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Shelter for Blythe (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 11)

Page 17

by Susan Stoker

  He wouldn’t meet her eyes for the longest time, then finally took a deep breath and looked at her. “Last night I had a dream. And I swear to God I’m not making this up…”

  When he didn’t say anything else, Blythe prompted, “Yeah? A dream?”

  “Yeah. I think I was nervous about you moving in and that’s what caused the dream. But I was in this room, and it was fully furnished. A crib under the mural, a changing table near the window, a dresser over there.” He pointed to the other side of the room without looking. “And a rocking chair. I was sitting in the chair, waiting for you. You walked into the room with something in your arms, and you came straight to me and leaned over and put it in mine. I remember being confused, but I didn’t question you. I looked down at what you’d given me, and it was a baby. A tiny little baby boy. He was looking up at me with these huge hazel eyes, exactly like yours, and he smiled.”

  Blythe could barely breathe. All she could think about was the fact that the man she loved had dreamed about her giving him a baby.

  Without thought, she dropped his hand and threw her arms around his neck.

  They kissed as if this was the last day of their lives. The desperation and passion behind their kiss was something Blythe had never felt before. Oh, she’d been aroused with Sawyer, no doubt about it, but this was different.

  She couldn’t get close enough to him. Couldn’t get enough of his hands on her body. Without stopping their kiss, she brought her hands to his pants. He did the same with hers. They fumbled with the buttons and zippers for a long moment as their mouths stayed fused together. Without a word, Sawyer gently pushed Blythe to the floor. He shoved her pants and underwear down just far enough so he could get his fingers inside her.

  He roughly rubbed her clit, bringing her to the edge of climax within seconds.

  “Sawyer,” she moaned.

  “Blythe,” he returned, and moved his hand from between her legs to his cock. He notched the tip of his rock-hard dick to her folds and ordered, “Tell me yes.”

  “Yes. God, yes,” Blythe moaned as she spread her legs as far as they could go with her pants still around her thighs.

  He slowly pushed inside her, feeling that much thicker because she couldn’t move her legs very far apart. Sawyer held her gaze as he thrust. The longer he pumped inside her, the wetter she got, until she knew she would leave a wet spot on the carpet under her ass.

  “Love you,” Sawyer said as he sank inside her. “Love you so fucking much.”

  “Sawyer!” Blythe gasped as he bottomed out inside her.

  Then words were beyond both of them. Blythe felt the orgasm welling up inside her faster than ever before, and she grunted with each of Sawyer’s thrusts. He was being more forceful than earlier, and she loved it.

  They were both still wearing their shirts, shoes, socks, and most of their pants. The only skin she could feel of Sawyer’s was his cock inside her. She hadn’t meant to say them, but the words welled up from her soul and she couldn’t hold them back anymore.

  “I love you, Sawyer. So much!”

  She saw his jaw clench, and his eyes glittered behind the lenses of his glasses. She erupted in a monster orgasm, and the way her body tightened must have pushed him over the edge as well. He shoved himself inside her once more and stayed there, his eyes never leaving hers as he filled her body with his come.

  She realized they hadn’t used protection the second she felt the warmth of his come fill her, but at the moment, she didn’t care.

  If it hadn’t been for her clothes, Blythe knew she would’ve had rug burn on her shoulders, ass, and thighs. They’d fucked like animals in the middle of an empty room meant for a baby. She could barely wrap her mind around what had just happened.

  “Fuck me,” Sawyer groaned, then he finally closed his eyes and rested his forehead on hers.

  “I just did,” Blythe quipped, feeling amused more than panicked at what they’d done.

  His eyes opened and he lifted his head. “I love you,” he said softly, looking her right in the eyes as he said it.

  “I love you too,” Blythe echoed.

  “I didn’t mean to do this here.”

  Blythe chuckled. “I figured.”

