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Love with Fangs (The Witching Hour Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "Julia, stand in front of the glass,” Dad said. “You will see five different creatures, mainly giants, in front of you. Let me know if you recognise the one who tried to kidnap you. Just focus and we will talk later."

  Panic rushed through my body, but I couldn’t back out now. I couldn’t remember much from the moment when I realised someone was trying to force me into the black van, but I wanted to get that bastard to tell us where Claudia was. I could feel Nathaniel standing behind me; his scent was encircling my space. Finally, the light came on in the room opposite us. Five people stood in front of me. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my back—it felt like they were all staring directly at me. I knew they couldn’t see me, but I could feel their eyes on me nonetheless.

  Four giants and a troll entered. The first one, a giant, was tall, broad, with large muscled arms; his nose was slightly turned to the right. I passed him, because his face didn’t bring anything to my mind at all. The second one was definitely a troll; I could recognise those ugly watery eyes anywhere. He had a flat nose and was much smaller than the rest of the group.

  No, that couldn’t have been the one. The guy who grabbed me didn’t smell of anything specific.

  Then I moved to the next one. He had to be over six foot four, built like an athlete with dark messy hair and white skin. I looked at his eyes and felt my magic rushing through my bloodstream and my fingertips ignited.

  "Julia, are you all right?" Dad asked, but then I felt Nathaniel’s hand on my back.

  "I think he’s the one." I pointed to the third one, but my voice was trembling.

  "Are you sure about this?" the witch standing farther away asked; her hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

  I looked at the tall giant again and closed my eyes for a second, trying to bring forth the face of my captor. The giant in front of me looked familiar. I glanced at the other two, but I was certain they weren’t involved.

  “I’m eighty percent sure I saw number three." The other witch sighed.

  "Maybe you should take a bit more time, hon?" Dad looked disappointed.

  "There is no point. I don’t recognise anyone else."

  "Okay, tell them to take them away," Dad ordered, then Stewart left the room. Nathaniel took my hand, and my fingertips stopped sparkling. Dad looked annoyed. The room with the suspects went dark again.

  "The suspect you identified doesn’t seem to remember anything," Dad said after a moment, tensing his jaw.

  "He doesn’t want to, or he can’t?” I asked.

  "We tried casting a few useful spells to help him remember, but nothing seems to be working. I believe someone used dark magic to mess around with his mind. Do you think he might be the one who took your cousin?" the taller witch with short violet hair asked.

  "I don’t know. Possibly. It was dark when I saw them," I explained, feeling dejected.

  "So, someone wanted to make sure he wouldn’t talk?" Nathaniel asked.

  "Presumably, yes. Agnes recognised traces of dark spells in his eyes and she can’t reverse this process. So, for now, we still don’t know who is behind these mysterious kidnappings. It’s another dead end." Dad scrubbed his hand over his face.

  "Is that all, Mr. Taylor?" Nathaniel asked.

  "Yes, yes. There is no point keeping her. Let me walk you out."

  I was disappointed that we still had nothing. Maybe Dad was dealing with someone very skilled who’d obviously planned everything out with precision. There couldn’t be any more tension between my father and Nathaniel. I understood that he was still reserved about him, afraid for my safety.

  He walked outside with us into the bitter cold. "Mr. La Caz, do you mind if I have a private word with my daughter?"

  Nathaniel’s hazel eyes shimmered, but he nodded. "Of course, I will get the car. It was nice meeting you again, Mr. Taylor." They both shook hands again.

  "Dad, you could be a little nicer to him." I looked through my pockets and searched for my gloves.

  He twisted his lips with irritation. "So, you’re seeing him, then?"

  I rolled my eyes. "I guess so."

  "I did some research about the Dhampir caste. They might look more like humans, but they still feed on blood, Julia. Why don’t you spare yourself some tears and leave him before he hurts you?"

  "Come on, Dad. If he wanted to bite me, then he would have done that already. I like him, so please don’t ask me to break up with him just because he’s a vampire, a half-vampire to be more exact." I was getting tired of this conversation. "What are you planning to do now? What about Claudia?"

