Skye Light

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Skye Light Page 9

by A R Maloney

  General Eno was pleased when we came rolling into camp, leading wagons of supplies along with the ringleader and his top two men. They would be left in the stocks for questioning. He congratulated us and rewarded our company with an extra day of rest, along with a few bottles of honeyed wine.

  After a visit to the bathhouse and clean clothes, I joined my company for a dinner of venison and steamed vegetables. We ate and drank and laughed until we passed out, most of us not even making it out of our common room to our bunks.

  As the days passed, we fell into a pattern of sorts. Patrols, clearing away bandits and retrieving stolen goods, hunting to help add to the food stores of the fortress. We would occasionally come across Ustenians. Encounters with them were always curious for me, though they usually ended far too quickly as nothing more than a pile of black feathers on the forest floor, though I never shared my secrets with my company. Perhaps I should have hesitated, but I was trained to see them as the enemy. They wouldn’t think twice about attacking me.

  One day I came across one speaking to a Kauri. My thoughts went directly to the Kauri, as I could let no harm come to my ancient forest friends. Bile rose in my throat and I dispatched the Ustenian with a series of spells falling from my lips as a flash of flames soared from my hands. The Kauri merely looked at me soundlessly, giving neither tribute nor blame, though I must admit the encounter left me feeling a bit unsettled.

  I had heard nothing from Cooper for what seemed ages. Then one night as I returned from a long day’s work, I found Niera. She was sitting near the door to our company longhouse. She looked exhausted; her eyes held none of the sparkle which for so long had nearly seemed her trademark. Her short blonde spikes were matted with dirt and dried blood, and her face was ashen and drawn. I approached my friend, “Niera, Are you ok?” My face was heavy with concern as I helped her enter my quarters.

  I sat my friend down on my bunk; her hollow blue eyes left me feeling cold. Whatever had happened, she wasn’t ready to speak of it yet. I helped remove her heavy chain mail and stowed her staff under the bunk safely. Then I covered her with my blanket. “Sleep my friend. All will be well here.” I set to work cleaning her armor while she slept. The sun went down and rose and went down again. It was nearly pre-dawn when she finally awoke.

  Many of my company mates stopped by; curious to see what was happening, but I waved them on. I had fallen asleep on the floor next to the bunk, my head resting on the mattress. I woke with a start when I heard her stir. “Skye?” whispered Niera, her voice hoarse and cracking as she spoke.

  “I’m here. What has happened?” I asked her.

  Niera just shook her head and drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her long arms around them as she buried her head in her lap. “I couldn’t stop them.” She said. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Niera.” Panic threatened me. “What happened?!” I sat down with my friend. My pulse began to race as my anxiety grew.

  “Your mom, Sera…Cooper…. They are both gone.” Her shoulders shook as she took a ragged breath. “I’m so sorry, Niera. I couldn’t stop it. I was too late….”

  A dull roar filled my ears, drowning out everything else as I began to shout. “What happened?! Tell me now!” I pulled Niera’s hands away, forcing her eyes to face me.

  Niera bit her lip hard, catching her breath while she regained her thoughts. “Skye…It was Droghel and his enforcers. I saw them myself.” She continued. “Cooper had asked to be moved, to be with you. When Droghel discovered you were Sera’s daughter—he went crazy. First, he threatened to have her charged with treason, but then said he would deal with her himself. He said you were fathered by an Ustenian…that Sera went AWOL to be with some…some disgusting crow.” The words spat from her mouth as she spoke. “He took off with his enforcers to Arden; Cooper followed Droghel…and I followed Cooper. He tried to intervene when they reached your home… and the fight ensued. They killed both Cooper and Sera…. Neither could be revived, they are both...gone. I was too late. I am so sorry.” My mouth opened with a silent cry as she continued. “Skye, Droghel…he took their wings.” Niera fell apart at this point, sliding to the hard floor; her shoulders shaking as she sobbed hopelessly.

