Lost Wolf (A New Dawn Novel Book 4)

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Lost Wolf (A New Dawn Novel Book 4) Page 11

by Rachel M Raithby

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I think it is…. I guess I just want you. You without all the hiding and stolen moments.”

  His hand took hers. “Maybe it’s time we tell someone.”

  Regan searched his face, afraid but finding no fear in his gaze. “I’m not sure I’m ready.”

  “I never told you this because I didn’t want to frighten you, but Anna and Cage know about us.”

  “What?” Her hand flew to her mouth. “How?” she whispered against it.

  “I was walking back from meeting you at work when they pulled up beside me to give me a ride. I think Anna had a vision. When I got out, the wind blew your scent to Cage, and Anna stopped me, telling me I should tell someone.”

  “Tell who?”

  “She didn’t say who exactly, just someone from Dark Shadow.”

  “Not yet… I’m not ready yet.”

  “We’ll never be ready, Regan. But you’re thinking of running away. I’d say that’s a sign it’s time.”

  “Not today,” Regan said, putting her food down. She was no longer hungry. “Soon. But not today. I need to figure out how to tell my parents first… I just need… time.”

  And yet even as the words left her mouth, Regan knew they were empty; she’d had time, and it didn’t matter how much of it passed, there’d never be a day that would make risking losing either her parents or Tyler easier. But she wasn’t going to waste the precious alone time they had on pondering her empty words and jumbled thoughts. Instead, Regan took his food container from his hands and straddled him, silencing Tyler with her mouth. She wasn’t as brave as him, wasn’t ready to face the truth like he was, and until that time, Regan would distract him using every weapon in her arsenal to steal a few more moments in time. To fight off the cruel temptress that was fate.

  Chapter 27

  Later that day, when their food had long gone cold and Regan made sure thoughts of spilling their secrets were buried far, far under a mountain of need and desire, Tyler’s phone rang.

  “It’s Bass,” he said to Regan, holding his finger to his lips to warn her. “Hey, Bass, what’s up?”

  “Are you about?”

  “Actually…” Tyler’s words trailed off as he took in Regan and their surroundings. They’d been walking for a while, getting lost in each other, lost in a wilderness that wasn’t their home but looked just like it. “I went on a hike.”

  “I know it’s your day off,” Bass replied, regretfully, “but could I be a pain and get you to return? I’ve a problem I need your help with.”

  “Sure thing, but it will be an hour or so to get back, depending on how far I push myself.” Tyler had said the words convincingly, but as he gazed at Regan, his heart screamed, No, no, I do not want to return.

  “Don’t tire yourself. It’s not life or death. Come to Jackson’s when you arrive.”

  “Jackson’s?” Tyler questioned, hoping the fear that flooded him wasn’t in his tone.

  Regan’s gaze widened. “What’s going on?” she mouthed.

  “Yeah, the problem happens to be housed here. I’ll explain when you arrive,” Bass answered.

  “All right. Be as quick as I can,” Tyler said, ending the call. His eyes met Regan’s. “Sorry, babe, time to get back to reality. Bass needs me.”

  Her face fell. “It’s not about us though?”

  “Not that I could tell.” Tyler pulled her into a hug. “But if it is, don’t be afraid. Never be afraid, Regan. I’ll always stand by you.”

  What neither of them said was that his promise might mean them both leaving behind family and packs they loved.

  It won’t come to that. His eyes looked to the sky. Please don’t let it come to that.

  Yet Anna’s words haunted him. It ends in pain…. Words he’d never tell Regan. Words he hoped never came to pass. And if they did? He hoped it was his pain and not hers.

  They’d returned to their cars after a quick detour to a nearby stream and a wash in icy water, dressing in the clean clothes they’d brought so no one would scent either of them on one another. Tyler had reluctantly said goodbye without kissing Regan and driven away, leaving her to wait in her car for another fifteen minutes before she too would set off for River Run. He watched her car in his rearview mirror before the road twisted to the right and she was lost to the view of the dense forest. An unease sat heavily on his shoulders, the sense that invisible walls were closing in on him. Tyler knew where the invisible walls came from, but not what could be done about them.

