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Mated: A Why Choose Urban Fantasy Romance (Moonlight Inn Book 1)

Page 8

by Leigh Kelsey

  I needed to call the others, to secure my bonds with them, but for a minute I just wanted to lay here with Gray close to me, inhaling his scent. He settled fully on top of me, snuggling against my belly and nuzzling my neck.

  How does it feel to be the mate of the best wolf known to lupine kind? he asked, amusement barely disguising the tenderness in his voice.

  Aw, babe, I said, teasing. I should be asking you that.

  I need to call the others, I said long minutes later, feeling for the mate bonds connecting me to Jack and Cas so I could figure out if they were within howling distance. I wondered… An experimental pull of our bonds, a tug in their direction, and I felt them respond, sprinting towards us. That was handy as hell.

  I pushed to my feet, shaking out the aches of being in a weird position with Gray on top of me, and pricked my ears to hear their paws on the ground. Gray sat up beside me, nudging my neck with his nose, and the affectionate bump made my stomach dance. I’d never been a blushing-and-butterflies girl before but my heart was turning into a puddle of sappy mush. I turned my head to brush my cheek against his.

  I could almost feel Cas and Jack nearing—not quite, I couldn’t place their locations as well as I could by sound and smell, but I sensed them getting closer.

  They appeared at the treeline, my wolves, one white and one grey. Both beautiful and strong and looking at me with excitement and delight. I whined, a soft curious sound, and they closed the distance. My mates. My heart soared, beating quickly, and right then I couldn’t remember why I’d ever resisted this.

  I bumped my nose against Cas’s, a happy sound in the back of my throat as Jack pressed close to my side, his fur hot. I knew the mood would change, and fast, but for this one moment, we all huddled close and relished in the simple act of touching.


  My fur had never been this sensitive before, I swear. Feeling Lyra pressed up against me had my heart racing and my gut clenching. I wanted to stay like this for hours. I wanted more. I wanted everything, but I wasn’t about to push her. This was still at her pace, even with the part of me that was always desperate for touch, and as far as I was concerned, it would be at her pace even after we mated.

  Mating. It was all I could think about. The fact that she’d claimed me. And everything that would come next, the physical side of the ritual that would cement our bond into something utterly unbreakable. I wanted her so fucking badly I was aching and fighting back my instincts to take her there and then, and I knew the others were too. I wanted to bare my teeth and warn them that she was mine but I quelled those possessive instincts. She was ours. Ours to protect, to hold, to love. To satisfy.

  And god, was I looking forward to satisfying her. I’d be lying if I said I’d never thought about it, never driven myself wild, my hand around my dick, imagining her flushed and enraptured. She was fucking beautiful, and the exact opposite to my type. Dark hair, tattoos, smouldering green eyes and filthy mouth. There was something about her that had interested me, even in the beginning, and now I knew more about her, knew her as a person, I was hooked. And so fucking lucky to be her mate.

  The bond had settled in my chest like a cat curling around my heart, golden and warm, a miracle. Finding this pack, being welcomed, was a big enough gift after I’d been roaming on my own for the better part of a year. After my sister kicked me out, I didn’t think I’d find friendships like I had with Cas and Gray, and I knew they’d become even stronger bonds now. But this link with Lyra … I’d do anything to protect it, even if it meant ripping out throats with my teeth or squeezing the life out of someone with my bare, human hands.

  Whatever it took, I would protect my bond, my pack, and my mate.


  Like I suspected, the calm and quiet of the moment didn’t last longer than a few minutes. I could feel Gray running out of patience, twitches flickering down his spine and his affectionate bumps becoming more frequent. Before wolves mated, we became tactile, spending time together, touching constantly. Gray apparently thought he could get the warm up done in two minutes and get right to the fucking. I nipped his ear, a warning bite.

  Cas was solid at my back, the weight of him resting against me, but though I knew he had endless patience, I could smell the pheromones coming off him. He wanted me, and soon.

