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Taming Georgia (The Flawed Heart Series)

Page 22

by Ellie Wade

  “Me, too,” I agree. “Maybe, someday, Mom and Dad will move here for good once Dad retires.”

  “Maybe,” London says thoughtfully.

  “Can you even believe our lives?” I ask, my voice thick with emotion.

  London shakes her head. “No, we’re so lucky. It’s pretty amazing.”

  “It is.”

  Ethel walks over to us. “Everything’s ready, babe.”

  “Thanks, Nana,” I tell her, now calling her what my kids do.

  I’ll never get to know Wyatt’s birth mother, but his surrogate one is the best that there is. We’re so fortunate to have her.

  Ray-Ray runs to me, and the little Minnie Mouse ears with a bow that I pinned to her fine blonde hair has slipped down and is now hanging by her ear. I snatch her up in my arms and spin her. Her giggles are infectious.

  I unclip the Minnie ears. “Your hair’s not quite ready for bows yet, I’m afraid. Soon, you’ll have thick hair like Mommy, just not yet.”

  Ray’s little pudgy hands slap against her hair as she attempts to repeat the word hair.

  I nod. “Yep, soon, you’ll have long hair, birthday girl. How old are you today?”

  She raises her whole hand and smiles wide, proud of herself. We’ve been working with her all week, teaching her to show one finger, but she’s set on raising her whole hand, and that’s fine, too.

  “Are you one hand old?” I ask in a silly voice and nibble at her cheek, eliciting another round of giggles.

  Wyatt steps beside us with Asher in tow. “Are we ready to eat? Do the birthday babies want some tacos?”

  “Big boy,” Asher interrupts.

  “You’re right. Do the birthday girl and big boy want some tacos?”

  Ray-Ray excitedly claps her hands. She’s obsessed with tacos. She’s definitely my girl.

  We eat, have cake, and open presents, all the while smiling and laughing with our family. One thing’s for sure; my kids are never going to know what it’s like to not feel loved. I don’t know two kids who are more loved than they are, and it will be just the same for the third. Family are the people we choose, and we’ve chosen well.

  “I don’t think so,” Wyatt grumbles toward Ethel, and I hold my belly while I laugh.

  Both kids just opened their presents from Nana, which happen to be a four-foot-long plush cat for each of them.

  “Raising them right.” Ethel shoots Wyatt a wink.

  Meanwhile, Ray-Ray climbs atop the stuffed animal and wraps her little arms around its neck, chanting, “Kiki! Kiki!”

  “Did Nana get you a kitty cat? Aw, do you love it?” I can’t stop smiling at the cuteness before me.

  “I swear, E, if there are more presents with obnoxious cat shirts”—he shakes his head—“I don’t even know.”

  “Well, you’ll just have to wait and find out. Won’t you?” Ethel smirks.

  “I don’t know, babe. I think our kids are taking after their Nana with their love of cats,” I tease him.

  “No. We are dog people. The Gates family are dog people.” He enunciates each word a little slower than usual as he narrows his eyes toward Ethel in mock annoyance.

  “They can be both, dogs and cats,” I say.

  “Of course people can like both, but one always edges the other out. No one is equally as much a dog person as they are a cat person. One is always preferred, and we prefer dogs.”

  “Kiki!” Ray-Ray is now jumping on the back of her sizeable plush cat.

  Nana bends down closer to Ray-Ray. “My baby girl is a cat person, isn’t she? Do you love the kitty cats?”

  “Kiki!” Ray-Ray says again.

  Ethel claps her hands together in front of her as she stands. “Well, I believe my work here is done,” she says, causing us all to laugh at Wyatt’s expense.

  The party for my babies is absolutely perfect. I find myself in awe on more than one occasion with just how happy I am. When the family is gone and it’s only the six of us, our two fur babies included, I look to Wyatt and he to me, and we just smile.

  Asher and Ray fall asleep the second their heads hit their pillows, both worn out from such an incredible day.

  Wyatt draws me a bath, and as I step in, my aching feet feel relief.

  “Ah, this is heaven,” I tell Wyatt as he gets in behind me.

  I lean my back against his chest, and he runs his soapy hands up and down my arms.

  We chat about the day as he lovingly washes my body. My husband is the greatest man I’ve ever known. He’s a giver. He would do anything for anyone, both human and dog alike. He loves the kids and me so profoundly that when I think about it, it makes my chest ache.

  Who would’ve thought that, years ago, when I first stepped into the office at the rescue to meet the boss and saw his dark blues glaring back at me that we would’ve ended up here? It’s crazy how life works out sometimes.

  I’m so different than the girl I was when I met Wyatt in Biology class. Wyatt’s right when he says that we came together precisely when we were meant to. The seventeen-year-old version of myself wasn’t strong enough to fall in love then. I didn’t know who I really was, so I couldn’t have given my heart and soul to another.

  Truthfully, I didn’t fully find myself until I returned to Wyatt after my three-day escape to Mexico.