  Regan’s fear was about more than just upsetting her parents; it was a deep-seated issue that had come to life on the day of her sister’s death. It had grown and festered year after year as she and her parents allowed themselves to keep living as they were.

  A part of Tyler was very angry at Regan’s parents for allowing it to go on as long as it had. For allowing Regan to live a lie. And that lie had nothing to do with his and Regan’s relationship. It was every choice that was made that didn’t reflect Regan’s dominant nature; it was smiling happily when Regan lessened herself to keep her parents happy. For not noticing how truly lost and broken she was by her twin’s death even today.

  As Jackson’s house came into view, Tyler forced himself to concentrate on the present and pushed everything else away to deal with on an unmarked day in the future.

  “Hey,” Bass greeted, stepping down from Jackson’s porch and meeting him near his car. “Sorry to drag you in on your day off. I know you’ve been working hard lately, and I want you to know I really appreciate it, Ty.”

  “Thanks, but it’s not necessary, Bass. Dark Shadow is my home too.”

  Bass smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. His gaze held tiredness and frustration. “Which brings me to why I brought you here. Kat has… well, Katalina has been doing what she does best. Inside, there’s a kid I’d like you to meet. His name is Zackary. He was bitten and turned, and is the newest member of Dark Shadow.”

  “Bitten?” Tyler raised a brow. “Since when do we take on volatile newly turned wolves?”

  Bass shrugged as if he really didn’t have an explanation. “It’s a long story. Anna had a vision. Kat’s stubborn and has decided her new hobby is taking in strays, which leaves me with a kid I don’t trust to wander alone.”

  “You want me to watch him?”

  “I want you to train him. He’s been staying here, but if he’s to be Dark Shadow, he must live with us.”

  “That what the extra guard is for?” Tyler asked, nodding in the direction of William leaning up against the barn doors.

  “Hmm. And we also have the issue of lack of housing, so I’m afraid Zac’s going to have to bunk with you for a bit. Until we know he’s got control over his wolf and can find him and his family somewhere more permanent to live.”

  “Family? As in humans? Bass, I know you don’t like to say no it Katalina, but do we really need the added pressure at the moment? You don’t have an obligation to this kid or his family.”

  “I know that. Believe me, I have thought about the added pressure, but I hope in this case Zackary’s family will help ease the burden. You see, his father is a builder, and I hope in exchange for helping his son, he’ll help us rebuild.”

  “I guess that would help. The kid inside?” Tyler asked, indicating with his head toward Jackson’s door.

  Bass nodded, making his way into the house. Tyler closed the door behind him and followed Bass as he headed for the kitchen. Inside, Jackson was seated at the kitchen bench, a cup of coffee in his hand. He nodded a greeting at Tyler, not moving from his position.

  “Zackary?” Bass said, turning away slightly from Jackson and speaking to a young guy who was currently playing video games with Toby.

  “Hmm?” he answered, not looking away from the screen as his fingers moved aggressively over the controller.

  “I’d like you to meet someone,” Bass added, sounding just the slightest bit annoyed.

  “He’ll be done in a moment,” Toby said, glancing
over his shoulder for a spilt-second. “I’m going to annihilate him in three, two, one… boom! Dead, sucker!” Toby cheered.

  “Ugh! As if,” Zackary groaned. “Rematch?”

  Toby glanced over at Bass, a hopeful look in his eyes. When he got nothing from Bass, Zackary sighed. “Sorry, another day maybe. Looks like you’ve got places to be, Zac,” Toby said.

  Reluctantly, Zackary climbed to his feet, handing the controller back to Toby. “Okay, what is it?”

  And while the kid sounded polite enough, Tyler couldn’t help but note Zackary held Bass’s gaze with the defiant eyes of his wolf.

  “Zac, I’d like you to meet Tyler. He’s going to be looking out for you for a while.”

  “Watching me so I don’t wolf out on anyone you mean,” he grumbled.

