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Skye Light

Page 8

by A R Maloney

  “I am so sorry to have held this from you for so long, my child. If you had not ascended, there would probably have been no reason to share this even now. But you now must know, not only for your safety, but for the truth. You need not continue to fight for a lie, this genocide can be stopped.”

  “Droghel?” She asked me. “He is Cooper’s commander. Cooper is in Company Hellfire.” Skye frowned, not knowing what to think.

  “Cooper? The warrior?” I asked. “The one who brought you to Arden?” I looked at her curiously.

  She nodded to me. “Yes, we’ve become…very close over the months. There is no one else I want.” She smiled and a light blush crept over the apples of her cheeks, but then it dropped into a frown. She looked me hard in the eyes. “Cooper says Droghel is insane. He worries that he will be the end of all of Lucenia.”

  “I see.” I stood and nodded at her. “Well, this is your history. The information is yours to do with what you want. You are strong, my daughter, much stronger than I believe I have ever been.”

  We stood and together walked back to the small outpost on the beach. The warm water of the waves lapped at our feet. Skye kept holding her head…. It must be swimming with all this new information. I prayed I had done the right thing.

  Chapter 9—Before the Storm


  I THOUGHT MUCH OF the new information and of Cooper, after my mother left. Wondering what he knew of the truth of the war, and how he would feel if I was to share this news with him. My mom hadn’t lingered. She’d kept her visit brief, preferring to stay as far away as possible from anything reminding her of her past before me. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, running her story through my head over and over, until I was pulled away by sleep.

  My mother's words hung in my head for days, growing heavier inside me until it felt like a hard stone trying to break from my chest; growing like the shadows the sun casts before darkness claims the world. I knew this would be the precipice of change yet again, but what would happen, I knew not. Niera was aware something had happened when Sera had visited, but she didn’t push me for details. We worked hard at the observatory, driving back foes and returning precious lands to their rightful owners. On one hard push we were able to stall the growing influence of the Lluren in the area by destroying a portal which was nearing completion. It seemed monotonous, same shit, different faces. Over and over. How many more would need to be brought to heel before the area could find some sort of long-lasting peace? Finally, we got the call to return to Elden. We would be receiving new orders.

  Niera and I walked out of Elden’s darkened office into the bright hot LaSalle sun. I squinted my eyes against the light and opened my envelope. Pulling the paper from my envelope, I looked over to Niera. “DuPage Fortress, Company Damagus.” I pushed the paper back into the envelope and waited for her response.

  Niera opened her envelope. She looked at the paperwork inside. “Dusk Fortress, Company Hellfire.” She looked at me with a firm nod and said, “You’re ready, Skye.”

  I bit at my lip, wanting badly to tell Niera about what my mother had shared with me, but I decided not to. Not yet anyway. Instead I gave my friend a strong hug saying, “I wish you well and strong of heart, my sister.”

  Niera returned the formal farewell and added, “I’ll be keeping watch for your arrival. I can’t imagine they would keep you at DuPage for too long.”

  “Give Cooper my love.” I knew she would be as excited to be seeing her friend as she was sad to be parted from me. It was for the best. I had found my feet, and my wings; I was ready to fly.

  We parted ways with hug and a nod, and I returned to my quarters to pack. I made quick work of my belongings, stashing everything neatly into a sturdy pack and pulling the straps tightly over my shoulders. A messenger approached me as I was leaving my quarters. He handed me a letter and waited patiently at my side. I recognized the script immediately as I opened the letter, reading it quickly. Cooper was given a weekend for rest. He would be meeting me tomorrow! I quickly pulled a pen and paper from my pack and penned a quick note to Cooper.

  My Cooper,

  I am moving to DuPage immediately, meet me there! So much has happened…you are so missed. I look forward to seeing you soon!

  XOXOXO – Skye~

  I sealed the envelope and paid the messenger for fast delivery. The courier looked at the address and nodded his small head saying, “It will be there in a jiffy!” With a turn he was gone.