  “Not that I don’t always want to make love with you, but I told myself I was going to show you the house, get your stuff moved in, go back to Sophie’s and get the rest of your stuff and bring that over. Then I was going to make you a nice meal. Then I was going to fuck your brains out. In my bed. Where you belong.”

  She melted at his words. “We can still do all that.”

  “Damn straight,” Sawyer mumbled. Then sighed. “I didn’t mean to do it without protection either.” He gestured to their hips, which were still connected. He was still semi-hard inside her.

  “It’s okay.”

  “It’s not. But you should know, I’m clean. I’d never put you at risk like that.”

  “I didn’t even think about that,” Blythe said. “I am too. I told you that you’re the first guy I’ve been with in years.”

  “What about…you know?” he asked.

  Blythe couldn’t help but be amused. Sawyer was thirty years old and he still couldn’t say the words. But her amusement didn’t last long as she thought about his question. She shrugged. “I’m not on anything. Couldn’t afford it and there wasn’t a reason for it.”

  She watched, fascinated, as Sawyer took a deep breath. She could feel his cock twitch inside her as whatever he was thinking flickered through his brain and worked its way down to his cock.

  “I love you,” he repeated.

  She could only nod.

  “You getting pregnant wouldn’t be the end of the world.”

  Holy shit. Had he really said that?

  “Okay,” she managed to say, still processing.

  “Your mouth is saying okay, but your eyes are saying something completely different,” he commented.

  “Can we get up and talk about this?”

  “No,” he said immediately. “Talk to me, baby.”

  Blythe sighed and closed her eyes. She felt his fingertips running through her short hair, but he was giving her time to think. Finally, she opened her eyes to see his beautiful brown gaze looking worried.

  “It’s hard for me to think about having a baby right now. I’ve barely gotten off the street. I don’t have any savings, I’m about to declare bankruptcy, I’m making minimum wage at a part-time job. I can’t support myself. How in the world can I even think about bringing a baby into this life?”

  “Because you’re not alone anymore,” was Sawyer’s immediate response. “You’ve got me. And Sophie. And Penelope and Moose. And my family. And all the others. And I don’t give a shit if you ever work again. I make good money. I’ll never be a billionaire, but I can support you and our children. You’re right, it’s soon…but if what we just did results in a baby, I’ll be the happiest man in the world.”

  Blythe studied him. “You’re serious.”

  “Dead serious.”

  “You’re a strange man,” she blurted. “Most men would be freaking out and demanding I go and take the morning-after pill right about now.”

  “Fuck them. This is us. I love you. You love me. Why would I freak out about you carrying my child? Why do you think I bought this house? I want kids—lots of kids. I want them to be really close in age too so they can be best friends. I missed growing up with my sisters. I was already twelve when Emma was born.”

  “Sawyer,” Blythe said weakly. The thought that the man bracing himself above her wanted kids, lots of them, was making her ovaries explode. Maybe not the best analogy at the moment, but he was seriously blowing her mind.

  “Do you want kids?” he asked.

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Blythe thought about it for a second, then shrugged. “People usually date for a while, then they get engaged. Then married. Then they have a rational discussion about children and if they’re re
ady for them and how many they might want. Then they go about trying to have those children.”

  “So we’re different. Who cares?” was Sawyer’s response.

  Blythe stared at him, then smiled. Then she was laughing. She felt his dick inside her twitch when she clenched around him as she laughed. But when he pulled back, then pressed back inside, her laughter died.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet,” Sawyer said, more to himself than her.

  “That’s because you lubricated me so good,” Blythe said dryly.

  “You feel amazing,” he went on. “So hot and tight.” He rested his elbows on the carpet next to her head as his hips rhythmically pumped up and down.

  “I thought we needed to get my stuff moved in,” Blythe said breathlessly.

  “After,” Sawyer said.

  “Okay. After.”

  Blythe blocked out everything but the feel of the man she loved inside her.