  When I was young, I’d thought that true love and fairy tales were a lie, but I was wrong. Fairy tales are real. I live in one every single day. A real-life fairy tale is the support that my husband whispers in my ear before an important doctor’s appointment when I’m nervous. True love is when he massages my feet before bed because they’re swollen from pregnancy even though he has had a long day and is exhausted. A prince is one who gets up to change the baby in the middle of the night and rocks her back to sleep, so I can stay in bed. A knight in shining armor is someone who comes home early from work to clean the house while I’m visiting my sister so that I don’t have to when I get back. A hero is someone who holds me when I’m sad, tells me that I’m beautiful, and loves me with everything he has.

  Wyatt is my one and only. Maybe not everyone finds their true love, but I’m so grateful that I found mine.

  Someday, when my daughter asks whether true love exists, I’ll let her know that it does. I’ll tell her that she needs to find herself, love herself, and be true to herself, and when she’s done all of those things, her Prince Charming will come—not because she needs him, but because she wants him.

  If anyone had to search the world until he could find me to return my shoe, it was Wyatt. If anyone’s love for me was so incredibly powerful that he woke me from the darkest sleep with one kiss, it was Wyatt’s lips that saved me.

  If life were a fairy tale in a storybook, Wyatt would be my Prince Charming. There’s no question. He was made to love me, and I to love him.

  Yet I have it so much better than all of the princesses combined because my version of happily ever after is real, and I get to live it each and every day.

  If you haven’t read the first four books in The Flawed Heart series, make sure to check out Loïc and London’s journey here.

  I hope you loved reading Georgia’s story as much as I loved writing it. I feel I did London’s sister proud. It was fun, checking in with our favorites from the Flawed Heart series. Stay tuned for other spin-off books that might include reader favorites Paige and Maggie.

  Taming Georgia is near and dear to my heart, and if you follow me on social media, you already know why—I’m a huge advocate for dogs.

  We currently have four pittie mixes, including two pups that we fostered and proceeded to adopt. I love all dogs, but if you’ve ever been loved by a pittie, then you know why they hold a special place in my heart.

  Cooper was the first pit bull I owned. I didn’t know anything about the breed or stigma they carried when I got Cooper. It was a huge wake-up call when my neighbors in Ypsilanti told me to never leave him unattended in our fenced-in yard because someone would steal him to use him for a bait do

  Cooper lived for eleven years until he passed away from cancer. He was the best dog I’ve ever had, and I miss him every day.

  There are so many great dogs in shelters around the United States that are in need of homes. If you’re looking for a companion that will love you more than anyone else and if you are able, think about adoption and save a life.

  Thank you so much for reading.

  Make your journey beautiful.



  To my beta readers, blogger friends, author friends, and readers who message me—You all are so awesome. Seriously, each of you is a gift, and you have helped me in invaluable different ways. I love you all so much. XOXO

  This book especially wouldn’t have been what it is without a few incredible women—Kylie, Gayla, Amy, Jen, Kim, and Tammi. Thank you so much for everything.

  I would love to thank the people who spend their lives saving animals. Thank you to all of you who’ve adopted or shared a dog on social media that needs a home or donated to a rescue organization. You are all heroes. A special shout-out goes to the Detroit Pit Crew and Cober’s Canines for rescuing our boys, Bo and Tucker, and their six siblings from Eight Mile in Detroit. Also, I couldn’t write a story about dog rescue and not thank Tia Torres and her family for being my idols for years. If you want to see her giant heart in action, check out Pit Bulls & Parolees—our family’s favorite show.

  To the bloggers—I adore you! Out of the kindness of your hearts, so many of you have reached out and helped me promote my books. There are seriously great people in this blogger community, and I am humbled by your support. Truly, thank you! Because of you, indie authors get their stories out. Thank you for supporting all authors and the great stories they write.

  Lastly, to the readers—I want to thank you so very much. Thank you for reading my stories and loving my words! I wouldn’t be living this dream without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  You can connect with me on several places, and I would love to hear from you.

  Find me on Facebook:

  Find me on Instagram: @authorelliewade

  Visit my website:

  Remember, the greatest gift you can give an author is a review. If you feel so inclined, please leave a review on the various retailer sites. It doesn’t have to be fancy. A couple of sentences would be awesome!

  I could honestly write a whole book about everyone in this world whom I am thankful for. I am blessed in so many ways, and I am beyond grateful for this beautiful life. XOXO


  Ellie <3

  Forever Baby


  Chasing Memories

  A Hundred Ways to Love

  * * *

  The Choices Series

  A Beautiful Kind of Love

  A Forever Kind of Love

  A Grateful Kind of Love

  * * *


  Finding London

  Keeping London

  Loving London

  Eternally London

  Ellie Wade resides in southeast Michigan with her husband, three young children, and four dogs.

  She has a master’s in education from Eastern Michigan University, and she is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, she is reading, snuggling up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends.

  She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.







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