  Numbness spread over me as I felt a bitter darkness deep inside me growing larger and larger. I tried to open my mouth, to ask her to say it wasn’t true, but I knew better. He was gone. Anger began building within me. “Droghel will pay for this with his life.” I stated. “Mark my words, this will not go unpunished.”

  I turned on my heel and immediately left the bunkroom. Pausing at our company message board, I pulled a paper from it, rolling it in my palm as I headed straight for General Eno. When I arrived at his offices the doors were open. There was a small group, his council, surrounding a map which was spread on a table in his war room, but Eno stood alone at his desk. I knocked once to announce my arrival and entered the room, approaching him with steady, sure steps. I looked him in the eyes and in a low, quiet voice I whispered, “I hear you are in need of a spy.”

  Chapter 11—Truth & Consequences

  GENERAL ENO TURNED TO me, cocking his head and looking hard into my eyes. “You are certain of this?” I handed him a paper from our company boards showing the request for volunteers. He took the paper reading it, as if for the hundredth time, and then strode to the door of his war room, opening it wide. “Gentlemen, if you would excuse us please.” He watched the last of his council leave the room and closed the door behind them. “Skye, sit. Let us discuss this.” We sat at a small table in his office. “You've been with us what...two months?”

  “Four months, sir.” I responded.

  “And your company? How do you find that match?” He inquired.

  “They are some of the best sentinels I've worked with. I'm honored to fight by their sides.” I took a deep breath hoping the questioning wouldn't be too extensive.

  Eno watched me; his face impassive as he thought. “Do you know what you are asking, Skye? Do you realize that you will be on your own for the most part, without the ability to call on any support for help?” He ran a small tanned hand through his mess of dirty blonde hair, pushing it away from his face. “This is not a decision to be made lightly. I will not deny you your request, but it is my duty to see that you understand how serious this is.”

  I held my sigh of relief in check as I spoke. “I'm very aware that death may find me wherever I go, sir. If that is what you're saying, I am not afraid.”

  His jaw clenched, bringing his lips together in a tight line. “Speak freely with me, do you go seeking death, young one?”

  I shook my head and answered as honestly as I could at this point, hoping it would not rouse suspicion. “I do enjoy my place here, but I believe this is not where I should be right now. I have had several personal losses recently, and I feel I cannot serve my company fully until I have had an opportunity to put the past to rest.”

  “And you can do this in Ustenia?” His eyes pierced me as he questioned.

  I shrugged my shoulders; afraid he would change his mind. “I just know I cannot do that here.”

  Eno stood, his armor clinking lightly as he stepped away from the table and reached inside a drawer in his desk. He pulled out papers, spreading them on the table in front of me. “Look well at this map, memorize it; you won't be able to see it again. I can arrange for you to be ported to” he marked a spot on the map with a light chalk. “Beware; it is very close to the crow’s nest. You will need to make your way to this point here....” another mark was placed on the faded map. “You will look for a sentinel named Mera. She will have information for you. Be not alarmed, she has…taken on the appearance of an Ustenian but she is one of our truest contacts in Ustenia. Mera will help you as much as she can without compromising herself. Do not linger, for the dark ones are hungry for our wings and they will not think twice about hanging yours on their company walls. You may stay with this map as long as you need for the next hour. Talk to Sonarim when you are
ready to leave. Please feel free to take a few days to tie up any loose ends and gather necessities.” He then handed me an envelope. “When you find Mera, please give her this. She will be quite pleased to receive it. Please place the map back when you have finished with it.” Eno pulled a drawer open and pointed, then wished me good luck and left the office.

  I studied the map for several minutes, making a mental note of the locations of known outposts and garrison posts. It didn't look like I would have too far to travel to meet my contact, but I didn't know what I would encounter as far as terrain was concerned. I noticed another mark on the map which appeared fairly close to my destination. It was a small faded drawing of three trees and was labeled with a small blue rune which I didn't recognize. Kauri? I carefully folded the map and placed it back in the drawer it had come from. I decided I should try to see Espencheid before going to Ustenia. I left the office and began formulating plans in my head.