  I spoke to the teleporter briefly, showing him my new orders. He began whispering a spell and the walls of LaSalle became fuzzy as I was sent to DuPage Fortress. Moments later I was surrounded by new sounds and smells. The air was decidedly cooler; a fresh clean breeze blew over my skin. I breathed deeply, grateful for the change in weather. The beach was nice, but this reminded me of my home in the Espencheid Forest. As my surroundings became clearer, I realized I was standing on a platform high in a tall tree. The entire fortress was built in and around the enormous trunks of some of the tallest trees I had ever laid eyes upon. The foliage was very thick, and many of the long branches bore leaves, giving a feel of camouflage to the long bridges and connected buildings.

  Many people surrounded me, human soldiers and sentinels, as well as some tradesmen, all coming and going, this was apparently a very busy place. I took a few steps forward, looking around and getting my bearings. A sentinel stood guard near the largest entrance to the tall tree. I approached him, inquiring where to find General Eno. He gave me directions, pointing me across a bridge. I quickly found my way to his hall which was carved into the tree, in the interior of this great tree fortress. I entered the cavernous hall, amazed at the amount of open space. It was not difficult to find the offices of the General. I found his door and knocked, awaiting permission to enter. On his signal I approached General Eno with my papers, astounded by how young he looked. In comparison to the haggard look, which was constant on the face of Corporal Elden, General Eno looked almost serene with a shine to his eyes that gave his angular face a look that was almost impish. He was short too, maybe about five and a half feet tall. His hair was a shade of dirty blonde which hung over catlike mossy green eyes in a mess of thick dreadlocks, but his demeanor was nothing short of commanding.

  “Skye, I welcome you to DuPage Fortress. I’ve been hearing good things about you. You have been assigned to Damagus Company. Currently they are out on assignment and are expected to return at the start of the new week. Patie will contact you early in the week. Take the next couple of days to learn your way around the area and to take care of any personal needs. Seek out Sonarim if you have any questions. You are free until the return of your company.” Eno was brief in his welcome. I had a good feeling about this leader.

  I nodded and exited his hall, finding my way to the armorer and bunkhouses. After receiving a temporary bunk, I stowed my gear away and stepped back outside, marveling at the great tree-fortress. I jumped from the landing and opened my wings, gliding around the area closest to the fortress, examining the flora and fauna. The forest’s scents reminded me of home, no salt in the breeze, the trees giving much missed shade. Everything seemed clean and alive here. I recognized several plants which also grew in my area. Mushrooms, berries and herbs. Smiling, I gathered small handfuls of fragrant herbs: mint, lavender, and sage; they reminded me of home. I would dry the bundles for later use.

  I sat down on a log and stretched my legs out, closing my eyes to enjoy the warmth of the day. Another sentinel glided to a halt before me, his long body casting a shadow over my face. I blinked in irritation as I opened my eyes to look at him.

  “New arrival?” He asked. I nodded in response. He looked at me and nudged my shoulder saying, “Just a bit of advice, fledgling. Don’t keep your eyes closed too long out here; you’ll miss seeing when the crows descend upon you. They won’t be nice and wake you up before attacking.” He turned and was off with a nod.

  I felt a bit silly and chastised myself for being so naïve. Of
course, he was right. I would need to be much more aware here. This may remind me of my home; but this is not the Espencheid Forest. A breeze blew through the trees, bending the smaller limbs and the leaves. A chill trickled its way down my spine. No, this place was most definitely more dangerous than it first appears.

  The sun was beginning to move across the sky, so I quickly freshened up and made my way to the teleporters, not wanting to make Cooper wait—not wanting to make myself wait for Cooper! I sat for what felt like an hour waiting for him, my eyes closing sleepily as I stretched on a bench. Two hands covered my shoulders and a voice whispered in my ear. “Hello darling, how I’ve missed you!” Teeth grazed my ear, nipping lightly.