  "We will keep looking. We’re in the middle of a major undercover investigation, so don’t worry. I’ll find her."

  "Great, I hope she’s still alive."

  "We can only hope. Now, I know it’s your life, but just remember…vampires are dangerous."

  "You married Mum and she’s a human. It would have been so much easier if you had chosen someone magical."

  His eyes narrowed, and he exhaled, looking at the brand-new Aston Martin that pulled up in front of us. "It’s not the same, Julia. Your mother and I—"

  "Jerry!" someone called out, not letting him finish.

  “I’ve got to go, hon." He kissed me on my cheek and rushed back to the building. There was a secret grin on Nathaniel’s face when I sat in the passenger seat.


  "You like me, huh? I thought you couldn’t stand me?"

  "Have you been listening to my private conversation?" I felt myself blush.

  Damn vampire; nothing could sneak past his impressive hearing.

  "Don’t change the subject, my dear, Julia. Not to worry, your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell anyone you like me." He chuckled.

  "It doesn’t matter that I like you. My father still wants to rip your head off."

  "Not to worry. He will change his mind when he sees his daughter smile after I make love to her all-night long."

  "How are you so sure I’m going to sleep with you?" I asked, but there was too much huskiness in my voice. Every time he was near me, my energy drew me closer and closer.

  "Eventually, we will end up sleeping together, whether you like it or not. Trust me, after the orgasm that I gave you in my office, I can assure you that you will experience something much more intense."

  Suddenly, it was just too hot in his car.

  "Although I spend a lot of time dreaming about making love to you, I also spend a lot of time worrying about you. I have looked into your attempted kidnapping and I still don’t know who would want to snatch you off the street outside my office." It was after seven in the evening when he pulled up to my apartment; the night before our special dinner.

  "Well, maybe it’s not about you at all. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Many other fairies and elves have been kidnapped recently."

  "I have many enemies, Julia, and now I have you beside me. Others don’t like to see me happy."

  I stared at him in disbelief. I made him happy? I was glad to hear him say that. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Nathaniel."

  "Roberto will pick you up from your apartment at six. I have an outfit for you, so you can get ready at my place." His voice was low and husky.

  I drew a breath stimulated with my energy. Blood rushed to my ears and he was watching me like he wanted to rip my clothes off. "I can pick an outfit,"

  "No discussion, Julia," He pulled me closer, sealing my lips with his in a searing kiss. I leaned towards him, getting even closer. I couldn’t help it—I needed to be near this creature.

  His hand came up behind my head, crushing his lips to mine. The air around us charged with an unknown spell when Nathaniel lifted me across the bucket seat so I was facing him. Sitting on his lap, I looped my arms around his neck. His hand burrowed into my tights, and slipped under my trousers, searching for bare skin. I gasped with pleasure and we both heard the front mirror crack. I leaned forward and pressed my chest against his. My nipples hardened instantly. He kept his hand on my flesh, slipping his finger b
etween my legs. He moved his head away from mine, tracing his lips down my jawline and neck. He stopped at my chest, pulling my bra off with his teeth. His touch sent magical shocks throughout my body, boiling my energy to the edge.

  We both knew if we continued, I might damage the windows. He stopped suddenly, sensing my hesitation, and drew a long, gasping breath. My mind was reeling, and I clutched his shoulders, wanting to gain control of my power.

  "Goodnight, Julia," he said, sounding raw and uncontrolled. I was breathless, and my magic was boiling to the bursting point. He lifted me back to the passenger seat and then gripped the wheel with both hands, taking long, steady breaths. I knew I had to go and got out of the car. My legs were like jelly as I walked back to my apartment. I didn’t look back because I was too afraid I would go back to the car and invite him in.

  When I saw Roberto outside my apartment the next day, I had butterflies in my stomach. It was the end of January and today I was to accompany Nathaniel to his business dinner, officially as his girlfriend. I was excited and petrified at the same time. It had been three months since we met, but everyone around me kept telling me I was making the biggest mistake of my life.

