Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 9

by Eve Newton

  He crawls up me, his lips curved into a smile so wicked, I grin at him. “I want to fuck you right here, right now,” he murmurs.

  I shake my head at him. “Sorry, but, like I said, just a bit of oral. No dicks allowed.”

  He gives me a hard glare. “Oh?” he grits out.

  “Luc was specific, sorry,” I add, suddenly feeling guilty. I thought I’d made myself clear, but apparently not.

  “So, I’m good enough to scratch your itch at work, but not good enough to take home to bed, is that it?”

  “Evan,” I start, but he sighs.

  “I don’t know why I’m surprised,” he interrupts me. “He just takes what he wants and fuck the rest of us.”

  “He’s the Devil,” I say, sitting up and pushing my skirt down. “It’s his right.”

  “Does he care about you?” Evan asks me seriously. “He is using you to get what he wants from you, but he doesn’t care about you, not like I do.”

  “You care about me?” I ask, lowering my eyes.

  He takes my hand and sits next to me. He gives me a slow smile. “Yes, I do.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I’d like to change that. You fascinate me, Axelle, your reputation, your history… I know it, but I can see past it. I think there’s way more to you than just a Seductress.”

  “Obviously,” I snort, holding up my left arm and showing off my bangle.

  His eyes go to it immediately as he ponders that. Then he quickly stands up and helps me to as well.

  “Obviously,” he mutters. “But I’m not like him. I want to get to know you. Will you let me?”

  “Suck my clit again like that and I’ll give you whatever you want,” I say.

  He laughs. “You drive a hard bargain,” he says and kisses my hand. “I’d better go, Roberta will be kicking my ass as it is.”

  “Come to my apartment later. We can…talk,” I say on impulse.

  He nods. “See you then.”

  Then he opens the door and climbs back through the hole while the soul holds his hand up for a high five.

  I roll my eyes, but close the door behind him and sit down, feeling a world better for having a male give me a good seeing to within the limits that I’m allowed. I will abide by Luc’s rules, but he has to give me what I want as well, and if he won’t do it himself, then Evan is the perfect Reaper for the job.



  Bored again, I slump in my seat, my thoughts going back to Luc’s ritual, when I feel someone staring at my back. I straighten up and smile. It’ll be Luc.

  I haven’t seen him in days either, and I’m quite looking forward to laying eyes on him again. There was a definite fire burning in his after I masturbated in front of him. I’m going to try to break him if it kills me… and it likely will.

  My heart leaps into my throat when I see it is Darius. He is just standing there leering at me in a way that makes my stomach churn and for me to inadvertently press my legs closer together. There again, as he just stands there staring at me, I get that he isn’t actually leering at me. That is just the way his very ugly face is, with its wide mouth and buggy eyes. I take a second to wonder why he looks like that. Is that the way Luc wants him to look? Interesting. However, when he speaks, I forget about everything else and gulp.

  “Come,” he says in a voice so deep and menacing, I nearly wet myself. He holds his hand out for me to take. I hesitate in a big way, clutching my hands to myself so that I don’t have to touch him.

  “Where to?” I squeak out.

  How come I’m more afraid of this beast than I am of Luc?

  Perhaps because Luc is all smooth and suave looking, you idiot!

  “To your master,” Darius says, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

  “Why doesn’t he come himself?” I ask, rather boldly.

  Darius sneers at me. “He sent me,” he rumbles, waving his big, clawed hand for me to take. “Come now, or I will speak of your disobedience.”

  I leap off the stool and inch forward. I grab my purse from under the counter and clutch it to me like a shield. I stretch out my hand and scrunch my eyes closed as I feel his stone-like skin touch mine and his powerful grip around my wrist.

  In an instant, I feel his bestial presence dissipate, so I crack one of my eyes open to see where I am. Thankfully, I’m alone and in a room, so darkly beautiful it makes me cry out with longing.

