaming his name as sparks of electricity sprayed from my fingertips.

  He continued to lick and suck my sex, while sliding his finger in and out. I pressed my hand against the edge of the table, feeling my climax approaching. I arched back. I couldn’t take it anymore. His hand quickened, sliding rhythmically up and down until I came. I felt the jolting contraction of my core; my hands slammed against the table. Glass that was somewhere in the room blew out, but I didn’t care; ecstasy filled my entire body. I cried out, coming violently.

  He withdrew his hands and crept over me; his strong body slammed o
n top of mine. My rasping breath was circulating through the space. I opened my eyes.

  “I hope you enjoyed this,” he said, and his lips touched mine again. Before I had a chance to say any more, he lifted me off the table. “You made a mess of my office. I told you that your energy was begging to be released.”

  He said the last sentence with grave amusement. I looked around. The two glasses that had been standing on the small table by the sofa were now smashed to pieces. Nathaniel handed me my skirt and ripped knickers.

  Chapter twenty-one

  Jasper crosses the line.

  "Thank you," I said, not knowing what else to say. My face was probably scarlet, and my body was still shivering.

  “I’m sorry about your knickers, but I was caught up in the moment." He smirked. I put my skirt back on, feeling that something had changed between us. The tension I was carrying the past few days vanished; the stress I had gone through in the office faded away. I didn’t feel any pressure of energy accumulated inside me.

  "It’s all right. I didn’t like them anyway," I said, wondering how the hell he was able to control himself. When he kissed me for the first time, his fangs extended.

  "How are you getting back to the office?"


  “I’ll call Roberto. I’m not having you wandering around London in a taxi." He tucked my blond hair behind my ear.

  "Fine, Nathaniel," I said, not wanting to fight with him. I didn’t know how to take this uncomfortable silence that was growing between us.

  "Julia, I know that you’re apprehensive about me being close to you, but don’t think about it too much."

  "I have to leave now." I grabbed all my paperwork, then left without saying another word.

  Emily lifted her head and looked at me, raising her left eyebrow like she was judging me.

  "Goodbye." I called the lift, trying to ignore her smirk.

  "Have a good evening, Miss Taylor," Emily said.


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