  “Coop!” I turned to hug him close, kissing him hard. “I was afraid you wouldn’t get the message in time!”

  “I would have found you regardless.” Cooper whispered to me as he kissed my neck.

  I arched my back and turned my head, biting his neck lightly and whispered in his ear, “I’ve missed you too. We have the full weekend. I meet my company early next week.”

  “Then let’s go.” Cooper took my hand, leading me away from the platform. “I’ve spent much time in DuPage, but do stay aware, in the case that we find any difficulties during our time here.” By difficulties I knew he was speaking of Ustenians…the thought brought to mind a mix of excitement and anticipation along with a bit of bloodlust and confusion—all at the same time. I followed him to the railing of the bridge and watched as he jumped off the edge, opening his wings to the sky.

  For a moment I could do nothing but watch, he was beautiful with his muscles solid and strong under his shining armor. Finally, I followed, opening my own white wings and flying to where Cooper waited, hovering and watching me.

  “Flying suits you.” He said, with a smile on his face. “You’re a natural.”

  “You wouldn’t have thought so in the beginning. Niera followed me around like a mother hen. I was constantly crashing into everything for a while.” I smiled.

  “How is my sister?”

  I tilted my head, “You probably just about crossed paths. She’s just left for Dusk, your company as well. Niera will be so happy to see you, but she can’t have you ‘til I’m good and ready.” I gave Cooper a wicked grin, which he returned.

  We glided to the ground and began walking, hand in hand, leaving the fortress behind us. We wound our way up the steep animal trails climbing high above the fortress, stopping in a secluded grove. Thick flowering vines surrounded us and with the heavy leaf canopy overhead, we found a place of solitude. We lay down on the thick grass together, just catching up on lost time. We talked about nearly everything from learning to fly, and my first fights against the seemingly never-ending enemies, to silly things that had happened during our time apart. Cooper spoke of his return to Dusk Fortress and to his company. How they had all been dealing with the fallout from the recent return of the Lluren, and he spoke of Droghel and how his insanity was creating chaos within the ranks of his own company.

  I decided I needed to share the information my mom had given me with Cooper. I pulled myself up on an elbow and chewed at my lip lightly, looking over his finely armored chest. I sighed, pulling in as much air as my lungs could hold, preparing my mind for the possibility of rejection.

  Cooper turned his gaze to me, smiling lazily until he saw my expression. His smile turned to a look of concern. “What’s on your mind?”

  I sat up, leaning my back against a tree and wrapping my arms around my knees. I studied his face. I didn’t know what he would say, or how he would react when he learned of my parentage. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to speak. After all, if he truly loved me, he would see me as me…not as someone else’s daughter, no matter if they be enemy or disgraced ally. Wouldn’t he?

  I was still biting at my lip. “Cooper, I need to tell you something I’ve just learned. My mom came to see me recently, and she shared something which has left me feeling very disconcerted and confused. Honestly, I’m not sure how you will take it. I just know that I have to trust you, because I love you, and you need to know me.” I nodded hard, I had his full attention and so I proceeded to share my mother’s story with him, leaving no detail out. I explained Sera and Soulkos, before and after the Great Break. I told of my grandmother and how she and my father had mutated after the break and how they were both slain by Droghel. How I was born in seclusion following my mother’s return to Lucenia.

  Cooper’s face hid any emotion as I relayed the story. When I finished, I folded my hands in my lap, watching him quietly. Many moments passed, Cooper studied me, his eyes dark and intense. I wanted to move away, to hide from the scrutiny of the piercing gaze. I had to remind myself that I chose to share this with him because I needed him to love me as I am, not as he would have me.

  Finally, the silence was too much to bear. “Say something.” I implored, “Anything.”

  Cooper pulled himself up, his long legs stretching out before him. His armored chest rising as he took a deep breath. His voice was a low growl in his throat as he whispered to me, “Are you certain of this? This definitely could change things.”

