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The Sinners of Saint Amos: The Full 3-book Boxset

Page 13

by Logan Fox

  After I specifically fucking forbade him from—

  “It was before you said anything. She just got here.” Cassius scrapes his nails over his buzz cut. “Before we knew she was…important.”

  I force myself to take a deep breath. “But you didn’t, right?”

  He stays quiet.


  “I almost did.”

  “But you didn’t.”


  “Then we’re fine.”

  I didn’t say he was fine. He wasn’t.

  None of us were.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t know.”

  “Yeah, but, fuuuck. I almost…”

  My skin goes numb. I wasn’t listening right. I thought he was feeling guilty about my command not to try and sleep with Trinity before we’d figured out if she were a threat or not…but that wasn’t it, was it?


  “Yeah, I fucking know.” He sits up in a rush. “Jesus.” He scratches at his scalp with his nails.

  I put a hand on his knee. “That doesn’t mean you’re…”

  What the fuck am I supposed to say? He almost raped her, and I’m supposed to tell him everything’s okay? I might sound like I know shit, but I don’t have a fucking clue if this means he’s a cunt hair away from becoming a serial rapist or if he’s as frustrated as the rest of us.

  Would anyone know?

  Is the brain truly that predictable?

  Now that we have the vague approximations of blueprints from deviants like Gacy and Bundy, can human nature honestly be read like a fucking deck of cards?

  “Let’s…we’re just taking this one step at a time, all right?”

  That was our motto back then when we were holed up in that cold, rat-infested basement.

  One day at a time.

  Dawn was our alarm clock. The Universe’s equivalent of a reset button. When dawn crept in through those gap-toothed boards and ran a slow scan down the dusty floor where they kept us…it was a new day.

  A day filled with possibilities.

  And always, a day filled with horror.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  A bell sounds. I peel open my eyes with difficulty as I shift a body weighing ten tons.

  What time is it?

  What day is it?

  I’m dimly aware a lot of time has passed since Zachary laid me on my bed. The pain woke me up a few times since then, but I only stayed awake long enough to nurse my bruises with ointment. Surprisingly, no one’s bothered me. I guess Miriam had no choice but to give me a sick day.

  I lie here in the dark, wincing as I fumble for the jar. I screw open the lid and scoop out some salve.

  It stings going on but not nearly as much as yesterday. My bruises are healing but my pride is still battered and blue.

  It seems so stupid not telling them about Cassius’s drawing. I can’t fight against the certainty he’ll do something even worse if I rat him out. After all, what’s stopping him from sneaking into my room and finishing what he started?

  I’d love to know what I did to earn this. I mean, I’ve heard of hazing but does everyone really go through this when they arrive here?

  I’ve heard of bullying too, but nothing like this.

  I set down the jar on my side of the desk. There’s barely enough moonlight coming in through the window to make out Jasper’s body humping up the blankets on his bed.

  I really, really need to pee.

  I don’t even bother sitting on the edge of the bed. I go straight to my feet, grimacing when my skirt brushes over my underwear.

  Lord, this hurts. The worst I’ve ever gotten from Mom was a slap on my rump with her bare hand when I threw a tantrum. I think I was like ten or something.

  Dad never laid a hand on me. He’d wanted to once, but my mother had stopped him. I can’t even remember what I’d done wrong.

  It’s pretty late though, right? If Jasper’s here and asleep, then it has to be sometime after ten.

  Pretty sure I’m the only one awake on this floor. Which means I’d have the bathroom all to myself.

  It’s gonna hurt to go shower. But at least I’ll be sure no one’s going to walk in on me. And maybe the hot water will soothe out the pain.

  I take out some pajamas, clean underwear, socks. I ease open the door and check the hallway before stepping outside.

  Then I hesitate.

  I thought Father Gabriel would come see me yesterday, but the only person I saw was Jasper. I could go there now. To Father Gabriel’s room. I could tell him what happened.


  He said I’m safe here, and look what’s happened? I’ve been bullied and falsely accused without a say in the matter.

  Would he honestly let that happen?

  A few minutes later, I’m standing in front of Father Gabriel’s door. It takes every ounce of courage I have to knock. I’m still not convinced I can tell him everything, but I’m craving his comfort. I need someone to hold me and tell me everything’s going to be okay.

  Like a toddler with a boo-boo. Real mature, Trinity.

  My knock sounds too loud in this broad, empty hallway.

  But obviously, it isn’t loud enough because there’s no response.

  I try again.

  My hand goes over the doorknob. Locked.

  Ha. So much for him trusting his things are safe. I guess that only applies to orphans like me who don’t have anything valuable to steal.

  I step back, bristling with a sudden anger.

  I’m about to give the door the finger when movement catches my eye.

  Reuben walks down the hallway. I stiffen, and like the idiot I am, I don’t even think of fleeing.

  “He’s not here,” Reuben says.

  “Yeah, I figured.”

  “He’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “You his PA or something?”

  There’s not a hint of what he might be thinking in those black eyes. “Or something,” he says. “You should be in your room.” His eyes dart down to the clothes bundled up in my arm. “What are you doing up here?”