  I was wearing jeans and no makeup when I arrived at Nathaniel’s posh apartment at Canary Wharf. When he opened the door for me, the desire yet again, rushed to my core. My palms sparkled.

  "What would you like to drink, my firecracker?" he asked, smiling.

  "Wine, if I may."

  His apartment smelled of whiskey and burned wood. The white sofas and mesmerising view of the city sent a long, cool shiver down my spine. Nathaniel looked even better than I was expecting. He was wearing a black evening suit, and his skin was gleaming. He handed me the glass.

  "I think you’ll be excited about your outfit." He was looking at me with fire in his eyes.

  "I can pick my own clothes. If you must know, I’ve been to business dinners before," I told him, ignoring the electricity that was running down my back. I took a generous sip of my wine, but I had to be careful; drinking on an empty stomach wasn’t a good idea at all.

  "I don’t doubt that, but when I saw this dress, I imagined how perfect it would look on you. Let me show you."

  The first time I was in his apartment was after I got drunk, or someone drugged me rather, during the Christmas party. Since he undressed me then, there was no point being shy around him; he had already seen every part of my body.

  "Is this your bedroom?" I looked around the large room with high windows in amazement. His bed was probably king-sized. Everything was clean; no clothes on the chair, no books on the floor. When I saw what was lying on the bed, I gasped. It was a sleeveless, Georgette Maxi dress, with a bias-cut skirt and structured under-bodice embellished with embroidery and beading.

  "Yes, this is my bedroom, and this is the dress you’re going to wear tonight," he whispered in my ear.

  "Oh, my God, this is gorgeous. I don’t think I can accept it," I said, approaching him.

  "I bought it for you, so be careful about making me angry. Otherwise, my fangs might pop out and you will be in a lot of trouble," he teased, cupping my face in his hands.

  But I pushed him away. “I’ll wear it today, but I won’t keep this. I work, earn money and I can afford to buy my own clothes." He narrowed his eyes and tensed his jaw.

  "Whatever, Julia. I want you to have this dress. Let me help you get ready." He grinned.

  “I’m able to get ready by myself." I gasped when his hand caressed my shoulder.

  “I’m a gentleman. Besides, I’ve already seen everything, remember?" he reminded me, amused. "Just trust me. I know what I’m doing."

  He was behind me and when his hands slipped underneath my jumper, the energy inside me jolted. He caressed my stomach for a few seconds before he pulled the jumper off. I wanted to touch him, but I restrained myself. Then he pulled off my T-shirt and I was standing in front of him in only my best bra and jeans. His chest heaved when his eyes moved to my breasts, then his hand caressed my neck.

  "You’re beautiful," he whispered, then pulled me closer to him. My pulse raced, and I wondered if I’d be able to take this kind of torture much longer. Soon, I was standing in front of him in only my knickers and bra, waiting with anticipation for his next move.

  "Now, let’s put on this beautiful dress."

  A few minutes later, I stood in front of his large mirror, amazed at how elegant I looked. The dress fit me well.

  I used his en-suite bathroom to sort my makeup. My fingertips charged with energy and I knew that if I didn’t cast a spell soon, I might blow up something else. By the time I’d made myself look better than usual, Nathaniel was sitting on the sofa drinking champagne. When he saw me, his eyes widened, and a large smile spread across his face.

  “I’m a lucky vampire. You can’t imagine how much I’d like to fuck you right now."

  "Let’s just go before you get ahead of yourself."

  This time Nathaniel didn’t drive. Instead, Roberto gave us a lift to the most posh hotel I had ever seen. An elegant butler opened the door for us when we entered. Nathaniel explained he was often invited to these kinds of dinners because it was the best place to meet new business partners.

  This dinner was organised by the Supernatural Business Association. Nathaniel mentioned that among the guests would be creatures from Asia, Europe, and the United States. The elf director he was supposed to introduce me to had unfortunately missed his flight. A long-legged fairy who was wearing a long, elegant silver dress took us to a large room where drinks were being served. Soon, I found myself among the most beautiful vampires, mermaids, wizards, and fairies imaginable. I spotted one or two giants and trolls as well.

