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Lost Wolf (A New Dawn Novel Book 4)

Page 25

by Rachel M Raithby

  It was late afternoon and she was into her second chick-flick with Olivia when Jackson called her phone. Heart lurching at the tone, she quickly snatched it up and answered.


  “Bass is here.”

  Her breath rushed out of her. “Oh, thank God. I’ll come right over.”

  “He’s asked for a change of clothes.”

  “Sure thing.” She hung up and faced Nico and Olivia’s expectant expressions. “He’s back, gone straight to River Run, so I guess that means he was successful. I’ve got to grab a change of clothes then go over.”

  “See you later,” Olivia said, hugging her.

  “Thanks for the pancakes and distraction.”

  “Anytime.” She smiled.

  “I’ll go tell John while you get the clothes. Then we can go across together,” Nico said.

  Katalina nodded her agreement, jumping to her feet and heading straight out. Her anxiety wouldn’t settle until she saw Bass with her own eyes, until she saw for herself that he was unharmed.

  Chapter 60

  He wasn’t sure there were words enough to thank Bass, nor was he certain if thanking him was even right. Regan had been quiet since Katalina had told them what Bass had set off to do, and while Tyler knew this probably wouldn’t be a magic fix, it would hopefully go a little way to healing the bad blood between Regan’s parents and Dark Shadow.

  “Are you okay?” Tyler whispered to Regan as she stared at the man on his knees who’d killed her sister.

  “I imagined killing him many times after she died” was her quiet answer.

  “It’s just as much your kill as theirs.” Tyler took her hand.

  “No. I soon realized thinking that way wasn’t healthy.”

  “I remember your sister,” Richard said with a cruel smile. “She begged at the end, as you will when Castor is done with you.”

  Jackson shot forward, kicking him in the face. The man’s head whipped backward as he fell back, hitting the ground.

  “My sister was a child when you murdered her. You’re nothing but a coward who preys on those weaker than yourself,” Regan spat. “Get rid of him, Ty. I don’t need to see his face again.”

  Tyler looked back as Regan walked into the house, torn between wanting to comfort his mate and follow through on her wishes.

  “I’ll go to her,” Katalina said softly, touching his shoulder. “Go deliver him to her parents.”

  Tyler followed as Bass dragged Richard to his feet. The man had blood soaked through the front of his T-shirt, a branch protruding from his middle. The walk to Regan’s parents seemed twice as long as it had the night before. His face was swollen and bruised from Noah’s attack, his back wounds hurting more once again. But he’d accept no help. He had to do the walk without aid.

  Jackson was with them, though he hovered behind, as if respecting this was something he and Bass had to do alone.

  “Noah, Linda,” Jackson boomed as they arrived.

  Regan’s parents came to an abrupt stop in the doorway when they took them in. Noah’s landed on Tyler first, and he wondered if the man felt any remorse for the attack; if he did, it didn’t show on his face. Regan’s mother at least looked horrified, though that could be from the bound and bloody man Bass slung at their feet.

  “The debt Dark Shadow owes is paid,” Bass said, waving a hand over Richard.

  “Fuck you,” Richard spat, the word garbled from his gag but clear enough.

  “Is that?” Noah whispered, as his mate clung to him.

  Tyler stepped forward, forcing himself to stand tall, to move without showing pain. “You can no longer hold Megan’s death over Regan. The blood debt is paid, her killer brought to you. I’m not asking you to forgive Dark Shadow, or even like me. Hate me all you want, but don’t hate Regan.”

  “We don’t hate her,” her mother gasped.

  “Then stop this nonsense, because no matter what Regan says, you’re her parents and your absence hurts her, and I think deep down you don’t want that. Deep down her absence hurts you just as much.” Tyler turned and walked away, leaving Jackson to kill Richard once and for all. Bass fell into step beside him, touching his shoulder briefly, drawing some of Tyler’s pain into himself.