  I’m not big on lies. My mother had a good nose for them, and she’d catch me out every time. It was easier to tell her the truth. But lies come easier when you’re dealing with strangers. The past few weeks have been a learning curve for me.

  I’m fine.

  No, I don’t need to speak to a counselor.

  Yes, I’ve said my prayers.

  I’m still the furthest thing from a conman, but I’m pretty sure I sound convincing when I say, “Father Gabriel said I could use his bathroom so I don’t have to share with the boys.” I cross my arms, lifting my chin as I mentally dare Reuben to see through my lie. “But he forgot to leave me his key. Do you have one?”

  The faintest smile touches Reuben’s generous mouth. “I wish I did.”

  “Well, then, it’s pointless us standing here, isn’t it?” I put on my iciest expression and swing around to leave.

  A hand closes around my shoulder and turns me back. I wince as my skirt shifts against my sensitive backside. But I smooth away the pained look before Reuben can notice.

  “You should be careful around him,” Reuben says.

  “Father Gabriel?” I laugh. “You know he’s a bishop, right?”

  “Not anymore.” Reuben dips his head, and the dim lighting in the hallway casts pools of shadows in his eye sockets. “And even if he still was, titles don’t mean anything around here.”

  “I’m sure the provost thinks different.” I snatch my shoulder away from his fingers and take a quick step back.

  He doesn’t try and touch me again, but his eyes fall to my chest instead.

  Ugh. Why are men so disgusting? They see anything with boobs, and they can’t seem to think straight.

  I whirl around and hurry down the hall as fast as my sore ass allows. Just before I take the stairs, I glance back over my shoulder.

  The hallway is empt

  Reuben is gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  My footsteps echo hollowly as I head for the closest shower stall. I stopped to use the restroom on the way here, and everywhere I went it was like walking through a frozen world.

  There’s a strange hush in Saint Amos this late at night. As if the building itself is sleeping too.

  Or waiting.

  There’s a chance Reuben might still be stalking the halls. Heaven knows what he was doing on Father Gabriel’s floor to begin with. Maybe him and Cassius work in shifts. But I’m pretty sure he has better things to do than stalk me.

  I force a smile.

  It doesn’t help.

  I shiver, and look over my shoulder.

  A quick shower, and then back in bed. There’s no way Sister Miriam will let me take another day off—I’m going to need all the restorative sleep I can get. I wish I had more of whatever it was Zachary gave me to smoke. It worked tons better than the salve.

  It was weed, wasn’t it? Because I’m pretty sure you smoke crack through a glass pipe or something.

  I turn on the shower.

  Icy water splashes down, making me squeal in surprise and snatch away my hand.

  The water becomes lukewarm, then hot.


  I pull my dress over my head with a wince, and toss it on the floor. My dry clothes are stacked on the far side of the cubicle wall. Close enough that I don’t have to walk naked across the whole room to dress, but far enough so they don’t get wet.

  The shift is next. I step out of my undies and give them a quick inspection. No blood on the back—guess I’m just bruised after all. I wish there were a mirror in this place, but they’re as sparse as they were back at my house.

  With a hard swallow, I try and prepare myself for the coming pain.

  There’s a noise behind me.

  I whirl around, covering my breasts as I scan the empty room. I should hurry, unless I want some random boy walking in on me.

  The right side door swings open causing my breath to catch in my throat.


  Reuben enters the bathroom.


  I snatch up my clothes and hurriedly slip into my underwear as I yell, “Hey! Get out!”

  He doesn’t even slow down.

  “I swear, I’ll scream!”

  The door opens again. My eyes flit over to it as I grab my top and tug it over my head.

  Cassius swaggers into the room, his eyes already on me. Where Reuben is staring at me like an obstacle he plans walking straight through, Cassius is mentally peeling back the clothes I’m throwing on with trembling hands.

  Reuben stops a foot away from where the tiles begin. Just standing there, staring at me. Through me. Cassius joins him. “You’re right, Rube. She’s definitely not supposed to be here.”

  What the hell is going on?

  Cassius steps closer. “You could get in all sorts of trouble being outside your room this late at night.” He yanks away my sweatpants before I can tug them up my legs.

  Right, because he’s the fucking hallway monitor.

  Oh my God. What’s wrong with these people?

  “Now what are we going to do about this transgression?” He takes another step, and I throw my hands up.

  “Touch me and I’ll scream.”

  “Do it,” Cassius says. “No one can hear you. Not down here.”

  I back up, flinching when my back touches the wall. It’s way too cold through the thin fabric of my vest “I’ll tell Father Gabriel about this. And about the drawing.” My eyes flicker to Reuben, but he could have been watching clouds moving across the sky for all the emotion on his face. “And I’ll tell him about what you did on Monday.”

  Cassius cocks his head. “Compulsive liar much?” He leans to the side, grabbing hold of the edge of the tiled cubicle wall. Then he slowly starts unlacing his shoe.

  I bare my teeth at him, inching to the side. If he moves closer and Reuben stays where he is, then I could squeeze past them. I’m not an athlete, but I’m sure I’m faster than them.