  And Jack … I had to admit I found him hard to read, but he’d gone silent and still against my side. I bumped him with my nose so he met my eyes and a trill of alarm and delight ran through me as he looked up, his brown eyes heated with desire. Holy shit. I knew Gray would be as wild in bed as he was outside, Cas would be equal parts rough and gentle, but Jack … looking into his eyes, I got the feeling it would be intense. Eye-rolling and toe-curling and soul-touching.

  Okay, cuddling over. This wolf needed her mates. Right the hell now.

  I dug my claws into the earth, about to push up when the shift came over me, abrupt and painful. I whined, the sound long and pathetic, and everyone pushed closer to me, trying to comfort. But the moon had shifted, no longer full, and they were each suffering their own transformation.

  Panting, I ducked my head and bore down on the pain the way I’d learned to years ago, letting the cracking and tearing and stretching work through my body. It seemed to take forever—it always did, turning back—but finally I crouched on the dirt, crushing leaves and branches in my fists as I whimpered through the last of the pain. A gentle hand ran steady, comforting strokes down my back as I endured the last few seconds of the transformation, pulling my mind back together and piecing the rest of me back into one human Lyra.

  Exhausted and limp, I sagged against Gray, letting him pull me into his arms even though we were naked. No matter how eager I’d been minutes ago, I was wrecked and all I wanted was to be held and to recover. Even with the moon’s power still washing through my blood, I lost all my strength.

  It wasn’t long before more hands touched me, more bodies pressed close. By the time Cas came around, I was feeling better. More like myself and less like a hedgehog who’d been run over by a ten-tonne lorry a few times. “Thanks,” I said to Gray, my voice gravelly. He answered by pushing a messy lock of hair behind my ear, his eyes on me concerned and caring, none of his usual teasing.

  “Cas?” I asked. “Jack? You guys okay?”

  “Fine,” Cas replied, squeezing my shoulder.

  “I’m alright,” Jack said. I turned my head to find him behind me but not touching me. There was dirt smudged on his jaw and along his arms, like he’d been writhing in pain, and worry panged in my chest. I reached for him automatically, brushing his cheek. “I’m fine, Lyra,” he reassured with a smile, that brief flicker I was hoping to become familiar with.

  I nodded. We were fine. It was just the shift. I didn’t know why I was so … protective. Nurturing. But of course I did know. They were my mates now. It was my duty and my instinct to take care of them.

  Jack touched me then, a tentative sweep down my arm, and fuck if it didn’t make me instantly aware of him, of all of them. Of the fact I was sat in Gray’s lap and we were both stark naked. I’d seen them all naked before of course—it was inevitable with wolves—but I’d never paid much attention to Jack or Gray. Cas, I’d ogled shamelessly. But now I let my eyes sweep Gray, from his shaggy mess of hair, his stark, handsome face, down his chest and to the hardness between his legs. I couldn’t help the grin that curled my mouth. His eyes narrowed on my lips, the look a warning, and I loved it.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Jack and Cas, and if the look was a little flirty and seductive, my lashes sweeping my cheek, well … I couldn’t help it, could I? They were paying such close attention to me, wound tight enough to snap, and very, very naked. “Did we forget to finish the ritual?” I asked innocently.

  I watched Cas’s eyes darken, like ink spilled across mercury, and knowing I’d caused that reaction made me feel so fucking powerful. I let my eyes drop from his eyes, skimming the broad shoulders, tattoos, his pale ripples of muscle, and the patch
of hair leading from his belly button to his cock. My fingers twitched, wanting to touch, but he was out of reach. As if he knew what I wanted, Cas met my eyes, made sure I was watching, and gripped his length, running his fist up and down once, exactly what I wanted to do.

  My mouth filled with saliva.

  Gray ran a slow fingertip down the middle of my chest, drawing my attention back to him, and I inhaled sharply at his cold touch. Before I could say anything, or unlock my hands from where they were around his neck, hanging on tight, he kissed me. The kiss was as claiming as my bite had been on him, his tongue demanding, possessive, and sexy as hell. Gods, this man knew how to kiss.

  Why had I never made out with my best friend before? I twisted my hands in his hair, loving the leverage it gave me, and adjusted the angle of our kiss so I could take over. My breasts pushed against his chest as his hands gripped the dip of my waist, wrenching me closer as the kiss ran out of control. He gave as good as he got, every bit as frantic and fast as I knew he would be, and my heart beat hard in my chest. I could feel his dick between us, the tip against my belly, and I was wet in an instant.