  “Thanks,” Tyler murmured, breathing easier. “For more than just easing my pain.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Ty. I’m your alpha, and Megan’s debt needed to be paid. My father was responsible for a lot of bad blood, and today, I hopefully erased some of it.”

  “You shouldn’t have gone alone,” Tyler said, glancing at him.

  “I work best alone. My father made sure of that. If I hadn’t met Katalina, I think I would have walked my entire life alone.”

  “You had Nico.”

  “Yes. But I never let him in, not like I have now. I never let any of you in. I couldn’t if I was to survive.”

  “I think we’re coming back with you to Dark Shadow, unless Regan’s changed her mind.”

  Bass smiled. “She’ll always be welcome.”

  “You’ve no idea how relieved I am to hear that.” The weight spilled from his shoulders, the pressure releasing from his heart.

  “You’ve accepted Katalina as your own. What kind of man would I be if I didn’t return the favor?”

  “I just hope her parents come around.”

  “Even if they don’t, it will be okay, Tyler. Because you’ll make it so.”

  Tyler nodded, even though inside he was full of self-doubt and worry. Regan was his heart. He loved her more than anything and hoped it was enough. He hoped their love would carry them through the uncertain times ahead and give Regan strength as she navigated Dark Shadow.

  Going forward, Tyler took comfort in the fact his alpha was doing the same, hoping and praying his love for Katalina and his pack would see them all through. See them to the end of this war.

  Chapter 61

  “Do you have an iron?” Regan asked, studying the dress she’d pulled from the drawer with a mixture of frustration and annoyance. Tyler had cleared out two of his drawers so she could put some of her clothes away. The rest still sat in boxes in Jackson’s barn.

  “No, but I think my mom has,” he offered.

  “We need some more furniture, Ty,” Regan said, scanning what had been Tyler’s home and was now theirs, for the time being at least. Zackary had moved out and in with Cooper and his parents. He hadn’t seemed bothered by her being the reason for his move. In fact, Regan thought he was secretly pleased; Cooper had video games after all.

  “We’ll get some,” he promised. “A wardrobe for your clothes and a shelf for your books.”

  Her gaze went to the hole in the roof covered by a tarp. “I don’t dare unpack my books in here,” she replied.

  It wasn’t that she expected higher standards, she just missed her old room. Her things on the wall that reminded her of Megan, a place where she could escape to.

  “This isn’t forever, Regan. Dark Shadow’s being rebuilt.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m being a bit of a bitch, aren’t I.”

  “You’ll never be a bitch to me,” he replied, crossing the room and taking her into his arms. “Do you want me to take the dress to my mom’s to get ironed?”

  “Yes, please.” She kissed him, then put the dress into his arms.

  “Won’t be long.”

  “Oh, Ty,” Regan called before he closed the door.


  “Get her to iron your shirt too, okay? We should look respectable for our mating celebration.”

  Tyler smiled, poking his tongue out at her. “Whatever you say, boss.”

  Feeling happier then she had a moment before, Regan marveled at the simple joy Tyler sparked inside if her. Facing the mirror, she smiled at her reflection before going to work on her hair and makeup.

  It had been Katalina’s idea to hold a party for the couples from both packs who had recently found their mates and after feeling guilty for s
o long for loving Tyler, it was nice to finally be able to celebrate him, and all he’d given her.

  Her parents had also been invited, Katalina giving them the invitation herself and knowing her, a lecture along with it. Regan didn’t hold out hope that they’d attend, but a small part of her, the little girl she’d once been, wished and prayed nonetheless.

  It had been two weeks since the day Bass had thrown Megan’s killer at their feet and she’d heard nothing from them, but Regan had made her choice to leave her past behind that day. That also meant her parents, if that’s where they wished to stay.