  There are whips and chains adorning the black walls, lit by several fire torches scattered around the room. I see a mace that I want to reach out and handle, but the thing that makes my mouth water is a cat o’ nine tails with blood still coagulating on it and dripping heavily to the floor. Oh, how I want to take that whip to a man and make him bleed.

  I think briefly, yet fondly of my ex-slave, Slade, before Luc appears in front of me. He takes my breath away.

  I gasp and step back. His eyes glitter wickedly, and it makes me go damp. I’m so desperate for him now, after Evan got me all riled up, it’s driving me crazy. But it’s bizarre because I have had him, three times, and it was pretty crap sex as crap sex goes. Maybe it’s because I can’t have him now that is making him all the more appealing to me?

  “Axelle,” he says in his rich, smooth voice. “Thank you for coming.”

  I balk at him. “I didn’t exactly have much choice,” I point out with annoyance.

  “Did Darius hurt you?” Luc asks immediately and with a concern that I find intriguing.

  “Well, no,” I start, suddenly feeling foolish.

  “Oh,” Luc says and brushes it off. “Is this room to your liking?” He circles it with his hands behind his back as he inspects it.

  “Very much so,” I breathe like a fool, still looking at the whip.

  “Well, do make yourself comfortable, dear,” he says.

  I snap my eyes back to his. “Pardon?” I ask in confusion.

  “Make yourself at home,” he says and gestures towards the bed, draped in a blood-red coverlet and mountains of deep-red pillows.

  “I’m not sure I understand,” I say, feeling even more the fool. I always thought I’m as smart as a whip – pardon the pun, but since associating with Luc, I definitely feel inferior to him in every single way.

  Luc frowns. “Did Darius not mention anything to you?”

  “About what?” I ask, now getting pissed off. “All he said was ‘come, or I will speak of your disobedience’.”

  My impression of Darius’s deep voice makes Luc snicker.

  “Sounds about right,” he mutters. “Well, I wish you to stay here, with me, until the ritual is concluded.”

  “Stay here with you?” I repeat and look around again, now with my heart hammering. Is this Luc’s actual bedroom?

  “Yes, I want to keep an eye on you tomorrow,” Luc says formally. “I will leave you to get settled. My quarters are just down the hall if you require my assistance with anything.”

  “Wait,” I exclaim, putting my hand on his arm to stop him from leaving. “What is happening tomorrow?”


  I hear the waver in her voice and try to ignore it, but it twists my insides anyway. I soften slightly and say, “You will be going into the next phase tomorrow.”

  “Oh,” she says faintly and sits heavily on the bed.

  When she looks up at me with those big, blue eyes that I gave her, I want to crawl onto the bed with her and ravish her.

  Instead, I say, “I will be with you, Axelle.”

  “That’s hardly reassuring,” she says. “I may die tomorrow.”

  “It’s a possibility.”

  “What will happen to me?” she asks.

  “I don’t know,” I reply with a frown. “I wish I could help you, but I just don’t know.” It really irks me that I don’t have the answers for her. Well, the answer for me mostly, but her too.

  “I see,” she says, straightening her back. “So, this could potentially be my last night. How about you make it worth it?” />
  Her lascivious smile and bravery almost brings me to my knees in front of her. She is so strong. I’d been worried that she would weep and complain and make a fuss, but she has accepted her fate.

  I respect that, and that, for me, is worth far more than anything else I can offer her.

  “Double bag it and I’ll ride you gently,” she whispers seductively, making me moan out loud.

  I catch myself as her ears perk up knowing that she has gotten to me.

  Fuck! No bitch ever gets to me.

  I’m not interested, incapable and completely shut off from any emotion except derision, the humiliation of others and my own damn satisfaction.

  My desire for a child is my only weakness and it is a weakness that no one knows about and cannot exploit. The fact that I’m so very close this time is making me lose my head for the wench who can give it to me. I have to keep remembering that she is just another bitch to test, nothing more.