  "Nathaniel, you old git, where have you been hiding?" a tall vampire asked, approaching us. He had dark glossy hair and incredible grey eyes, but his skin was ashen, as if he hadn’t fed for a while.

  "Bruce Reynolds," La Caz said, and they embraced each other in a short hug. "This is my girlfriend, Julia Taylor."

  The vampire took my hand and kissed my knuckles. He was wearing an old-fashioned suit, way out of this century. I assumed he had to be in his thirties when he was turned.

  "La Caz Junior finally settled, huh? This is unbelievable. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised, seeing a beautiful elf like you," he said, smiling, then licked his upper lip.

  "Julia, this is a friend of my father’s, and of course, one of mine. We did some travelling together a few years ago," Nathaniel explained. "It was in Rome when I saw you last. What are you doing here?"

  "I met your father in Paris a week ago, and he mentioned you’re doing well." Bruce patted Nathaniel enthusiastically on his back. "I heard about Lucrative Shot. You are a clever bastard. I wish I’d listened to you earlier."

  "So, are you here for business?" Nathaniel asked.

  "Of course. London is always exciting and there is a lot of money to be made in this city."

  The waiter approached, and I took a crystal flute of champagne, looking around. I saw a beautiful Japanese mermaid; she was talking to a large giant. A group of wizards were standing in the corner, drinking beer and talking with enthusiasm among themselves. The air was infused with magic; the room was crowded with supernatural beings.

  Chapter twenty-six

  Overwhelming emotions.

  "Bruce, you don’t mind staying with Julia for a moment, do you? I just saw a Romanian vampire I need to speak to urgently," Nathaniel suddenly said.

  “Of course not. Come on, my dear Julia, let’s get a real drink," Bruce suggested, taking me by the elbow. We went to the bar where two tall, young-looking female vampires eyed me from head to toe.

  "How long have you two known each other?"

  "Three months or so. We met during a meeting where I was trying to sell him the services of Paranormal Personnel."

  "The recruitment firm? Oh my, I shouldn’t be surprised. Nathaniel was always clever. Did you know that he studied business and economics at Oxford?"
r />   "Oxford?" I gasped. The older vampire laughed.

  "Well, he did, but don’t tell him I told you. I should have assumed; he doesn’t like talking about it," Bruce said. "So, you’re in the recruitment business, then?"

  "Yes, I work as a recruitment consultant," I replied, still amazed by this sudden news.

  "And you have elf blood. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but you smell divine, darling. I’m three hundred years old, but I can smell blood even from a few miles away." When the waiter put a shot of red liquid in front of him, he drank it straight away.

  “I’m only half elf," I muttered, staring at his mesmerising grey eyes. I took a sip of champagne and spotted Nathaniel; he was talking to a tall female vampire. She must have been that Romanian vampire he wanted to talk to.

  "Well, if you are an elf, then I’m surprised you agreed to date him. Nathaniel graduated from Oxford with a first-class degree and everyone knew he was going to do well. Besides, I knew his mother; she was an academician."

  "I did meet his father a few weeks ago," I said, still wondering why Nathaniel never mentioned he finished at one of the most prestigious universities in Britain.

  "Yes, I’ve known Phillip for years, but Nathaniel is more controlled than his father. But our Nathaniel likes women. He was very wild when we were travelling around Asia."

  "Asia? Well, he didn’t mention that either—that he’d been travelling so much before." I realised I didn’t know as much about him as I thought.

  Half an hour later, we were all asked to move to the tables because the first course was about to be served. Bruce couldn’t sit with us during dinner. Apparently, he had a very important business meeting with someone else, so he vanished after Nathaniel returned.

  "How was the Romanian goddess?" I attempted to keep the snark from my tone, unsuccessfully.

  "Goddess? She is far from that, Julia," he said. "Besides, I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying because I was looking at you."

  "Don’t tell porkies." I chuckled. "Bruce told me that you were a naughty boy as a youngster."


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