  Dark Shadow overall had been okay. No one had shunned her, and most of the time, she felt welcome, but it was the moments she found herself alone that got to her. At those times, Regan was lost in a foreign land, not unwelcome, but not at home either. She missed having a house with a kitchen, missed waking up in the morning and pouring herself a cup of coffee in private. Dark Shadow was run vastly different to River Run, and it would take some getting used to. But she was determined to do so. Her training continued with River Run, though she’d admitted Tyler was right so had slowed down on her obsessive ways. Mia often met her on the Dark Shadow boarder, and they’d go run together. It seemed more or less her two packs were slotting together nicely, yet Regan still didn’t feel quite right.

  Bass had said she’d needed a change of scenery and he’d been right, but coming to Tyler’s didn’t feel all that fresh. She only hoped once they moved to the new Dark Shadow site that she’d feel more settled, and truly have her fresh start.

  “One dress all ironed, and one mate in a crisp shirt,” Tyler said on entry. “Oh, and Mom says she can’t wait to see you later.”

  “Your mom is a force of nature.” Regan smiled. Lauran had gone out of her way to make her feel welcome and a part of Tyler’s family. It helped soothe the hole her mom had once filled.

  “And not to be reckoned with.” Tyler came up behind her and bent to kiss her nape. “I like your hair up,” he murmured, kissing up her bare neck.

  Regan closed her eyes, tilting her head to give him better access. His hand skimmed down her shoulders, sending shivers across her skin.

  “Can we be late to our own party?” he breathed against her skin.

  Regan moaned. Oh, how she wanted to say yes. “You’ll mess up my hair. It took me ages to get it just right.”

  “Fine. Get dressed before I decide I don’t care.”

  Regan laughed, taking the dress from him. She ran to the small bathroom to dress, just in case the sight of her in her underwear had Tyler changing his mind.

  “Are you looking forward to this party?” Regan asked as she came out of the bathroom, dress on but not zipped up. “Can you zip me up, please?”

  “I’d rather not,” he murmured, running a finger up her spine, before doing as he was told. “And yes, I am. Plus, I think Katalina has a few surprises up her sleeve. Bass was moaning earlier. She’s not allowed him to see the party site. I wonder what she’s planned.”

  “Knowing Kat, it’ll be epic.” Regan smiled. “Okay, how do I look?” she asked, spinning around.

  Tyler’s gaze traveled from her head to her toes and back again, becoming hungrier by the second. She’d never felt more confident and sexier than when Tyler looked at her like that. “Like every man will be jealous you’re on my arm and not theirs.”

  “You don’t look all that bad yourself,” she answered, kissing him lightly. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 62

  Her nerves were steadily increasing as the minutes ticked by. Katalina had done a lot of planning and scheming over the last few weeks, dragging Tim into it with her, much to his horror. While Tim didn’t find anything she’d requested out of the ordinary, the fact she’d told him he couldn’t tell Bass or Jackson scared the hell of him. She’d admit the pair could be rather frightening when you didn’t know them.

  Katalina had drafted a crew of helpers all sworn to secrecy, mostly made up of the thirteen-to-sixteen-year-olds of the packs that relished the thought of keeping secrets from their alphas.

  “Everything looks amazing,” Luna reassured her as she joined Katalina in admiring their hard work.

  “Yeah, Bass is going to freak when he sees this,” Cooper added.

  “Freak good or freak bad?” Katalina asked, glancing at the boy.

  “Hmm.” He shrugged. “Can never quite tell with him.”

  “I feel so much better.” Katalina laughed.

  “I’ve never seen you scared of him before,” Zackary added. Katalina still worried about him, and it was statements like that, which made her think she was right to do so.

  “I’m not scared of him, Zac. Bass has never been scary to me. I just… I hope everyone likes what I’ve done and doesn’t see me as trying to push my ways onto them.”

  “Your ways being the normal way?” Zackary said sarcastically.

  Katalina smiled, nudging him on the shoulder. “Haven’t you realized,” she whispered, “they’re not very normal here.”

  “Shut it,” Cooper joked. “Come on, Zac, let’s scram before the alphas arrive.”

  “That’s it, ditch me to face them alone,” Katalina called.

  Zackary saluted her before grinning and racing after Cooper, and just like that, she felt stupid for worrying about him.