  “I’m going to help make sure you don’t wolf out on anyone unintentionally, actually,” Tyler corrected. “I’m guessing you’d like to learn control?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Zackary met Tyler’s gaze with a little less aggression.

  “Great. Well, you’ll be staying with Tyler. He trains our dominant teens, so you’re in good hands,” Bass said.

  “So, I’m leaving Jackson’s?” Zackary asked.

  “Yes, though you’re welcome back whenever you’d like,” Jackson answered, joining in the conversation.

  “Thanks,” Zackary answered.

  They left together, Bass catching a lift with Tyler. His alpha was quiet for the short journey, Tyler sensing the man had more than a stray kid on his mind. He thought of asking Bass if everything was okay, but the fear of Bass saying no and then confiding in Tyler had him holding his tongue. Tyler wasn’t sure he could take his alpha sharing his troubles while knowing he himself kept his troubles a secret.

  The worst part was that Tyler knew exactly why matings between two different packs would cause issues, because even though he and Regan weren’t mated, the lines between loyalties were becoming blurred. He loved her, would protect her without question, even if that meant protecting her against his own alpha.

  Not able to take the silence any longer, Tyler asked a question. “Do you want Zackary training with his fellow peers?”

  Bass glanced back at Zackary in the car. “I’ll leave that up to you, Ty. Spend a few days getting to know each other, then decide if he has enough control to be able to join in.”

  “Okay, will do. So, what am I to say if people ask who he is?”

  “The truth. He’s here to learn, and hopefully in exchange, his father is going to help us rebuild. I’ll go tell the necessary people of his arrival now.”

  They departed a short while later, Zackary quietly following Tyler as Bass went a separate way. Arriving at his cabin, Tyler opened the door, gesturing for Zackary to go in ahead of him. He paused on entering, his eyes quickly scanning the space.

  “And I thought the barn was bad,” Zackary muttered under his breath.

  “Not so keen on my home, then?” Tyler said, a little too loudly, causing the boy to jump. “Step one. No point whispering because wolves will still hear you.”

  “Not sure if you’ve noticed but there’s a hole in your roof,” Zackary replied sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I noticed. Some asshole tried to burn it down.”

  He faced him wide-eyed. “Really? That why this place looks the way it does?”

  “Yeah. Dark Shadow has seen better days, that’s for sure,” Tyler answered. “Let’s hope your dad can help.”

  “Speaking of my dad, do you think I’m safe enough to see him yet?” Zackary asked quietly, seeming younger than his age.

  “Let’s get today over with, and we’ll see, okay. First thing’s first, let’s go grab dinner and then we’ll find you something to sleep on.”

  The kid did another quick glance of Tyler’s cabin. “You don’t have a kitchen.” His brows lifted.

  “No. But there’s a pack kitchen. Kinda like a cafeteria at school, but way better. If you’re ever hungry, head there and they’ll always be something there to eat, or someone willing to cook you something.”

  “Awesome. I’ll live there.” He grinned.

  And it was the first real expression Tyler had received. His first glimpse into the boy underneath the wolf. At the boy before fate had done a one-eighty on.

  Chapter 28

  Throwing her phone not so gently onto the bed, Regan swiped angrily at the tears that rolled down her face. She’d hoped to see Tyler later, but he’d messaged saying he couldn’t make it. It wasn’t the news he couldn’t make it tonight that upset her, but the news he might struggle to come to her for the foreseeable future.

  With a sigh, Regan picked up her phone and read the message again.

  Tyler – I can’t make it tonight, sorry, babe. I’ve got a new pack member living with me now. Kid named Zac, and he needs my help controlling his wolf.

  Regan had heard about the kid who’d been living in Jackson’s barn. The one Anna foresaw; her parents had done nothing but gossip about him the other day. It seemed they didn’t agree with Anna’s visions either. It made Regan wonder if her parents had always been closed-minded or if it was a side effect of losing a child. She hoped it was the latter, and hoped one day they might heal, as she was doing with Tyler’s help. Yet with Zackary to watch and train, Regan knew it would be even more difficult to find time for themselves, and while a part of her was proud of him for being trusted with Zackary’s care, the other more selfish part was a little bit annoyed.