  Leaning my hands heavily on either side of her on the bed, I threaten her quietly. “I don’t do gentle. If I ever get my hands on you, I will rip you to shreds.”

  However, instead of making her cower, I’ve done the exact opposite. The lust and excitement flashing in her eyes makes me lick my lips and pull back quickly.

  “I don’t do gentle either,” she informs me. “When you let me get my hands on you, I will fuck you like you have never been fucked before, while I flog you until you bleed.”

  “That’s a tall order,” I scoff, to hide the sheer lust coursing through my veins. “I have bedded more creatures in my lifetime, than you can count. What makes you think you can out do any of them?”

  This is better. Scorn her, make her feel inferior.

  “Come here and you’ll find out,” she says with a lick of her lips that has me mesmerized.

  Oh, shit, I’m falling, falling, falling hard for this female. Not even Jezebelle had the ability to make me sweat with just a few words.

  “Not today, sweetheart,” I retort and turn my back before I pounce on her in my natural state.

  “Whatevs,” she mutters.

  Her disappointment hits me hard. I’d hoped for more of a fight.

  I walk stiffly to the door, intending to leave her, but the plaintive plea that comes next, whacks me across the back of the head.

  “Please don’t go,” she begs. “I don’t want to be alone on my last night.”

  “You keep saying this is your last night,” I tut at her. “How do you know you won’t survive?”

  “Prepare for the worst,” she says with a shrug and it’s all over. My heart thuds for her in a way that makes me wish that I’d never laid eyes on her.

  “I expect a huge reward then when this is all over,” she adds.

  “Anything you want,” I say, happy with the distraction.

  “Good, I want out of Admin and into a proper assignment. On Earth,” she says forcefully.

  No, I don’t want that. I don’t want to send her away, but right now I’ll give her what she wants.

  “Even though it’s against the rules, I will make an exception,” I say.

  Axelle leaps up and flings her arms around my neck in a moment of excitement. I catch her and twirl her around as she laughs and thanks me. It makes me sad that she doesn’t want to stay here with me. But that is nothing for me to worry about. I will make her stay and that is all that matters.

  “Sorry,” Axelle says, releasing her hold on me.

  I clear my throat and straighten my suit jacket. “I may not be able to give you what you really seek tonight, but I’m starting to get a feel for your tastes. I have something that will make you equally as happy.”

  I see where her gaze is now, and I’m annoyed to find it not on me. That is until I see her practically panting at the bloody whip on the wall.

  “I doubt it,” Axelle says with a leer, “but I’ll bite. What distractions do you have for me, oh lord and master of this domain?”

  “Wait and see,” I reply and loop my arm through hers, leading her away. Chances are she will die tomorrow, and I’m not happy about that at all, and not just because I will lose yet another chance to have my heir. I need the distraction from that revelation just as much as she does.



  I pace around Axelle’s apartment impatiently. She hasn’t returned from work yet. She should have been back over an hour ago. Her door was unlocked, so I let myself in instead of standing outside her door like a loser.

  But, now I’m worried. What if that damned ritual has taken its toll on her and she succumbed like so many others before her?

  I don’t think I could bear it if I didn’t see her again.

  I have fallen for her so hard, it’s ridiculous. I don’t even know her, as she so succinctly pointed out. But there is just something about her that has swept me up in its vortex, twisting me around her so that I can’t let go.

  Dragging me through into her office earlier had been the highlight of my many years. It was so spontaneous and fun. I haven’t had fun as long as I can remember. Her mouth around my cock, her hands, her tongue working their magick on me.

  “Fuck,” I groan out loud, my dick busting at my jeans to get free.

  The taste of her cum in my mouth is something I won’t forget for a very long time.

  “Where are you?” I mutter, turning to glare out of the window.

  After a few more moments, I come to a realization. There are only two reasons that I can think of why she hasn’t kept our date. She is either dead by ritual, or Luc has her.