  “It really does look amazing,” Luna said.

  “Thanks,” Katalina said, hugging the girl. “And thanks for all your hard work, everyone, but I suggest you all clear out and get changed for the party.”

  The area cleared quickly, leaving Katalina to survey their hard work. Tim had built a pavilion of sorts in the center of the area. Its hexagon shape fit well as the center piece. Lights lit the area and music had been set up inside, which was currently drifting through the air. All around the pavilion were picnic benches, and fairy lights strung above them on poles or hung in the few scattered trees. On one side of the pavilion stood tables with food, and on the other, drinks ready to be served. But the most significant thing was the placing of her creation, in being that it spanned both sides of the packs’ land. She’d chosen a spot far enough away from the living quarters of both packs, and luckily the stream bent away, curving further onto River Run and meaning she didn’t have it to contend with like she had with Regan and Tyler’s cabin.

  “I don’t know whether to kiss you or throttle you.”

  Katalina turned at the sound of Bass’s voice. She’d asked both Bass and Jackson to meet her at the same time, slightly earlier than the party was due to start.

  “I’m afraid if he throttles you, I might have to stand back and let him,” Jackson added.

  “What have I said about the two of you ganging up on me? It’s so not fair,” Katalina replied.

  Bass laughed.

  “You leave us little choice, daughter, when these are the kind of stunts you pull.”

  Katalina crossed her arms, feeling a little worried.

  “I have one question for you,” Bass said. “Is there still room in our budget for a house of our own?”

  “Of course, I’m not stupid. Though we might be living off beans and noodles for the next year.”

  With a shake of his head and a boom of laughter, Bass raced forward and lifted her into the air, spinning her around. “This is amazing, Katalina. As always, you astound me.”

  Squealing with laughter, Katalina hugged Bass as he set her back down, and then turned to face her father. “So?”

  “Half of this land is mine,” he observed.

  “Yeah, I used my alpha-daughter privileges.”

  Jackson laughed. “You’ve done a great job. I’m sure both packs are going to have a wonderful time tonight.”

  She let out a huge breath, relieved that part was over with. All she had to get through now was the rest of the party and the unveiling of Tyler and Regan’s cabin. It was safe to say Katalina wouldn’t be resting easy any time tonight. As if reading her mind, Bass kissed her cheek then whispered.

“Try to enjoy yourself tonight. You deserve it.”

  Shortly after, guests began to arrive, and all seemed amazed and happy with what she’d accomplished. Music played, drinks served, and food eaten, the atmosphere full of joy, and while Katalina had planned this party with the packs in mind, she’d really done it for her friends. For the couples who’d found each other against all odds, and as a reminder to each other and the universe that they’d persevered and would keep doing so no matter what was thrown at them.

  Bass spun her around the dance floor, other couples from both packs around them and as she tipped her head to the sky smiling, Katalina was sure she could see her parents smiling down at her, telling her she’d done well.

  Chapter 63

  Tyler had always thought his mother was not to be messed with, the one he’d never dare cross, that was until he met Katalina and witnessed the feats she performed. The party wasn’t only for them, but for Nico and Olivia, and Cage and Anna. Though Tyler would always remember this night as his and Regan’s, as the night both of their packs came together to celebrate a love he’d once tried to ignore.

  He’d never seen Regan happier. Her dress fanned out as she twirled and twisted around the dance floor, the smile on her face did things to his soul, the happiness in her eyes mesmerizing.

  And it seemed Katalina hadn’t finished with the tricks up her sleeve.

  “Come with me,” she cooed, taking Regan from his arms and spinning around with her. “I have a surprise for you.”

  Tyler shook his head at her giddiness, eyeing Bass.

  “She’s had a few too many to drink,” he responded.

  “Well, tonight’s the night for it,” Tyler answered.

  “But she really does have a surprise for you,” Bass continued. “Well, from both of us, and Jackson too, I guess. Though—” Bass glanced across the party. “—he seems a little preoccupied with admirers at the moment.”


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