  I crossed the clearing to our company's longhouse. The large black and gold banner which identified our company was blowing lightly in the breeze. I entered the building and was immediately met by Masio. “What's happening? Your friend Niera said you took off after she spoke with you.”

  “Niera...I’m an ass.” I completely forgot her in my blind rush. “She's still here, isn't she?”

  Masio nodded, “She's here. She's a wreck too. We’ve finally talked her into eating something; she's at the mess hall now with the others. I'm assuming this wasn't just a friendly visit.” Masio sat on a bench at the company halls door. He motioned for me to sit beside him. “Talk to me. She's fine there; the others have her for now.”

  I sat with Masio and folded my hands in my lap. “I’ve spoken with General Eno. I've asked for a mission to Ustenia. I'll be leaving soon.”

  Masio nodded. “And Niera? It's not customary to have outsiders moving into our bunkhouse, but it's apparent that something serious has happened with you both.” His shoulders squared as he turned to me. “I need to know.”

  My shoulders slumped and I closed my eyes. I didn't want to repeat what she had shared with me.... It would make it too true...and I still did not want to believe any of it. I shook my head and took a ragged breath. I could feel Masio's mossy eyes piercing me, waiting for an explanation. The very air around me seemed to smother me, choking me, making words nearly impossible. “She brought me news.” Tears began escaping my green and mahogany eyes, sliding down my freckled cheeks to where they dropped from my chin. “My love...and my mom...both dead...murdered...never to return.” I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and buried my face in my hands, and, for the first time since receiving the news, sobbed uncontrollably.

  Masio stood, running his fingers through his braids, as if unsure how to react to the news. I didn't share with him the fact that it was one of our ‘allies’ who had done this. I didn't say anything else at all. I just remained there on the bench, miserable. He finally sat down again and rubbed a hand over my back. “Many of us have suffered terrible losses in this war.” He said quietly. “Your place is still here; when your work is done.” He then pulled me into his lap, letting me cry until my tears were gone.

  Finally, I stood, using a sleeve to wipe the soggy combination of snot and tears from my face. “I should find Niera, she will be worried.” My eyes were red-rimmed and swollen.

  Masio looked at me and nodded; he understood. Masio stood, “I'll walk with you.”

  The mess hall was quiet as we opened the door, passing through silently. Three figures sat at a table on a balcony overlooking the forest canopy. I saw a small look of relief as Niera lifted her eyes to me. The expression we shared was the same, as I'm sure the feelings were. Misery. Grief. Loss. Anger. Denial. Sadness. Emptiness. The brothers, Andre and Dimitri, sat to her right and left respectively; the pair of rangers had been trying to get her to eat. Masio pulled a chair from the empty table next to us and sat down. I took the last seat across from Niera. “I'm sorry I left like that, Niera.” I said quietly. “I should not have run out. I…I was thinking only of myself, and that was wrong of me.” I took Niera's hands into mine. “Thank you for coming. I understand the cost, and I am so very sorry for your loss. Coop…Cooper was good to the both of us; his death will not be in vain.”

  The others stood from the table, pushing their chairs back in place. One by one they exited the room, leaving me with Niera. We sat in silence, letting the depth of what had passed settle upon us. “What will you do?” asked Niera.

  “I haven't quite figured that out yet, sis.” I answered. “I have been approved for a solo reconnaissance mission in Ustenia.” I shrugged, seeing the worry and disapproval slide over Niera's face. “From what has happened, I figure Droghel will try to get to me next...and maybe I'll be safer there then here. At least until I can decide what to do. I need to get my head straight, and that’s something I will need to do alone.” I stood and walked to the balcony, looking over the railing, over the thick canopy of trees surrounding the fortress. “I don't want to endanger you, or anyone else...and we both know Droghel has no problem with doing whatever he wants.”