  “I am sure of it.” I replied. “My dreams spoke to me, even before my mother did.”

  Cooper stood and stretched long, looking off into the distance. “Droghel does not fool around. I’ve never seen anyone like him. His hatred for the Ustenians appears greater than even his hatred for the Lluren. He is absolutely brutal. I should know. He is my commander.”

  “He killed my father, my grandmother…who knows who else?” I stated.

  “He also seemed particularly interested in having you join his company, very soon.” Cooper stated frankly, frowning at the thought as I began piecing together the reasons for such an interest.

  “My mom said he would have killed her if he’d known.” I stared blankly as my mind raced with emotion.

  Cooper agreed. “I have no doubt. He may still try, though I will do all in my power to see you are safe from him.” Cooper sat next to me, pulling me into his arms. He kissed my hair and whispered into my ear. “This may be a good time to tell you…I’ve petitioned for a transfer. I want to be wherever you are. I need to be near you. I’ve never felt anything so strong before.”

  I rolled onto my knees, looking up at him and asked, “Really? Are you certain this is what you want, even after hearing everything?” I climbed onto his lap and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, leaning forward until our foreheads met.

  Cooper nodded, kissing me deeply. Soon after, we left our worries behind in a pile of armor in the secluded grove high above DuPage Fortress.

  Chapter 10—A Hero’s Fall

  THE WEEKEND WAS OVER. Cooper had returned to Dusk Fortress and when I awoke, red-eyed and exhausted from the long weekend, I was sore, but happier than I had been in quite a while. Cooper was really going to try for a reassignment—I let my mind wander happily on the possibilities this could bring as I ate breakfast and made my way to meet my new company.

  As I made my way to the great hall of the fortress I was stopped by a cleric. He introduced himself saying, “Skye! My name is Masio. I am one of the officers you will be working with while you are in DuPage. I’m sorry Patie was not able to be here to meet you; she is on an extended assignment. For the moment you will be working with a small group whom you will soon meet.” He greeted me in the traditional manner.

  “It’s very nice to meet you. I will do my best to live up to your expectations.” I replied.

  Masio dug into his bag and pulled out a long tabard. He looked at me and spun an index finger in a circle in the air. “First things first. Turn around. This will identify you as one of us.”

  I turned my back to him, and he swiftly hooked the new company cloak onto my back. “Welcome to Company Damagus. Come with me and we will get you sorted.” Masio introduced me to my new brothers and sisters in arms and showed me my new quarters in our company’s longhouse.

we began working on a number of jobs for DuPage Fortress. I was assigned to what seemed like every menial task possible. They had me doing everything from collecting materials for crafters and vendors, to helping in controlling the growing pest population. I was sent on endless hunts and hauled in more meat than I could ever imagine eating. Raptors, monkeys, lizards and deer…somehow nothing seemed to ever go to waste.

  Eventually my company officers had me joining their groups to control a group of bandits who had overrun the mines to the south several months earlier. The group was small, efficient and very deadly. I learned to work with them as a group. Masio, a cleric, had one of the sharpest minds I have ever seen. He was the perfect officer to run our group and he seemed to have an innate instinct which brought him wherever he was needed most. Patie, a warrior, was bullheaded, but she was very fair and completely dedicated to the company. Andre and Dimitri, brothers, both rangers who could pull off amazing acts of stealth…I’m not sure if they are incredibly brave or just crazy and lucky. There were several others, but these were the ones I would work with closest.

  The mines were dank and cold. While Masio as a cleric had the ability to create light, it was something which depleted his energies. Not the best circumstance—should he need to do any extensive healing. My entry to the company was welcomed, as a magus can create flame as easily as breathing. Plus, should an immediate attack be needed, the fire was already there and waiting. The bandits had been stockpiling a great variety of goods and materials in the mines. The goods we reclaimed were numerous, we would need to bring back several wagons to move everything back to the fortress. In reality, most everything we found probably belonged to the merchants and farmers in the surrounding areas.


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