  The screen on her cell lit up, indicating another text. Her heart leaped, assuming it was Tyler again, but on inspection, she saw it was from someone she’d not expected to contact her, even after their conversation the other month.

  Mia – Hey, Regan, I know we’ve not spoken since… well, you know. But you’ve been on my mind, and I thought what the hell, I’ll text and see. So here goes…

  The phone vibrated with the second message.

  Mia – Hey, chick! It’s Friday night. The girls and I are heading into town for a few drinks. You should come!

  Regan stared at the phone like it might explode. Go out. Have drinks. Should I? No. Yes. Oh God, what am I thinking…? No, the answer is no.

  Yet ten minutes later, Regan hadn’t moved.

  “Urgh, you’re so stupid, Regan!” she groaned to herself.

  Picking up her phone again, Regan dialed the one person who’d have at least a little idea of the turbulent thoughts currently circling her.

  “Regan?” Tyler answered in a soft whisper. “I’ll be right outside. Gotta take this,” he continued. “Sorry, babe, I’m back. Kid’s living with me, so….”

  “I know I’m sorry, Ty. I —”

  “No. Don’t ever apologize for needing me, Regan. I’ll always make time for you. Always.”

  She sighed, her tension washing away. “I got a text from Mia,” she said.

  “Really? What’d she say?”

  “If I wanted to go out for a few drinks.”

  “That’s great, babe, you should totally go,” Tyler replied with enthusiasm.

  “Really? I mean, is it really that great?”

  “Come on, Regan. I know things have been hard between you for years, but she reached out to you. That means she wants to rebuild a friendship with you. You need friends, Regan. Everyone needs at least one.”

  “Oh God, Ty. I want to go, but I’m… I’m terrified. I’m so lame. When did I get so lame? I used to have a backbone. Meg would be horrified I’ve become this uncool.”

  Tyler’s laugh drifted through the phone, soothing some the turmoil inside of her. “What are you so afraid of?” he asked her gently.

  “I’ve ignored most of these girls since Megan died. What if they hate me? How do I even talk to them after so long?”

  “Well, for starters, there’s nothing to forgive. Your sister died, Regan, you get a pass, and as far as talking goes… well, I’ve never known you to have a problem with talking once you’ve gotten over your nerves, which a shot or two wil
l help with.”

  It was Regan’s turn to laugh. She’d half expected Tyler to tell her to stay in, that it was too dangerous, but here he was suggesting she have a drink or two. What did I ever do to deserve you? “So, you’re suggesting I get drunk?”

  “Tipsy, Regan. I don’t want to be sneaking out of here at 1:00 a.m. to rescue you.”

  “I think those days are well and truly over.”

  “Seriously though, I really think you should go, Regan, even if it’s for a couple hours. It will be good for you.”

  She sighed heavily. “I just don’t know if I’m that brave anymore.”

  “Do you know what you need?”

  “Some of your fierceness?”

  He laughed. “No, though if you look hard enough, you’ll see there’s enough of that inside of you already. What you need is a buffer.”

  “A buffer?”

  “Yeah. Someone who isn’t from the old days, someone new, so it’s not like stepping back in time.”

  “But who?”

  “Kat,” Tyler suggested. “She’d be so happy to be invited.”

  “You really think so? I mean we speak but…?”

  “I know for a fact she’d love to go out. Plus she’s pretty badass so I won’t have to worry about you not having protection.”

  Regan shook her head. “I’m pretty certain you’re not supposed to be offering up your alpha’s mate as a sacrifice, Ty.”

  “Ah, come on, she’s no lamb. Besides, you’ll be fine anyway.”

  She was quiet for a minute, Tyler’s breathing the only sound coming through the phone. “How’s Zac?”

  “He’s a good kid, but stop changing the subject.”

  “Okay. Okay, I’m going to go.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes. I’m doing it!”

  “That’s my girl.” She could hear the smile in his voice and it lightened some of the unease weighing her down.


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