  Niera stood and moved to the balcony, standing beside me. “When will you go?” A breeze blew lightly over the tops of the trees winding through the open buildings of the large fortress.

  “Soon. I need to see the Kauri first. I believe I need to go to Espencheid. And I should try to see Charna. But I'm not sure if I should even go to Plano right now, if it’s even safe for me. What about you? You've just up and left your company. Are you even safe yourself?” I worried for my friend.

  Niera heaved a heavy sigh. “I'm AWOL now. When they realize where I am, I will probably be court martialed. I don’t regret it; I would have followed Cooper regardless. He's been a brother to me for more years than I can count, but I need to know what exactly has happened.” Niera was much like Cooper, not in appearance, but in strength of spirit. She is a good sentinel, good to her people, good to her friends, honest and true. I nodded to her and began sharing the story, as Sera had told me, as I had told Cooper. I saw her expression deepen as I spoke of Davita and his company, the genocide, and his eventual fall. I spoke of Droghel rising from the ashes of Davita's company, taking up the reins of Company Hellfire and General Davita's hateful war. Of his desire for Sera, and her rejection of him. She heard how Sera found her husband, my father, in the ruins of Ustenia, how he was changed from the fallout of the Great Break. And I recounted the fall of her family, when she was discovered by Droghel once again. I left no detail out, stopping only to answer questions as they came up. I finished by describing today's events with General Eno, telling her of my upcoming mission to Ustenia.

  If Niera was overwhelmed by the information, she hid it well. “I've never trusted Droghel and his cronies.” Disgust covered her face and she shook her head in frustration. “Knowingly, they slaughtered our brothers and sisters, cousins and neighbors? Why do you think that no one has questioned this?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I don't know, Niera. I guess everyone who knows either has benefitted somehow or died as well. You can see that anyone who was born after the war began has had no reason to question why we’s all blood for blood with everyone now. We've grown up believing that the Ustenians are demons, subhuman, soulless. Even my mom admitted, she wouldn't have even shared this with me if I hadn't ascended. I wonder what would happen; could others even hear the truth if they were told? Would it even be believed?”

  “Sister, this will not be easy. I need some time to think this all through. If Cooper was able to believe it, and he would not have fought for you or Sera if he didn't, then that's all I need to know. I don't know how I can help you. Gods! What a mess. I need to go to the temple; I need to pray about what to do.” Niera stood. “First I'd like to clean up; it’s been days since I’ve had a proper bath.”

  “I’ll get you clean clothes and of course you may use any of my supplies. We can talk more after. In the meantime, I’m going to
see the alchemist and visit the store for supplies. I’d like to get started today.” I began packing my belongings into a handy pouch a cleric gave me soon after my arrival here. Clerics’ pouches are interesting, they are so small and portable, yet they are spelled to hold much more than they would appear. I could never imagine the magic that went into crafting such an item. It was small and sturdy, and appeared to be crafted from the thick hide of a highland bison. The smooth grain of the leather was quite beautiful, and it could hang easily from my belt. I placed it on my bunk and opened the cover from the top, removing everything until it was empty. Taking note of all my items inside, I made out a list of what I would still need. I had a small first aid pack, with bandages and a tourniquet, and potions that would keep my stamina and health up and help me use magic for longer periods of time without tiring. I would need to add pemmican, the extra calories would help in the icy climate at my point of ingress. I lay Niera’s chainmail out on my bunk. It nearly glowed from the cleaning I gave it the night she first arrived. Then I pulled out soft cloth and leather garments she could wear under the chainmail after her bath. I placed those onto a towel with soaps and sweet oils and a hairbrush for her. “You probably won’t need the brush; your hair is so short!” I handed the pile to Niera and showed her where she could bathe. “I’ll be back soon, sister.” I left the room, quietly closing the door behind me as I made my way to the market.

  A half hour later I returned with everything I could think of needing. I had food and drink, a few more potions, and a change of clothes.


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