  Would have been splendid if you’d been all soaped up and naked, don’t you think? Like trying to catch a greased pig. Except you’ve got clothes on, Genius.

  Cassius straightens and toes off his shoes. Then he pulls his shirt over his head.

  Even in my panicked state, I can’t help but notice his slim, perfectly proportioned body. Porcelain skin—not even a freckle to mar it. A dusting of hair trails from his chest down a flat, hard stomach and disappears behind his trunks.

  “Reuben, can you move?” a voice calls out. “You’re blocking my shot.”

  Reuben twists around, revealing Apollo. He’s standing by the bench, his video camera trained on me.

  My eyes want to pop out of their sockets.

  “What the hell?” I breathe.

  Cassius unbuttons his slacks, the rasp of the zipper drawing my eyes back to him. “Since you can’t seem to take a hint, you little hussy, we’ve decided to stop being so fucking subtle.”

  “You’re not supposed to touch her,” Reuben says, turning disapproving eyes on Cassius.

  Cassius throws him an irritated look which melts away as soon as he focuses on me again. I’m crowded into the corner now, a steaming waterfall between us.

  “Please,” I say, lifting my hands again. “Just let me go.”

  “Oh, we want you to go.” Cassius shows me his teeth, but he’s not smiling. “That’s the fucking point. But you seem incapable of putting two and two together.”

  He steps out of his pants.

  His black form-fitting trunks leave nothing to the imagination. I’ve never seen one before, but I’m pretty sure he has an erection. To my virgin eyes, it looks abnormally long and thick.

  Panic transforms into anger.

  How dare they? How fucking dare they? Honest to God, do they really think they’ll get away with this? That I won’t say something?

  Without thinking, I scramble up the low wall. The adrenaline pumping through me puts wings on my feet, because I didn’t even know if I could get over—and then I’m landing on the other side with a slap of bare feet.

  I race for the door.

  Apollo drops his video camera and chases after me.

  Blood sings in my ears as I grab the door handle and wrench it open.

  But there’s someone blocking my way.

  I bounce off Zachary’s chest and land with a pained yelp on the floor. I’m up a second later, turning around and stabbing a finger toward Cassius.

  “He…he was going to—to—”

  Apollo skids to a halt, raising his hands like I’m pointing a gun.

  Cassius turns to face the door, props his elbow on the cubicle wall, and rests his chin on his palm. “Christ, Zac, what took you so fucking long?”

  None of the guys look like they’ve been caught assaulting a female student.

  None of them even look remotely guilty.

  Which means…

  I turn, my eyes going wide. My heart’s about to explode in my chest.

  Zachary steps into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

  Then he locks it.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  What took me so long? I came as soon as I got his fucking message. I scan the room, taking a snapshot of the situation. Trinity tries to dart past me, but I catch the back of her vest and haul her back.

  That vest and a pair of white panties is all she’s wearing.

  I sling an arm around her throat and put her in a lock. Not enough to choke her. Not even enough to cut off oxygen to her brain. Though I should have if I’d known how much trouble she’d be.

  “This wasn’t what we agreed,” I drag Trinity forward with me despite her struggles. She sinks her nails into my arm, but even when she draws blood I barely feel it.

  The ache in my wrists and ankles though? That’s another story. That shit’s been keeping me up at night. G
etting high is the only thing that keeps it at bay lately.

  When she starts gasping and gagging like I’m actually strangling her, I slap her ass. She yelps, whimpers, and goes still. I expect her to start bawling like a little girl, but her only response is a hitched breath.

  “I told you to keep her contained until I arrived.”

  Cassius waves a hand at the shower cubicle. “Container.” Then, he leans over and turns off the water. “In which she was contained up until a second ago.”

  I shake my head through a long-suffering stare. “Where are the ropes and—?”

  At this, the girl lets out an indignant gasp and starts struggling again. Another smack on her ass shuts her up as abruptly as the first time. Her knees give out, but I just drag her up again.

  “And the gag?”

  She screams.

  I haul her up against my chest and clap a hand over her mouth. No one lives on this level and the walls are thick, but we can’t risk someone hearing the commotion.

  How could we possibly explain away any of this?

  Apollo moves closer. He holds out some cable ties constructed into a set of handcuffs. “No one uses ropes anymore, Zac,” he says, rolling his eyes as he cuffs Trinity’s wrists in front of her while I keep her mouth shut with my hand.

  My ankles and wrists ache in protest at that comment, but I don’t challenge him. “And the gag?”

  Apollo shrugs.

  “Here,” Cassius says, jogging up to us. What the hell happened to his clothes? “Nothing like some used panties to shut a girl up.”

  Trinity struggles in my arms, whimpering against my hand.

  Not exactly hygienic, but there are worse things in life.

  Much, much worse.

  I ball up her stale panties and shove them into her mouth.

  She spits them out.

  I give Cassius a deadpan stare. He rolls his eyes at me and steps toward Reuben, gesturing at his crotch. Reuben lifts his arms like he’s being frisked while Cassius yanks off his belt.

  He takes Rube’s belt, plucks Trinity’s panties from the floor, balls them up, and shoves them back into her mouth.


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