  A low, deep rumble came from behind me, lupine and utterly, chillingly hungry, and with a note of thrill and surprise, I realised it had come from Jack. He could smell me. And apparently couldn’t keep his hands off me any longer. His fingers ran down my back, tracing my spine in shivery patterns as I kissed Gray fast and forceful. The touch of them both was nearly enough to undo me.

  “Lyra,” Gray groaned, drawing away when we ran out of air. “I need you right now.”

  I caught my breath at the sound of his voice and reached between us to take him in my hand. I was still desperate to get my hands on Cas for some reason I couldn’t explain, the desire one of pure want, but pumping Gray’s dick in my hand, and his sharp inhale, his tightly closed eyes … that was a different kind of drug to me. I wanted more.

  The waterfall beside us crashed loudly but not enough to drown out Gray’s grunted “Fuck,” when I lifted my hips and sank down on him without warning. I couldn’t help the deep chuckle at his strained voice, at the flush on his cheeks and the tension around his eyes, even if the stretch of my pussy around him had a similar noise vibrating my own throat. Those eyes snapped open at my laugh, flickering with pleasure as I lifted myself up and sank back down on him. Holy shit, he felt incredible. I knew my pussy was so wet it was dripping, but with Gray inside me, Jack still running his hands down my back, and the bond inside me thrumming, filling my chest like a spill of sunlight, I couldn’t help my reaction.

  My pleasure intensified as the bond between me and Gray settled, and I could feel how good it was for him as well as my own pleasure. I rocked my hips on him, every thrust tightening my belly, pushing me closer to orgasm. Gray tightened his hold on my hips, thrusting up with enough sudden force that I caught my breath, an unconscious groan rolling off my tongue. I knew the ground was pressing into my legs and I’d probably regret this later but I didn’t care one bit as I rode him. Especially not as he took over our pace, using his grip on my waist to push me down to meet him when he surged up, animal sounds spilling from his lips.

  I let my head fall on his shoulder as I got close, my forehead sweaty and breathing quick. I could think of nothing except Gray’s dick hitting all the best places inside me, the goose-bump-raising touches Jack peppered down my spine, but then my link to Cas surged. I got a faint sense of his composure breaking, of need, and then I shuddered as he joined us, his palm sliding over my heaving chest, down my stomach, to swipe his thumb over my clit.

  “Fuck, Cas.”

  Nothing existed but the sensations rippling through me, a breakneck crescendo that was either mine or Gray’s or both of ours. The pleasure built and built, then orgasm hit with enough force to steal my breath. My back bowed and uncontrollable gasps and whimpers spilled from my lips.

  “Holy,” I gasped when I’d come down enough to form words again, “shit.”

  Gray’s answering laugh was deep and full of male satisfaction.

  “Bastard,” I muttered, my face still pressed to his shoulder. The warm, lax embrace was its own heightened form of pleasure and comfort. I luxuriated in the feeling.

  When I recovered enough to sit back, he ran the back of a finger down my cheek in a move so tender it went to my heart like an arrow. You’re amazing, he said in my head.

  I laughed through my nose. You’re pretty amazing too, Gray.

  His smile was soft. Love you, darling wolf.

  I butted my nose against his, my stomach filling with butterflies again. Love you too.

  He grinned, the wolf returning to his smile, his wicked eyes. You’d better touch the other two. I’m pretty sure they’re about to rip you out of my arms.

  Now it was my turn to grin. I gave Gray a deep, lingering kiss and pushed off him, getting to my feet and letting my eyes trail over Cas, trying so hard to be patient but at the end of his tether, and Jack, watching my every movement, his dick twitching—and holy hell his body was ripped; I’d never let my eyes wander over him before but the huge muscles of his arms and shoulders flowed to his chest, his abs, his thighs, and I felt my mouth go dry.

  I glanced down at myself, bits of twigs and dirt crusted into my knees, my legs, the rest of me dirty from shifting on the ground. “Oh, damn,” I said, trying not to grin at the way Cas inched forward, like he couldn’t fight the urge to come to me. “I’m all dirty.” I let my eyes slide past them to the rushing waterfall, the pool at the base of it. “Either of you men want to help me get clean?”