  I’d be willing to bet that it’s the latter. That prick does like to keep his assets close by, plus taking her away from me will be high on his to-do list. He has to know what we did earlier. He knows everything. If he does, I will be hearing about it real soon, I’ve no doubt.

  I chew my lip and decide there is only one thing for it. If she isn’t going to come to me, then I’m going to have to go to her. I can’t keep away. She has me in her clutches and like a fool, I want to stay there. The temptation is just too much. The fact that Luc also wants her is just the cherry on top of her delicious cake. Even though my head is screaming at me to walk away because I won’t win against the Devil himself, the memory of my tongue inside her pussy shoves the rational side of me firmly away.

  I want her. I can’t resist her. I need to see her again.

  I won’t let Luc, or his ritual, stand in my way of getting her right where I need her, which is riding my dick like there is no tomorrow.

  And in her case, there just might not be.

  Now all I have to figure out, is how to get around the magick that surrounds the Devil’s residence. I’ve done it once before, centuries ago to reach another of Luc’s obsessions, but the weave of the spell has changed. I can see the pattern is different. It changes every now and again, ensuring that the likes of me can’t get in uninvited.

  But if I did it once, I can do it again.

  It’s time to use the special part of my heritage in order to get to the woman that has captured my damned essence and won’t let go.


  I wake up the next morning in the dark room. I wiggle in the bed, my naked body sliding across the gorgeous silk sheets. I sigh and with a smile, remember the events of last night.

  Luc had taken me to a live torture show. Where or how, I have no idea, all I know is that it had excited me to see the female dominating the weak male, and the scent of his blood had aroused me beyond belief. I had grown bold and taken Luc’s hand to place in between my legs under my skirt. I’d held my breath as he squeezed and inserted a couple of his fingers into my pussy quickly before removing his hand with a hiss.

  My eyes fly open as I remember seeing something.

  I could’ve sworn that I’d seen a forked tongue slip out between his lips, but when I’d looked harder, it wasn’t there.

  Oh, how I want him to kiss me with that tongue.

  Thinking of all the other things he could d
o with it, sends a bolt of desire coursing through me, making me moan, and I turn my head into the silk pillow. He is killing me with his abstinence.

  It is only now that I remember that I was supposed to meet Evan after work.

  “Shit,” I mumble. I hope he hadn’t been too disappointed that I stood him up. I know deep down that he will be though. I saw the look he gave me in my office yesterday. I’ve seen that look a thousand times on the men that I’ve seduced. The only difference here is that my powers don’t work on him, for some reason. Everything that he feels are his own feelings and it makes me shiver with delight. Not to mention remembering him tongue-fucking me in such a daring place where we could have been caught was the most excitement I’ve had in a while.

  Except last night. That tops it. Just. If only Luc would give in and fuck me.

  I sigh and then groan as I remember that today is the day I might not survive. I want to weep, crawl under the bed and refuse to let it happen, but I know that isn’t an option.

  So, what better way to distract myself and give myself a big send off. If Luc won’t give me one, then I’ll just take care of it myself. I slide my hands down the silk sheets, bunching them up as I go along, exposing my naked body, and hoping that Luc is watching me.

  I lightly finger myself, feeling how wet I am, and gasp, putting on a little show for him… just in case.

  After a very satisfying masturbation, I head for the shower to meticulously scrub myself clean. If this is my last day, I want to die looking my absolute best. That way, Luc will remember me as perfect as I can be.

  I climb out of the shower and dry off. I stare into the brightly lit mirror above the sinks, just to check that I still look like I should, and that I haven’t turned into a female version of Darius. I wish I knew what was going to happen to me. The anticipation is the worst part.

  Flicking my hair over my shoulder, I squeeze it out with a small towel and walk naked back into the bedroom.

  I shriek loudly when I see Stanford lurking by my bed and when his bulbous eyes drop to my bare pussy, I shriek even louder, holding the tiny towel I was drying my hair with, out in front of me.


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