  It was a couple hours later before they managed to get back to Sophie’s to pick up the rest of her things. They’d made love on the floor of the future nursery once more, then Sawyer pulled her into his huge shower in the master bathroom and made love to her again. Then he’d made them lunch, and after they’d eaten, he’d laid her out on the dining room table and proceeded to make her come with his mouth and fingers two more times. And throwing caution to the wind, they’d not used any condoms while they’d made love.

  That night, as she lay in Sawyer’s bed, in his arms, in his house, Blythe reflected on her life. She’d been through some shit, but by some miracle, here she was. Sleeping with the man she loved, his come drying on her inner thighs, sore as all get out from all the lovemaking they’d done, but happier than she’d been in her entire life.

  She knew as well as anyone that everything could come crashing down, but she’d also learned to take each day as it came. She’d live for the moment, and if things went to shit, at least she’d have the memories of how happy she was right this second to keep her going.

  Look, Mom. Things worked out after all…just like you always told me they would.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Blythe knew Sawyer wasn’t thrilled she’d insisted on coming with him when he went to check the shelters for Hope, but he’d finally agreed to let her accompany him to the one she’d used most often. She couldn’t help but be secretly amused when he scowled at every man they passed. She had the insane thought that being homeless would’ve been much better with Sawyer by her side. She wouldn’t have had to constantly be on alert. No one would’ve been able to sneak up behind her, and she would’ve been able to go to the front of the food line every night simply because the scowl on Sawyer’s face would’ve scared everyone away.

  She thought about Tadd and Louise. She’d often wondered how in the world the older couple had managed on the streets all the years they were homeless, but having Sawyer with her helped answer that question. Tadd wasn’t exactly young, but he was still very protective of his wife, and that protectiveness projected itself clearly. No one messed with her, because messing with Louise meant messing with Tadd.

  “You okay?” Sawyer asked as they walked into the large cafeteria of the shelter.

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I’m good.”

  He’d been checking on her every couple of minutes. It was sweet, but it was also getting annoying. “I’ll let you know if I’m not, all right?”

  “Mmmm,” he said, not really answering her.

  Blythe figured it was the best she was going to get at the moment, so she decided to go with it. She glanced around the large room, looking for Hope and Billy. She didn’t immediately see them, but that didn’t mean a lot. It was still early. Even though the shelters filled up quickly, many times people wouldn’t come until later. Once you were in for the night, you were in. And it could get claustrophobic.

  She tried not to feel self-conscious as she walked to the office door in one of the corners of the large room. It wasn’t that Blythe was wearing eight-hundred-dollar stilettos and designer clothes, but it was obvious she was an outsider now. First, her clothes were clean. Second, she wasn’t carrying all her belongings with her. And third, Sawyer had decided to wear his Station 7 polo shirt and navy pants…his uniform of sorts.

  Blythe knocked on the door and waited. Within a few moments, the door opened and a woman Blythe didn’t recognize was standing there.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Hi. My name is Blythe Coopman, and I’m looking for a woman and her child. They’re—”

  The woman held up her hand, forestalling anything else Blythe was going to say. “I’m not allowed to give out any information about our patrons. If you have an official complaint, you’ll have to—”

  It was Blythe’s turn to interrupt. “No, I don’t have a complaint. I used to use this shelter, and she’s my friend. I’m worried about her, and I’m in a position to help her and her child get off the streets.”

  The employee sighed and actually looked bored. It irritated Blythe, but she did her best to control her temper.

  “As I said, we’re not allowed to give out any information about the people we serve here.”

  Blythe opened her mouth to respond, but Sawyer got there before her. “Look, we appreciate your confidentiality, but we aren’t asking for anything out of line. My girlfriend simply wants to help her friend. Surely you can understand that and support it, right?”

  The woman didn’t look swayed in the least by Sawyer’s words.