  “Yes,” Jack said before I’d even finished. “Please.”

  Cas said nothing, only devoured me with his eyes.

  My pussy ached even this soon after fucking Gray. I wanted more. I wanted all my mates.

  I wet my lips as I walked past them, aware of their every breath, their precise location, as I took the rock path down to the water. Sex with Gray had lasted minutes at best, both of us needy and wild. I fully intended to make the next two slow and thorough.

  I slipped into the water, my eyes falling shut at the cool, fresh water running over my skin. I ducked my head under, letting it wash the dirt from my hair, and slicked it back from my face when I emerged again to find my men at the edge of the pool. My heart threw itself against my ribcage. The strings tying them to me pulled taut, urging, begging. Yes, I agreed, now.

  I looked up at them. Hovering at the edge of the water, waiting for my request. My command. I let a smile curl my lips, watched the effect on Cas’s eyes, Jack’s jerking dick.

  “Well? Are you coming in?”

  They surged into the water instantly.


  Cas and Jack prowled into the waterfall’s pool, their stares dark and hungry enough to make my breathing stumble. I devoured them with my eyes, Cas broad and pale, so good looking it hurt my heart to look at him, with his pale fall of hair, his stark tattoos, his liquid silver eyes; and Jack, brown-skinned and more muscular than any man had a right to be, the flex of his stomach muscles making my mouth water as he came towards me.

  And they were mine.

  Mine, along with Gray, my wild wolf, my best friend. He sat at the edge of the pool, watching with luminous hazel eyes, a grin on his face. His long brown hair was a total mess, thanks to my hands running through it as I rode him hard and fast mere minutes ago. Oops.

  Smooth hands braced my waist and I glanced up into Jack’s hunger-dark eyes, my heart stuttering. I slid a hand over his shoulder, down one of those massive arms, and as if the touch had unleashed him, his mouth surged forward and claimed mine. A shiver worked through me as he kissed me hard, water swelling around us as I pressed as close to him as I could get. I gasped as his hands slid down to the backs of my thighs and lifted me up against him, my legs automatically locking around his waist.

  “Jack,” I exhaled, that place in my chest where we were bound pulling taut, velvet warmth and dark shadows stretching between us, a deeper connection than the pack
bond. I wanted to know what those shadows were, wanted to know Jack inside out.

  I locked my arms around his neck and slowed our kiss, slanting my mouth over his as our tongues traced slow and long caresses that made my pussy drip molten ore.

  When we broke apart, gasping, Jack gazed at me with a look I could only describe as adoring. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Lyra Ripley.”

  I grinned, my stomach dancing with a swarm of butterflies. “Really?”

  He nodded, brushing my mouth with a gentle kiss. “Yes.”

  I slid one hand over his shoulder and down his chest, loving his heated skin under my palm. Droplets rolled down his pecs from the waterfall roaring close by; I traced one with my fingertip before lowering my mouth to lap it up with my tongue.

  “Lyra,” he groaned, tightening his grip on me.

  I grinned wider. I could feel it—his need. It wasn’t a heavy punch or a lightning bolt but a storm roiling beneath waves, building into something massive, destructive, and beautiful. Something that would mark me forever.

  I slid my gaze over Jack’s shoulder at Casimir, my alpha, but he seemed content to watch for the minute, or he was letting me have this time with Jack before he took me. I’d wanted Cas for so damn long that the idea of finally being with him, my new mate … I had a feeling it was going to shatter me.

  “Think you’re strong enough to hold me like this for a while?” I asked Jack, lowering my eyes to his, heated chocolate brown and glazed with need.

  “I could hold you like this for hours,” he replied in a voice like grating boulders. He might have been able to hold me like this for hours but his patience wouldn’t last that long. I slid a hand along his jaw, my heart turning to a puddle of sap as he leaned his face into the touch. I’d never been this tactile a person except for in wolf form when touch was common among pack, but this … I loved it, the simplicity of touching him, and I loved his reaction too.


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