  “We’re not allowed to give out—”

  Sawyer wrapped his arm around Blythe’s waist and pulled her away from the door even as the woman was still speaking. “Come on, baby. She’s not going to help us. We’ll just keep looking.”

  Blythe nodded and allowed herself to be led away from the completely unhelpful employee.

  They walked around the room and Blythe tried to talk to a few of the men and women there, but they either ignored her or said they hadn’t seen Hope and Billy.

  Sighing in disappointment, Blythe stood with Sawyer on the sidewalk outside the shelter.

  “What now?” Sawyer asked.

  “There’s another shelter a couple of blocks away,” Blythe told him. “We could check there.”

  Sawyer started to lead her to the parking garage where he’d left his Jeep, but she stopped him with a hand on his arm. “We can walk. It’s not far.”

  “Baby, I’m not sure I want you walking around down here. No one knows where those two assholes are who attacked you.”

  She appreciated his concern, but she knew this area better than he ever would. If it was dark, he’d have a reason to be worried, but during the day the area was pretty safe. “It’s fine,” she told him. “It’s broad daylight, and it’s only a couple blocks. Besides,” she said, smiling up at him, “you’re with me. We’ll be fine.”

  He blinked, then shook his head in exasperation. “I’m thrilled you trust me that much, but I’m not exactly the Hulk.”

  She smiled wider then tried to explain. “I know that just because you’re with me doesn’t mean something can’t happen. But I feel safer when you’re around.”

  Sawyer looked at her for a long moment, then pulled her into his arms. He kissed her hard and briefly before grabbing her hand. “Fine. But if I tell you to do something, like run, you do it without arguing. Got it?”

  “Of course.” As if. There was no way she was going to run away if someone jumped them.

  He shook his head again, as if he knew what she was thinking, but didn’t call her on it. He simply started off down the sidewalk in the direction she indicated, making sure she was on the inside, away from the street. It was a protective gesture, and pure Sawyer.

  They didn’t say much as they walked to the next shelter. Blythe remembered taking this walk on countless occasions. When one shelter was full she’d always try another, but without much hope. And most of the time she was turned away at the next shelter too.

  They passed an alley, and Blythe couldn’
t help but stop and stare down it.

  “What?” Sawyer asked. “Did you see something?”

  Blythe shook her head and said softly, “This was my favorite alley to sleep in. There are two big trash bins in the back. I could slide under them and be completely hidden from view. I’d lie there and watch people walking back and forth out here on the sidewalk, and they never knew I was there. Most of the time it was comforting, but sometimes that invisibility got to me.”

  Sawyer’s arms wrapped around her from behind and he rested his chin on her shoulder. “I’m sorry that happened to you,” he said quietly. “But you don’t ever have to worry about that again. I’m here. Our friends are here. You aren’t invisible, baby. Never again.”

  “What if we don’t find Hope? Living out here was bad for me. I can’t imagine what it’s like for a woman with a child. I’m not a mother, but I know I would do whatever I could to keep my child safe, warm, and fed.”

  “We’re going to find her. If not today, we’ll try again. We won’t stop looking for her,” Sawyer vowed.

  Blythe nodded. “Thank you.”

  “What are you thanking me for?” Sawyer asked.

  She turned in his arms and burrowed into him. “For being you. For not being disgusted with who I was. For what I did. For being there for me. For loving me.”

  “You don’t ever have to thank me for any of those things, Blythe. They just are. Just like the air we breathe and the water we drink.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I thank God every day for you.”

  “Just as I do you, baby,” Sawyer returned. “Come on, let’s get going. I can’t say I particularly like hanging outside a dark alley with you, reminiscing about how awful your previous life was.”

  Blythe couldn’t help it. She giggled. It was hard to believe she could actually laugh at anything that had to do with her life on the streets, but Sawyer gave her that ability. She shifted until she was at his side and kept her arm around his waist. “Lead on, Mr. Hulk.”

  “Jesus,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I’m going to regret saying that, aren’t I?”


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